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Revision as of 14:39, 4 October 2023 by Japanesepokemoncollector (talk | contribs)
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Hello, I am Japanesepokemoncollector also known as "Gaano" on elitefourum and "Japanesepkmncollector" on Instagram.

Big fan of Pokémon since the end of the 90's, I came back in 2016 and started collecting Japanese items. I reached my main goal in 2023 : own every japanese booster pack from base set to World Champions Pack (Ex Power Keepers) in 291 yen / 1st edition including both base set short pack and Jungle short pack.
I also added to this goal the unlimited World Champions Pack booster pack which I did not know existed until 2020 ! I eventually found one complete and sealed booster pack (but not unopened).

World Champions Pack / Ex Power Keepers

During this adventure I also fell in love with the World Champions Pack expansion, which is the Ex Power Keepers equivalent and has a crazy history of release especially for its unlimited version; explaining its awful rarity/scarcity.
I recently discovered (summer 2023) that World Champions Pack is actually a PCG era expansion contrary to popular belief that EX Dragon Frontiers / Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends was the ninth and final expansion from the PCG era.
This piece of proof consisted in an official flyer of the World Champions Pack expansion in which it is clearly written "This product is not part of the Pokémon Card Game "DP" series currently on sale but is part of the "Pokemon Card Game" series". This flyer is now part of my collection and more pictures are available for people who want more pieces of information or the original japanese non-translated picture of it.

After this discovery, I informed all the community on elitefourum, Instagram, and I started modifying the Bulbapedia articles that stated that WCP was a "special set" and that Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends was the ninth and final expansion from the PCG era.