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Battleground しょうぶどころ
Match Place
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Survival Area
Region: Sinnoh
Generations: IV

Location of Battleground in Sinnoh.
Pokémon world locations

The Battleground (Japanese: しょうぶどころ Match Place) is a location in the Survival Area of the Battle Zone where Trainers come to battle each other.

In the games

The Battleground is owned by Buck and appears only in Pokémon Platinum. After the Stark Mountain subquest with Team Galactic, the player can battle Gym Leaders and Multi Battle partners from earlier in the game. Gym Leaders can appear simultaneously in the Battleground, their respective Gyms, and possibly the Villa.

Up to four of these Trainers appear each day and they can be battled only once a day. Resetting before entering the Battleground will change the Trainers who are inside. If the player saves the game while inside and then reloads the next day, they may exit and reenter to find a new group; in this manner, the player may battle two sets of Trainers in the same day. However, if a Trainer appears in both groups, they may not be rebattled in the same day after reentering the Battleground in this way.

According to Buck's grandfather, only Gym Leaders and those vouched for by them are allowed here. If the player attempts to enter before completing the Stark Mountain subquest, interacting with the door will produce the message: The door is shut tight. "Members only" is printed on it.


Gym Leaders

Stat Trainers

In the manga

The Battleground in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

Platinum arc

The Battleground appeared in Leaping Past Lopunny. While Mira, Cheryl, Buck, and Marley were battling each other inside, Looker decided to infiltrate the building in order to gather information. However, his disguise was quickly picked up on by Buck, forcing him to leave before he could learn anything.


  • When both Roark and Byron appear at the same time, their after-battle dialog changes from what it normally would be; Roark tells the player that when he became a Gym Leader, he realized how great of a Trainer his dad is, but that he would never admit it in front of his father. Byron talks to himself about asking Roark to train together before dismissing the thought as embarrassing.
  • A small graphical glitch occurs with the counter and TV on the right side of the room. When the player (or even an NPC) is next to either object, it can cause the colors to "jump" out of line.
  • Candice is the only Trainer here to exclusively use Pokémon that were introduced in Generation IV.
    • Additionally, she and Mira are the only trainers to exclusively use Pokémon found in the Sinnoh Pokédex.
  • All of the Pokémon Cheryl uses here give out HP EVs only.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 對決場 Deuikyut Chèuhng
Mandarin 對決場 / 对决场 Duìjué Chǎng
French Café Combat
German Duellareal
Italian Casa Lotta
Korean 승부장소 Seungbu Jangso
Spanish Café Revancha
Vietnamese Địa điểm Giao đấu

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.