Crystal Pokémon (TCG)

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An example of a Crystal Pokémon

Crystal Pokémon (Japanese: ニュートラルポケモン Neutral Pokémon) are a type of Pokémon in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. They are considered by fans to be the e-Series equivalent of the Shining Pokémon previously introduced in the later Neo expansions, Neo Revelation and Neo Destiny. However, the Pokémon featured in each of the cards are not alternately colored.

Introduced in Aquapolis, Crystal Pokémon are identified by being Colorless but focus on three particular types of Energy to use in its attacks. All Crystal Pokémon have the Poké-Body Crystal Type, in which the type of the Pokémon changes from Colorless to one of three specified types if the corresponding Energy card is placed on it, for one turn. These types are also emphasized on the card design; for example, Celebi's Poké-Body and attacks focus on Grass, Water and Psychic; the colors green, blue and purple are highlighted in the card background.

Crystal Pokémon are also not necessarily Basic Pokémon, and are counted as regular Pokémon. While they weren't bound by the one per deck rule like Shining Pokémon, they still featured several Energy for each attack and were quite costly for the effects they provided.

In Japan, these cards were released three at a time over the course of the last three e-Card expansions, but with the hurried release of the English sets and their condensation, Skyridge featured six. In both languages, all Crystal Pokémon are secret cards. Crystal Pokémon were retired at the end of the e-Card Series.

Pokémon that have appeared as Crystal Pokémon

Crystal Pokémon
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Kingdra Colorless Aquapolis Rare Holo 148/147 Wind from the Sea SuperRare Holo 089/087
Lugia Colorless Aquapolis Rare Holo 149/147 Wind from the Sea SuperRare Holo 090/087
Nidoking Colorless Aquapolis Rare Holo 150/147 Wind from the Sea SuperRare Holo 088/087
Celebi Colorless Skyridge Rare Holo 145/144 Mysterious Mountains SuperRare Holo 091/088
Charizard Colorless Skyridge Rare Holo 146/144 Mysterious Mountains SuperRare Holo 089/088
Crobat Colorless Skyridge Rare Holo 147/144 Mysterious Mountains SuperRare Holo 090/088
Golem Colorless Skyridge Rare Holo 148/144 Split Earth SuperRare Holo 089/088
Ho-Oh Colorless Skyridge Rare Holo 149/144 Split Earth SuperRare Holo 091/088
Kabutops Colorless Skyridge Rare Holo 150/144 Split Earth SuperRare Holo 090/088

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.