List of Pokémon with form differences
Some Pokémon have major variations between individuals, known as forms (Japanese: すがた form). These variations all have differing appearances and are recognized by the Pokédex. Some Pokémon with form differences can change between their forms (e.g. Castform), while others are fixed and cannot be changed (e.g. Unown). Other form differences include: gender differences, regional forms, Mega Evolutions, and Gigantamax forms.
Form differences were introduced in Generation II, in which Unown was the only Pokémon to have them. All subsequent generations have introduced multiple Pokémon with form differences. Pokémon able to change between their forms were first introduced in Generation III.
At times, these differences are purely cosmetic and have no bearing on the Pokémon's attributes besides its appearance; however, several Pokémon differ in stats, type, Ability, moves they can learn, etc. depending on their form. Among these are several Legendary and Mythical Pokémon, whose alternate forms are usually spelled as Formes (Japanese: フォルム Forme).
Starting in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, every official different form has a name given by the Pokédex, though Arceus, Genesect, and Furfrou's alternate forms were not recognized separately in the Pokédex until Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. In Generations II, III, and IV, whichever form is encountered first will be the sprite displayed in the Pokédex by default; for example, if West Sea Shellos was encountered first, its sprite will appear in the Pokédex by default, whereas if East Sea Shellos was encountered first, its sprite will. In Generation II, the Pokédex has a separate Unown Mode to show the forms of Unown. In Generation IV, the "forms" section was added to the individual entries of each Pokémon, showing form differences that have been encountered, as well as gender differences. In Generation V, the forms section returns and displays Shiny Pokémon as separate forms (if they have been encountered); additionally, the sprite displayed in the Pokédex can be changed using the forms section. In Pokémon Black and White, the forms section is only available after interacting with Cedric Juniper in Mistralton City, while in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, it is available from the start. Starting in Generation VI, the Pokédex does not have a separate forms section; instead, a Pokémon's forms (including Shiny forms and gender differences) that have been encountered can be switched between in the Pokémon's entry, and this changes the sprite shown in the Pokédex.
Pokémon with multiple forms
Cosplay Pikachu
Cosplay Pikachu can change forms by changing its costume at a Contest Hall.
- Each costume can learn an exclusive move.
- Exclusive to Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
For more details, see Pikachu → Form data.
Pikachu in a cap
Pikachu in a cap cannot change forms.
- Able to use the Z-Move 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt.
- Have a different cry than regular Pikachu.
For more details, see Pikachu → Form data.
Spiky-eared Pichu cannot change forms.
- Pokéathlon performance stats differ from those of regular Pichu.
- Exclusive to Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
For more details, see Pichu → Form data.
Paldean Tauros cannot change forms.
- Level-up moves and the type of Raging Bull differs depending on the form.
For more details, see Tauros → Form data.
Unown cannot change forms.
- Pokéathlon performance stats of the punctuation forms (! and ?) differ from those of the alphabetical forms.
For more details, see Unown → Form data.
Castform can change forms based on the weather in battles due to its Ability Forecast.
For more details, see Castform → Form data.
Kyogre and Groudon
Kyogre can temporarily undergo Primal Reversion if it is holding a Blue Orb in battle.
- Has different base stats, Ability, and cry from regular Kyogre.
Groudon can temporarily undergo Primal Reversion if it is holding a Red Orb in battle.
- Has different base stats, Ability, cry, and type from regular Groudon.
For more details, see Kyogre → Form data and Groudon → Form data.
Deoxys can change forms by interacting with certain meteorites.
- Have different base stats and level-up movesets from regular Deoxys.
For more details, see Deoxys → Form data.
Burmy and Wormadam
Burmy can change forms depending on the environment in which it last participated in a battle.
Wormadam cannot change forms.
- Have different base stats and level-up movesets from regular Wormadam.
For more details, see Burmy → Form data and Wormadam → Form data.
Cherrim can change forms depending on the weather in battle.
For more details, see Cherrim → Form data.
Shellos and Gastrodon
Shellos and Gastrodon cannot change forms.
For more details, see Shellos → Form data and Gastrodon → Form data.
Rotom can change forms based on the appliance it is possessing.
For more details, see Rotom → Form data.
Pokémon of Myth
Dialga can change forms by being exposed to the Adamant Crystal.
- Has different base stats from regular Dialga.
Palkia can change forms by being exposed to the Lustrous Globe.
- Has different base stats from regular Palkia.
Giratina can change forms by being given the Griseous Orb (Generations IV-VII) or by being exposed to the Griseous Core (Generations VIII-Present).
- Has different base stats and Ability from Altered Forme Giratina.
For more details, see Dialga → Form data, Palkia → Form data, and Giratina → Form data.
Shaymin can change forms by being exposed to a Gracidea.
- Has different base stats, Ability, cry, level-up moveset, and type from Land Forme Shaymin.
For more details, see Shaymin → Form data.
Arceus can change forms by being given a Plate.
For more details, see Arceus → Form data.
Basculin and Basculegion
Basculin cannot change forms.
Male and female Basculegion are two distinct, non-interchangeable forms.
For more details, see Basculin → Form data and List of Pokémon with gender differences → Basculegion.
Darmanitan with the Ability Zen Mode can change forms in battle after dropping to below half its max HP in battle.
For more details, see Darmanitan → Form data.
Deerling and Sawsbuck
Deerling and Sawsbuck can change forms in Generation V based on the current season and in Generation IX based on the location the game is loaded in. They cannot change forms in Generations VI through VIII.
For more details, see Deerling → Form data and Sawsbuck → Form data.
Forces of Nature
Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, and Enamorus can change forms by being exposed to the Reveal Glass.
For more details, see Tornadus → Form data, Thundurus → Form data, Landorus → Form data, and Enamorus → Form data.
Kyurem can change forms through the use of the DNA Splicers, which fuses it with Reshiram or Zekrom.
For more details, see Kyurem → Form data.
Keldeo will change forms in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 onwards if it knows the move Secret Sword.
For more details, see Keldeo → Form data.
Meloetta can change forms in battle by using the move Relic Song.
For more details, see Meloetta → Form data.
Genesect can change forms by being given a Drive.
- Changes the type of its signature move, Techno Blast
For more details, see Genesect → Form data.
Greninja with the Ability Battle Bond will transform into Ash-Greninja after it directly causes an opponent to faint without ending the battle.
For more details, see Greninja → Form data.
Vivillon cannot change forms.
For more details, see Vivillon → Form data.
Flabébé, Floette, and Florges
Flabébé, Floette, and Florges cannot change forms.
Eternal Flower Floette is unobtainable in-game.
For more details, see: Flabébé → Form data, Floette → Form data, and Florges → Form data.
Furfrou can change forms by being groomed.
For more details, see Furfrou → Form data.
Male and female Meowstic are two distinct, non-interchangeable forms.
For more details, see List of Pokémon with gender differences → Meowstic.
Aegislash can change forms in battle due to its Ability Stance Change.
For more details, see Aegislash → Form data.
Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist
Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist cannot change forms.
For more details, see Pumpkaboo → Form data and Gourgeist → Form data.
Xerneas will change forms during battles and Pokémon Contest Spectaculars.
For more details, see Xerneas → Form data.
Zygarde cannot change forms. Zygarde can be broken down and re-assembled into a different form by using the Zygarde Cube.
- Internally, the 10% and 50% Formes of Zygarde with the Ability Aura Break are each treated as separate forms from the 10% and 50% Formes of Zygarde with the Ability Power Construct.
For more details, see Zygarde → Form data.
Hoopa can change forms by being exposed to the Prison Bottle.
For more details, see Hoopa → Form data.
Oricorio can change forms by sipping Nectar.
For more details, see Oricorio → Form data.
Lycanroc cannot change forms.
For more details, see Lycanroc → Form data.
Wishiwashi can change forms due to its Ability Schooling if it is at least level 20.
For more details, see Wishiwashi → Form data.
Silvally can change forms by being given a Memory.
For more details, see Silvally → Form data.
Minior can change between its forms using its Ability Shields Down.
Its Core Form color cannot be changed.
For more details, see Minior → Form data.
Mimikyu can change forms due to its Ability Disguise.
For more details, see Mimikyu → Form data.
Necrozma can change forms through use of the N-Solarizer and N-Lunarizer and fuse with either Solgaleo or Lunala. These forms can Ultra Burst during battle to attain the Ultra Necrozma form.
For more details, see Necrozma → Form data.
Magearna cannot change forms.
For more details, see Magearna → Form data.
Cramorant has three forms. It is always in its standard form outside of battle, while its other two forms are activated in battle by its Ability, Gulp Missile.
For more details, see Cramorant → Form data.
Toxtricity has two non-interchangeable forms. The two forms share a Gigantamax form.
For more details, see Toxtricity → Form data.
Sinistea and Polteageist
Sinistea and Polteageist cannot change forms.
For more details, see Sinistea → Form data and Polteageist → Form data.
Alcremie's form depends on two different parameters: its cream and type of Sweet. Cream affects the color of Alcremie's body, while the Sweet affects its eye color and head ornaments. There are nine different types of cream and seven different types of Sweet. Any type of cream can be paired with any Sweet, resulting in 63 different non-Gigantamax forms of Alcremie, not including its Shiny coloration.
All Alcremie forms have access to the same Gigantamax form.
For more details, see Alcremie → Form data.
Eiscue switches between its forms with its Ability Ice Face.
For more details, see Eiscue → Form data.
Male and female Indeedee are two distinct, non-interchangeable forms.
For more details, see List of Pokémon with gender differences → Indeedee.
Morpeko switches between its forms with its Ability Hunger Switch.
For more details, see Morpeko → Form data.
Zacian and Zamazenta
Zacian can change forms by being exposed to the Rusted Sword.
Zamazenta can change forms by being exposed to the Rusted Shield.
For more details, see Zacian → Form data and Zamazenta → Form data.
During the climax of Pokémon Sword and Shield, the player confronts a powered-up version of Eternatus known as Eternamax Eternatus, which is fought in a semi-scripted Max Raid Battle and uses Max Moves like a Dynamaxed Pokémon. This form is unobtainable, but briefly appears in the move animation for Eternabeam.
For more details, see Eternatus → Form data.
Urshifu has two non-interchangeable forms. The two forms also have separate Gigantamax forms.
For more details, see Urshifu → Form data.
Zarude cannot change forms.
For more details, see Zarude → Form data.
Calyrex can change forms through the use of the Reins of Unity, which combines it with Glastrier or Spectrier.
For more details, see Calyrex → Form data.
Ursaluna cannot change forms.
For more details, see Ursaluna → Form data.
Male and female Oinkologne are two distinct, non-interchangeable forms.
For more details, see List of Pokémon with gender differences → Oinkologne.
Maushold cannot change forms.
For more details, see Maushold → Form data.
Squawkabilly cannot change forms.
- Green and Blue Plumage have different Hidden Abilities from Yellow and White Plumage.
For more details, see Squawkabilly → Form data.
Palafin can change forms during battle due to its Ability Zero to Hero.
For more details, see Palafin → Form data.
Tatsugiri cannot change forms.
- Has different colors, fin shapes, and patterns on their bodies.
- Stat boost that Dondozo recieves from Tatsugiri changes depending on its form.
For more details, see Tatsugiri → Form data.
Dudunsparce cannot change forms.
For more details, see Dudunsparce → Form data.
Gimmighoul cannot change forms. Both forms evolve into Gholdengo.
For more details, see Gimmighoul → Form data.
Poltchageist and Sinistcha
Poltchageist and Sinistcha cannot change forms.
For more details, see Poltchageist → Form data and Sinistcha → Form data.
Ogerpon can change forms by being given either the Wellspring Mask, Hearthflame Mask, or Cornerstone Mask. Each form has a corresponding additional form that Ogerpon transforms into during Terastallization.
For more details, see Ogerpon → Form data.
Terapagos can change forms through an unknown method.
For more details, see Terapagos → Form data.
Form-like transformations
In addition to the forms of Rotom that are directly obtainable by the player, there are more forms that it assumes when possessing other appliances. These forms do not have battle capabilities and are not obtainable by the player, instead functioning as non-player characters.
For more details, see Rotom → Biology, Rotom Pokédex, Rotom Phone, Rotomi, and Drone Rotom.
Reshiram and Zekrom
Reshiram and Zekrom, according to legends, had their bodies destroyed during the battle of truth and ideals and as result, changed into the Dragon Stones, said to be only waiting for the emergence of a hero to reawaken them.
For more details, see Reshiram → Biology, Zekrom → Biology, Light Stone, and Dark Stone.
Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem
Reshiram, Zekrom, White Kyurem, and Black Kyurem enter Overdrive mode when their emotions surge, lighting parts of their bodies in flames or electricity in the process. Reshiram and Zekrom enter Overdrive mode when using their signature moves (Fusion Flare and Blue Flare for Reshiram, Fusion Bolt and Bolt Strike for Zekrom) and are usually not in Overdrive mode otherwise. Black and White Kyurem, however, are always in Overdrive mode in battle.
For more details, see Reshiram → Biology, Zekrom → Biology, and Kyurem → Biology.
Xerneas and Yveltal
Xerneas and Yveltal enter a slumbering form after using too much of their energy, becoming a tree and a cocoon, respectively.
For more details, see Xerneas → Biology and Yveltal → Biology.
Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma
Solgaleo and Lunala enter special phases when using their powers, shining brighter than normal. They both enter this phase while in Ultra Space (although not while in battle) or when using their signature moves. For Solgaleo, these moves are Sunsteel Strike and Searing Sunraze Smash; for Lunala, these are Moongeist Beam and Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom. While absorbed by Necrozma, making it Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings Necrozma respectively, Solgaleo and Lunala are permanently in this state, having their light constantly stolen by Necrozma's pieces all over their bodies.
For more details, see Solgaleo → Biology, Lunala → Biology, and Necrozma → Biology.
When Marshadow attacks or becomes worked up, the flames on its body flare green. This transformation is called Zenith Marshadow.[1]
For more details, see Marshadow → Biology.
Revavroom has six forms in total, consisting of its standard form and five Starmobile forms, one for each of the Team Star bosses. These forms are non-interchangeable.
For more details, see Revavroom → Form data, and Starmobile.
Koraidon and Miraidon
Koraidon and Miraidon can enter one of three different forms when they travel the Paldea region and two forms based on how much power they have. They can change their forms to better suit what they are doing or what terrain they are traveling over.
For more details, see Koraidon → Biology and Miraidon → Biology.
Terapagos can enter a slumbering state where it pulls its limbs, tail and head into its shell and shrinks in size, making it look like a jewel. Liko in the anime wears one in the form of a pendant.
For more details, see Terapagos → Biology.
Pokémon with technical forms
Some Pokémon have forms which are only distinguished internally, within the game's programming. These forms do not have physical differences from the normal Pokémon, but may still have an impact on gameplay.
Greninja with the Ability Battle Bond are treated as a separate form to other Greninja, and cannot breed.
The 10% and 50% Formes of Zygarde with the Ability Aura Break are each treated as separate forms from the 10% and 50% Formes of Zygarde with the Ability Power Construct. This explains why the Ability Capsule can't be used to change Zygarde's Ability, only the Zygarde Cube can.
Scatterbug and Spewpa
Vivillon patterns are each treated as separate forms. Because Vivillon's pattern is determined by the location the Scatterbug is spawned in, each pattern has a corresponding form for both Scatterbug and Spewpa.
Rockruff with the Ability Own Tempo are treated as a separate form to other Rockruff, and will always evolve into Dusk Form Lycanroc.
In other games
Pokémon Shuffle
- Main article: List of Pokémon by Pokémon Shuffle list number
In Pokémon Shuffle, Pokémon with different forms have different Skills and can have different Attack Powers and max levels.
Most Pokémon with forms in the core series games also have those forms in Pokémon Shuffle. Many Pokémon have a "Winking" form, notably including most of the starter Pokémon. There are also a few Pokémon with a "Spooky" or "Holiday" form. Pikachu has a large variety of forms, mostly unique to Pokémon Shuffle.
Pokémon GO
- Main article: List of Pokémon with form differences (GO)
The majority of Pokémon in Pokémon GO have their forms determined at the time of capture and impossible to change, with the exceptions of Shaymin, Furfrou, and Hoopa. Although every species has one Pokédex entry each, a Pokémon is considered different from any of its alternate forms; this means that even if a player has one form of the Pokémon species registered in the Pokédex, an alternate form will still appear as a silhouette in the Nearby screen, and receiving one in a trade will be considered a Special Trade.
- As of Generation IX, four Pokémon have form differences that remain unobtainable. These are:
- ???-type Arceus, which only existed in the code for the Generation IV games and is unavailable without hacking.
- Eternal Flower Floette, which only exists in the code for the Generation VI and Generation VII games, and remains in the data of Pokémon HOME.
- Eternamax Eternatus, which is only seen in the climax of Pokémon Sword and Shield and when Eternatus uses Eternabeam.
- Revavroom's Starmobile forms, which are only seen being used by the bosses of Team Star.
- Some of the Pokémon with form differences have unique distinctions:
- Darmanitan and Tauros are the only Pokémon whose regional forms have further form differences.
- Urshifu is the only Pokémon whose Gigantamax form has form differences.
- Although Toxtricity and Alcremie have multiple alternate forms, they each have only one Gigantamax form.
- Koraidon and Miraidon have the highest number of forms that are obtainable in some capacity yet unusable in battle, as they each use three forms solely for travel and are obtained in their fourth 'low-power' forms, yet can only battle in their ‘high-power’ forms.
- Rotom has five forms that are unusable in battle (Pokédex, Phone, Bike, Rotomi, Drone), but Rotomi and Rotom Drone are completely unobtainable.
In other languages
See also