Category:Cards with Ember
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
This category contains cards with the Ember attack.
Pages in category "Cards with Ember"
The following 41 pages are in this category, out of 41 total.
- Castform (Legends Awakened 51)
- Charcadet (Scarlet & Violet 39)
- Charmander (Base Set 46)
- Charmander (Evolutions 9)
- Charmander (My First Battle)
- Charmander (SVP Promo 47)
- Charmander (Team Up 12)
- Charmeleon (My First Battle)
- Chimchar (Brilliant Stars 24)
- Chimchar (Diamond & Pearl 76)
- Chimchar (Steam Siege 18)
- Cyndaquil (BREAKthrough 18)
- Cyndaquil (Expedition 105)