Ultra Jungle (Japanese: ウルトラジャングルUltra Jungle) is the home of Buzzwole, accessible through Rarity 1 and some Rarity 2 warp holes in Ultra Warp Ride, located several thousand light-years from Alola. It only appears in Pokémon Ultra Sun.
The Ultra Jungle is a large expansive jungle containing both regular trees as well as several larger spiraling trees in the shape of muscular beings flexing their upper torso and arms. These larger trees are either free standing or connected with vines that the player is able to walk across. A river also winds between the connected trees, and there is an active smoking volcano in the center of the map which tends to erupt and
can summon Buzzwoles as a clear blue sky passes overhead.
Special encounters
Pokémon Ultra Sun
Buzzwole can be encountered and caught here. One Buzzwole will spawn per visit. Buzzwole will appear as ??? and will not be registered as seen in the Pokédex until caught.