Kamado from Galar?
In the in-game text, when you rematch Kamado, he says:
- Hrrrm! I’ve donned this traditional Galarian armor, and I trust you know what that means! I ain’t holdin’ nothin’ back for this battle!
Also, it is noted elsewhere in the texts:
- Galaxy Hall’s built in a modern style. We worked in design elements from the Galar region, too.
TehPerson (talk) 18:52, 3 February 2022 (UTC)
- I Would say he is, possibly from whatever settlement existed on route 8 and Circhester. Might be worth mentioning in the article if we can get some more info. Yamitora1 (talk) 12:16, 22 February 2022 (UTC)
Professor Laventon by all means is from Galar. Even so we don't say that Galar is his home region on that page because there hasn't been explicit confirmation that it's his home region. So unless if Kamado explicitly says where he's from in a future Manga, we wouldn't be listing it here. I'd also like to point out that the Japanese script of Legends has him taking on an accent of the Kansai region, which Johto is based off of, and the fact that Laventon and Cyllene are the only two characters in the game with western sounding names. If we're just speculating, Kamado has definitely visited Galar at some point, but we're left with hints of him being from Johto too. Dot455 (talk) 12:43, 22 February 2022 (UTC)
- Well Professor Laventon is not necessarily form Galar. He states in Raichu's dex entry that Copperajah lives in his homeland, which Copperajah are not native to Galar. so its possible he migrated from their homeland first to Galar and then to Hisui. Plus We don't even know if at this point of history rather or not Copperajah have been exported to Galar yet or to an extent that it is enough to give them a wild population of the species. Currently it seems Zigzagoon haven't been introduced to Hisui from Galar since none are in the wild and none have obtained their hoennian form. Galar is the UK and more or less Hisui Japan and wherever Copperajah/Laventon is from is likely India/Southeast Asia and the UK is infamous for their imperialism of Asian/South East Asian countries and each country the UK went to more or less tried to assimilate to the UK culture (for better or worse, and willingly or not) and those from the UK tried to borrow from the cultures of the lands they were visiting to both to ease locals wariness around foreigners, also as a wolf in sheep's clothing type tactic, as well as tourist behavior and the old practice of "when in Rome." So its possible Kamado is just a foreigner trying his hardest to put on a tough guy act for his people while also trying to assimilate and not be at odds with the locals even if he borrows from other regions to fill in his lack of knowledge of the Hisui region's language and culture. Plus even if the region he's from is based on a place outside of japan like the UK, France or the US, this is a Japanese franchise we're talking about, so regardless they're going blend it with Japanese culture. So with that said things like Sumo and Samurai being in Galar culture wouldn't be such a stretch and even the Galar Armor Kamado wears has Samurai accents to it, and Galar does have the Isle of Armor dojo that is definitely not UK inspired. I do have to ask, is there some context to Kamado speaking in a accent from the Kansai region in a Japanese view point? Like is that their version of a hillbilly or southern accent? Like in the us if you want a character to sound "classy" you give them Mid-Atlantic/Locust Valley lockjaw accent like Mr. Howell on Gilligan's Island (or the big jaw guy off family guy) and if you want them to sound "low class" you give them a southern/deep south accent. Yamitora1 (talk) 14:46, 22 February 2022 (UTC)
- The Kansai accent is because hes from Johto. the destroyed town is Ecruteak.