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Marshadow マーシャドーGX MarshadowGX
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Marshadow.
(Japanese: マーシャドーGX MarshadowGX) is a Fighting-type Basic Pokémon-GX card. It was first released as part of the Burning Shadows expansion.
Card text
This Pokémon can use the attacks of any Basic Pokémon in your discard pile. (You still need the necessary Energy to use each attack.)
Peerless Hundred Blows
This attack does 50 damage times the amount of basic Energy attached to this Pokémon. (You can't use more than 1 GX attack in a game.)
Release information
This card was included as a Regular card, a Full Art card, and as a Secret Rainbow Rare in the Burning Shadows expansion, first released in the Japanese Darkness that Consumes Light expansion, each with artwork by 5ban Graphics. The Regular print was reprinted in Japan as a Holofoil SM-P Promotional card, available as part of the Midsummer's Pika Pika Alola Festival, which ran from July 22 to September 3, 2017. Customers at participating Pokémon Centers (including the Pokémon Center Online) and Pokémon Stores who purchased five booster packs in one transaction were given 1 of 6 possible promotional cards. This print features the Pokémon Center logo in the bottom right corner of the artwork. The Regular print was reprinted as one of the SM Black Star Promos, included in the Mysterious Powers Tins released October 5, 2017, with new artwork by 5ban Graphics. A Jumbo version of the Burning Shadows Regular print was included in the Marshadow Box released November 17, 2017. The SM Black Star Promo print was subsequently available in the Japanese GX Ultra Shiny subset.
Beatdown's Japanese name is Oi-zuki, a technique in Karate which means to punch with the lead arm. This attack first appeared on Light Machamp from Neo Destiny.