T Promotional cards (TCG)

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Revision as of 01:32, 17 June 2008 by Maverick Nate (talk | contribs) ("T" Promotional Cards (TCG) moved to "T" Promotional cards (TCG): cards shouldn't be capitalized)
  • "T" or "Trainer" Promotional cards were all released exclusively through Trainer Magazine, with 3 new cards available with each issue until their production stopped.
The symbol for the "T" Promotional cards is a black star with the word "PROMO" across it.
No. Card Name Type Rarity Promotion
1 Flareon Fire -- Trainer Magazine #14
2 Vaporeon Water -- Trainer Magazine #14
3 Jolteon Lightning -- Trainer Magazine #14
4 Slowpoke Psychic -- Trainer Magazine #15
5 Slowbro Psychic -- Trainer Magazine #15
6 Slowking Water -- Trainer Magazine #15
7 Bayleef Grass -- Trainer Magazine #16
8 Quilava Fire -- Trainer Magazine #16
9 Croconaw Water -- Trainer Magazine #16
10 Ivysaur Grass -- Trainer Magazine #17
11 Charmeleon Fire -- Trainer Magazine #17
12 Wartortle Water -- Trainer Magazine #17
13 Moltres Fire -- Trainer Magazine #18
14 Articuno Water -- Trainer Magazine #18
15 Zapdos Lightning -- Trainer Magazine #18
16 Dratini Colorless -- Trainer Magazine #19
17 Dragonair Colorless -- Trainer Magazine #19
18 Dragonite Colorless -- Trainer Magazine #19
19 Larvitar Fighting -- Trainer Magazine #20
20 Pupitar Fighting -- Trainer Magazine #20
21 Tyranitar ex Darkness -- Trainer Magazine #20
22 Imakuni?’s Whismur Colorless -- Trainer Magazine #21
23 Imakuni?’s Loudred Colorless -- Trainer Magazine #21
24 Imakuni?’s Exploud ex Colorless -- Trainer Magazine #21

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