Talk:Cynthia (anime)

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Revision as of 21:42, 28 January 2024 by Blast Resort (talk | contribs) (Cynthia's "type preferences")
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Latest comment: 28 January 2024 by Blast Resort in topic Cynthia's "type preferences"

Featured article candidate

I noticed that some pages had the indication that they are "Featured article" from Bulbapedia. I've been looking at the rules and wanted to know if this page can be present for a staff vote. I don't know if this kind of thing is still done by the staff but I think it's worth it to be continued by the members of the site.

My biggest point is that this page has been worked on for years by myself and a few other users and is very concise with its information, detailed about Cynthia's development in the anime and has useful pictures of the character. These items all fall under the rules I researched. Personally, I consider the work on this page to be one of the best character pages in anime right now.

Does anyone else agree or have something to add to this discussion?--Hikaru Wazana (talk) 19:32, 26 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

Cynthia's Kommo-o wasn't actually rotated.

My regret, I thought that Cynthia's Kommo-o's ownership status should best be permanently "status unknown", instead being currently put into her rotation. Why? This is because it was dropped out already from all the other Pokémon anime episodes right after The Gates of Warp!, that's all. Swampertguy (talk) 16:40, 30 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

The way I see it, Cynthia still has Kommo-o and Glaceon but as she can only have a party of six which we saw her use in her battle against Ash, Cynthia decided not to use them in the battle. There is nothing to suggest she released them, she is probably like Paul rotating her team.--BigDocFan, Junior Admin Bulbapedia (talk) 18:30, 30 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
It's worth adding that each of Cynthia's Pokémon refers to a different incarnation of the character in the games. Glaceon is a reference to Generation V, Kommo-o is a reference to Pokémon Masters, her battle with Iris is a reference to the games in Alola (i.e. Mega Evolution) and the team she used against Ash is a variation of the one she used in Generation IV and in BDSP (The only exception was Cynthia's Lucario which was not seen for very obvious reasons). It wasn't possible for Cynthia to use Glaceon or Kommo-o in the Masters Tournament.--Hikaru Wazana (talk) 18:50, 30 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
Exactly. Cynthia's Masters Eight Tournament team was her team from DP and BDSP, except they didn't want both sides using the same Pokémon in Lucario, so they instead replaced it with her Togekiss from Platinum. --FinnishPokéFan92 (talk) 19:21, 30 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
Speaking of Kommo-o, is it really accurate for the page to say she's known for her affinity for Dragon-types? She only has two of them, and the second only showed up years after Iris challenged her. That's been bothering me for the longest time. Blast Resort (talk) 21:52, 30 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Iris literally says this when she challenged Cynthia. Hikaru Wazana (talk) 21:59, 30 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

She says Cynthia uses a Dragon-type, not that she's known for liking them. Iris looks up to Cynthia for her general wisdom. Blast Resort (talk) 04:42, 31 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Cynthia's "type preferences"

I asked about this before and it didn't go anywhere, but since it was recently expanded I'll ask again. Is it really important to bring up the specific types Cynthia uses? She doesn't own more than two Pokémon of any type and I feel like it's a huge stretch to say she has an "affinity" for any of them, Dragon included. When Iris challenged her in BW, it was because she wanted experience against a strong Dragon-type, not because Cynthia is actually a Dragon Master. If anything, I'd say she's better known for her general wisdom of all Pokémon, hence why she can use a wide variety of different types and styles. Thoughts? Blast Resort (talk) 19:52, 28 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

Iris literally says that Cynthia is a Dragon-type connoisseur. Paul's strategy was based on counterattacking Dragon-Type Pokémon. And the text does not say at any point that she is a Dragon Master, there is a lot of difference between being a Dragon Master and being knowledgeable about the Dragon type. And the text highlights that she does not have a specific specialty.--Hikaru Wazana (talk) 20:37, 28 January 2024 (UTC)Reply
When exactly? I went back and watched the episode in English and Japanese and Iris never once calls her a Dragon-type connoisseur. The most she calls her is an "experienced Dragon-type trainer", and in the context of the episode she's clearly only talking about Garchomp. I also went back to Paul's battle and he never says his plan was based on beating Dragon-types.
I know there's a difference between a Dragon Master and being knowledgeable about Dragon-types, but as I already said Cynthia's wisdom applies to basically all Pokémon equally. It'd make more sense for the text to talk about her skill with raising lots of different types and battle styles. Blast Resort (talk) 21:42, 28 January 2024 (UTC)Reply