List of glitches in spin-off games

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Revision as of 16:42, 21 February 2024 by ShadowMario3 (talk | contribs) (Nickname display glitch: Explain what Pokemon Stadium 2 does.)

This is a list of glitches that occur in spin-off Pokémon games.

Pokémon Stadium series

Pokémon Stadium (English)

Magnemite type display glitch

If the Lab feature in Pokémon Stadium 2 is used to view and save the contents of a Generation I game that includes a Magnemite or Magneton, and then that same Game Boy cartridge is loaded into the earlier Stadium game, attempting to register that Magnemite or Magneton for battle will cause the screen to show its types as Electric and Fire. This occurs because when Stadium 2 saved its data, it included data about the Pokémon's types from its own Generation II standpoint, with those two species being the only ones who underwent a type change between the generations. The Steel type does not exist in Generation I, and its index number falls in what would otherwise be a gap, so no graphic is defined for that type and in falling through the cases, the next sensibly-defined type it finds a graphic for is Fire, which is what's displayed.

This glitch is purely graphical, as the Magnemite or Magneton does not demonstrate any qualities of being Fire type in battle, and is still treated as being pure Electric.

Nickname display glitch

In revisions 1.0 and 1.1 of the North American version of Pokémon Stadium (English), if the Lab feature is used to view and save the contents of a Generation I game that includes a Pokémon with a space in its Nickname, anything after the space will disappear when viewed through the Game Boy game. This is because Pokémon Stadium erroneously replaces the space character with a null value. Even though Pokemon Stadium can view the null value as a space, the Generation 1 games uses it as a delimiter.

This glitch is fixed in revision 1.2 of the game, and if the Lab feature is used to view and save the contents of a game with a Pokémon affected by this glitch, the null value will be reverted back to normal. While Pokémon Stadium 2 does not have this glitch, it does not contain the fix from 1.2.

Pokémon Stadium 2

International Pokémon Blue map glitch

In non-Japanese versions of Pokémon Stadium 2, if the player connects a non-Japanese version of Pokémon Blue via Transfer Pak, then the distribution map in the Pokédex displays the location of Pokémon found in the Japanese version of Pokémon Blue instead.

For instance, the Pokédex map in Pokémon Stadium 2 incorrectly displays Raticate as available in the Cerulean Cave in the non-Japanese versions of Pokémon Blue, when in fact Raticate is only available there in the Japanese version of Pokémon Blue.

Since the international version of Pokémon Stadium 2 has data to recognize Pokémon Green, once it is loaded to the game (done through ROM hacks due to Pokémon Green never being released outside of Japan), the distribution map in the Pokédex will display the location of Pokémon found in the Japanese version of Pokémon Green (which is identical to English Blue).

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Main article: List of glitches (Mystery Dungeon)

Pokémon Ranger series

Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia

Invisible wall glitch

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Reason: Needs a video or animation

In Vien Forest, the player can find spots where they will not be able to continue walking, even though there is nothing in their path due to the boundary of the trees.

Pokémon Trading Card Game series

Main article: List of glitches (TCG GB)

Play It! series

Bench glitch

In Pokémon Play It! and the first 9 stages of Pokémon Play It! Version 2, players must wait for their first turn to put Pokémon on the Bench. In the 10th stage (the Jigglypuff stage) of the second game, Julie introduces the ability to put Pokémon on the Bench before the play starts as a "new rule".

Magmar Flamethrower glitch

In Pokémon Play It!, no Energy card is discarded from Magmar when using the Flamethrower attack. This was fixed in Pokémon Play It! Version 2.

Tauros freeze glitch

In Pokémon Play It!, if the Tauros card appears on either the player's deck or the digital opponent's deck, the game will shut down or freeze the computer.

Pokémon Rumble series

Pokémon Rumble Blast

Ditto move glitch

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If a Ditto copies a Ditto which copied a Ditto who copied one of the player's Toy Pokémon and the Ditto is toppled and recruited, the Ditto will have one of the moves of the Pokémon that was copied originally.

Noclip Pokémon spawn glitch

In 4-1, if a Pokémon uses one of the long ranged skills into the main hull of the Temple of Keys, it will tell that the player that they have just defeated a Toy Pokémon from the area. This can be easily explained by spawning zones. Some other building models also have this spawn effect.

Pokémon Rumble World

Royal Competition glitch

In any Royal Competition, it is possible to knock out a wild Toy Pokémon just when the timer hits 0. While the wild Toy Pokémon's HP will be displayed as 0, it will remain standing.

If that Toy Pokémon is the last one remaining, the "CLEAR" message will be shown on-screen, but the game will show a "Times up!" message after and the stage will not be cleared.

Out of Bounds

It is possible to go out of bounds. If the player calls your Mii character to the grassy area on the left, they must go inside the Mii and have them carry the player over the grass and hit up, and then, the player is out of bounds. If the player goes too far to the east, they can enter the void. If the player go too far into the west, they will enter the castle. If the player goes too far to the north, the camera goes back to the plaza and the player enters the castle. Going south just takes the player to the plaza. To end the glitch, the player can go south or enter the castle.

Alternate Method

If the player gets their Mii character to go into the small patch of grass, go through their Mii and have them carry them. Once the player in the castle from the carrying, hit left or up and the player will be out of bounds.

Pokémon Shuffle

Use any Pokémon glitch

This glitch can be performed as soon as the player gets the ability to select Support Pokémon by touching the Poké Ball icon. It allows the player to use any unregistered Support Pokémon from the Support Pokémon selection screen at level 1, and the Pokémon can be brought into a game. It will not be registered as caught.


  1. Enter the Support Pokémon selection screen.
  2. Tap the search icon.
  3. Change "Caught Pokémon" to "All Pokémon".
  4. Tap "SEARCH".
  5. Drag and drop a Pokémon that was already selected as a Support Pokémon with any of the 158 different Pokémon to get it as a Support Pokémon.

If the player wants to remove the icon of a non-caught Support Pokémon, they can drag an existing Support Pokémon on to it to get the existing Support Pokémon in that slot. The player cannot move the icon of a non-caught Support Pokémon directly.

This glitch was patched in version 1.0.2.

By Scarlet_Kohaku
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Make a move before immediate Disruption

In any stage where the opponent starts out with a disruption countdown of 0, it is possible to drag a Pokémon on the board to make a match the first frame the word "START!" appears before the disruption completely triggers.

Pokémon Picross

Area Map mistake

If the player unlocks an area with a higher number than a locked area with a path that connects to it, then the paths between the locked and unlocked areas will be colored gold as if both locations are unlocked in the area select screen of the Map-Screen Menu.

Pokémon GO

Main article: List of glitches (GO)

Pokémon Puzzle League

CPU Garbage Block glitches

This glitch is in need of research.
Reason: Do these glitches occur more often in the VC release?
You can discuss this on the talk page.

The CPU in the game is designed in a way that overlooks a Garbage Block entering the CPU's cursor. This can cause a variety of issues and glitches depending upon the board and the circumstances around how the Garbage Block entered the cursor.

CPU lock glitch

The CPU can occasionally lockup due to a Garbage Block falling into the CPU's cursor. During this particular issue, the cursor will stay on the Garbage Block or the edge of it and another block. Occasionally, the CPU may recover if more Garbage Blocks drop from the top of the field or if a new row of blocks is added to the bottom of the field.

By CardsOfTheHeart
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

By CardsOfTheHeart
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

By CardsOfTheHeart
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

Softlock glitch

The game can occasionally softlock due to the interaction between the CPU's cursor and Garbage Blocks. This will prevent the game from ending upon the blocks of one field staying at the top of the field for too long. A clear sign of this glitch occurring is when gravity no longer works on blocks.

By DJPhilanegro
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

By CardsOfTheHeart
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

By CardsOfTheHeart
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

Same character glitch

The game can be forced to use the same name by tricking it during the character select screen. Due to how the game tracks which character is selected through the player's name, the game will switch to the character picked by that player after the first match has concluded.

By Matthew
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

Pinball series

Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire series

Saved language glitch

In the European version of Pokémon Pinball, it is possible to change the language of the current game being played by closing the game, changing the language and then continuing the game. This is not possible in the European version of Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire. If this procedure is attempted in the latter game, it will revert to the previous language. If the player wants to play in another language, they will need to change the language and then start a new game.

Super Smash Bros. series

Main article: Glitches category on SmashWiki


Transform glitchesGlitch TrainersCloning glitchesError messagesArbitrary code execution
Generation I GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
--0 ERRORBroken hidden itemsCable Club escape glitchDual-type damage misinformation
Experience underflow glitchFight Safari Zone Pokémon trickGlitch CityItem duplication glitchItem underflow
Mew glitchOld man glitchPewter Gym skip glitchPokémon merge glitchRhydon glitchRival twins glitch
Select glitches (dokokashira door glitch, second type glitch) • Super Glitch
Time Capsule exploitWalking through wallsZZAZZ glitch
Generation II GlitchesBattle glitches
Bug-Catching Contest glitchCelebi Egg glitchCoin Case glitchesExperience underflow glitch
Glitch dimensionGlitch EggTeru-samaTime Capsule exploitTrainer House glitchesGS Ball mail glitch
Generation III GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Berry glitchDive glitchPomeg glitchGlitzer Popping
Generation IV GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Acid rainGTS glitchesPomeg glitchRage glitch
Surf glitchTweakingPal Park Retire glitch
Generation V GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Frozen Zoroark glitchSky Drop glitch
Generation VI GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Lumiose City save glitchSymbiosis Eject Button glitchToxic sure-hit glitch
Generation VII GlitchesBattle glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Toxic sure-hit glitchRollout storage glitch
Generation VIII Glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Toxic sure-hit glitchRollout storage glitchParty item offset glitch
Generation IX Glitches
Glitch effects Game freezeGlitch battleGlitch song
Gen I only: Glitch screenTMTRAINER effectInverted sprite
Gen II only: Glitch dimension
Lists Glitches (GOMystery DungeonTCG GBSpin-off)
Glitch Pokémon (Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VGen VIGen VIIGen VIII)
Glitch moves (Gen I) • Glitch types (Gen IGen II)

This glitch Pokémon article is part of Project GlitchDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on glitches in the Pokémon games.