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Warlords in Pokémon Conquest

A Warlord (Japanese: ブショーリーダー Military Leader) is a high-ranking Warrior in Pokémon Conquest.

Warlords are distinguished from other Warriors by their gold icons, contrasting the silver icons of regular Warriors. Furthermore, they have unique character designs, depicted in several sprites showing different emotions, unlike regular Warriors who have shared character designs depicted in only a single sprite. If a Warlord has one of their Perfect Links as their active Pokémon, then that Pokémon will appear alongside them during conversations and mirror the Warlord's emotions. In addition, each Warlord has a playable story of their own.

Warlords are noted for their capability of transforming, somewhat similar to how Pokémon are capable of evolving. Transforming makes a Warlord ascend from Rank I to Rank II (there is also a Rank III for the Hero/Heroine and Hideyoshi), changing their appearance, stats, Perfect Links, and Warrior Skill. While Warlords generally have high stats, it is these unique Warrior Skills acquired through transformation that mostly set them apart from regular Warriors in terms of battling prowess. The requirements for transformation vary from Warlord to Warlord, and are presented in the table below.

In order to recruit a Warlord, the regular requirements for recruitment must be fulfilled by another Warlord. This means that it is imperative, but not sufficient, that the Warlord's Pokémon is knocked out by another Warlord's Pokémon.

The term Warlord is also used to refer to the single Warlord commanding an army, or the 17 actual, story-independent, Warlords of the 17 kingdoms of Ransei. A related term is "junior Warlord", referring to a Warlord whose relationship with the Warlord they story-independently serve under is present in the game, and is chosen by their lord or lady to command an army in the junior Warlord stories.

List of Warlords by Gallery order

Warlord Icon Affiliated
Specialty Rank Warrior Skill Power Wisdom Charisma Capacity Perfect Link Transformation requirements

 Normal  I Top Speed 65 60 65 4 Eevee Base Rank
II Courage 75 70 80 6 Eevee, Eeveelutions Automatic transformation during The Legend of Ransei (Base Rank in all other stories)
III Motivate 80 85 100 8 Eevee, Eeveelutions, Arceus 80% link with Eevee or any Eeveelutions in Two Heroes of Ransei.
 Dragon  Electric  I Desire 89 94 92 5 Hydreigon Base Rank
II Ambition 96 100 100 8 Hydreigon, Zekrom, Rayquaza Base Rank (In The Legend of Ransei and "Defeat Nobunaga" stories),
80% link with Hydreigon in The Road to Conquest.
 Normal  Dragon  I Sweet Song 48 73 90 4 Jigglypuff Base Rank
II Soft Light 54 83 98 5 Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff 55% link with Jigglypuff or Wigglytuff
 Fire  Fighting  I Quick Strike 66 65 78 6 Monferno Base Rank
II Grand Dream 76 88 88 7 Monferno, Infernape 60% link with Monferno or Infernape
III Great Uniter 80 98 98 8 Monferno, Infernape, Reshiram 70% link with Reshiram (hidden Rank)
 Water  I Rally 82 81 81 6 Dewott Base Rank
II Rebellion 90 92 91 7 Dewott, Samurott 65% link with Dewott or Samurott
 Electric  I Bustle 74 68 72 5 Luxio Base Rank
II Thunderclap 84 78 82 6 Luxio, Luxray 60% link with Luxio or Luxray while both Ginchiyo and Muneshige are in the army but deployed in two non-adjacent kingdoms
 Grass  I Brotherhood 69 90 86 7 Servine Base Rank
II Strategist 79 100 96 8 Servine, Serperior 60% link with Servine or Serperior when at least 100 Pokémon registered in the Gallery.
 Ice  Flying  I Crack Shot 77 82 82 5 Lapras Base Rank
II Cold Eyes 88 92 92 6 Lapras, Articuno 70% link with Lapras or Articuno after clearing Tragic Determination
 Fighting  I Mighty Blow 90 63 62 6 Gurdurr Base Rank
II Chesto! 98 73 72 7 Gurdurr, Conkeldurr 60% link with Gurdurr or Conkeldurr
 Poison  Flying  I Rally 65 78 75 5 Golbat Base Rank
II Nene Ninpō 75 84 85 6 Golbat, Crobat 60% link with Golbat or Crobat when all Poison-type Pokémon are registered in the Gallery.
 Ground  Rock  I Rally 82 96 86 7 Rhyperior Base Rank
II Fūrin Kazan 92 100 96 8 Rhyperior, Groudon 75% link with Rhyperior after clearing The Joy of Battle
 Flying  I Bustle 86 82 80 7 Rufflet Base Rank
II One-Eyed Dragon 96 92 90 8 Rufflet, Braviary 60% link with Rufflet or Braviary in The Dragon's Dream
 Psychic  Fighting  I Bustle 90 66 81 7 Gallade Base Rank
II Inspiration 99 76 91 8 Gallade, Mewtwo 75% link with Gallade after clearing Archenemies.
 Bug  Steel  I Deep Breath 64 72 79 5 Pineco Base Rank
II Grace 75 82 88 6 Pineco, Forretress 55% link with Pineco or Forretress
 Rock  I Brotherhood 80 78 84 7 Boldore Base Rank
II Father Figure 90 94 94 8 Boldore, Gigalith 60% link with Boldore or Gigalith

 Ghost  Dragon  I Added Bonus 48 74 90 5 Misdreavus Base Rank
II Viper's Bite 54 84 97 6 Misdreavus, Mismagius 60% link with Misdreavus or Mismagius when all Ghost-type Pokémon are registered in the Gallery.
 Dark  I Quick Strike 82 78 52 5 Zorua Base Rank
II Mayhem 92 89 62 6 Zorua, Zoroark 60% link with Zorua or Zoroark
 Steel  Rock  I Brotherhood 80 84 87 8 Aggron Base Rank
II Resolution 88 94 97 8 Aggron, Registeel 70% link with Aggron when the army has more than 50 warriors, and more than half of them have their perfect link when the warrior headcount is even; or all warriors have their perfect link when the headcount is odd.
 Electric  Fire  I Added Bonus 36 90 70 5 Pikachu Base Rank
II Lazybones 42 99 80 6 Pikachu, Raichu 60% link with Pikachu or Raichu when deployed in the same kingdom as Kanbei.
 Ghost  Fire  I Impact 60 90 62 5 Lampent Base Rank
II Extinguish 70 98 70 6 Lampent, Chandelure 60% link with Lampent or Chandelure when deployed in the same kingdom as Hanbei.
 Flying  Normal  I Marksman 84 68 73 6 Staravia Base Rank
II Typhoon 94 78 83 7 Staravia, Staraptor 60% link with Staravia or Staraptor while both Ginchiyo and Muneshige are in the army but deployed in two non-adjacent kingdoms.
 Psychic  Ice  I Added Bonus 42 63 78 5 Gothorita Base Rank
II Bewilder 52 73 87 5 Gothorita, Gothitelle 60% link with Gothorita or Gothitelle
 Ghost  Poison  I Marksman 87 77 62 5 Haunter Base Rank
II Ninjutsu 94 88 72 6 Haunter, Gengar 60% link with Haunter or Gengar
 Dark  Ice  I Convalesce 60 63 70 5 Sneasel Base Rank
II Trickster 70 73 80 5 Sneasel, Weavile 60% link with Sneasel or Weavile
 Fire  Flying  I Mighty Blow 87 78 80 6 Charmeleon Base Rank
II Willpower 95 84 90 7 Charmeleon, Charizard 65% link with Charmeleon or Charizard when he is deployed with Shingen in the same kingdom.
 Grass  Flying  I Crack Shot 89 79 74 6 Grovyle Base Rank
II Cupid 95 88 84 7 Grovyle, Sceptile 60% link with Grovyle or Sceptile when three or more female Warlords are deployed with Magoichi in the same kingdom, and Masamune is not deployed with him.
 Psychic  I Rally 65 88 79 7 Kadabra Base Rank
II Love and Honor 75 97 89 7 Kadabra, Alakazam 60% link with Kadabra or Alakazam when deployed with Kenshin in the same kingdom.
 Ice  Ghost  I Sweet Song 39 71 75 5 Snorunt Base Rank
II Compassion 49 81 86 5 Snorunt, Froslass 55% link with Snorunt or Froslass
 Fire  Rock  I Quick Strike 73 62 70 5 Darumaka Base Rank
II Warrior Woman 83 72 80 6 Darumaka, Darmanitan 55% link with Darumaka or Darmanitan
 Bug  Fire  I Convalesce 65 63 79 3 Larvesta Base Rank
II Kabuki Dance 75 73 88 4 Larvesta, Volcarona 65% link with Larvesta or Volcarona
 Fighting  Steel  I Empathy 69 72 66 4 Riolu Base Rank
II Faith 79 82 76 5 Riolu, Lucario 60% link with Riolu or Lucario when deployed with Nobunaga in the same kingdom.
 Steel  Dragon  I Impact 92 68 81 6 Metagross Base Rank
II Unrivaled 100 77 89 6 Metagross, Dialga 80% link with Metagross when deployed with Ieyasu and Ina in the same kingdom.
 Water  Steel  I Crack Shot 78 56 68 5 Prinplup Base Rank
II Elegance 88 63 79 6 Prinplup, Empoleon 65% link with Prinplup or Empoleon
Keiji None  Rock  Fighting  I Mighty Blow 92 40 73 6 Bastiodon Base Rank
II Carefree 100 50 86 7 Bastiodon, Terrakion 70% link with Bastiodon
Mitsunari None  Steel  Dark  I Marksman 46 85 72 5 Pawniard Base Rank
II Cunning 55 96 84 5 Pawniard, Bisharp 60% link with Pawniard or Bisharp
Kiyomasa None  Dragon  Ground  I Empathy 82 64 67 5 Fraxure Base Rank
II Belief 92 74 77 6 Fraxure, Haxorus 60% link with Fraxure or Haxorus
Masanori None  Ground  Dark  I Impact 88 37 63 5 Krokorok Base Rank
II Sacrifice 97 50 73 6 Krokorok, Krookodile 60% link with Krokorok or Krookodile

This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.