User:Pichu lover

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 00:41, 10 March 2024 by Tiddlywinks (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "{{User Starter|" to "{{User First Partner|")
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Pichu lover's back, baby! (After a long holiday/vacation in Australia!)

If you find any mistakes feel free to revert them.


This user strives for administratorship.




en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-2 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
fr-3 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau avancé de français.

About Me

This user believes he is a Pichu
This user believes TTEchidna is God
This user believes in TTEism
This user identifies as male.
This user is currently at school.
This user has a pet Dog.
This user is in a relationship.
♪ ♪ ♪
This user can sing.
This user is in the filming career
This user likes to eat Poffins
This user is an atheist.
This user prefers the nighttime.
This user is a Pokémon Trainer.
This user liked Steve Irwin.
This user has brown hair.
This user dreams of Bulbapedia being complete someday.
This user's favorite region is Johto.
This user is a trainer of Cute Pokemon
This user strives to complete the Pokédex.
This user is a Pokémon Breeder.
This user breeds Pokémon.
This user is a Pokémon Trainer
This user's favourite ball is the Net Ball

My Gaming

This user is a player of Diamond
This user is also a player of Pokémon Colosseum
This user lieks Mudkipz.
This user has a Mew.
This user has a Manaphy.
This user is a Pokémon expert.
This user has Pokémon games from every generation.
This user is a player of Super Smash Bros..
This user is a player of Pokémon Ruby Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Torchic.
This user is a player of Pokémon Sapphire Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Mudkip.
This user is a player of Pokémon Yellow Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Pikachu.
This user is a player of Pokémon Gold Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Cyndaquil.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Charmander.
This user likes to mess with glitches in the Pokémon games.
This user is a player of Super Smash Bros. Melee.


This user's dream is to be an admin
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.
This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
This user contributes using Wi-Fi.
This user believes in a great future for the Bulbapedia
This user types quickly.
This user helps Bulbapedia editing

My User Pages

My Signature

My TTEchidna Fansite

My Talk Page

My contributions

My crappy Pichu gallery

Strongest Pokemon



Pokémon Level Gender Moves
Gible Gible 100 Tackle
Normal Physical
Dragon Claw
Dragon Physical
Normal Physical
Dragon Rush
Dragon Physical
Alakazam Alakazam 83 Psychic
Psychic Special
Normal Status
Normal Status
Psychic Special
Dialga Dialga 77 None Heal Block
Normal Status
Rock Special
Dragon Claw
Dragon Physical
Roar of Time
Dragon Special
Raichu Raichu 64 Charge Beam
Electric Special
Thunder Wave
Electric Status
Electric Special
Electric Special
Gastrodon Gastrodon 61 Hidden Power
Normal Special
Water Special
Body Slam
Normal Physical
Muddy Water
Water Special
Infernape Infernape 78 Flame Wheel
Fire Physical
Fire Special
Fire Special
Close Combat
Fighting Physical

My Games

I have completed Yellow and Blue from Generation I

I have completed Gold and Crystal from Generation II

I have completed Ruby and Sapphire from Generation III

I have (almost) completed Diamond from Generation IV

I have completed Pokémon Colosseum