While there is not much that can be done here until you obtain the Bicycle, you can find a Machop here to help in the upcoming Gym match, especially if you started with Chimchar. You can also pick up a couple of Poké Balls in the grass.
Be aware that there are some Berries planted, but you cannot reach them until you get the second Badge. If you don't want the Berry plants to die, do not go too far north or try getting the items.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
In order to battle the Gym Leader, Roark, you need to speak to him in the Oreburgh Mine. He can be found in the basement. After he shows you Rock Smash, he returns to the Gym and will wait there for you to challenge him. There are two Workers for you to battle here and a few items to pick up. You can also find wild Onix here, which can be a good addition to your team if you can later evolve it into Steelix through trade, but is otherwise probably not worth the effort.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Heal your Pokémon before entering the Gym. The Gym battle can be tough. It is recommended that you train your Pokémon until they're at Level 13 or more.
It's now time for your first Gym battle. The Oreburgh Gym is pretty straightforward and has no puzzles, though it is possible to take the raised path and avoid the two Trainers present. However, the Trainers are pretty easy to beat, and it's always good to gain some extra money and experience.
Roark leads with a Level 12 Geodude which is easily knocked out by any move that is super effective against Rock (e.g. Water, Grass, or Fighting; you should definitely have a move of one of those types). If you don't bring it down, it can use Stealth Rock, which damages Pokémon you switch into battle. His Level 12 Onix has high Defense, so it may take two or three hits unless you are using a Water or Grass-type move, or a non-resistedSpecial-based attack. Onix has the same moves as Geodude, plus Screech, which makes your Defense plummet. Level 14 Cranidos can be a huge problem if you don't outspeed and knock it out very soon. It has an extremely high Attack, plus Headbutt for massive damage and Leer to drop your Defense, making its attacks more damaging. Pursuit is a solid move that can hurt a lot if you switch out your Pokémon. However, Cranidos is very fragile, so one or two super-effective hits will bring it down before it can completely destroy your team. Moves like Mega Drain, Mach Punch, Bubble, and Metal Claw work well.
Now that you have the ability to use Rock Smash, you can destroy the rocks to reach Oreburgh Gate's basement. This is the first place in the game to find a Psyduck, as well as TM70 (Flash). This former HM can be used later in the game to light up dark caves, and extra copies can be bought in the Veilstone Department Store.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
After the battle, the Grunts run off. Professor Rowan explains that they are part of Team Galactic, a villainous group that seeks power from Pokémon evolution for some nefarious purpose. Rowan explains that Pokémon release some type of energy when they evolve, but he believes it is a "mystic power" beyond human control. After he and Lucas/Dawn leave, a man from Jubilife TV gives you a Fashion Case, which can hold accessories and backdrops, and tells you that the TV station is now open to visitors.
Additionally, the Global Trade Station will also be open. You can also collect a new application program for your Pokétch.
Jubilife TV
Jubilife TV
The Fun-and-Games TV Station!
Welcome to Jubilife TV. They are numerous things you can do here. First, there is always a Trainer in the ground floor lobby that you can battle once per day, but the Trainer that appears depends on the day of the week. On Thursday, there will be a pair of Interviewers (a Reporter and a Cameraman), and the battle will be your first Double Battle.
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.
On the first floor, you can enter The Pokémon Lottery Corner. It is located on the ground floor of the Jubilife TV building, where it is conducted by a receptionist named Felicity. The winning ID number changes daily, and the game looks for matches by examining the IDs of all Pokémon in the player's party and in all PC boxes (but not Pokémon in the Day Care). You can only check for one match a day.
On the third floor, you can go inside the Ranking Rooms to access your game records. You can also talk to a man who asks for your opinion on TV. By answering EVERYONE HAPPY and Wi-Fi CONNECTION using the Easy chat system, you can unlock Mystery Gift. You can answer more questions to get some PC Box wallpapers. The phrase for a given wallpaper depends on the player's game, Trainer ID, and game language. Online generators have been created to provide the required phrases for any game.
Global Trade Station (GTS)
Outside of the GTSInside the GTS
The Global Trade Station (GTS for short) is the worldwide network over which you can trade Pokémon via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Now that you have Coal Badge, the GTS is also open. There is a large globe called the Geonet, which you can indicate their location, and on which small dots representing players you have traded with will appear. When you first logs on to Geonet, you will be asked where you live in. Talk to the woman at the counter. She will direct you into a room in which you can either put up a Pokémon to be traded or trade a Pokémon you own for one that has been put up.
Pokémon searches, after being confined to one species that has been seen by the player, can be further narrowed down to level, gender and the country where the person is trading it from is. By level, players can search for and request Pokémon Lv.9 or below, Lv.10 or above, Lv.20 or above and so on until Lv.100, or they can search for Pokémon of any level. Gender is similar, with the player being able to search for male, female or either gender of the selected Pokémon; searching for genderless species automatically sets the gender to 'either'.
Pokémon offerings are similarly governed, as the requested Pokémon in return cannot be any Pokémon that the player has not seen. Pokémon that are offered cannot be bargained, as the player has to choose one Pokémon he or she wants for it, instead of having a more flexible list. Like normal trades, a Pokémon can also hold an item when being offered or traded. Pokémon that evolve after a trade will do so in the same manner they would after a normal trade. The GTS also allows individuals to trade between two different games without having two Nintendo DS systems. It is recommended to check up on a deposited Pokémon every so often, as the Pokémon may flee if it is kept in the GTS for an extended period of time.
Pokétch Company
Go to the Pokétch Company and talk to the owner. He will give you a new application program (abbreviated as App, just like iPhone and Android Apps in your real life) Memo Pad for your Pokétch. Talk to him again and he will say that the next App will be ready when you have 3 Gym Badges.
You were able to access the southern part of Route 204 before going to Oreburgh City, but if you haven't already, pick up the Parlyz Heal and battle the trainers here. Now that you can use Rock Smash, you can get through the Ravaged Path, which connects the southern and northern parts of the route.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Make sure that you have Pokémon with Rock Smash before heading into the cave.
There's not much you can do here, except pick up the Antidote and use Rock Smash to find TM39 (Rock Tomb) to the west. Without Surf, you can't go any deeper, so go through the cave to the east and continue north.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
The wild Pokémon available here are the same as in the south, though their levels are higher. Battle more trainers (picking up an Awakening and TM09 along the way) and then go north to Floaroma Town.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Return to both Route 204 and the Ravaged Path after gaining the ability to use Cut and Surf to collect more items, namely the Sea Incense, Luck Incense, TM78 (Captivate) (use Cut and talk to the person deep inside) and TM03 (Water Pulse).