Blueberry Tablecloth

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Revision as of 13:08, 12 March 2024 by Myvh (talk | contribs) (Added trivia about multiple ones owned)
Blueberry Tablecloth
Blueberry Tablecloth
Blueberry Tablecloth
Introduced in Generation IX
Generation IX Picnic Items

The Blueberry Tablecloth (Japanese: ブルーベリークロス Blueberry Tablecloth) is a type of picnic item introduced in Generation IX.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
SV $1,000 $250


The Blueberry Tablecloth serves no practical purpose other than to decorate the player's picnic.

A picnicker on Reveler's Road in front of the Kitakami Hall will give the player the Blueberry Chairs if the Blueberry Tablecloth is in their possession.


Games Description
SV Blueberry Academy's standard issue tablecloth, made with the latest fiber-processing technology. It's heat-resistant and so tough even a Razor Claw can't tear it.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
SVID Vending machines (Terarium)


  • Contrary to other picnic decorations that are given by NPCs or bought in specialized shops, Blueberry Tableclothes are bought at a vending machine. As a consequence, the player can own multiple of them at the same time, with no practical purpose though.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 藍莓桌巾
Mandarin 蓝莓桌巾
French Nappe Myrtille
German Blaubeer-Tischtuch
Italian Tovaglia Mirtillo
Korean 블루베리 테이블보
Spanish Mantel Arándano

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.