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These are Matt's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

Pokémon Sapphire

Meteor Falls
"Hehehe! With this Meteorite, Mt. Chimney will..."
"Hehehe! Even Team Magma joins us! But it's too much trouble to deal with you all... Heh, it doesn't matter! We've got the Meteorite, so off to Mt. Chimney we go! Hehehe! Be seeing you, you Team Magma dingbats!"
Mt. Chimney
  • Before battle
"Hehehe! So you've come all the way here! But you're too late! I've already delivered the Meteorite from Meteor Falls to the Boss!"
  • When defeated
"Hehehe... So I lost... I'm sure glad I never took you on back at Meteor Falls."
  • After being defeated
"Hehehe! You might have beaten me, but you don't stand a chance against the Boss! If you get lost now, you won't have to face a sound whipping!"
Aqua Hideout
  • Before battle
"Hehehe... Got here already, did you? We underestimated you! But this is it! I'm a cut above the Grunts you've seen so far. I'm not stalling for time. I'm going to pulverize you!"
  • When defeated
"Hehehe... So, I lost, too..."
  • After being defeated
"Hehehe! While I was toying with you, our Boss got through his preparations!"
"Hehehe! Our Boss has already gone on his way to some cave under the sea! If you're going to give chase, you'd better search the big, wide sea beyond Lilycove. But will you find it then? Hehehe!"

Pokémon Emerald

Aqua Hideout
  • Before battle
"Hehehe... Got here already, did you? We underestimated you! But this is it! I'm a cut above the Grunts you've seen so far. I'm not stalling for time. I'm going to pulverize you!"
  • When defeated
"Hehehe... So, I lost, too..."
  • After being defeated
"Hehehe! While I was toying with you, our Boss got through his preparations!"
"Hehehe! Our Boss has already gone on his way to some cave under the sea! If you're going to give chase, you'd better search the big, wide sea beyond Lilycove. But will you find it then? Hehehe!"

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Special Demo Version

First adventure
  • Before battle
"Hoohahaha! What, you got a screw loose or something? Look at you, little Makuhita man!"
"Hoohahaha! You're pretty funny, little man! I love funny, interesting dudes! That's why I love my bro, Archie! That's it, bro! Let's smash it out with a battle! I'm gonna love you to BITS!"
"Oho! Sounds pretty fun! Come at me, little man!"
"Oho! Good idea, bro! That's my funny little man! You, me, and our Pokémon are gonna have a real good time later! A no-holds-barred barrage, bro! Oho! Hoohahahah!"
"Hoohahaha! Good kid! Now let's rough you up real nice!"
"Hoohahaha! You two look pretty fun, too! I'm gonna enjoy pummeling you!"
  • When defeated
"Oh ho! That's a loss I can be proud of!"
  • After being defeated
"Oho! You fellows are strong! I can't get enough of you!"
"Hoohahaha! I'll be lookin' forward to meeting you two again!"
Secret adventure
  • Before battle
"Oho! You! You're that funny kid!"
"Oho! And this time there's a girl! She looks worth pummeling, too! Hooaahhh!"
  • When defeated
"Muwuhahaha! That battle was fun even though I lost!"
  • After being defeated
"I can feel it! I can feel it, all right! The strength coming offa you two! More! I still want more! But looks like we're outta time... Let's tussle again someday! Ohoho, I can hardly wait! We're headed back to our bro Archie! Come on, little Grunt!"

Pokémon Omega Ruby

Battle Resort
"Fight on, bro!"
"What an honest kid..."
"Oh-hoh! Sounds fun!"
"Yeah, bro!"
"That's a gift from my bro! Take good care of it."
"Muwahahahaha! That's fun! You're crazy fun! I can tell how strong you are even though we're not battling! I'll be looking forward to when me and my bro squash you!"

Pokémon Alpha Sapphire

Southern Island
  • Before battle
"Huhn?! What's this?! You?!"
"Oh ho! I have no time to worry about that! The name's Matt! That's Team Aqua Admin Matt to you! What I want from you is that Latias behind you there. But that Mega Stone… We of Team Aqua are definitely gonna need the transcendent power of Mega Evolution to achieve our ambitions. How 'bout it? If you get out of our way, we won't rough you up."
"Oh ho! If you're really that stupid, then I have no choice but to squash you!"
  • When defeated
"Oho! That's a loss I can be proud of!"
  • After being defeated
"Oh ho! Strong, ain'tcha? You're an interesting punk, too, I'll give you that!"
"I love interesting, strong dudes! That's why I love my bro, Archie! And that's why I'm gonna start loving you from now on, too! Next time I see you, I'll smash you up real good, OK?"
"Let's get outta here, you dull Grunt!"
Mt Pyre
  • Before battle
"Oh! Boss!"
"All right then, until the Boss makes his getaway, I'll be your opponent!"
"Oohh… Ha! Ha! Hah!"
  • When defeated
"Muwuhahaha! That battle was fun even though I lost!"
  • After being defeated
"That was fun! I knew you'd show me a good time! I look forward to facing you again someday!"
Team Aqua Hideout
"Oh! I knew you'd come!"
  • Before battle
"You're the first punk ever to sneak into this hideout and make it this far! I expected nothing less from a crumb like you! But I've got some bad news for you! We already completely finished upgrading the ship!"
"Look at that drill! As long as we've got that thing, we could KO the seal over the Seafloor Cavern with one punch! My bro Archie's in the ship! Come at me! If you take me out fast, you might be able to catch up to him!"
"Before you do, though… We need to settle once and for all who's stronger, you and your sorry Pokémon, or me and my not-so-sorry Pokémon! …Hoo! …Haaahh! I'm… Heating up! Me! You! Pokémon! Mixing it up! Dueling!"
"Hooah! Full on! I'm burning up! Well! Welll! Wellllll! Let's battle it out until we've got nothing left!"
  • When defeated
"Oho! That hurt just about exactly as much as I figured!"
  • After being defeated
"Hah... Hah... Hah... Bro! It's all...on…"
"... While we were battling it out... My bro Archie finished getting ready... ... I have only one hope… For my bro Archie to finish doing what he set out to do... That's all... My bro Archie is everything to me... I live to serve my bro..."
"...All right, then. You took me out, so I'll give you an idea of what the world will be like if my bro has his way. My bro Archie is headed for the big blue sea that stretches out from Lilycove City. Deep beneath the surface is the Seafloor Cavern. That's where the world my bro hopes to create... Where the beginnings of the primordial world will be felt... Regular people and Pokémon can't make it there, though. How could you get there... Why don't you look around in towns by the sea and use your own thick head to think about it?"

Delta Episode

Petalburg City
  • Before battle
"You're such a little pain! Shut up and give me the Key Stone!"
"Don't play dumb! I already know you can use Mega Evolution!"
"What the?! You punk! Hoohahaha! Just in time, aren't you? I'm gonna take your Key Stone first, you jerk!"
  • When defeated
  • After being defeated
"Hooaahhh! You clown! Always getting' all up in my business! If it's gonna be like that, I'm off to Meteor Falls."
Mossdeep Space Center
"What was that? What? Last hope?! Hrmm… Ermm, haha… Mwahahahaho! … I ain't laughin' one bit. …Punk. My bro… My bro whom I loved so much… Are you trying to tell me that everything we've done up till now… The ties that bind us… all of it was a mistake? My bro has changed since he got mixed up with you!"
"Shut it! I… I'm…"
"Know what? That rocket's full of crazy amounts of energy! It's even more awesome than the ultimate weapon that ended the war 3,000 years ago, right?"
"If I use this Key Stone I found at Meteor Falls, I can force the energy inside the rocket to explode… It'd be like Mega Evolution for the rocket! Muwahahaha! Who needs a meteoroid? I'm gonna bring an end to all things with my own power!"
"The one who will complete Project AZOTH and take the world back to its beginnings… is me!
  • Before battle
"Hoo hah! I'm gonna smash you up!"
  • When defeated
"Hey now!"
  • After being defeated
"Whoa... Ohh... Ohhh..."
"Dang it! Am I not good enough, bro?!"
"Wha... Errgh!"
"Th-that punk! How dare she try to take my bro Archie's Key Stone?! Not cool, man! Not cool!
Team Aqua Hideout
  • End of the episode
"Bro... Sorry."
"Aah... Bro..."
"Ooh... ahh... Bro..."
"Oh, oh! You... You bet I will!"
  • Subsequent visits
"Oh! Isn't that that kid I love?!"
"Thanks to you, it looks like my bro and everybody else in Team Aqua will be able to power up even more!"
"The gratitude we feel is overwhelming! Thanks!"

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Menu interface (voice clips)
  • During conversation
"Hmm-hmm! ♪"
"Not bad!"
"Good one!"
"Good stuff!"
"Nailed it!"
"Lovin' it!"
"Look sharp!"
"You've got this!"
"Not cool."
"Don't, dude!"
"All righty!"
"'Preciate it!"
"Thanks a bunch!"
"M-my bad."
"Leave it to me!"
"Yuppity yup!"
"Not a chance."
"I—I can't."
"Countin' on ya!"
"I'm off!"
"Let's squash 'em."
"Time for a throwdown."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • VS screen
"Ready to rumble!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
  • Using Pokémon move
"Get 'em!"
"Do it!"
  • Using item
"Here goes!"
  • Using sync move
"Huah! Full-on!"
  • Uh-oh!
"Let's squash 'em."
  • Defeat
"Darn it!"
Main Story Villain Arc - Hoenn - Delta of Land, Sea, and Sky
  • Differing Perspectives
"C'mon, bro!"
"How long do we gotta lie low like this?"
"You got Kyogre on our side, so it would be easy for a guy like you, bro!"
"OK, bro... I'll remember that."
"Bro's being...careful? That ain't like him at all..."
"Has he changed since he's come to Pasio?"
  • Battle over Natural Energy
"What are you sayin'? Groudon was the one that attacked us first!"
"But y'know what? I've been itching to fight you guys anyway!"
"I'm gonna destroy Team Magma!"
  • Super-Ancient Pokémon and People
"Sure! Leave it to me!"
  • Justice Serving Beliefs
"What? Use my sync stone to control Kyogre?"
"If bro won't crush Team Magma, then I'll do it for him!"
"That way, he'll stop being so wishy-washy and get back to his usual self!"
  • Uncontrollable Power
"For bro's sake...I...I will–"
  • Maxie and Archie
"If you stand in my way, you're gonna get squashed!"
"I can't stop now, bro..."
"Not until I squash Team Magma!"
"I'm sorry, bro... I can't stop it anymore..."
"I can't even stop myself!"
  • Destroy the Meteor
  • In the Shadows of Pasio's Crisis
"I'm sorry. I caused a lot of trouble..."