It mimics the cries of other Pokémon to trick them into thinking it's one of them. This way they won't attack it.
相手と 同じ 鳴き声を 出す ことで 仲間と 思いこませて 襲われないように しているのだ。
Release information
This card was included as a Regular card and a Full Artillustration rare card in the Temporal Forces expansion, first released in the Japanese Wild Force expansion. The Regular print features artwork by GOTO minori, while the Full Art illustration rare print features artwork by Scav.
Transcript of the music scores represented in the artwork. Time signature and note lengths are provided for clarity.
The illustration rare print features a representation of music scores: the strings for hanging clothes are in sets of five, representing staff lines; the Chatot heads represent notes; and the socks represent flats. The top score is a rough transcription of Chatot's cry, and the bottom score is a transcription of the jingle playing in Pokémon Centers when the player's party is fully healed.
A cappella is a style of music performed by singing without any instrumental accompaniment, either solo or by a group. Gust is a move in the Pokémon games that Chatot can learn. This card's Pokédex entry comes from Pokémon X.