Evolution item
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
An evolution-inducing held item is a specific type of held item that either has no other use besides, or is mainly used in order to cause, the evolution of a Pokémon. Many of these items also require for the Pokémon to be traded with another player, however, some only require the Pokémon to be leveled up. The item disappears after the Pokémon has evolved.
List of evolution-inducing held items
File:Deepseascale.png DeepSeaScale
- Pokémon affected: Causes Clamperl to evolve into Gorebyss when traded.
- Found:
- Gift from Captain Stern after finding the Scanner on the Abandoned Ship (R/S/E)
- Found on some wild Chinchou, Lanturn and Relicanth (D/P).
- Mystery Gift for 14000 Poké Coupons (PBR)
File:Deepseatooth.png DeepSeaTooth
- Pokémon affected: Causes Clamperl to evolve into Huntail when traded.
- Found:
- Gift from Captain Stern after finding the Scanner on the Abandoned Ship (R/S/E)
- Found on some wild Carvanha and Sharpedo (D/P).
- Mystery Gift for 14000 Poké Coupons (PBR)
File:DragonScale.png Dragon Scale
- Pokémon affected: Causes Seadra to evolve into Kingdra when traded.
- Found:
- Mt. Mortar (Generation II)
- Six Island, Trainer Tower (Double Mode) and on some wild Horsea and Bagon (Generation III)
- Found on some wild Horsea, Seadra, Dratini, Dragonair and Bagon (D/P)
File:EeriePatch.png Dubious Disc
File:ElectroBooster.png Electirizer
- Pokémon affected: Causes Electabuzz to evolve into Electivire when traded.
- Found:
File:KingsRock.png King's Rock
- Pokémon affected: Causes Poliwhirl to evolve into Politoed when traded, causes Slowpoke to evolve into Slowking when traded.
- Notes: Also raises chances of causing opponents to flinch.
- Found:
- Slowpoke Well (Generation II)
- Near Steven's house in Mossdeep City (R/S/E)
- Sevault Canyon, Trainer Tower (Mixed Mode) and 5% chance of being attached to wild Slowpoke (FR/LG)
- Found on some wild Poliwhirl (D/P)
- Pickup ability (1%, R/S; 1% (Pokémon between level 11 and 30), E, D/P)
- Mystery Gift for 12000 Poké Coupons (PBR)
File:MagmaBooster.png Magmarizer
File:MetalCoatSprite.png Metal Coat
- Pokémon affected: Causes Onix to evolve into Steelix when traded, causes Scyther to evolve into Scizor when traded.
- Notes: Also raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
- Found:
- S.S. Aqua (Generation II)
- New Mauville, found on some Magnemite and Magneton (R/S/E)
- Memorial Pillar and Trainer Tower (Knockout Mode) (FR/LG)
- Given by Byron in Iron Island, found on some wild Bronzor, Bronzong, Steelix, Magnemite and Beldum (D/P)
File:RoundStone.png Oval Stone
- Pokémon affected: Causes Happiny to evolve into Chansey when raised a level during the daytime.
- Found:
- Found on some wild Happiny and Chansey, first floor of Lost Tower after defeating a Trainer, (D/P)
File:Protector.png Protector
- Pokémon affected: Causes Rhydon to evolve into Rhyperior when traded.
- Found:
- Route 228 (D/P).
- Mystery Gift for 12000 Poké Coupons (PBR)
File:SharpClaw.png Razor Claw
- Pokémon affected: Causes Sneasel to evolve into Weavile when raised a level at night.
- Notes: Also raises the chance of the holder getting a critical hit.
- Found:
- Route 224, Victory Road and available to buy at the Battle Tower (D/P)
File:SharpFang.png Razor Fang
- Pokémon affected: Causes Gligar to evolve into Gliscor when raised a level at night.
- Notes: Also raises chances of causing opponents to flinch.
- Found:
- Fight Area and available to buy at the Battle Tower (D/P)
File:SpiritWorldCloth.png Reaper Cloth
- Pokémon affected: Causes Dusclops to evolve into Dusknoir when traded.
- Found:
- Route 229, Turnback Cave (D/P)
- Mystery Gift for 12000 Poké Coupons (PBR)
File:Up-Grade.png Up-Grade
- Pokémon affected: Causes Porygon to evolve into Porygon2 when traded.
- Found:
- Silph Co. (Generation II)
- Team Rocket Base in Five Isle Meadow and Trainer Tower (Single Mode) (FR/LG)
- Obtain from Prof. Oak at his house in Eterna City after obtaining the National Dex. (D/P)
- Mystery Gift for 9600 Poké Coupons (PBR)
Held items |
In-battle effect items Berries • Colored orbs • Drives • Power items Experience-affecting items • Gems • Incense • Mega Stones • Memories • Plates Stat-enhancing items • Type-enhancing items • Z-Crystals |
Out-of-battle effect items Power items • Incense • Mail • Scarves |