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Camerupt is a quadrupedal Pokémon that resembles a Bactrian camel. It has two gray volcanoes on its back, which are bigger on a female's back than those on a male. It also has a stout body with red shaggy fur and three blue ring-shaped markings on both sides. It has bangs on top of its head, droopy ears, and a tan fur-less muzzle.
Its body contains amounts of molten lava of 18,000 °F (10,000 °C), which Camerupt voluntarily erupts out of its humps if it is angered. Otherwise, its humps erupt automatically every ten years. As shown in the anime, it can become uncontrollably angry when it is struck in the face. It lives in the craters of volcanoes.
As Mega Camerupt, the humps on its back have transformed into one large and very active volcano. Its fur expands and grows to a point where only its hooves can be seen, and its ears and the tufts on its head grow thicker and longer, standing on end. It gains a gray M on the front of its face and loses the three blue rings on its body. Magma is constantly bubbling up from within its body. It has a deep hatred of water or any moisture, with an explosive personality, and a short temper. The volcano on its back erupts constantly in an effort to intimidate its foes.[1]
Camerupt made its main series debut in Candid Camerupt!, under the ownership of Vicky Winstrate. Vicky used the Eruption Pokémon to battleAsh's Pikachu. Once Pikachu struck Camerupt on the nose with Iron Tail, it went on an Eruption rampage. Vito's Alakazam used Rain Dance in order to stop Camerupt before it could reach the Winstrate's vegetable patch.
In Historical Mystery Tour!, a Camerupt attacked Ash, Dawn, and Barry. However, the crisis was resolved when the trio decided to attack the rings on its side.
Camerupt has a volcano inside its body. Magma of 18,000 degrees F courses through its body. Occasionally, the humps on this Pokémon's back erupt, spewing the superheated magma.
The humps on Camerupt's back are formed by a transformation of its bones. They sometimes blast out molten magma. This Pokémon apparently erupts often when it is enraged.
A Pokémon that lives in the crater of a volcano. Every 10 years, the volcanoes on its back erupt violently. Research is under way on the cause of eruption.
Camerupt has a volcano inside its body. Magma of 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit courses through its body. Occasionally, the humps on this Pokémon's back erupt, spewing the superheated magma.
The humps on Camerupt's back are formed by a transformation of its bones. They sometimes blast out molten magma. This Pokémon apparently erupts often when it is enraged.
Camerupt's evolutionary family can be seen as a parallel to Sharpedo's family. Both of them are dual-type Pokémon, both lines have identical base stat totals per evolutionary stage, both of their final evolved forms are used by Team Magma Leader Maxie and Team Aqua Leader Archie, respectively, and both of their final evolved forms can Mega Evolve.
Camerupt is the only non-Rock-type Pokémon that can have the ability Solid Rock.
Camerupt resembles a Bactrian camel (camels with two humps) with volcanoes on its back instead of humps, though it has proportions closer to those of cattle, muskoxen, or yaks. The blue rings on the sides of Camerupt may be based on a carnival game of hitting the target, what enrages it and makes it erupt, as presented in the Historical Mystery Tour! episode of the Pokémon anime.
Mega Camerupt, in contrast, resembles a dromedary camel (which has only one hump). Mega Camerupt's "skirt" of fur resembles that of male wild yaks. The "M" on its forehead may represent Team Magma; the team leader, Maxie, uses a Mega Camerupt in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.