Quilava is a quadrupedal Pokémon with a long and slender body. The top half of its body is a dark blue-green, while its underside is cream-colored. It has triangular ears with dark red interiors, a rounded snout, and triangular red eyes. Each of its paws has three toes. It has five red spots on its body that can project flames: two arranged vertically on its forehead and three lined up horizontally on its rear.
Before a battle, Quilava turns its back so its flames face its opponent. It battles using these intense flames in combination with gusts of superheated air. Its own fur is non-flammable, which protects it from other fire attacks. Quilava tends to be rare in the wild, but can sometimes be found living on grasslands. When exposed to the mysterious energy of Mount Coronet in Hisui, Quilava's evolution is altered, gaining it the Ghost type as it becomes Hisuian Typhlosion.
Quilava keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air. This Pokémon applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foes with flames.
Quilava keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air. This Pokémon applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foes with flames.
This creature's fur is most mysterious—it is wholly impervious to the burning touch of flame. Should Quilava turn its back to you, take heed! Such a posture indicates a forthcoming attack.
Quilava debuted in You're A Star, Larvitar!, where Ash witnessed a Trainertraining with one for the Silver Conference. He also briefly considered getting his Cyndaquil to evolve as a way of training it for the Silver Conference, following Cyndaquil's defeat against Satchel's Magby.
In The Champ Twins!, Ryan used a Quilava in a battle against Ash and Dawn alongside his twin brother Byan and his Croconaw. The twins were initially able to defeat Ash's Turtwig and Dawn's Piplup due to the latter two having a lack of teamwork, but they were defeated in the rematch.
Quilava, the Volcano Pokémon, and the evolved form of Cyndaquil. Quilava intimidates foes with its flame's heat, and when ready to battle, the fire burns with more strength.
Quilava, the Volcano Pokémon. It threatens opponents with the heat of its flames. When it assumes its battle pose, the force of its flames intensifies.
Quilava shares its category with its evolved form and Entei. They are all known as the Volcano Pokémon.
Coincidentally, they all are capable of learning Eruption.
Quilava, Charmeleon, and their respective evolutionary lines have exactly the same base stats in the same distribution.
Jeff Kalles, who assisted in the naming of many Generation II Pokémon, suggested the English name for Quilava. According to Kalles, he suggested the name because Nintendo and The Pokémon Company wanted a Pokémon for every letter of the alphabet.[1][2]
Quilava's body is similar to that of animals in the Mustelidae family. However, the pattern distribution and shape of Quilava's flames closely resembles the quills and crest of the crested porcupine, especially in its earlier sprites, as well as those of a lowland streaked tenrec. It may also be based on volcanoes due to its triangular profile when standing up and the ability to learn Smokescreen and Eruption.
Name origin
Quilava may be a combination of quill (a needle-like hair) and lava (extrusive molten rock).
Magmarashi may be a combination of magma and 山荒 yama-arashi (porcupine).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.