Maddie Blaustein

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Maddie Blaustein

Madeleine Joan Blaustein is a voice actress who provides the voices of many characters in the English dub of the Pokémon anime. Her most famous role is that of Meowth.


Maddie Blaustein was born on October 9, 1960 in Long Island, New York, USA, as Adam John Blaustein. She is a male-to-female transexual.

In addition to being a voice actress, Blaustein is also an artist and writer. She has written and edited for Marvel Comics and is currently the senior digital artist at DC Comics. She created the character of Rubber-Band Man from the cartoon Static Shock. Blaustein is an artist in Tranny Road Show, a performing group composed of transgendered artists and performers. She also has collaborated with Gina Kamentsky on the cartoon Platform 6.She also coached Kayzie Rogers for anime voice acting.


Blaustein was one of the original voice actors on Pokémon. She initially only played characters of the day, but after EP032, she took over Nathan Price's role as Meowth. She has commented that she tries to view the Japanese version of the series, and one of her goals is to emulate the scream that Inuko Inuyama gives Meowth. She remained with the series up until Pokémon USA took control of the dubbing and distribution.

Voices on Pokémon



Musical appearances in Pokémon

Famous non-Pokémon roles

External links

On Bulbagarden forums