The Firescourge Shrine (Japanese: 火難の祠Shrine of Fire Calamity) is a small cave, located in North Province (Area Two) within a cave behind the Fury Falls. It is the home of Chi-Yu.
The Firescourge Shrine is a small room, where the Legendary PokémonChi-Yu is sealed behind a light-blue door. The door is locked by four chains that prevent the door from being opened, and only pulling out the eight light-blue stakes close to the shrine will cause the door to unlock.
Once the player removes the eight stakes, they will hear Chi-Yu's cry. When they interact with the shrine's door, the Legendary Pokémon will come out. If the player defeats the Pokémon or they run from the battle, Chi-Yu will go back inside, the door will close, and it will be able to fight again the next day. Once caught, the shrine's door will always remain open.
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If defeated, Chi-Yu can be battled again after the game has been rebooted, provided that over one hour has passed in the Switch's internal clock since their defeat. It is coded to never be Shiny.