Destiny Tower (Explorers of Sky)

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← Zero Isle Center
Destiny Tower (Explorers of Sky)
Oblivion Forest →
Destiny Tower うんめいのとう
Destiny Tower
Basic info
Floors: 99
Rest stops: No
Traps: Yes
Monster Houses: Yes
Main type: None
Boss: None
Recruiting: No
Items: 0
Money: 0
Starting level: 1
Team members: 1
Please upload a world map highlighting this dungeon's location.

Destiny Tower (Japanese: うんめいのとう Destiny Tower) is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. It is the ultimate dungeon of Explorers of Sky, replacing Zero Isle South in this role. This dungeon can be unlocked after graduation, by randomly drinking beverages at the Spinda's Café juice bar.

The dungeon makes a reappearance in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, where Arceus will connect with the player after the completion of Arceus's Connection Orb mission.


Destiny Tower is similar to Zero Isle South in many of its aspects, such as floors having similar enemies, using the same tilesets until last floors, or the average amount of items and enemies that spawn on each floor being nearly the same. As such, the rules that apply in Zero Isle South apply here as well: the player has to enter with only one Pokémon temporarily reduced to Lv. 1 with appropriate stats, IQ and moveset, they cannot bring any items or money at the beginning of the dungeon and have to store them or they will be lost forever, and no Pokémon inside can be recruited.

However, there are extra challenges applied on top of these that make Destiny Tower even more unforgiving: the player cannot be rescued if knocked out, the traps stay invisible until stepped on by the player (on top of the additions of Random and Grudge Traps), TMs can be found only in Kecleon Shops, IQ skills are disabled, and - perhaps most importantly - there are no Reviver Seeds in the dungeon.

As in Zero Isle South, the enemies will gradually grow in levels, and will be Lv. 30 by the end of the dungeon. They will have the same IQ points: 26 on floors 1 through 39, 150 on floors 40 through 69, 330 on floors 70 through 79 and 331 on floors 80 through 98. Monster Houses also won't spawn until floor 6. The amount of starting enemies is similar, but not quite the same as in Zero Isle South:

  • 2-3 on floors 1 through 4
  • 2-4 on floors 5 through 50
  • 3-5 on floors 51 through 77, as well as floors 80, 82, 86, 88, 92, 94 and 98
  • 3-6 on floors 79, 83, 85, 89, 91, 95 and 97
  • 4-7 on floors 78, 84, 90 and 96
  • 4-8 on floors 81, 87 and 93

Unique to Destiny Tower is disabled spawn. On floor 99, no Pokémon will be present, and none will ever spawn unless forced (such as via Monster House), effectively making it a victory lap most of the time.

The amount of items is also very similar as in Zero Isle South:

  • 5-8 on floors 1 through 3
  • 4-7 on floors 4 through 9
  • 3-6 on floors 10 through 20 and 50 through 69
  • 2-5 on floors 21 through 49 and 70 through 99

There's also 2-5 items buried in the walls if the player is able to get through walls, though they're all Poké. The items have 8% to spawn sticky, slightly more likely than in Zero Isle South.

The only aspect in which Destiny Tower is more forgiving than Zero Isle South, is that all of its floors are medium-sized and thus less complex even late into the dungeon. Most of them will have 3-9 rooms; floors 18, 25, 40, 50, 63, 79, 87, 92 and 95 will have 3-7 rooms instead and floors 1, 10, 16, 31, 46, 55, 70 will have 3-8 rooms instead.

Each floor is ranked for purpose of Treasure Boxes; compared to Zero Isle South, each floor aside from the first one is one rank higher, meaning they can be anywhere from ★3 to ★9. There is heavy darkness in the dungeon. There is water on floors 3, 5, 7, 11, 12, 15, 19, 22 and 24 - much less than in Zero Isle South. The turn limit is the same - 2000.

The player can find HMs in the shops, making Destiny Tower the only dungeon other than Final Maze to contain them.

There is random weather at floors 15, 21, 24, 28, 32, 38, 43, 48, 52, 57, 61, 67, 81 and 89, the same as in Zero Isle South.

At the top is Destiny Tower Pinnacle (Japanese: うんめいのとう さいじょうかい), where the player will find a statue of Arceus (its only appearance in the game) and comment on its status as the creator of the Pokémon universe. The player will also receive the Space Globe, which doubles the base power of all of its holder's moves, with no side effects.

Pokémon encountered

Each time player enters floors 3 through 6, 17 through 21 and 74 through 77, as well as floors 24, 27, 28, 30, 51, 52, 53, 60 and 63, only 14 of the following species that can be found on the given floor will be chosen. The unpicked Pokémon's spawn rate will be added to whichever picked Pokémon is next in the National Dex order, going back to the beginning if needed.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Cleffa (Pokémon) Cleffa 1-2 1-2 Unrecruitable
Bulbasaur (Pokémon) Bulbasaur 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
Pidgey (Pokémon) Pidgey 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
Bellsprout (Pokémon) Bellsprout 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
Shellder (Pokémon) Shellder 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
Chikorita (Pokémon) Chikorita 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
Cyndaquil (Pokémon) Cyndaquil 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
Treecko (Pokémon) Treecko 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
Torchic (Pokémon) Torchic 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
Barboach (Pokémon) Barboach 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
Caterpie (Pokémon) Caterpie 2-4 2-4 Unrecruitable
Mudkip (Pokémon) Mudkip 2-4 2-4 Unrecruitable
Spoink (Pokémon) Spoink 2-4 2-4 Unrecruitable
Exeggcute (Pokémon) Exeggcute 3-5 3-5 Unrecruitable
Chinchou (Pokémon) Chinchou 3-5 3-5 Unrecruitable
Loudred (Pokémon) Loudred 3-5 3-5 Unrecruitable
Whiscash (Pokémon) Whiscash 3-5 3-5 Unrecruitable
Glameow (Pokémon) Glameow 3-6 3-6 Unrecruitable
Seadra (Pokémon) Seadra 4-6 4-6 Unrecruitable
Totodile (Pokémon) Totodile 4-6 4-6 Unrecruitable
Gulpin (Pokémon) Gulpin 4-6 4-6 Unrecruitable
Chingling (Pokémon) Chingling 4-6 4-6 Unrecruitable
Stantler (Pokémon) Stantler 4-7 4-7 Unrecruitable
Bidoof (Pokémon) Bidoof 4-7 4-7 Unrecruitable
Burmy (Pokémon) Burmy
Plant Cloak
4-7 4-7 Unrecruitable
Nidoran♀ (Pokémon) Nidoran♀ 5-7 5-7 Unrecruitable
Rattata (Pokémon) Rattata 5-8 5-8 Unrecruitable
Linoone (Pokémon) Linoone 5-8 5-8 Unrecruitable
Lotad (Pokémon) Lotad 5-8 5-8 Unrecruitable
Larvitar (Pokémon) Larvitar 6-8 6-8 Unrecruitable
Starmie (Pokémon) Starmie 6-9 6-8 Unrecruitable
Togepi (Pokémon) Togepi 6-10 6-9 Unrecruitable
Clefairy (Pokémon) Clefairy 7-9 7-8 Unrecruitable
Marowak (Pokémon) Marowak 7-9 7-8 Unrecruitable
Diglett (Pokémon) Diglett 7-11 7-9 Unrecruitable
Aron (Pokémon) Aron 8-9 8 Unrecruitable
Machoke (Pokémon) Machoke 8-10 8-9 Unrecruitable
Weepinbell (Pokémon) Weepinbell 8-10 8-9 Unrecruitable
Ninjask (Pokémon) Ninjask 8-10 8-9 Unrecruitable
Hoppip (Pokémon) Hoppip 9-10 8-9 Unrecruitable
Wobbuffet (Pokémon) Wobbuffet 9-11 8-9 Unrecruitable
Spearow (Pokémon) Spearow 9-12, 41-45 8-10, 22-23 Unrecruitable
Gloom (Pokémon) Gloom 10-14 9-11 Unrecruitable
Electivire (Pokémon) Electivire 10-15 9-11 Unrecruitable
Ralts (Pokémon) Ralts 11-13 9-10 Unrecruitable
Nosepass (Pokémon) Nosepass 11-13 9-10 Unrecruitable
Tentacruel (Pokémon) Tentacruel 11-14 9-11 Unrecruitable
Eevee (Pokémon) Eevee 11-14 9-11 Unrecruitable
Vaporeon (Pokémon) Vaporeon 11-14 9-11 Unrecruitable
Azumarill (Pokémon) Azumarill 11-14 9-11 Unrecruitable
Dustox (Pokémon) Dustox 12-14, 27-30 10-11, 16-17 Unrecruitable
Baltoy (Pokémon) Baltoy 12-15 10-11 Unrecruitable
Meditite (Pokémon) Meditite 13-14 10-11 Unrecruitable
Volbeat (Pokémon) Volbeat 13-16 10-12 Unrecruitable
Armaldo (Pokémon) Armaldo 13-16 10-12 Unrecruitable
Hypno (Pokémon) Hypno 14-17 11-12 Unrecruitable
Natu (Pokémon) Natu 14-17 11-12 Unrecruitable
Lanturn (Pokémon) Lanturn 14-18 11-13 Unrecruitable
Exeggutor (Pokémon) Exeggutor 15-16 11-12 Unrecruitable
Stunky (Pokémon) Stunky 15-19 11-13 Unrecruitable
Bronzor (Pokémon) Bronzor 15-20 11-14 Unrecruitable
Porygon-Z (Pokémon) Porygon-Z 15-20 11-14 Unrecruitable
Scyther (Pokémon) Scyther 16-19 12-13 Unrecruitable
Hoothoot (Pokémon) Hoothoot 16-19 12-13 Unrecruitable
Slakoth (Pokémon) Slakoth 17-20 12-14 Unrecruitable
Plusle (Pokémon) Plusle 17-20 12-14 Unrecruitable
Minun (Pokémon) Minun 17-20 12-14 Unrecruitable
Buneary (Pokémon) Buneary 17-20 12-14 Unrecruitable
Quagsire (Pokémon) Quagsire 17-20 12-14 Unrecruitable
Sudowoodo (Pokémon) Sudowoodo 17-20 12-14 Unrecruitable
Beedrill (Pokémon) Beedrill 17-21 12-14 Unrecruitable
Arbok (Pokémon) Arbok 17-21 12-14 Unrecruitable
Grimer (Pokémon) Grimer 17-21, 30-35, 80-85 12-14, 17-19, 27-28 Unrecruitable
Graveler (Pokémon) Graveler 18-21 13-14 Unrecruitable
Sentret (Pokémon) Sentret 19-21 13-14 Unrecruitable
Swinub (Pokémon) Swinub 19-22 13-15 Unrecruitable
Swalot (Pokémon) Swalot 19-22 13-15 Unrecruitable
Oddish (Pokémon) Oddish 19-24 13-15 Unrecruitable
Sunflora (Pokémon) Sunflora 20-24 14-15 Unrecruitable
Abomasnow (Pokémon) Abomasnow 20-24 14-15 Unrecruitable
Castform (Pokémon) Castform 21-24, 38-44, 57-62,
75-83, 89-94
14-15, 20-23, 25-30 Unrecruitable
Drifloon (Pokémon) Drifloon 21-25 14-16 Unrecruitable
Kirlia (Pokémon) Kirlia 21-25 14-16 Unrecruitable
Shroomish (Pokémon) Shroomish 21-25 14-16 Unrecruitable
Beldum (Pokémon) Beldum 21-25 14-16 Unrecruitable
Venonat (Pokémon) Venonat 22-25 15-16 Unrecruitable
Ledyba (Pokémon) Ledyba 22-25 15-16 Unrecruitable
Farfetch'd (Pokémon) Farfetch'd 23-28 15-16 Unrecruitable
Growlithe (Pokémon) Growlithe 24-28 15-16 Unrecruitable
Poliwag (Pokémon) Poliwag 24-28 15-16 Unrecruitable
Trapinch (Pokémon) Trapinch 24-28 15-16 Unrecruitable
Gorebyss (Pokémon) Gorebyss 24-28 15-16 Unrecruitable
Voltorb (Pokémon) Voltorb 25-28 16 Unrecruitable
Yanma (Pokémon) Yanma 26-30 16-17 Unrecruitable
Mime Jr. (Pokémon) Mime Jr. 26-30 16-17 Unrecruitable
Meganium (Pokémon) Meganium 26-32 16-18 Unrecruitable
Spinarak (Pokémon) Spinarak 26-32 16-18 Unrecruitable
Raichu (Pokémon) Raichu 27-30 16-17 Unrecruitable
Teddiursa (Pokémon) Teddiursa 27-30 16-17 Unrecruitable
Beautifly (Pokémon) Beautifly 27-30 16-17 Unrecruitable
Monferno (Pokémon) Monferno 27-33 16-18 Unrecruitable
Dugtrio (Pokémon) Dugtrio 29-32, 70-79 17-18, 26-27 Unrecruitable
Grotle (Pokémon) Grotle 29-33 17-18 Unrecruitable
Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior 29-33 17-18 Unrecruitable
Electrike (Pokémon) Electrike 30-34 17-19 Unrecruitable
Electabuzz (Pokémon) Electabuzz 30-36 17-19 Unrecruitable
Ampharos (Pokémon) Ampharos 31-33 18 Unrecruitable
Nidoran♂ (Pokémon) Nidoran♂ 31-35 18-19 Unrecruitable
Gligar (Pokémon) Gligar 31-35 18-19 Unrecruitable
Misdreavus (Pokémon) Misdreavus 31-36 18-19 Unrecruitable
Psyduck (Pokémon) Psyduck 33-37 18-20 Unrecruitable
Pinsir (Pokémon) Pinsir 33-39 18-21 Unrecruitable
Mareep (Pokémon) Mareep 34-37 19-20 Unrecruitable
Magnezone (Pokémon) Magnezone 34-38 19-20 Unrecruitable
Doduo (Pokémon) Doduo 35-39 19-21 Unrecruitable
Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim 35-40 19-21 Unrecruitable
Poliwrath (Pokémon) Poliwrath 36-40 19-21 Unrecruitable
Snorlax (Pokémon) Snorlax 36-40 19-21 Unrecruitable
Manectric (Pokémon) Manectric 36-40 19-21 Unrecruitable
Cacnea (Pokémon) Cacnea 37-41 20-22 Unrecruitable
Murkrow (Pokémon) Murkrow 39-42 21-22 Unrecruitable
Heracross (Pokémon) Heracross 39-42 21-22 Unrecruitable
Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom 39-43 21-22 Unrecruitable
Weavile (Pokémon) Weavile 39-44 21-23 Unrecruitable
Tauros (Pokémon) Tauros 40-43 21-22 Unrecruitable
Skorupi (Pokémon) Skorupi 40-45 21-23 Unrecruitable
Cacturne (Pokémon) Cacturne 41-45 22-23 Unrecruitable
Granbull (Pokémon) Granbull 41-46 22-23 Unrecruitable
Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados 41-48 22-24 Unrecruitable
Ariados (Pokémon) Ariados 42-46 22-23 Unrecruitable
Skiploom (Pokémon) Skiploom 42-46 22-23 Unrecruitable
Dunsparce (Pokémon) Dunsparce 43-46 22-23 Unrecruitable
Nincada (Pokémon) Nincada 44-49 23-24 Unrecruitable
Skuntank (Pokémon) Skuntank 45-52 23-24 Unrecruitable
Probopass (Pokémon) Probopass 45-52 23-24 Unrecruitable
Muk (Pokémon) Muk 45-55 23-25 Unrecruitable
Golbat (Pokémon) Golbat 46-50 23-24 Unrecruitable
Nidorina (Pokémon) Nidorina 47-50 24 Unrecruitable
Nidorino (Pokémon) Nidorino 47-50 24 Unrecruitable
Bagon (Pokémon) Bagon 47-50 24 Unrecruitable
Magmar (Pokémon) Magmar 47-52, 74-80 24, 26-27 Unrecruitable
Tangela (Pokémon) Tangela 48-52 24 Unrecruitable
Illumise (Pokémon) Illumise 49-54 24 Unrecruitable
Surskit (Pokémon) Surskit 50-53 24 Unrecruitable
Mawile (Pokémon) Mawile 50-54 24 Unrecruitable
Spinda (Pokémon) Spinda 50-54 24 Unrecruitable
Arcanine (Pokémon) Arcanine 50-55 24-25 Unrecruitable
Fearow (Pokémon) Fearow 51-54 24 Unrecruitable
Forretress (Pokémon) Forretress 51-55 24-25 Unrecruitable
Shuckle (Pokémon) Shuckle 51-55 24-25 Unrecruitable
Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode 51-56 24-25 Unrecruitable
Hitmonlee (Pokémon) Hitmonlee 51-56 24-25 Unrecruitable
Hitmonchan (Pokémon) Hitmonchan 51-56 24-25 Unrecruitable
Elekid (Pokémon) Elekid 53-59 24-25 Unrecruitable
Numel (Pokémon) Numel 53-59 24-25 Unrecruitable
Lopunny (Pokémon) Lopunny 53-60 24-25 Unrecruitable
Drapion (Pokémon) Drapion 55-60 25 Unrecruitable
Mightyena (Pokémon) Mightyena 56-60 25 Unrecruitable
Magcargo (Pokémon) Magcargo 56-61 25 Unrecruitable
Ditto (Pokémon) Ditto 56-64 25 Unrecruitable
Rampardos (Pokémon) Rampardos 57-62 25 Unrecruitable
Rapidash (Pokémon) Rapidash 57-64 25 Unrecruitable
Torkoal (Pokémon) Torkoal 57-64 25 Unrecruitable
Rhyhorn (Pokémon) Rhyhorn 58-64 25 Unrecruitable
Swablu (Pokémon) Swablu 58-64 25 Unrecruitable
Kricketune (Pokémon) Kricketune 59-63 25 Unrecruitable
Snorunt (Pokémon) Snorunt 60-65 25-26 Unrecruitable
Piloswine (Pokémon) Piloswine 60-67 25-26 Unrecruitable
Vileplume (Pokémon) Vileplume 60-69 25-26 Unrecruitable
Furret (Pokémon) Furret 61-63 25 Unrecruitable
Lairon (Pokémon) Lairon 61-68 25-26 Unrecruitable
Metang (Pokémon) Metang 62-66 25-26 Unrecruitable
Pineco (Pokémon) Pineco 63-67 25-26 Unrecruitable
Shieldon (Pokémon) Shieldon 63-68 25-26 Unrecruitable
Wormadam (Pokémon) Wormadam
Plant Cloak
63-68 25-26 Unrecruitable
Spheal (Pokémon) Spheal 65-66 26 Unrecruitable
Aerodactyl (Pokémon) Aerodactyl 65-69 26 Unrecruitable
Shelgon (Pokémon) Shelgon 65-69 26 Unrecruitable
Pupitar (Pokémon) Pupitar 65-70 26 Unrecruitable
Zangoose (Pokémon) Zangoose 65-70 26 Unrecruitable
Purugly (Pokémon) Purugly 65-70 26 Unrecruitable
Sealeo (Pokémon) Sealeo 67-68 26 Unrecruitable
Skarmory (Pokémon) Skarmory 67-71 26 Unrecruitable
Walrein (Pokémon) Walrein 69-70 26 Unrecruitable
Luxio (Pokémon) Luxio 69-73 26 Unrecruitable
Bastiodon (Pokémon) Bastiodon 69-73 26 Unrecruitable
Venomoth (Pokémon) Venomoth 70-74 26 Unrecruitable
Girafarig (Pokémon) Girafarig 70-75 26 Unrecruitable
Masquerain (Pokémon) Masquerain 70-75 26 Unrecruitable
Slaking (Pokémon) Slaking 70-75 26 Unrecruitable
Mothim (Pokémon) Mothim 71-75 26 Unrecruitable
Magby (Pokémon) Magby 71-77 26 Unrecruitable
Koffing (Pokémon) Koffing 71-79 26-27 Unrecruitable
Golem (Pokémon) Golem 73-79 26-27 Unrecruitable
Rhydon (Pokémon) Rhydon 73-79 26-27 Unrecruitable
Nidoqueen (Pokémon) Nidoqueen 74-76 26 Unrecruitable
Parasect (Pokémon) Parasect 74-78 26 Unrecruitable
Duskull (Pokémon) Duskull 74-78 26 Unrecruitable
Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine 74-79 26-27 Unrecruitable
Ursaring (Pokémon) Ursaring 75-80 26-27 Unrecruitable
Claydol (Pokémon) Claydol 75-80 26-27 Unrecruitable
Prinplup (Pokémon) Prinplup 76-80 26-27 Unrecruitable
Floatzel (Pokémon) Floatzel 76-80 26-27 Unrecruitable
Nidoking (Pokémon) Nidoking 77-79 26-27 Unrecruitable
Porygon2 (Pokémon) Porygon2 79-84 27-28 Unrecruitable
Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama 80-84 27-28 Unrecruitable
Camerupt (Pokémon) Camerupt 80-85 27-28 Unrecruitable
Lucario (Pokémon) Lucario 80-85 27-28 Unrecruitable
Magmortar (Pokémon) Magmortar 80-85 27-28 Unrecruitable
Mismagius (Pokémon) Mismagius 80-86 27-28 Unrecruitable
Garchomp (Pokémon) Garchomp 81-86 27-28 Unrecruitable
Shuppet (Pokémon) Shuppet 83-87 28-29 Unrecruitable
Scizor (Pokémon) Scizor 84-89 28-29 Unrecruitable
Lunatone (Pokémon) Lunatone 84-89 28-29 Unrecruitable
Solrock (Pokémon) Solrock 84-89 28-29 Unrecruitable
Ledian (Pokémon) Ledian 86-90 28-29 Unrecruitable
Miltank (Pokémon) Miltank 86-90 28-29 Unrecruitable
Hippowdon (Pokémon) Hippowdon 86-90 28-29 Unrecruitable
Dusclops (Pokémon) Dusclops 86-92 28-30 Unrecruitable
Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross 89-95 29-30 Unrecruitable
Politoed (Pokémon) Politoed 90-99 29-30 Unrecruitable
Empoleon (Pokémon) Empoleon 91-97 30 Unrecruitable
Altaria (Pokémon) Altaria 91-99 30 Unrecruitable
Honchkrow (Pokémon) Honchkrow 91-99 30 Unrecruitable
Bronzong (Pokémon) Bronzong 91-99 30 Unrecruitable
Tropius (Pokémon) Tropius 93-99 30 Unrecruitable
Roserade (Pokémon) Roserade 93-99 30 Unrecruitable
Crawdaunt (Pokémon) Crawdaunt 94-99 30 Unrecruitable
Kangaskhan (Pokémon) Kangaskhan 95-99 30 Unrecruitable
Noctowl (Pokémon) Noctowl 96-99 30 Unrecruitable


When the game spawns Poké, it will spawn no more than 100 on floors 1 through 40 and no more than 50 on floors 41 through 99. This is the only dungeon in Explorers of Sky where the maximum amount of money is lower later in the dungeon than at the beginning.


Item Floors
Poké 1-99F
Gaggle Specs 1-99F
Insomniscope 1-99F
No-Aim Scope 1-99F
Lockon Specs 1-99F
Scope Lens 1-99F
Whiff Specs 1-99F
Bounce Band 1-99F
Curve Band 1-99F
Def. Scarf 1-99F
Detect Band 1-99F
Gold Ribbon 1-99F
Heal Ribbon 1-99F
Joy Ribbon 1-99F
Munch Belt 1-99F
No-Slip Cap 1-99F
No-Stick Cap 1-99F
Pass Scarf 1-99F
Patsy Band 1-99F
Pecha Scarf 1-99F
Persim Band 1-99F
Plain Ribbon 1-99F
Power Band 1-99F
Racket Band 1-99F
Special Band 1-99F
Stamina Band 1-99F
Twist Band 1-99F
Warp Scarf 1-99F
Weather Band 1-99F
Zinc Band 1-99F
4-5 Iron Thorn 21-99F
4 Silver Spike 21-99F
4-5 Stick 21-99F
4-5 Gravelerock 1-19F, 21-99F
Geo Pebble 1-19F, 21-99F
Gravelyrock 1-19F, 21-99F
Apple 1-19F, 21-99F
Big Apple 1-19F, 21-99F
Grimy Food 1-19F, 21-99F
Blinker Seed 1-99F
Dough Seed 1-99F
Dropeye Seed 1-99F
Eyedrop Seed 1-99F
Heal Seed 1-99F
Joy Seed 1-99F
Life Seed 1-99F
Pure Seed 1-99F
Quick Seed 1-99F
Sleep Seed 1-99F
Slip Seed 1-99F
Stun Seed 1-99F
Totter Seed 1-99F
Via Seed 1-99F
Vile Seed 1-99F
Violent Seed 1-99F
Warp Seed 1-99F
X-Eye Seed 1-99F
Calcium 1-99F
Ginseng 1-99F
Iron 1-99F
Max Elixir 1-99F
Mix Elixir 1-99F
Protein 1-99F
Zinc 1-99F
Blowback Orb 1-99F
Cleanse Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Decoy Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Drought Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Escape Orb 1-99F
Evasion Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Fill-In Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Hail Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Hurl Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Identify Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Invisify Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Itemizer Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Lob Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Longtoss Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Luminous Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Mobile Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Mug Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
One-Room Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
One-Shot Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Petrify Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Pierce Orb 1-99F
Pounce Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Quick Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Radar Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Rainy Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Rebound Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Rocky Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Rollcall Orb 50-99F
Sandy Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Scanner Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
See-Trap Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Shocker Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Silence Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Sizebust Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Slow Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Slumber Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Snatch Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Stairs Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Stayaway Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Sunny Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Switcher Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Totter Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Transfer Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Trapbust Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Trapper Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Trawl Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Two-Edge Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
Warp Orb 1-19F, 21-99F
At the end of the dungeon
Space Globe PinnacleF

Kecleon Shop

Item Floors
Insomniscope 1-99F
Lockon Specs 1-99F
No-Aim Scope 1-99F
Scope Lens 1-99F
Whiff Specs 1-99F
X-Ray Specs 1-99F
Y-Ray Specs 1-99F
Bounce Band 1-99F
Curve Band 1-99F
Def. Scarf 1-99F
Diet Ribbon 1-99F
Dodge Scarf 1-99F
Friend Bow 1-99F
Heal Ribbon 1-99F
Joy Ribbon 1-99F
Munch Belt 1-99F
No-Stick Cap 1-99F
Pass Scarf 1-99F
Patsy Band 1-99F
Pecha Scarf 1-99F
Power Band 1-99F
Racket Band 1-99F
Sneak Scarf 1-99F
Special Band 1-99F
Stamina Band 1-99F
Twist Band 1-99F
Warp Scarf 1-99F
Weather Band 1-99F
4-5 Iron Thorn 1-99F
4 Silver Spike 1-99F
4-5 Stick 1-99F
Geo Pebble 1-99F
Apple 1-99F
Big Apple 1-99F
Cheri Berry 1-99F
Chesto Berry 1-99F
Pecha Berry 1-99F
Rawst Berry 1-99F
Sitrus Berry 1-99F
Blast Seed 1-99F
Blinker Seed 1-99F
Eyedrop Seed 1-99F
Heal Seed 1-99F
Hunger Seed 1-99F
Joy Seed 1-99F
Life Seed 1-99F
Pure Seed 1-99F
Quick Seed 1-99F
Sleep Seed 1-99F
Stun Seed 1-99F
Totter Seed 1-99F
Vanish Seed 1-99F
Vile Seed 1-99F
Violent Seed 1-99F
Warp Seed 1-99F
X-Eye Seed 1-99F
Max Elixir 1-99F
All-Mach Orb 1-99F
Blowback Orb 1-99F
Cleanse Orb 1-99F
Decoy Orb 1-99F
Drought Orb 1-99F
Evasion Orb 1-99F
Fill-In Orb 1-99F
Foe-Hold Orb 1-99F
Hail Orb 1-99F
Hurl Orb 1-99F
Identify Orb 1-99F
Itemizer Orb 1-99F
Lob Orb 1-99F
Longtoss Orb 1-99F
Luminous Orb 1-99F
Mobile Orb 1-99F
Mug Orb 1-99F
One-Shot Orb 1-99F
Petrify Orb 1-99F
Pierce Orb 1-99F
Pounce Orb 1-99F
Quick Orb 1-99F
Radar Orb 1-99F
Rainy Orb 1-99F
Rebound Orb 1-99F
Rocky Orb 1-99F
Sandy Orb 1-99F
Scanner Orb 1-99F
See-Trap Orb 1-99F
Shocker Orb 1-99F
Silence Orb 1-99F
Sizebust Orb 1-99F
Slow Orb 1-99F
Slumber Orb 1-99F
Snatch Orb 1-99F
Spurn Orb 1-99F
Stairs Orb 1-99F
Stayaway Orb 1-99F
Sunny Orb 1-99F
Switcher Orb 1-99F
Totter Orb 1-99F
Transfer Orb 1-99F
Trapbust Orb 1-99F
Warp Orb 1-99F
Aerial Ace 1-99F
Attract 1-99F
Avalanche 1-99F
Blizzard 1-99F
Brick Break 1-99F
Brine 1-99F
Bulk Up 1-99F
Bullet Seed 1-99F
Calm Mind 1-99F
Captivate 1-99F
Charge Beam 1-99F
Dark Pulse 1-99F
Dig 1-99F
Dive 1-99F
Dragon Claw 1-99F
Dragon Pulse 1-99F
Drain Punch 1-99F
Dream Eater 1-99F
Earthquake 1-99F
Embargo 1-99F
Endure 1-99F
Energy Ball 1-99F
Explosion 1-99F
Facade 1-99F
False Swipe 1-99F
Fire Blast 1-99F
Flamethrower 1-99F
Flash 1-99F
Flash Cannon 1-99F
Fling 1-99F
Focus Blast 1-99F
Focus Punch 1-99F
Frustration 1-99F
Giga Drain 1-99F
Giga Impact 1-99F
Grass Knot 1-99F
Gyro Ball 1-99F
Hidden Power 1-99F
Hyper Beam 1-99F
Ice Beam 1-99F
Iron Tail 1-99F
Light Screen 1-99F
Natural Gift 1-99F
Overheat 1-99F
Payback 1-99F
Pluck 1-99F
Poison Jab 1-99F
Protect 1-99F
Psych Up 1-99F
Psychic 1-99F
Recycle 1-99F
Reflect 1-99F
Rest 1-99F
Return 1-99F
Roar 1-99F
Rock Polish 1-99F
Rock Slide 1-99F
Roost 1-99F
Safeguard 1-99F
Secret Power 1-99F
Shadow Ball 1-99F
Shadow Claw 1-99F
Shock Wave 1-99F
Silver Wind 1-99F
Skill Swap 1-99F
Sleep Talk 1-99F
Sludge Bomb 1-99F
SolarBeam 1-99F
Stealth Rock 1-99F
Steel Wing 1-99F
Stone Edge 1-99F
Substitute 1-99F
Swagger 1-99F
Swords Dance 1-99F
Taunt 1-99F
Thief 1-99F
Thunder 1-99F
Thunder Wave 1-99F
Thunderbolt 1-99F
Torment 1-99F
Toxic 1-99F
Trick Room 1-99F
U-turn 1-99F
Vacuum-Cut 1-99F
Water Pulse 1-99F
Wide Slash 1-99F
Will-O-Wisp 1-99F
X-Scissor 1-99F
Cut 1-99F
Defog 1-99F
Fly 1-99F
Rock Smash 1-99F
Rock Climb 1-99F
Strength 1-99F
Surf 1-99F
Waterfall 1-99F

Monster House

Item Floors
Poké 6-99F
Blue Gummi 6-99F
Brown Gummi 6-99F
Grass Gummi 6-99F
Green Gummi 6-99F
Orange Gummi 6-99F
Silver Gummi 6-99F
Sky Gummi 6-99F
White Gummi 6-99F
Black Gummi 6-99F
Clear Gummi 6-99F
Gold Gummi 6-99F
Gray Gummi 6-99F
Pink Gummi 6-99F
Purple Gummi 6-99F
Red Gummi 6-99F
Royal Gummi 6-99F
Yellow Gummi 6-99F
All-Hit Orb 6-99F
All-Mach Orb 6-99F
Blowback Orb 6-99F
Cleanse Orb 6-99F
Decoy Orb 6-99F
Evasion Orb 6-99F
Foe-Fear Orb 6-99F
Foe-Hold Orb 6-99F
Foe-Seal Orb 6-99F
Hurl Orb 6-99F
Invisify Orb 6-99F
Itemizer Orb 6-99F
Luminous Orb 6-99F
Mug Orb 6-99F
One-Shot Orb 6-99F
Petrify Orb 6-99F
Pounce Orb 6-99F
Radar Orb 6-99F
Rebound Orb 6-99F
Scanner Orb 6-99F
See-Trap Orb 6-99F
Silence Orb 6-99F
Slumber Orb 6-99F
Snatch Orb 6-99F
Spurn Orb 6-99F
Switcher Orb 6-99F
Totter Orb 6-99F
Transfer Orb 6-99F
Trapbust Orb 6-99F
Trawl Orb 6-99F
Warp Orb 6-99F

Buried items

Item Floors
Poké 1-99F


The amount of traps is the same as in Zero Isle South:

  • 2-5 on floor 1.
  • 3-6 on floor 2
  • 3-7 on floor 3
  • 4-8 on floors 4 through 50
  • 5-10 on later floors

It will spawn extra in a Monster House.

Image Trap B1-B2F B3-B9F B10F B11-B19F B20F B21-B29F B30F B31-B39F B40-B49F B50F B51-B59F B60-B69F B70F
Chestnut Trap 4.79% 4.56% 4.52% 4.42% 4.52% 4.24% 4.52%
Explosion Trap 1.91% 1.83% 1.81% 1.77% 1.81% 1.70% 1.81% 1.86% 1.63% 1.65% 4.59% 5.44%
Grimy Trap 4.79% 4.56% 4.53% 4.43% 4.53% 4.23% 4.52% 2.79% 2.45% 2.47% 2.76% 3.26%
Grudge Trap 2.26% 2.21% 4.52% 4.24% 4.52% 4.65% 6.12% 6.17% 6.88% 9.15%
Gust Trap 2.39% 2.29% 2.26% 2.27% 2.21% 2.26% 2.12% 2.26% 2.32%
Mud Trap 2.39% 2.28% 2.26% 4.42% 4.52% 12.71% 13.57% 13.95% 16.33% 16.46% 18.35% 21.74%
Poison Trap 4.56% 4.53% 4.52% 4.43% 4.53% 4.24% 4.52% 4.65% 4.09% 4.12% 2.29% 2.72%
Pokémon Trap 4.79% 4.56% 4.53% 4.43% 4.52% 4.23% 4.52% 4.65% 4.08% 4.11% 2.29%
PP-Zero Trap 4.78% 4.57% 4.53% 4.43% 4.53% 4.23% 4.53% 4.65% 4.09% 4.11% 9.18% 6.52%
Random Trap 19.14% 18.26% 18.10% 17.70% 18.10% 16.95% 18.10% 18.61% 16.33% 16.46% 18.35% 21.74%
Seal Trap 2.39% 2.29% 2.26% 2.21% 2.26% 6.35% 6.79% 9.30% 8.16% 8.23% 6.88% 10.86%
Selfdestruct Trap 1.44% 1.37% 1.35% 1.36% 1.32% 1.35% 1.27% 1.36% 1.40% 1.22% 1.23%
Slow Trap 3.83% 3.65% 4.53% 4.43% 4.53% 4.24% 4.52% 4.65% 4.08% 3.29% 2.75% 3.27%
Slumber Trap 2.39% 2.28% 2.26% 2.21% 2.26% 2.12% 2.27% 3.72% 3.27% 3.29% 3.67% 4.34%
Spin Trap 4.31% 4.11% 4.07% 3.98% 4.07% 3.81% 4.07% 4.19% 3.67% 3.71% 2.30% 2.72%
Sticky Trap 2.39% 2.29% 9.05% 8.85% 9.05% 8.48% 2.27% 2.33% 8.16% 8.23% 9.17% 5.43%
Summon Trap 4.78% 4.57% 4.52% 4.42% 4.52% 4.24% 4.53% 4.65% 4.08% 4.12% 3.66% 3.81%
Trip Trap 2.39% 2.29% 2.26% 2.21% 2.27% 2.12% 2.27% 2.32% 4.08% 4.12%
Warp Trap 4.79% 4.56% 4.53% 2.26% 2.22% 2.27% 2.12% 2.26% 2.33% 2.04% 2.05%
Wonder Tile 26.31% 25.12% 18.10% 17.70% 13.58% 6.36% 6.79% 6.98% 6.12% 6.18% 6.88%
Image Trap B71-B72F, B75-B78F B73F B74F B79F B80-B99F
Explosion Trap 5.47% 5.44% 5.38% 5.53% 5.40%
Grudge Trap 10.93% 10.87% 10.75% 11.05% 10.81%
Mud Trap 21.86% 21.74% 21.51% 22.10% 21.62%
Poison Trap 2.73% 2.72% 2.69% 2.76% 2.71%
PP-Zero Trap 6.55% 7.06% 8.06% 5.52% 5.41%
Random Trap 21.86% 21.74% 21.51% 22.10% 21.62%
Seal Trap 10.93% 10.87% 10.75% 11.05% 10.81%
Slow Trap 3.28% 3.26% 3.23% 3.32% 5.40%
Slumber Trap 4.37% 4.34% 4.30% 4.42% 4.33%
Spin Trap 2.73% 2.72% 2.68% 2.76% 2.70%
Sticky Trap 5.46% 5.43% 5.37% 5.52% 5.41%
Summon Trap 3.83% 3.81% 3.77% 3.87% 3.78%

Other encounters

Image Encounter B1-B5F B6F, B8-B13F B7F B14F, B29F, B46F, B64F, B86F B23F, B38F, B55F, B75F, B95F Other floors
Kecleon Shop 11% 50% 11% 50% 11%
Monster House 0% 5% 50% 6%


Tileset #2 Tileset #3 Tileset #4 Tileset #5
Tileset #6 Tileset #7 Tileset #8 Tileset #9
Tileset #10 Pinnacle



  • If Giratina enters this dungeon, it will not be in Altered Forme but will instead be in its Origin Forme. This trait is shared with Sky Peak and Star Cave.

In other languages

Language Title
French Tour du Destin
German Verhängnisturm
Italian Torre Destino
Spanish Torre Destino

Destiny Tower Pinnacle

Language Title
French Pinacle du Destin
German Verhängnisturmspitze
Italian Vetta Destino
Spanish Cúspide Torre Destino

See also

Locations in the Pokémon world in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
Major locations
Sharpedo BluffTreasure TownKangaskhan StorageKecleon Shop
Marowak DojoChimecho AssemblyWigglytuff's GuildCroagunk's Swap Shop
BeachFogbound LakeHot SpringLuminous SpringPelipper Island
Spinda's CaféSShaymin VillageSSky PeakS
Beach CaveDrenched BluffMt. BristleWaterfall CaveApple Woods
Side PathCraggy CoastRock PathMt. HornForest Path
Foggy ForestSteam CaveAmp PlainsNorthern DesertQuicksand Cave
Crystal CaveCrystal CrossingChasm CaveDark HillSealed Ruin
Dusk ForestDeep Dusk ForestTreeshroud ForestBrine CaveHidden Land
Temporal TowerMystifying ForestBlizzard IslandCrevice CaveSurrounded Sea
Miracle SeaAegis CaveMt. TravailThe NightmareSpacial Rift
Dark CraterConcealed RuinsMarine ResortBottomless SeaShimmer Desert
Mt. AvalancheGiant VolcanoWorld AbyssSky StairwayMystery Jungle
Serenity RiverLandslide CaveLush PrairieTiny MeadowLabyrinth Cave
Oran ForestLake AfarHappy OutlookMt. MistralShimmer Hill
Lost WildernessMidnight ForestZero Isle NorthZero Isle EastZero Isle West
Zero Isle SouthFinal Maze
Dungeons exclusive to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
Zero Isle CenterDestiny TowerOblivion ForestTreacherous WatersSoutheastern IslandsInferno Cave
Star CaveSky Peak Mountain PathMurky ForestEastern CaveFortune RavineSpring Cave
Southern JungleBoulder QuarryLeft Cave PathRight Cave PathLimestone CavernBarren Valley
Dark WastelandSpacial CliffsDark Ice MountainIcicle ForestVast Ice Mountain
Demo only:
Little PlainsMt. ClearChallenge RiverTrial ForestGuiding SeaHidden Shopkeeper Village

This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.