Aether Paradise

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Aether Paradise エーテルパラダイス
Aether Paradise
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: A VLFS or a "very large floating structure." This is where the Aether Foundation's research facilities are.
Location: Central Alola
Region: Alola
Generations: VII

Location of Aether Paradise in Alola.
Pokémon world locations

Aether Paradise (Japanese: エーテルパラダイス Aether Paradise) is a very large floating structure that serves as an artificial island located in the middle of the Alola region, near Akala Island. It was created by the Aether Foundation to serve as a base for their research.

To protect the wild Pokémon being treated in the facility, a jamming signal prevents the use of empty Poké Balls throughout the island. However, in gameplay, this only applies in the battle against Nihilego. The player can use Poké Balls in Trainer battles normally (although they will be blocked by the Trainers, as usual). The outer locations are tiled with solar panels, giving the facility energy to run. Lusamine's Mansion, located on the VLFS, is the home for her and her family.

In the games

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Pokémon Sun and Moon

After assisting Faba in stopping two Team Skull Grunts from harassing a Slowpoke on Memorial Hill, the branch chief invites the player to Hano Grand Resort after they finish their grand trial with Olivia. Upon arriving at the resort with Hau, Faba will take them to Aether Paradise. The player and Hau are then introduced to Wicke, who gives them a tour of the facility. At the top floor, the player meets the President, Lusamine, who welcomes the two trial-goers and professes her love of Pokémon.

The meeting is interrupted, however, by an Ultra Wormhole, which produces an unidentified Pokémon. The player is prompted to battle it, which eventually ends in it fleeing. After being thanked by the Aether Foundation's staff, Hau and the player are ferried off to Malie City on Ula'ula Island.

Later, after the player has defeated Team Skull at their base in Po Town, Lillie is revealed to have been taken away by Plumeria. Gladion later reveals that Lillie was taken to Aether Paradise, where the player, Hau, and Gladion start looking for her next. While raiding the facility, new details about Cosmog, the Ultra Beasts, and Type: Null are revealed. It also turns out that the Aether Foundation has been working together with Team Skull and sponsoring their criminal activities, forcing the player to battle their way through members of the evil team, including their Boss, Guzma.

In the big mansion at the end of Aether Paradise, the player finds Lillie, who is facing Lusamine, her mother, about Cosmog's fate. The player, Lillie, Hau, and Gladion follow Lusamine into her secret trophy room, where Lusamine reveals how she is intending to use Cosmog's power to open Ultra Wormholes all across Alola and summon multiple Ultra Beasts through them. As wormholes start opening and Ultra Beasts start emerging all over Alola, the player engages Lusamine in a battle. After Lusamine is defeated, she uses a specially designed Beast Ball to capture the Ultra Beast that emerged through the wormhole she had created inside the room, before both she and Guzma disappear into the fading wormhole themselves.

The following day, Gladion tells the player about the Legendary Pokémon of Alola, which is said to be able to travel between worlds, and gives Lillie the Moon FluteS/Sun FluteM, one of the items required to summon the Legendary Pokémon. Afterwards, the player and Lillie head to Seafolk Village on Poni Island.

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, after the player has driven off the unidentified Pokémon that appeared from an Ultra Wormhole, Dulse and ZossieUS/Phyco and SolieraUM of the Ultra Recon Squad will appear and explain that the Pokémon was an Ultra Beast. Lusamine informs the player and Hau that the Ultra Recon Squad has been working with the Aether Foundation, providing them with information about the Ultra Beasts. The Ultra Recon Squad members also tell how they came from a world from which Necrozma had stolen all of its natural light. Afterwards, the player and Hau depart for Ula'ula Island.

During the player, Hau, and Gladion's search for Lillie in Aether Paradise, the player will encounter the Ultra Recon Squad again after defeating Guzma. After defeating them, the player will encounter Lusamine and Lillie and follow them to Lusamine's trophy room along with Gladion and Hau, where Lusamine explains that she intends to travel to Ultra Space and defeat Necrozma in order to keep the Alola region and its Pokémon safe from it. For this purpose, she needed Cosmog's power to open Ultra Wormholes. Although she makes clear that she hates Ultra Wormholes with every fiber of her being, them being what took her husband away from her, but she's still willing to go through one in order to protect Alola. Because of Gladion and Lillie's objections, Lusamine challenges the player to a battle, intending to show everyone she's capable of dealing with Necrozma. Despite being defeated, Lusamine still chooses to ignore her children, forcing Cosmog to open a wormhole which both she and Guzma disappear into.

After Lusamine's departure, the Ultra Recon Squad berate her selfish behavior, and tell everyone that the way to their world, Ultra Megalopolis, where Necrozma resides, is by using the power of the Legendary Pokémon of the sunUS/moonUM, which can appear at the altar on Poni Island. The next day, Gladion gives Lillie the Moon FluteUS/Sun FluteUM, one of the items required to summon said Legendary Pokémon. Following this, Gladion takes the player and Lillie to Poni Island.

After the player has become the Champion, Aether Paradise is invaded by Team Rainbow Rocket in the middle of a live news broadcast. Using the power of an Ultra Wormhole, they transform Lusamine's mansion into Team Rocket's Castle, wherein they settle their base of actions. Lusamine tries to stop them, but ends up getting taken hostage. The player and Lillie head to the castle, intending to save Lusamine. On the way, they discover that Faba had actually assisted Team Rainbow Rocket in their takeover of the facility, intending to use their success to advance his own career. After the player and Lillie have defeated Faba and an Aether Foundation Employee in a Multi Battle, they enter the castle. Within the castle, the player must defeat various villainous team leaders summoned through Ultra Wormholes in order to advance further. After the player has defeated Giovanni, the leader of Team Rainbow Rocket, Colress uses his technology to restore the mansion back to its normal state, sending everyone back to the worlds they originally came from.

Once the player has defeated Gladion in a Title Defense battle at the Pokémon League, Lusamine's husband, Mohn, will appear in the entrance area. Due to suffering from amnesia as a result of going through an Ultra Wormhole, Mohn is unable to remember his marriage with Lusamine, which she chooses to not remind him of, simply being happy to see that Mohn is enjoying his life of running Poké Pelago.

Places of interest

2F: Conservation area

During the player's first visit, Lusamine is in the garden here. During the player's meeting with Lusamine, an unidentified Ultra Beast appears, which the player must battle. In Pokémon Sun and Moon, after the player has become the Champion, Gladion will be here to give the player a Type: Null and all of Silvally's memory drives.

1F: Entrance

The entrance has two service counters, one of which houses a PC and a healing spot in the form of an Aether Foundation Employee. This floor also provides the player access to the exterior portions of the facility, with one entrance to the front and one entrance to the back.

The back door is locked until the player defeats Faba and an Aether Foundation Employee in a Multi Battle, which can only be done after reading the notes in Secret Lab B. The player is not permitted to go out the front door until they battle Lusamine in the mansion.

In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the player can buy Beast Balls from the top rightmost Employee behind the desks near the entrance for $1,000 apiece after defeating Ultra Necrozma.

Beast BallsUSUM

B1F: Docks

The ferry stop for Aether Paradise is located on the western side. The player can take the ferry to Heahea City as soon as they can visit the ferry stop. The player can take the ferry to Hau'oli City and Malie City once they visit Ula'ula Island. The player can take the ferry to Seafolk Village once they visit Poni Island.

After battling Gladion at Aether House, but before battling Lusamine, the ferry is not present. Instead, an Aether Foundation Employee stands out front of Gladion's Team Skull ship, which is moored on the east side, and will take the player to Malie City.

B2F: Lab area

The Lab area contains two laboratories, Secret Lab A and Secret Lab B. Secret Lab A contains secret files about the creation of Type: Null, as well as Faba's personal files, while Secret Lab B contains information about Cosmog and the Ultra Beasts.

In Pokémon Sun and Moon, after entering the Hall of Fame, Wicke can be found at Secret Lab B, providing the player with information about the Ultra Beasts they have caught.

In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the entrance to the hallway is locked before defeating Faba at 1F.


Item Location Games
None All memory drives 2F: Conservation area, from Gladion, north of the elevator after becoming Champion  S  M 
Stick Stick 1F: Entrance, from an Aether Foundation Employee by the north exit  S  M  US  UM 
Big Malasada Big Malasada ×3
  • 1F: Entrance, from Wicke by the north exit at the beginning of Episode RR
  • 1F: Entrance, from Wicke near the elevator after Episode RR (×2)
 US  UM 
Dubious Disc Dubious Disc 1F: Entrance, from Faba by the north exit, after becoming ChampionSM/after Episode RRUSUM and battling him  S  M  US  UM 
Rare Candy Rare Candy B1F: Docks, against the wall north of the elevator  S  M  US  UM 
TM Psychic VI TM29 (Psychic) B1F: Docks, from Wicke after the Ultra Beast encounter  S  M  US  UM 
X Sp. Atk X Sp. Atk B1F: Docks, in the southwest, by the wall south of the ferry, after passing Nanu's grand trial  S  M  US  UM 
TM Poison VI TM06 (Toxic) B1F: Docks, in the southwest corner of the area, after passing Nanu's grand trial  S  M  US  UM 
Max Revive Max Revive B2F: Lab area, from Hau after entering the area, after passing Nanu's grand trial  S  M  US  UM 
Big Malasada Big Malasada ×2 B2F: Lab area, from Wicke after becoming Champion  S  M 
Full Restore Full Restore Secret Lab A, behind the computer  S  M  US  UM 
DNA Splicers DNA Splicers Secret Lab A, from an Aether Foundation Employee after becoming ChampionSM/after Episode RR and speaking to Wicke near the elevatorUSUM  S  M  US  UM 
Prison Bottle Prison Bottle Secret Lab A, from an Aether Foundation Employee after becoming ChampionSM/after Episode RR and speaking to Wicke near the elevatorUSUM  S  M  US  UM 
Soul Dew Soul Dew Secret Lab A, from an Aether Foundation Employee after becoming ChampionSM/after Episode RR and speaking to Wicke near the elevatorUSUM  S  M  US  UM 
Beast Ball Beast Ball ×10 Secret Lab B, from Wicke after defeating Anabel  S  M 
None $1,000,000 Secret Lab B, from Looker after completing all the UB missions  S  M 
Full Heal Full Heal Exterior (north side), at the end of the southeast path  US  UM 
Full Heal Full Heal Exterior (north side), at the end of the southwest path  S  M  US  UM 
Master Ball Master Ball Exterior (north side), from Gladion after battling Lusamine  S  M  US  UM 
Big Nugget Big Nugget ×55 Exterior (north side), from Wicke after defeating Giovanni  US  UM 
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion Exterior (south side), at the end of the northeast path  S  M  US  UM 
Heal Ball Heal Ball Exterior (south side), at the end of the northwest path  US  UM 

Team Rocket's Castle items

If the player misses any items in Team Rocket's Castle during Episode RR, they can be later obtained from a Janitor outside of Lusamine's mansion.

Item Location Games
Iron Ball Iron Ball From a Janitor, if not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
Guard Spec. Guard Spec. From a Janitor, if not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
Max Potion Max Potion From a Janitor, if not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
Rare Candy Rare Candy From a Janitor, if not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
Revive Revive ×2 From a Janitor, one for each not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
Full Restore Full Restore ×2 From a Janitor, one for each not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
Full Heal Full Heal From a Janitor, if not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
X Attack X Attack From a Janitor, if not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
Zinc Zinc From a Janitor, if not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
HP Up HP Up From a Janitor, if not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion From a Janitor, if not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
Calcium Calcium From a Janitor, if not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
PP Up PP Up From a Janitor, if not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
Cell Battery Cell Battery From a Janitor, if not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 
Max Revive Max Revive From a Janitor, if not obtained in Team Rocket's Castle  US  UM 

Zygarde Cube

During the player's first visit, none of the Zygarde Cells at Aether Paradise are accessible. They only become accessible after the player has passed Nanu's grand trial.

Item Location Games
Zygarde Cell B2F: Lab area, at the end of the hallway containing the secret labs  S  M 
Zygarde Cell Exterior (north side), at the end of the southeast path  S  M 
Zygarde Cell Exterior (north side), on the west side of the mansionDay  S  M 
Zygarde Cell Exterior (south side), between two pools on the west sideNight  S  M 
Zygarde Cell Lusamine's Mansion: Entry Room, at the north end under the table on the right side  S  M 


Pokémon Sun and Moon

  Pokémon     Allies     Games     Location     Levels     Rate  
Day Night
Gift Pokémon
After becoming Champion
Type: Null Type: Null
Gift Gift
40 One
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

  Pokémon     Allies     Games     Location     Levels     Rate  
Day Night
Gift Pokémon
After becoming Champion, only if party and boxes are full when offered at Ancient Poni Path
Type: Null Type: Null
Gift Gift
60 One
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Special encounters

A then-unnamed Nihilego appears as a result of opening an Ultra Wormhole in Aether's labs, prompting the player to fight it and protect Lusamine. As a result of Aether Paradise's jamming signals to Poké Balls, it cannot be caught, forcing the player to either defeat it or flee from it. Nihilego will attempt to flee on the fifth turn; however, if it is trapped, it will not attempt to flee again. Despite encountering the Pokémon, Nihilego is programmed to never show up as seen in the player's Pokédex. It is coded to never be Shiny.

Aura: +2 Defense
Rock Poison
Beast Boost
Held item:
??? Lv.27
Clear Smog
Poison Special
Psychic Special
Normal Physical
Poison Special


Pokémon Sun and Moon

Multi Battle partners

Hau will team up with the player in three Multi Battles; first against a pair of Aether Foundation Employees in Secret Lab B on B2F, next against the first pair of Employees on 1F, and finally against Faba and an Employee on the same floor. Gladion will join the player to battle the second pair of Employees on 1F.

Rowlet If the player chose Rowlet:

Litten If the player chose Litten:

Popplio If the player chose Popplio:

B1F: Docks

After battling Lusamine at her mansion, the patrolling Aether Foundation Employees who battle the player disappear.

Trainer Pokémon
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,776
Dugtrio Dugtrio
Alolan form
No item
Sliggoo Sliggoo Lv.37
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,776
Herdier Herdier Lv.36
No item
Lumineon Lumineon Lv.37
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,728
Shelgon Shelgon Lv.37
No item
Trumbeak Trumbeak Lv.36
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,776
Parasect Parasect Lv.36
No item
Drifblim Drifblim Lv.36
No item
Vibrava Vibrava Lv.37
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,776
Primeape Primeape Lv.37
No item

1F: Entrance

After reading the report in Secret Lab B
Trainer Pokémon
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,776
Double Battle with the following Employee
Mudsdale Mudsdale Lv.37
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,776
Double Battle with the previous Employee
Pelipper Pelipper Lv.37
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,824
Double Battle with the following Employee
Magmar Magmar Lv.38
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,824
Double Battle with the previous Employee
Electabuzz Electabuzz Lv.38
No item

After becoming Champion

B2F: Lab area

Trainer Pokémon
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,776
Muk Muk
Alolan form
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,776
Magneton Magneton Lv.37
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,776
Porygon2 Porygon2 Lv.37
No item
Secret Lab B
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,776
Double Battle with the following Employee
Machoke Machoke Lv.37
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,776
Double Battle with the previous Employee
Vanillish Vanillish Lv.37
No item


Trainer Pokémon
Team Skull Grunt
Team Skull Grunt
Reward: $1,184
Golbat Golbat Lv.37
No item
Team Skull Grunt
Team Skull Grunt
Reward: $1,184
Raticate Raticate
Alolan form
No item

Lusamine's Mansion: Trophy Room

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Multi Battle partners

Hau will team up with the player in three Multi Battles; first against a pair of Aether Foundation Employees in Secret Lab B on B2F, next against the first pair of Employees on 1F, and finally against Faba and an Employee on the same floor. Gladion will join the player to battle the second pair of Employees on 1F.

During Episode RR, Lillie will team up with the player in a Multi Battle against Faba and an Aether Foundation Employee.

Rowlet If the player chose Rowlet:

Litten If the player chose Litten:

Popplio If the player chose Popplio:

B1F: Docks

After battling Lusamine at her mansion, the patrolling Aether Foundation Employees who battle the player disappear.

Trainer Pokémon
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,920
Dugtrio Dugtrio
Alolan form
No item
Toucannon Toucannon Lv.40
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,920
Kecleon Kecleon Lv.40
No item
Stoutland Stoutland Lv.40
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,920
Arbok Arbok Lv.40
No item
Lurantis Lurantis Lv.40
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,920
Parasect Parasect Lv.40
No item
Drifblim Drifblim Lv.40
No item
Sudowoodo Sudowoodo Lv.40
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,920
Primeape Primeape Lv.40
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,968
Arcanine Arcanine Lv.41
No item

1F: Entrance

After reading the report in Secret Lab B
Trainer Pokémon
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,968
Double Battle with the following Employee
Anorith Anorith Lv.41
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,968
Double Battle with the previous Employee
Lileep Lileep Lv.41
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $2,016
Double Battle with the following Employee
Magmar Magmar Lv.42
No item
Houndoom Houndoom Lv.42
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $2,016
Double Battle with the previous Employee
Electabuzz Electabuzz Lv.42
No item
Manectric Manectric Lv.42
No item

After Episode RR

B2F: Lab area

Trainer Pokémon
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,968
Muk Muk
Alolan form
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,968
Magneton Magneton Lv.41
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,968
Porygon2 Porygon2 Lv.41
No item
Secret Lab B
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,968
Double Battle with the following Employee
Huntail Huntail Lv.41
No item
Aether Foundation Employee
Aether Foundation Employee
Reward: $1,968
Double Battle with the previous Employee
Gorebyss Gorebyss Lv.41
No item


Trainer Pokémon
Team Skull Grunt
Team Skull Grunt
Reward: $1,344
Golbat Golbat Lv.42
No item
Team Skull Grunt
Team Skull Grunt
Reward: $1,344
Raticate Raticate
Alolan form
No item

Lusamine's Mansion: Entrance Room

Pokémon Ultra Sun

Pokémon Ultra Moon

Lusamine's Mansion: Trophy Room

Episode RR

Trainer Pokémon
Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt
Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt
Reward: $1,952
Primeape Primeape Lv.61
No item
Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt
Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt
Reward: $1,952
Persian Persian Lv.61
No item
Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt
Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt
Reward: $1,952
Haunter Haunter Lv.61
No item
Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt
Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt
Reward: $1,952
Golbat Golbat Lv.61
No item

Lusamine's Mansion
Main article: Team Rocket's Castle → Trainers

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Artwork depicting Aether Paradise is seen in Lillie, Gladion, and Lusamine's mindscapes.

Lillie & Clefairy and Lillie & Comfey
Lillie & Lunala
Gladion & Silvally
Lusamine & Pheromosa
Lusamine & Necrozma



Concept art from Sun and Moon

In the anime

Aether Paradise in the anime

Main series

Aether Paradise debuted in A Dream Encounter!. It reappeared in Deceiving Appearances!, where Lusamine invited Ash and his classmates to visit the facility. However, due to her being constantly busy with her work, Lillie ended up working as a guide for her classmates instead. While touring around the conservation area, the group met Professor Burnet and got into trouble with a runaway Ditto, which used its transforming capabilities to fool them until it was finally caught.

While Ash and his friends were dealing with Ditto, Team Rocket, who had been hired to work as Employees at the facility by Faba, kept trying to catch Nebby, and eventually ended up accidentally finding secret documents about Type: Null and the Ultra Beasts from Faba's personal laboratory.

It appeared in A Masked Warning! during a flashback, where Gladion saw Lillie getting attacked by a Nihilego. It appeared again in Night of a Thousand Poses!, where Lusamine was seen making a video phone call to Lillie from her office.

In Mission: Total Recall!, Ash and Lillie were teleported into the Aether Paradise Lab area by Nebby. Faba, afraid that Lillie could be regaining her memories of the Nihilego attack and thus jeopardize his career, took her and attempted to erase her memories again with his Hypno. However, his plans were foiled by the appearance of Ash and Gladion. Although Ash was subdued by Faba's Hypno, Gladion was able to save Lillie when his Type: Null broke its confinement mask and became Silvally, then proceeding to defeat Faba's Pokémon. Amidst of all this, Lillie managed to recover her remaining suppressed memories, allowing her to completely get over her fear of touching Pokémon.

In Faba's Revenge!, Faba tricked Nebby into teleporting him into the Lab area, where he used a device to trap it and started using its power to open an Ultra Wormhole. Although Ash, Lillie, Gladion, and Lusamine appeared to stop him and free Nebby, the wormhole was still opened, allowing a Nihilego to pass through it. Lusamine, Gladion, and Ash attempted to battle against it, but it proved to be too powerful for their Pokémon to handle. The Ultra Beast then attempted to take Lillie with it, but even though Gladion tried to protect her, Lusamine ended up pushing Gladion aside at the last moment, causing her to get taken into the Ultra Wormhole by Nihilego instead, much to Lillie's horror.

Ash and Lillie visited Aether Paradise once more during Don't Ignore the Small Stufful!, when they were assigned to deliver Professor Burnet's lunch. Meanwhile, Team Rocket had gotten jobs once again at Aether Paradise and started plotting to steal the Pokémon. However, a Stufful suddenly started following them around before grabbing a hold of Jessie's hair. They were soon confronted and accused of stealing Stufful, only for Bewear to show up. Bewear recognized Stufful as its own child and took it home with her and the trio.

In The Dealer of Destruction!, Professor Kukui held a press conference at Aether Paradise, where he officially announced Alola's first Pokémon League. The conference was announced to take place on a new artificial island close to Aether Paradise, called the Manalo Stadium.

In The Secret Princess!, Lillie and Gladion visited Aether Paradise to search for any possible clues about their father.

Pokémon seen in Aether Paradise





































Formerly resided in or graduated from Aether Paradise

Silvally → Type: Null



Wishiwashi (×4)

Braviary (×2)
Lusamine's mansion in Pokémon Evolutions

Pokémon Evolutions

Lusamine's mansion appeared in a flashback in The Eclipse. Lillie recalled how her mother had berated her for leaving her before forcing Nebby to open an Ultra Wormhole so that she could head to Ultra Space to stop Necrozma.

In the manga

Aether Paradise in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon arc

Aether Paradise debuted in Homecoming and the Brilliant Professional Golfer on a television advertisement for the Aether Foundation.

It officially debuted in Unleashing the Incredible Z-Move, where an Aether Foundation Employee recorded footage for another commercial with the assistance of several Alolan people. Afterward, the Employee was greeted by Lusamine, who looked forward to seeing the commercial when it was completed.

In Shipwreck and "Oh, What Sharp Teeth You Have, Bruxish!", Moon, Professor Kukui, and Professor Burnet were taken to Aether Paradise after they were found unconscious on Professor Kukui's yacht after being attacked by a wild Bruxish. There, they met Faba and Wicke, who explained what happened and offered to give a tour of the place. When Faba learned from them that the Trial Captains were on their way to see Team Skull in Po Town, he rushed to Lusamine's mansion to warn her, fearing that Team Skull's downfall would endanger their plans.

The island Aether Paradise was built on top of

In Summon the Emissaries of the Moon and the Sun, it was revealed that Aether Paradise was built on top of an island owned by Sun's great-grandfather. The island was given to Sun's great-grandfather by Mohn so he could fulfill his dream of creating the Poké Pelago. After the old man passed away, the island was taken back by the Aether Foundation. When Sun had demanded the island to be given back, Faba had off-handedly offered to do so for 100 million yen, not expecting the young boy to take the offer seriously. However, when Sun five years later appeared before Faba with the requested amount of money and demanded him to return the island, Faba revealed that it was impossible now, since Aether Paradise had already been built on top of it, making Sun's five-year quest of collecting money completely pointless.

In Ray of Light!! Through the Crack in the Sky!, Faba, who had taken over the Aether Foundation in Lusamine's absence, was informed of Lusamine's potential return at Mount Lanakila. In Shock!! Father in the Pendant!, Moon was brought to Aether Paradise by Ryuki, after which Faba had Plumeria disguise herself as Moon and sent her to Mount Lanakila to kill Lusamine.

In Destroy!! Results of the Training!, Gladion was shown to have freed Moon, but Faba was able to trick Ryuki, who had come to Alola to battle the Ultra Beasts, into fighting them by revealing that Gladion's Silvally was designed to eliminate Ultra Beasts. Gladion stayed to battle Ryuki while Moon retrieved her Pokémon from Secret Lab B. After Moon had recovered her Pokémon, Lunala appeared before her and took her to Mount Lanakila.

In Finale!! The Battle Against the Other Dimension!, Gladion was able to make Ryuki stop fighting him by revealing that Faba had used the battle as a distraction to escape and that he could just go and fight the Ultra Beasts right now. Meanwhile, Faba's escape attempt was interrupted by Cent, Sun's Alolan Meowth, who was angry at him for not accepting Sun's money to buy back the island. While Faba backed away, his panic attracted several Nihilego, which dragged him into an Ultra Wormhole, leaving Cent dejected at being unable to get his revenge on him.

In the TCG

This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Aether Paradise in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Aether Paradise's Pokémon
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Aron Metal Crimson Invasion Common 65/111 Awakened Heroes C 032/050
Registeel Metal Crimson Invasion Rare 68/111 Awakened Heroes U 035/050
Jigglypuff Fairy Crimson Invasion Common 71/111 Ultradimensional Beasts C 034/050
Other related cards
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Aether Paradise Conservation Area St Guardians Rising Uncommon 116/145 Islands Await You U 050/050
      GX Battle Boost   110/114
Hidden Fates Rare Secret SV87/SV94 Night Unison UR 070/055
Wicke Su Burning Shadows Uncommon 127/147 Darkness that Consumes Light U 050/051
Lusamine Su Crimson Invasion Uncommon 96/111 Ultradimensional Beasts U 047/050
      GX Battle Boost   109/114
      GX Ultra Shiny   136/150
Faba Su Lost Thunder Uncommon 173/214 Super-Burst Impact U 089/095
      Tag All Stars   150/173


  • One Aether Foundation Employee found at the docks mentions having previously worked in Driftveil City, helping Pokémon that had been separated from their Trainers.
  • Island Scan fails if the player tries to use it here.
  • If Nihilego is already registered in the player's Pokédex (either by trading or by transferring it to the game via Pokémon Bank), its name will appear during the battle, but will still be rendered as question marks during the cutscenes.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 以太樂園 Yíhtaai Lohkyùhn
Mandarin 以太樂園 / 以太乐园 Yǐtài Lèyuán
Czech Aether Paradise
Danish Aether-paradiset
Finnish Aether-paratiisi
French Paradis Æther
German Æther-Paradies
Hungarian Aether Paradicsom*
Aether Paradise*
Italian Æther Paradise
Korean 에테르파라다이스 Aether Paradise
Norwegian Aether-paradiset
Polish Raj Aether
Brazilian Portuguese Paraíso Aether
Russian Элизиум Этер Elizium Eter
Spanish Paraíso Æther
Swedish Aether Paradiset
Vietnamese Thiên Đường Aether

Melemele IslandAkala IslandUla'ula IslandPoni IslandAether Paradise
Iki TownHau'oli City (Outskirts)Heahea CityPaniola TownKonikoni CityRoyal AvenueMalie City
Tapu VillagePo TownSeafolk VillagePokémon League
Trial sites
Verdant CavernBrooklet HillWela Volcano ParkLush JungleHokulani Observatory
Thrifty Megamart (Abandoned Site)Exeggutor IslandVast Poni CanyonSeafolk Village
Mahalo TrailTrainers' SchoolHau'oli CemeteryBerry fieldsMelemele MeadowSeaward CaveKala'e BayTen Carat Hill
Tide Song HotelPaniola RanchMelemele SeaDiglett's TunnelBattle Royal DomeMemorial HillAkala OutskirtsRuins of Life
Hano Grand ResortHano BeachMalie GardenMount HokulaniBlush MountainUla'ula BeachAether HouseHaina Desert
Ruins of AbundanceUla'ula MeadowLake of the MooneLake of the SunneShady HousePoni WildsAncient Poni Path
Poni Breaker CoastRuins of HopeAltar of the SunneAltar of the MooneMount LanakilaRuins of Conflict
Poni GrovePoni PlainsPoni MeadowResolution CavePoni CoastPoni GauntletBattle Tree
Festival PlazaPoké PelagoBig Wave BeachSandy CaveHeahea BeachPikachu ValleyDividing Peak Tunnel
Kantonian GymPoni BeachPlains GrottoTeam Rocket's Castle
Ultra Space
Ultra Deep SeaUltra MegalopolisMegalo TowerUltra JungleUltra DesertUltra Plant
Ultra ForestUltra CraterUltra RuinUltra Space Wilds

Game locations of Legendary and Mythical Pokémon
Kanto Seafoam IslandsPower PlantVictory RoadCerulean Cave
Route 10Route 25Pewter CityRoaming Pokémon
Sevii Islands Mt. EmberNavel RockBirth Island
Johto Ilex ForestBell TowerWhirl IslandsMt. Silver Cave
Burned TowerEmbedded TowerRoaming Pokémon
Hoenn Desert RuinsIsland CaveAncient TombCave of OriginMarine Cave
Terra CaveSky PillarSouthern IslandSea MauvilleScorched Slab
Pathless PlainNameless CavernFabled CaveGnarled Den
Trackless ForestCrescent IsleSkyRoaming Pokémon
Sinnoh Acuity CavernValor CavernSpear PillarTurnback Cave
Rock Peak RuinsIceberg RuinsIron RuinsSnowpoint Temple
Stark MountainNewmoon IslandFlower ParadiseHall of Origin
Ramanas ParkFloaroma TownRoaming Pokémon
Unova Guidance ChamberTrial ChamberRumination FieldN's CastleAbundant Shrine
Giant ChasmDragonspiral TowerLiberty GardenRoute 11Route 13Route 22
Route 23Celestial TowerNacrene CityUnderground RuinsTwist Mountain
DreamyardMarvelous BridgeReversal MountainCoastal BiomeRoaming Pokémon
Kalos Sea Spirit's DenTeam Flare Secret HQTerminus Cave
Unknown DungeonRoaming Pokémon
Alola Route 16Altar of the SunneAltar of the MooneMount LanakilaMahalo Trail
Ruins of ConflictRuins of LifeRuins of AbundanceRuins of Hope
Aether ParadiseAncient Poni PathLake of the SunneLake of the Moone
Ten Carat HillResolution Cave
Galar Tower summitBattle TowerMaster DojoCrown ShrineMax Lair
Rock Peak RuinsIceberg RuinsIron RuinsSplit-Decision RuinsGiant's Bed
Frigid SeaLakeside CaveBallimere LakeFreezingtonRoaming Pokémon
Hisui Seaside HollowTemple of SinnohAcuity CavernValor CavernVerity Cavern
Lava Dome SanctumMoonview ArenaSnowpoint TempleTurnback CaveBonechill Wastes
Cobalt CoastlandsRamanas IslandScarlet BogCoronet HighlandsFloaro Gardens
Paldea Grasswither ShrineIcerend ShrineGroundblight ShrineFirescourge Shrine
Poco PathArea ZeroArea Zero UnderdepthsGlaseado Mountain
South Province (Area One)Asado DesertWest Province (Area One)East Province (Area Three)
Casseroya LakeNorth Paldean SeaSouth Province (Area Four)North Province (Area Two)
Alfornada CavernGreat Crater of PaldeaTagtree ThicketEast Province (Area One)
South Province (Area Five)Dalizapa PassagePokémon LeagueSocarrat Trail
Kitakami Paradise BarrensWistful FieldsOni MountainDreaded DenLoyalty Plaza
Other Faraway IslandDistortion WorldSinjoh RuinsUltra Space Wilds

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.