Dialga (Pokémon)

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Revision as of 03:06, 30 June 2008 by TTEchidna (talk | contribs) (Trivia)
000 #{{{prevnum}}}: Azelf
#{{{nextnum}}}: Palkia 000
ディアルガ Dialga
Artwork from Diamond/Pearl
Steel Dragon
Temporal Pokémon
Exp. at Lv. 100
Regional Pokédex numbers
Regional Browser numbers
5.4 m
1505.8 lbs.
683.0 kg
Dex color
Catch rate
30 (3.9%)
Body style

Gender ratio
Gender unknown
Undiscovered group 1 cycles*
(255 minimum steps)
EV yield
Base Exp.: 220 Battle Exp.: 2201*

Dialga (Japanese: ディアルガ Dialga) is a dual-type Steel/Dragon Legendary Pokémon.

Dialga is the version mascot of Pokémon Diamond, appearing on the boxart.



Dialga is dinosaur-like similar to Palkia, though it seems to be based off of a sauropod. It is mainly dark blue with some gray metallic portions, such as its chestplate, which has a diamond in the center. It also has various light blue spots. It has a somewhat wing-like structure on its back, and a crest on its head, resembling a type of dinosaur. Dialga also has long claws and a short tail.

Gender differences

Dialga is a genderless species.

Special abilities

Dialga has the ability to warp time.

Similar to most other Template:Type2s, Dialga is capable of wielding various elemental attacks (except for Water attacks). Dialga can also utilize several Ground-, Rock- and Template:Type2 moves. It is one of the few Pokémon that can use Aura Sphere.

Dialga's powers can be magnified by the Adamant Orb.

Dialga is the only known Pokémon that learns Roar of Time (apart from an event Darkrai released for the tenth movie in Japan).


Being that Dialga, like Palkia, primarily resides in a different dimension, its behavior is nearly impossible to study.


Dialga lives in another dimension, and can only be summoned to the main Pokémon universe by using the Red Chain.


Main article: Pokémon food

In the anime

File:Dialga Statue.jpg
A statue of Dialga in the anime
File:Dialga Movie10.JPG
Dialga alongside Palkia in The Rise of Darkrai.

Dialga appears in the tenth movie of the Pokémon anime along with Palkia. It fights with Palkia and Darkrai, nearly destroying Alamos Town.

This Dialga will appear again in the eleventh movie. On its return trip back to its own dimension, Dialga ends up in the Reverse World. Dialga gets attacked by Giratina, who is mad that the battle that Dialga had with Palkia damaged its world.

Dialga's statue appears with its silhouette in A Secret Sphere of Influence!

Dialga also makes a cameo in the Japanese version of the Diamond and Pearl theme song.

In the manga

In Pokémon DP, Hareta and Mitsumi set out on a journey with the intention of finding the god-like Pokémon, Dialga. Oddly, Palkia does not receive a mention.

In the TCG

Main article: Dialga (TCG)

Other appearances

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Dialga on Spear Pillar

Dialga appears as a stage Pokémon in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, along with Palkia, Cresselia, and the Lake trio on the stage Spear Pillar. It affects the stage much differently than that of its counterpart, such as slowing down time, and even going off of its post to attack the players in the middle. It can also distort the stage, like Palkia, but only slightly and not as extreme, as well as shoot beams from various locations.

Game data

NPC appearances

  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2: Dialga appears in the main storyline, but mostly as Primal Dialga (Japanese: ダークディアルガ Dark Dialga). In the future, because of the collapse of the Temporal Tower, Dialga has lost control of itself and has entered a state of self-preservation, keeping time frozen and refusing to let it flow properly. When the player and partner return from the future and arrive at the Tower, soon to collapse, they have to battle Dialga, having just turned Primal, to put some sense into it and restore the Tower.

Pokédex entries

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation I
Red {{{redbluedex}}}
Yellow {{{yellowdex}}}
Stadium {{{stadiumdex}}}
Generation II
Gold {{{golddex}}}
Silver {{{silverdex}}}
Crystal {{{crystaldex}}}
Stadium 2 Unknown
Generation III
Ruby {{{rubydex}}}
Sapphire {{{sapphiredex}}}
Emerald {{{emeralddex}}}
FireRed {{{firereddex}}}
LeafGreen {{{leafgreendex}}}
Generation IV
Diamond It has the power to control time. It appears in Sinnoh-region myths as an ancient deity.
Pearl A Pokémon spoken of in legend. It is said that time began moving when Dialga was born.
Platinum {{{platinumdex}}}
HeartGold {{{heartgolddex}}}
SoulSilver {{{soulsilverdex}}}
Generation V
Black {{{blackdex}}}
White {{{whitedex}}}
Black 2 {{{black2dex}}}
White 2 {{{white2dex}}}
Generation VI
X Unknown
Y Unknown

Game locations

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation I
Red Blue
None Trade
Blue (Japan)
None Trade
None Trade
Generation II
Gold Silver
None Trade
None Trade
Generation III
Ruby Sapphire
None Trade
None Trade
FireRed LeafGreen
None Trade
None Trade
None Trade
Generation IV
Diamond Pearl
One Spear Pillar (Diamond only)
None Trade
HeartGold SoulSilver
None Trade
Pal Park
Generation V
Black White
None Trade
Black 2 White 2
None Trade
Dream World
Generation VI
None Trade

In side games

Game Location
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
(Time and Darkness)
Temporal Tower (Summit)

Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
160 - 207 310 - 404
112 - 189 220 - 372
112 - 189 220 - 372
139 - 222 274 - 438
94 - 167 184 - 328
85 - 156 166 - 306
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.

Type effectiveness

Template:DP type effectiveness


By leveling up

|- style="text-align:center" | style="text-align:left" | steel | style="background:#5060E1" |  Dragon 

| style=" background:#FFF" | 4 | style=" background:#FFF" | 4 | style=" background:#FFF" | Dialga | style="display:none; background:#FFF" | {{{6}}} Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Movelist/note


Template:Movelisttm Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Movelist/note

By tutoring

Template:Tutor Template:Mtentry4a

|- style="background:#9DC1B7" | colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon
A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game,
while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
|} |}


Template:EvoChart Box


Gen Game
I Red Blue Yellow Red (Ja) Green Back
This Pokémon did not appear during Generation I.
II Gold Silver Crystal   Back
This Pokémon did not appear during Generation II.
III Ruby Sapphire Emerald FireRed LeafGreen Back
This Pokémon did not appear during Generation III.
IV Diamond Pearl Platinum HeartGold SoulSilver Back
V Black White Black 2 White 2 Back
Dialga For other sprites and images, please see Dialga images on Bulbagarden Archives.


  • Dialga's US name, although many had already guessed it, was officially revealed on January 20th 2006, along with Palkia's name.
  • Dialga is one of two spacetime Pokémon created by Arceus. The other is Palkia.
  • Dialga has an astounding eleven resistances and one immunity, making it one of the most resistant Pokémon, second only to Magnemite and its two evolutions, although the aforementioned has more weaknesses as well. It is also tied in resistances and immunity with Empoleon.
  • Dialga is the second Pokémon to have the ability to manipulate time, the first being Celebi.
  • Dialga is the seventh tallest Pokémon and the tallest Generation IV Pokémon.
  • Dialga is the only Pokémon with its type combination.
  • Dialga is the only Template:Type2 Pokémon that isn't weak to Dragon-type moves as of Generation IV, due to the Template:Type2's resistance to them.
  • Despite being genderless in the main series games, Dialga is referred to as a male in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2.
  • In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2, Dialga, along with Palkia, both speak in capital letters, unlike the other Pokémon in the game.


Dialga is based after a dinosaur with a diamond. The dinosaur it is based on is the largest dinosaur, known as Amphicoelias. It was the longest, tallest, and biggest dinosaur in the world, hence the size of Dialga.

Name origin

The Dia in its name is derived from the word diamond, even though the Japanese word for diamond is ダイヤモンド daiyamondo. The "ga" part in its name may be a corruption of "gon", referring to its origin and type. Its name could also be a reference to a sun dial, which is used to tell the time, or a dial found on a clock. Moreover, the Greek root "dia" can be translated to the word through, and one can refer to Dialga as going "through" time.

In other languages

Related articles

External links

000 #{{{prevnum}}}: Azelf
#{{{nextnum}}}: Palkia 000
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.