From the time it is born, a flame burns at the tip of its tail. Its life would end if the flame were to go out.
生まれたときから しっぽに 炎が ともっている。 炎が 消えたとき その 命は 終わって しまう。
Release information
This card was included as a Regular card and a Full Artillustration rare card in the 151 expansion, first released in the Japanese Pokémon Card 151 subset. The Regular print features artwork by GIDORA, while the Full Art illustration rare print features artwork by miki kudo. A Reverse Holofoil version of the Regular card featuring either a "GameStop" or "EB Games" stamp was given out to customers spending at least $15 on 151 products at GameStop stores in the United States and Canada, or EB Games stores in Australia and New Zealand from September 22, 2023.