Generations (TCG)

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← BREAKpoint
TCG expansions
Fates Collide →
Cards in set English: 115
Japanese: 77
Set number English: —
Japanese: —
Release date English: February 22, 2016
Japanese: February 27, 2016
Golduck BREAK + Palkia-EX Combo Deck
Starter Pack
Zygarde-EX Perfect Battle Deck

Pokémon TCG: Generations (Japanese: スターターパック Starter Pack) is a special expansion of cards from the XY Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It was released as a Starter Deck in the XY BREAK Era of the Pokémon Card Game in Japan.


Train On with Pokémon TCG: Generations!

Celebrate 20 years of Pokémon with the Pokémon TCG: Generations expansion, covering every stage of a Trainer's journey, from the choice of a first partner Pokémon to the most Elite of Trainer battles. Featuring Pikachu, Snorlax, Ninetales-EX, and Jolteon-EX, plus Mega Charizard-EX, Mega Blastoise-EX, and Mega Venusaur-EX, the Generations expansion is a power to be reckoned with! Train On.™


Generations is a special expansion of the XY Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as Starter Pack, a Starter Deck in the Pokémon Card Game XY BREAK Era.

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the franchise, the Generations expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game featured a large number of Pokémon from Generation I, consisting of cards from the Japanese Starter Pack, as well as a number of Japanese XY-P Promotional cards. It also included a second Radiant Collection subset (the cards were separately numbered with the prefix RC), the first of which appeared as part of the Legendary Treasures expansion. It originated from a Japanese Concept Pack, the PokéKyun Collection, released only a month before.

Unlike regular expansions, Generations booster packs could not be purchased individually from booster boxes. Instead, they were only made available in special 20th Anniversary-related items of merchandise, which included Mythical Pokémon Collections and Red & Blue Collections. Each Mythical Pokémon Collection comes packaged with 2 Generations packs, in addition to a special Full Art promotional card and collector's pin featuring 1 of the 11 Mythical Pokémon available as part of the 20th Anniversary distributions during 2016. The Mythical Pokémon Collection—Mew was the first of these products available from February 22, 2016, concluding with the Mythical Pokémon Collection—Meloetta in December 2016, mirroring the distributions. Each of the 4 Red & Blue Collection boxes available throughout 2016 contain 4 Generations packs in addition to either a sculpted figure or Jumbo card of the focal Pokémon, depending on which country the product was made for sale. Two other Generations products were made available later in 2016: the Generations Elite Trainer Box was released in July and the Super Premium Collection: Mew & Mewtwo was released in September. Each booster pack contained 10 cards, which consisted of 8 cards from the core Generations set and 2 from the Radiant Collection subset.

The Starter Pack was released on February 27, 2016 in Japan. It emulated the original both in terms of design and the random nature of the cards included. While the cards contained in each deck can vary, they were grouped based on evolutionary family and type. The deck can be broken down into two sections, which are packaged separately. The first section will always contain one of two Mega Pokémon, either M Venusaur-EX or M Charizard-EX, in addition to a fixed selection of Pokémon and Energy cards relative to its type, plus multiples of Trainer cards for a total of 27 cards. The second section contains 3 different groups of Pokémon containing an evolutionary family of 1 type, plus 1 other Pokémon of the same type, matching Energy cards, and a selection of single Trainer cards for a total of 33 cards. None of the cards available as part of the pack have rarity symbols. A special Blastoise version of the Starter Pack (Japanese: スターターパック カメックスver.) was later made available, initially exclusive to venues hosting the Kamex Mega Battle in Japan during May 2016, followed by a more general release from the Pokémon Center Online store in June 2016. This version substituted the Grass or Fire-type cards available in the first section of the regular version with Water-type cards. These cards appeared in the core Generations set, but are classed as secret cards in the Starter Pack. The Starter Pack also came with an exclusive Chansey coin.

Chansey coin

A number of special Holofoil variants of cards from the Generations expansion were subsequently distributed as part of 20th Anniversary events in several countries.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
8/83 Tangela Grass Holo "Toys "R" Us" stamp promo (Canada)
8/83 Tangela Grass Holo 20th Anniversary stamp promo (UK)
14/83 Ponyta Fire Holo "Toys "R" Us" stamp promo (Canada)
14/83 Ponyta Fire Holo 20th Anniversary stamp promo (UK)
22/83 Magikarp Water Holo "Toys "R" Us" stamp promo (USA and Canada)
22/83 Magikarp Water Holo 20th Anniversary stamp promo (UK and France)
26/83 Pikachu Lightning Holo "Toys "R" Us" stamp promo (USA and Canada)
26/83 Pikachu Lightning Holo 20th Anniversary stamp promo (UK, France, Australia)
28a/83 JolteonEX Lightning Yellow A Alternate art Mega Powers Collection exclusive
32/83 Slowpoke Psychic Holo "Toys "R" Us" stamp promo (Canada)
32/83 Slowpoke Psychic Holo 20th Anniversary stamp promo (UK)
43/83 Geodude Fighting Holo "Toys "R" Us" stamp promo (Canada)
43/83 Geodude Fighting Holo 20th Anniversary stamp promo (UK)
50/83 Clefairy Fairy Holo "Toys "R" Us" stamp promo (USA and Canada)
50/83 Clefairy Fairy Holo 20th Anniversary stamp promo (UK)
53/83 Meowth Colorless Holo "Toys "R" Us" stamp promo (USA and Canada)
53/83 Meowth Colorless Holo 20th Anniversary stamp promo (UK and Australia)
73a/83 Team Flare Grunt Su Yellow A Alternate art Premium Trainer's XY Collection exclusive

Set lists

No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/83 VenusaurEX Grass Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
2/83 MegaVenusaurEX Grass Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
3/83 Caterpie Grass Common Promotion
4/83 Metapod Grass Uncommon Promotion
5/83 Butterfree Grass Rare Holo Promotion
6/83 Paras Grass Common Promotion
7/83 Parasect Grass Rare Promotion
8/83 Tangela Grass Common Promotion
9/83 Pinsir Grass Rare Promotion
10/83 LeafeonEX Grass Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
11/83 CharizardEX Fire Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
12/83 MegaCharizardEX Fire Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
13/83 NinetalesEX Fire Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
14/83 Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
15/83 Rapidash Fire Rare Promotion
16/83 Magmar Fire Common Promotion
17/83 BlastoiseEX Water Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
18/83 MegaBlastoiseEX Water Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
19/83 Shellder Water Common Promotion
20/83 Cloyster Water Uncommon Promotion
21/83 Krabby Water Common Promotion
22/83 Magikarp Water Common Promotion
23/83 Gyarados Water Rare Promotion
24/83 VaporeonEX Water Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
25/83 Articuno Water Rare Holo Promotion
26/83 Pikachu Lightning Common Promotion
27/83 Raichu Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
28/83 JolteonEX Lightning Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
29/83 Zapdos Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
30/83 Zubat Psychic Common Promotion
31/83 Golbat Psychic Uncommon Promotion
32/83 Slowpoke Psychic Common Promotion
33/83 Gastly Psychic Common Promotion
34/83 Haunter Psychic Uncommon Promotion
35/83 Gengar Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
36/83 Jynx Psychic Rare Promotion
37/83 MeowsticEX Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
38/83 Diglett Fighting Common Promotion
39/83 Dugtrio Fighting Rare Promotion
40/83 Machop Fighting Common Promotion
41/83 Machoke Fighting Uncommon Promotion
42/83 Machamp Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
43/83 Geodude Fighting Common Promotion
44/83 Graveler Fighting Uncommon Promotion
45/83 Golem Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
46/83 GolemEX Fighting Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
47/83 Hitmonlee Fighting Rare Promotion
48/83 Hitmonchan Fighting Rare Promotion
49/83 Rhyhorn Fighting Common Promotion
50/83 Clefairy Fairy Common Promotion
51/83 Clefable Fairy Uncommon Promotion
52/83 Mr. Mime Fairy Uncommon Promotion
53/83 Meowth Colorless Common Promotion
54/83 Persian Colorless Uncommon Promotion
55/83 Doduo Colorless Common Promotion
56/83 Dodrio Colorless Rare Promotion
57/83 Tauros Colorless Rare Promotion
58/83 Snorlax Colorless Rare Promotion
59/83 Clemont Su Uncommon Promotion
60/83 Crushing Hammer I Uncommon Promotion
61/83 Energy Switch I Uncommon Promotion
62/83 Evosoda I Uncommon Promotion
63/83 Imakuni? Su Uncommon Promotion
64/83 Maintenance I Uncommon Promotion
65/83 Max Revive I Uncommon Promotion
66/83 Olympia Su Uncommon Promotion
67/83 Poké Ball I Uncommon Promotion
68/83 Pokémon Center Lady Su Uncommon Promotion
69/83 Pokémon Fan Club Su Uncommon Promotion
70/83 Revitalizer I Uncommon Promotion
71/83 Red Card I Uncommon Promotion
72/83 Shauna Su Uncommon Promotion
73/83 Team Flare Grunt Su Uncommon Promotion
74/83 Double Colorless Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
75/83 Grass Energy Grass E Common Promotion
76/83 Fire Energy Fire E Common Promotion
77/83 Water Energy Water E Common Promotion
78/83 Lightning Energy Lightning E Common Promotion
79/83 Psychic Energy Psychic E Common Promotion
80/83 Fighting Energy Fighting E Common Promotion
81/83 Darkness Energy Darkness E Common Promotion
82/83 Metal Energy Metal E Common Promotion
83/83 Fairy Energy Fairy E Common Promotion

Radiant Collection
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
RC1/RC32 Chikorita Grass Common Promotion
RC2/RC32 Shroomish Grass Common Promotion
RC3/RC32 Charmander Fire Common Promotion
RC4/RC32 Charmeleon Fire Common Promotion
RC5/RC32 Charizard Fire Uncommon Promotion
RC6/RC32 FlareonEX Fire Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
RC7/RC32 Snorunt Water Common Promotion
RC8/RC32 Froslass Water Uncommon Promotion
RC9/RC32 Raichu Lightning Common Promotion
RC10/RC32 Dedenne Lightning Uncommon Promotion
RC11/RC32 Wobbuffet Psychic Common Promotion
RC12/RC32 Gulpin Psychic Common Promotion
RC13/RC32 Jirachi Psychic Uncommon Promotion
RC14/RC32 Espurr Psychic Common Promotion
RC15/RC32 Meowstic Psychic Uncommon Promotion
RC16/RC32 Yveltal Darkness Uncommon Promotion
RC17/RC32 Flabébé Fairy Common Promotion
RC18/RC32 Floette Fairy Uncommon Promotion
RC19/RC32 Swirlix Fairy Uncommon Promotion
RC20/RC32 Slurpuff Fairy Uncommon Promotion
RC21/RC32 SylveonEX Fairy Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
RC22/RC32 Diancie Fairy Uncommon Promotion
RC23/RC32 Swablu Colorless Common Promotion
RC24/RC32 Altaria Colorless Uncommon Promotion
RC25/RC32 Fletchling Colorless Common Promotion
RC26/RC32 Floral Crown I Common Promotion
RC27/RC32 Wally Su Uncommon Promotion
RC28/RC32 FlareonEX Fire Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
RC29/RC32 Pikachu Lightning Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
RC30/RC32 GardevoirEX Fairy Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
RC31/RC32 MegaGardevoirEX Fairy Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
RC32/RC32 SylveonEX Fairy Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion

Starter Pack
No. Image Card name Type
001/072 VenusaurEX Grass Promotion
002/072 MegaVenusaurEX Grass Promotion
003/072 Caterpie Grass Promotion
004/072 Metapod Grass Promotion
005/072 Butterfree Grass Promotion
006/072 Paras Grass Promotion
007/072 Parasect Grass Promotion
008/072 Tangela Grass Promotion
009/072 Pinsir Grass Promotion
010/072 CharizardEX Fire Promotion
011/072 MegaCharizardEX Fire Promotion
012/072 Ponyta Fire Promotion
013/072 Rapidash Fire Promotion
014/072 Magmar Fire Promotion
015/072 Magikarp Water Promotion
016/072 Gyarados Water Promotion
017/072 Articuno Water Promotion
018/072 Pikachu Lightning Promotion
019/072 Raichu Lightning Promotion
020/072 Zapdos Lightning Promotion
021/072 Zubat Psychic Promotion
022/072 Golbat Psychic Promotion
023/072 Slowpoke Psychic Promotion
024/072 Gastly Psychic Promotion
025/072 Haunter Psychic Promotion
026/072 Gengar Psychic Promotion
027/072 Jynx Psychic Promotion
028/072 Diglett Fighting Promotion
029/072 Dugtrio Fighting Promotion
030/072 Machop Fighting Promotion
031/072 Machoke Fighting Promotion
032/072 Machamp Fighting Promotion
033/072 Geodude Fighting Promotion
034/072 Graveler Fighting Promotion
035/072 Golem Fighting Promotion
036/072 Hitmonlee Fighting Promotion
037/072 Hitmonchan Fighting Promotion
038/072 Rhyhorn Fighting Promotion
039/072 Clefairy Fairy Promotion
040/072 Clefable Fairy Promotion
041/072 Mr. Mime Fairy Promotion
042/072 Meowth Colorless Promotion
043/072 Persian Colorless Promotion
044/072 Doduo Colorless Promotion
045/072 Dodrio Colorless Promotion
046/072 Tauros Colorless Promotion
047/072 Snorlax Colorless Promotion
048/072 Energy Retrieval I Promotion
049/072 Energy Switch I Promotion
050/072 Potion I Promotion
051/072 Crushing Hammer I Promotion
052/072 Max Revive I Promotion
053/072 Evosoda I Promotion
054/072 Super Rod I Promotion
055/072 Ultra Ball I Promotion
056/072 Professor's Letter I Promotion
057/072 Rare Candy I Promotion
058/072 Switch I Promotion
059/072 Pokémon Catcher I Promotion
060/072 Maintenance I Promotion
061/072 Poké Ball I Promotion
062/072 Red Card I Promotion
063/072 Imakuni? Su Promotion
064/072 Shauna Su Promotion
065/072 Judge Su Promotion
066/072 Tierno Su Promotion
067/072 Professor Sycamore Su Promotion
068/072 Lysandre Su Promotion
069/072 Team Flare Grunt Su Promotion
070/072 Pokémon Center Lady Su Promotion
071/072 Pokémon Fan Club Su Promotion
072/072 Double Colorless Energy Colorless E Promotion
073/072 BlastoiseEX Water Promotion
074/072 MegaBlastoiseEX Water Promotion
075/072 Shellder Water Promotion
076/072 Cloyster Water Promotion
077/072 Krabby Water Promotion

Starter Pack structure

Section 1
No. Card Type Quantity
Any 1 group with Grass or Fire-type Pokémon*
001/072 VenusaurEX Grass
002/072 MegaVenusaurEX Grass
006/072 Paras Grass
007/072 Parasect Grass
008/072 Tangela Grass
Grass Energy Grass E
010/072 CharizardEX Fire
011/072 MegaCharizardEX Fire
012/072 Ponyta Fire
013/072 Rapidash Fire
014/072 Magmar Fire
Fire Energy Fire E
1 group with Water-type Pokémon*
073/072 BlastoiseEX Water
074/072 MegaBlastoiseEX Water
075/072 Shellder Water
076/072 Cloyster Water
077/072 Krabby Water
Water Energy Water E
14 fixed cards
058/072 Switch I
059/072 Pokémon Catcher I
061/072 Poké Ball I
064/072 Shauna Su
066/072 Tierno Su
067/072 Professor Sycamore Su
072/072 Double Colorless Energy Colorless E

Section 2
No. Card Type Quantity
Any 1 group with a 3-stage evolutionary family
003/072 Caterpie Grass
004/072 Metapod Grass
005/072 Butterfree Grass
009/072 Pinsir Grass
Grass Energy Grass E
024/072 Gastly Psychic
025/072 Haunter Psychic
026/072 Gengar Psychic
027/072 Jynx Psychic
Psychic Energy Psychic E
030/072 Machop Fighting
031/072 Machoke Fighting
032/072 Machamp Fighting
036/072 Hitmonlee Fighting
Fighting Energy Fighting E
033/072 Geodude Fighting
034/072 Graveler Fighting
035/072 Golem Fighting
037/072 Hitmonchan Fighting
Fighting Energy Fighting E
Any 1 group with a 2-stage evolutionary family
015/072 Magikarp Water
016/072 Gyarados Water
017/072 Articuno Water
Water Energy Water E
018/072 Pikachu Lightning
019/072 Raichu Lightning
020/072 Zapdos Lightning
Lightning Energy Lightning E
021/072 Zubat Psychic
022/072 Golbat Psychic
023/072 Slowpoke Psychic
Psychic Energy Psychic E
028/072 Diglett Fighting
029/072 Dugtrio Fighting
038/072 Rhyhorn Fighting
Fighting Energy Fighting E
039/072 Clefairy Fairy
040/072 Clefable Fairy
041/072 Mr. Mime Fairy
Fairy Energy Fairy E
Any 1 group of Colorless-type Pokémon
042/072 Meowth Colorless
043/072 Persian Colorless
046/072 Tauros Colorless
044/072 Doduo Colorless
045/072 Dodrio Colorless
047/072 Snorlax Colorless
Combination of 8 Trainer cards
048/072 Energy Retrieval I
049/072 Energy Switch I
050/072 Potion I
051/072 Crushing Hammer I
052/072 Max Revive I
053/072 Evosoda I
054/072 Super Rod I
055/072 Ultra Ball I
056/072 Professor's Letter I
057/072 Rare Candy I
060/072 Maintenance I
062/072 Red Card I
063/072 Imakuni? Su
065/072 Judge Su
068/072 Lysandre Su
069/072 Team Flare Grunt Su
070/072 Pokémon Center Lady Su
071/072 Pokémon Fan Club Su


English Venusaur pack
English Charizard pack
English Blastoise pack
English Pikachu pack
Japanese Starter Pack
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The 20th Anniversary Starter Pack is released in Japanese and Korean, both only available in unlimited edition. The Generations set is released in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. Cards in the English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish sets were also available as Reverse Holos. The Portuguese version of this set lacked any Reverse Holos.

In other languages

Language Title
French Générations
German Generationen
Italian Generazioni
Brazilian Portuguese Gerações
Russian Поколения Pokoleniya
Spanish Generaciones

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
XY Series
XY Black Star Promos
Kalos Starter Set: Chespin DeckFennekin DeckFroakie Deck
XY: Resilient LifeDestruction Rush
XY Trainer Kit
Flashfire: Mystic TyphoonBrilliant Thunder
McDonald's Collection 2014
Furious Fists: Dark HammerEnchanted Echo
Battle Arena Decks: Xerneas vs. Yveltal
Phantom Forces: Burning WindsBolt Twister
XY Trainer Kit: Bisharp & Wigglytuff
Primal Clash: Earth's PulseOcean's Core
Double CrisisXY Trainer Kit: Latias & Latios
Roaring Skies: Aurora BlastStorm Rider
Ancient Origins: Iron TideStone Heart
Battle Arena Decks: Mewtwo vs. Darkrai
BREAKthrough: Burning SparkNight Striker
McDonald's Collection 2015
BREAKpoint: Wave SlasherElectric Eye
GenerationsXY Trainer Kit: Pikachu Libre & Suicune
Fates Collide: Fates Collide Prerelease KitSky GuardianBattle Ruler
Steam Siege: Steam Siege Prerelease KitGears of FireRing of Lightning
McDonald's Collection 2016Battle Arena Decks: Rayquaza vs. Keldeo
Articuno Legendary Battle DeckZapdos Legendary Battle DeckMoltres Legendary Battle Deck

Evolutions: Evolutions Prerelease KitMewtwo MayhemPikachu Power
XY Era
XY-P Promotional cards
XY Beginning Set
Collection XCollection Y
Xerneas Half DeckYveltal Half Deck
Wild Blaze: M Charizard-EX Mega Battle Deck
Rising Fist
Phantom Gate: Hyper Metal Chain Deck
Super Legend Set: Xerneas-EX & Yveltal-EX
Gaia VolcanoTidal Storm
Magma Gang VS Aqua Gang: Double Crisis
Emerald Break: M Rayquaza-EX Mega Battle Deck
Bandit Ring
Legendary Shine CollectionEmboar-EX vs Togekiss-EX Deck KitM Master Deck Build Box Power StyleM Master Deck Build Box Speed Style
Blue ShockRed Flash: Raichu BREAK Evolution PackNoivern BREAK Evolution Pack
Golduck BREAK + Palkia-EX Combo Deck
Rage of the Broken Heavens
Grass/Fighting Battle Strength SetFire/Lightning Battle Strength SetWater/Psychic Battle Strength SetPokéKyun CollectionBREAK Starter Pack
Awakening Psychic King: Zygarde-EX Perfect Battle DeckM Audino-EX Mega Battle Deck
Premium Champion Pack
Fever-Burst FighterCruel Traitor
Mythical & Legendary Dream Shine CollectionExpansion Pack 20th AnniversaryThe Best of XY