Bronzong BREAK (Fates Collide 62)

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Bronzong BREAK  
ドータクンBREAK DohtakunBREAK

Illus. 5ban Graphics
Evolution stage
BREAK Evolution
Evolves from Bronzong
Card name Bronzong BREAK
Type Metal
HP 130
retreat cost
English expansion Fates Collide
Rarity Rare BREAK
English card no. 62/124
Japanese expansion Awakening Psychic King
Japanese rarity RR
Japanese card no. 049/078
Japanese expansion The Best of XY
Japanese card no. 083/171
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Bronzong.

BronzongBREAK (Japanese: ドータクンBREAK DohtakunBREAK) is a Metal-type BREAK Evolution Pokémon card. It was first released as part of the Fates Collide expansion.

Card text

BREAK Evolution Rule
Bronzong BREAK retains the attacks, Abilities, Weakness, Resistance, and Retreat cost of its previous Evolution.
MetalColorless Metal Rain
Discard as many Metal Energy attached to this Pokémon as you like. For each Energy card discarded in this way, choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon and do 30 damage to it. Don't apply Weakness and Resistance. (You may choose the same Pokémon more than once.)

Release information

This card was included in the Fates Collide expansion, first released in the Japanese Awakening Psychic King expansion. In Japan, it was reprinted in The Best of XY subset.


This is the only Metal-type Pokémon BREAK.


This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.