Talk:List of Pokémon by wild held item

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Revision as of 11:19, 13 May 2024 by Kikugi (talk | contribs) (Munchlax: new section)

Latest comment: 13 May 2024 by Kikugi in topic Munchlax


Vulpix hold a Ice Berry in gen 2 with 33% not with 5 or 50, and in FireRed & LeafGreen it holds a Rawst Berry with an other rate tenn in the other gen 3 games ... how do we make this? --Hanmac 07:32, 18 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

Thiiiiis is why I need a list off the bat. Urgh. TTEchidna 07:52, 18 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
its possible that the infos are wrong, i think that the % in gen II is not only 5 or 50, some is it 8%, what sould we do?? --Hanmac 08:31, 18 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

Electrizer and Magmarizer

we need a diffrent note for gen IV for 5% and 50% for Electrizer and Magmarizer. --Hanmac 08:31, 18 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

List me all the wild held items across all four gens, I'll fix the table... TTEchidna 10:04, 21 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

Can someone fix the percentages for the Electrizer and Magmarizer for the Elekid and Magby family lines in GEN 4? I checked and they are definitely 5%, not 50%. I can't edit this table properly it's a mess. --Map233224 17:55, 20 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

They are both 5% and 50%. In Diamond, Electabuzz has a 50% chance of holding an Electrizer, while Magmar has a 5% chance. (Slot 1 is 50%, Slot 2 is 5%, and if both slots are filled the chance is 100%.) Pearl is the opposite, where Electabuzz has a 5% chance of having an Electrizer and Magmar has a 50% chance of having a Magmarizer. In Platinum, they're both 50%. This was already noted on the page, so no correction is necessary. --SnorlaxMonster 01:57, 21 March 2021 (UTC)Reply
Actually, one minor correction: In Platinum, Electabuzz has a 50% chance of holding an Electrizer, whereas Magmar has a 5% chance of holding a Magmarizer. I've now corrected this on the page. --SnorlaxMonster 02:07, 21 March 2021 (UTC)Reply
I have been shiny hunting both Magmar and Electabuzz in Platinum, and I can definitely say the probabilities are flipped. I got 2 Electrizers on a 40 chain, while I get Magmarizers every other Magmar. Made an account to point this out since I've been using this page. ThrowawayAccount (talk) 12:04, 17 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

Generation I items

Do we need to include Pokémon that only have a held item from Gen I to Gen II trading? If so, that's almost the entirety of the the original 151 right off the bat. - Chosen of Mana - 19:58, 21 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

Correction. That IS the entirety of the original 151 right off the bat. ht14 19:32, 28 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

I did a spot check of Gen I/II Pokémon and found held rates at 5%, 8%, 25%, 33%, and 100%. There were a few Gen I held rates at 33% instead of 100% too. Dragoness 09:36, 9 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

Okay so Gen I/II has 5 different slots, III/IV has two different slots. That right? TTEchidna 22:23, 12 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
Not quite — Gen II also has only two slots. Items which appear when traded from RBY are a little trickier, and i don't fully understand how they work, but the item you receive is based on the catch rate of the Pokémon in RBY. UPC has a handy list. --a_magical_me 22:48, 12 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
So how should we handle this? This is very inaccurate now... ht14 12:51, 26 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

Berserk Gene

I was fooling around with a gameshark and found that in generation 2 if a wild Mewtwo is made to appear it has a chance to be holding a berserk gene, which it uses immediately when encountered. It very rarely had this item so I would assume it is 5%... Does anyone know of a way to confirm this? Nokota 14:57, 2 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

It seems it's actually already listed in the tables beneath. As such, it should be confirmed already as a held item, just somehow got forgotten...? Bluesun 16:30, 2 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

Gen III Wild Held Items

Here they are (for anyone interested):

--a_magical_me 19:11, 8 February 2010 (UTC)Reply


Beedrill,Poison Barb,5%
Fearow,Sharp Beak,5%
Pikachu,Oran Berry,50%
Pikachu,Light Ball,5%
Raichu,Oran Berry,5%
Sandshrew,Quick Claw,5%
Sandslash,Quick Claw,5%
Clefairy,Leppa Berry,50%
Clefairy,Moon Stone,5%
Clefable,Leppa Berry,50%
Clefable,Moon Stone,5%
Vulpix,Rawst Berry,100%
Ninetales,Rawst Berry,100%
Paras,Big Mushroom,5%
Parasect,Big Mushroom,5%
Growlithe,Rawst Berry,100%
Arcanine,Rawst Berry,100%
Poliwhirl,King's Rock,5%
Poliwrath,King's Rock,5%
Slowpoke,King's Rock,5%
Slowbro,King's Rock,5%
Magnemite,Metal Coat,5%
Magneton,Metal Coat,5%
Doduo,Sharp Beak,5%
Dodrio,Sharp Beak,5%
Shellder,Big Pearl,5%
Cloyster,Big Pearl,5%
Cubone,Thick Club,5%
Marowak,Thick Club,5%
Koffing,Smoke Ball,5%
Weezing,Smoke Ball,5%
Chansey,Lucky Egg,5%
Horsea,Dragon Scale,5%
Seadra,Dragon Scale,5%
Staryu,Star Piece,5%
Starmie,Star Piece,5%
Mr.Mime,Leppa Berry,5%
Jynx,Aspear Berry,100%
Magmar,Rawst Berry,100%
Ditto,Metal Powder,5%
Dratini,Dragon Scale,5%
Dragonair,Dragon Scale,5%
Dragonite,Dragon Scale,5%
Mew,Lum Berry,100%
Sentret,Oran Berry,5%
Furret,Oran Berry,50%
Furret,Sitrus Berry,5%
Chinchou,Yellow Shard,5%
Lanturn,Yellow Shard,5%
Pichu,Oran Berry,5%
Cleffa,Leppa Berry,50%
Cleffa,Moon Stone,5%
Politoed,King's Rock,5%
Slowking,King's Rock,5%
Misdreavus,Spell Tag,5%
Girafarig,Persim Berry,5%
Steelix,Metal Coat,5%
Shuckle,Oran Berry,100%
Sneasel,Quick Claw,5%
Corsola,Red Shard,5%
Kingdra,Dragon Scale,5%
Smoochum,Aspear Berry,100%
Magby,Rawst Berry,100%
Miltank,MooMoo Milk,100%
Blissey,Lucky Egg,5%
Ho-oh,Sacred Ash,100%
Celebi,Lum Berry,100%
Poochyena,Pecha Berry,5%
Mightyena,Pecha Berry,5%
Zigzagoon,Oran Berry,5%
Linoone,Oran Berry,50%
Linoone,Sitrus Berry,5%
Spinda,Chesto Berry,5%
Skitty,Leppa Berry,5%
Delcatty,Leppa Berry,5%
Kecleon,Persim Berry,5%
Luvdisc,Heart Scale,50%
Trapinch,Soft Sand,5%
Hariyama,King's Rock,5%
Numel,Rawst Berry,100%
Camerupt,Rawst Berry,100%
Cacnea,Poison Barb,5%
Cacturne,Poison Barb,5%
Lunatone,Moon Stone,5%
Solrock,Sun Stone,5%
Duskull,Spell Tag,5%
Dusclops,Spell Tag,5%
Roselia,Poison Barb,5%
Gulpin,Big Pearl,5%
Swalot,Big Pearl,5%
Whismur,Chesto Berry,5%
Loudred,Chesto Berry,5%
Exploud,Chesto Berry,5%
Clamperl,Blue Shard,5%
Shuppet,Spell Tag,5%
Banette,Spell Tag,5%
Relicanth,Green Shard,5%
Aron,Hard Stone,5%
Lairon,Hard Stone,5%
Aggron,Hard Stone,5%
Castform,Mystic Water,100%
Bagon,Dragon Scale,5%
Shelgon,Dragon Scale,5%
Salamence,Dragon Scale,5%
Beldum,Metal Coat,5%
Metang,Metal Coat,5%
Metagross,Metal Coat,5%
Jirachi,Star Piece,100%


Beedrill,Poison Barb,5%
Raticate,Oran Berry,50%
Raticate,Sitrus Berry,5%
Fearow,Sharp Beak,5%
Arbok,Poison Barb,5%
Sandslash,Soft Sand,5%
Clefairy,Moon Stone,5%
Clefable,Moon Stone,5%
Vulpix,Rawst Berry,50%
Ninetales,Rawst Berry,50%
Jigglypuff,Oran Berry,50%
Wigglytuff,Oran Berry,50%
Paras,Big Mushroom,5%
Parasect,Big Mushroom,5%
Growlithe,Rawst Berry,50%
Arcanine,Rawst Berry,50%
Machoke,Focus Band,5%
Machamp,Focus Band,5%
Graveler,Hard Stone,5%
Golem,Hard Stone,5%
Dodrio,Sharp Beak,5%
Seel,Aspear Berry,50%
Dewgong,Aspear Berry,50%
Shellder,Big Pearl,5%
Cloyster,Big Pearl,5%
Haunter,Spell Tag,5%
Gengar,Spell Tag,5%
Onix,Hard Stone,5%
Cubone,Thick Club,5%
Marowak,Thick Club,5%
Chansey,Lucky Egg,5%
Staryu,Star Piece,5%
Starmie,Star Piece,5%
Ditto,Metal Powder,5%
Snorlax,Chesto Berry,100%
Dragonair,Dragon Fang,5%
Dragonite,Dragon Fang,5%
Chikorita,Lum Berry,100%
Sentret,Oran Berry,5%
Furret,Oran Berry,50%
Furret,Sitrus Berry,5%
Chinchou,Yellow Shard,5%
Lanturn,Yellow Shard,5%
Cleffa,Moon Stone,5%
Igglybuff,Oran Berry,50%
Politoed,King's Rock,5%
Slowking,King's Rock,5%
Misdreavus,Spell Tag,5%
Girafarig,Persim Berry,5%
Steelix,Metal Coat,5%
Shuckle,Berry Juice,100%
Teddiursa,Oran Berry,50%
Teddiursa,Sitrus Berry,5%
Ursaring,Oran Berry,50%
Ursaring,Sitrus Berry,5%
Swinub,Aspear Berry,50%
Piloswine,Aspear Berry,50%
Corsola,Red Shard,5%
Skarmory,Sharp Beak,5%
Kingdra,Dragon Scale,5%
Miltank,MooMoo Milk,100%
Blissey,Lucky Egg,5%
Celebi,Lum Berry,100%
Poochyena,Pecha Berry,5%
Mightyena,Pecha Berry,5%
Zigzagoon,Oran Berry,5%
Linoone,Oran Berry,50%
Linoone,Sitrus Berry,5%
Spinda,Chesto Berry,5%
Skitty,Leppa Berry,5%
Delcatty,Leppa Berry,5%
Kecleon,Persim Berry,5%
Luvdisc,Heart Scale,50%
Trapinch,Soft Sand,5%
Hariyama,King's Rock,5%
Numel,Rawst Berry,100%
Camerupt,Rawst Berry,100%
Cacnea,Poison Barb,5%
Cacturne,Poison Barb,5%
Lunatone,Moon Stone,5%
Solrock,Sun Stone,5%
Duskull,Spell Tag,5%
Dusclops,Spell Tag,5%
Roselia,Poison Barb,5%
Gulpin,Big Pearl,5%
Swalot,Big Pearl,5%
Whismur,Chesto Berry,5%
Loudred,Chesto Berry,5%
Exploud,Chesto Berry,5%
Clamperl,Blue Shard,5%
Shuppet,Spell Tag,5%
Banette,Spell Tag,5%
Relicanth,Green Shard,5%
Aron,Hard Stone,5%
Lairon,Hard Stone,5%
Aggron,Hard Stone,5%
Castform,Mystic Water,100%
Bagon,Dragon Scale,5%
Shelgon,Dragon Scale,5%
Salamence,Dragon Scale,5%
Beldum,Metal Coat,5%
Metang,Metal Coat,5%
Metagross,Metal Coat,5%
Jirachi,Star Piece,100%

Gen II Wild Held Items

#pokemon,item 0,item 1
Beedrill,,Poison Barb
Fearow,,Sharp Beak
Clefairy,MysteryBerry,Moon Stone
Clefable,MysteryBerry,Moon Stone
Vulpix,Burnt Berry,Burnt Berry
Ninetales,Burnt Berry,Burnt Berry
Paras,TinyMushroom,Big Mushroom
Parasect,TinyMushroom,Big Mushroom
Growlithe,Burnt Berry,Burnt Berry
Arcanine,Burnt Berry,Burnt Berry
Poliwhirl,,King's Rock
Poliwrath,,King's Rock
Slowpoke,,King's Rock
Slowbro,,King's Rock
Magnemite,,Metal Coat
Magneton,,Metal Coat
Dodrio,,Sharp Beak
Shellder,Pearl,Big Pearl
Cloyster,Pearl,Big Pearl
Cubone,,Thick Club
Marowak,,Thick Club
Chansey,,Lucky Egg
Horsea,,Dragon Scale
Seadra,,Dragon Scale
Staryu,Stardust,Star Piece
Starmie,Stardust,Star Piece
Jynx,Ice Berry,Ice Berry
Magmar,Burnt Berry,Burnt Berry
Dratini,,Dragon Scale
Dragonair,,Dragon Scale
Dragonite,,Dragon Scale
Mewtwo,,Berserk Gene
Furret,Berry,Gold Berry
Cleffa,MysteryBerry,Moon Stone
Politoed,,King's Rock
Slowking,,King's Rock
Misdreavus,,Spell Tag
Steelix,,Metal Coat
Sneasel,,Quick Claw
Kingdra,,Dragon Scale
Smoochum,Ice Berry,Ice Berry
Magby,Burnt Berry,Burnt Berry
Miltank,Moomoo Milk,Moomoo Milk
Blissey,,Lucky Egg
Ho-oh,Sacred Ash,Sacred Ash

I'm not really sure what the exact chances are, so i'm giving the raw item slots. --a_magical_me 02:59, 16 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

Page Revamp?

This page has been bothering me for some time. Can we just break the Gen I and Gen II tables off from III, IV, and V (since Gen I and II need more columns and because their mechanics are different, it seems better to just give them their own table)? Then, we can also put a 100% drop chance column... Or something. Plus someone should add the Pokemon I left out from Gen V (they didn't have any drop items so I didn't include them). Gymnotide 18:50, 19 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Dream World

Don't you get wild held items from Dream World? Shouldn't there be a section on it?--Wowy 03:19, 9 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

No, that was faulty speculation by Serebii which then perpetrated through the fandom. Bluesun 16:30, 2 June 2011 (UTC)Reply


If all fields have items, do Pokémon always is holding an item? The article only says about case where is the same item in all fields. Marked +-+-+ 09:04, 10 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

PS.Never mind... figured out in-game. Marked +-+-+ 09:11, 10 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

Gen II

Well, I've now updated the table to include many of the features it previously lacked. However, it seems that our Gen II data is still inaccurate, and at the moment it isn't even clear to me how many Gen II columns we need, or what the percentages are for each. At the moment, the only 100% item we have is the Sacred Ash for Ho-Oh, but some sources appear to say that Snorlax gets the Leftovers 100% of the time. It seems that the table above doesn't tell the whole story: the same item in both slots doesn't automatically mean 100%.

Based on this data, and the linked page from upokecenter, the possible item frequencies would appear to be as follows: 2% (5/256, the slot 1 item), 23% (59/256, the slot 0 item), 25% (64/256, if the same item is in both slots) and 100% (if the same item is in both slots and some other parameter is set). However, this doesn't quite tally with some of the other evidence gathered above, so I think this needs some further investigation. Bikini Miltank 11:14, 29 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

HGSS column

Shouldnt HeartGold and SoulSilver have their own column like FRLG do? Vuvuzela2010 12:54, 27 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

FRLG have a column because there are a lot of differences between FRLG and RSE; the only differences between DPPt and HGSS are the Magby and Elekid lines and Shuckle. --SnorlaxMonster 13:02, 27 October 2011 (UTC)Reply
What about Colosseum and XD? I'd imagine they would probably just use the held item data from either RSE or FRLG, so thei could just be added to either the RSE or FRLG header. Vuvuzela2010 13:07, 27 October 2011 (UTC)Reply
If someone can get Colo or XD data, that should be added. --SnorlaxMonster 13:10, 27 October 2011 (UTC)Reply
According to here, Shadow Voltob holds a Magnet in XD, which it doesnt have in any other game. It could just be the Shadow one though. Vuvuzela2010 13:12, 27 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

1% Item

In this page there is a list of item that have a 1% of possibility to be found on some Pokémon, for example a Clefairy with a Comet Shard has. But I checked some articles of Pokémon that can be found with a 1% item and the item is never mentioned in the "Held Item table". NEVER. I've actually checked Clefairy, Paras, Lunatone, Dwebble, Garbodour pages (all of them can have a 1% item according to this page), but the item is never mentioned on their articles. So is this article wrong, and there aren't any 1% item that can be found, or are this item missing in every page of the Pokémon that can have them? --SamuStar 20:17, 21 November 2011 (UTC)Reply

I checked some other sites and it looks like the Pokémon pages are just missing the info. Pikiwyn talk 20:26, 21 November 2011 (UTC)Reply
Then someone should add the missing info (Not me because I don't know how) --SamuStar 20:31, 21 November 2011 (UTC)Reply
Yeah the thing is is that the pages already contain the item but it doesn't show because the Held item template needs to be updated to support 3 items in Black and White. The template uses coding that I don't know very well, but I'll try fix it. Pikiwyn talk 20:35, 21 November 2011 (UTC)Reply
on official Pokedex of pokémon Black & White, it's said that these kind of item can only be found by pokémon on double grass. I've tested, and I could steal a rare bone on a crustle.Maverick Hunter (talk) 17:36, 21 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Jirachi Held Item

Why does the chart show Jirachi having a Star Piece at 100% as the held item? Shouldn't the item be a Ganlon Berry or Salac Berry at 50%? --King901 02:44, 27 April 2012 (UTC)Reply

Difference between this article and others

this article is extremely contradictory compared to what the Pokémon species and item articles say about held items, so I'm just wondering, which one is an error? Is this one wrong or are the others wrong? --Maddiesapphire (talk) 20:38, 19 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

I know what you're talking about. I believe that this table is generated from in-game-data so that the other pages are missing information. I'm currently trying to verify that B2/W2 has the same held-item-information as BW. Afterwards, I'll try to correct the other pages. TCCPhreak (talk) 10:34, 26 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Yes, this table was taken from the data in-game, but so were the tables on the Pokémon pages. If there are any inconsistencies, you should probably check on other sites like veekun and Serebii to see whether this table or the Pokémon page is right. - signed comment from GoldenCelebi (pedia talknews talkarchives talk) 11:06, 26 October 2012 (UTC)Reply
Serebii is not a valid reference. Werdnae (talk) 20:41, 26 October 2012 (UTC)Reply
It was just an example... My point is that if there are inconsistencies between this page and the main Pokémon pages, and lots of other sources all agree with one of them, it's probably the accurate one. - signed comment from GoldenCelebi (pedia talknews talkarchives talk) 18:38, 27 October 2012 (UTC)Reply
There are no inconsistencies. This is the full version. What you see on species' pages is limited to Pokémon that are legitimately available in-wild in specified games (though I am sure that Rotom's page has Max Elixir for BW, as you get Rotom via trade in that game, and it has Max Elixir as held item, so there might be some other reasons). Marked +-+-+ (talk) 20:19, 27 October 2012 (UTC)Reply


Is it the same, or is it different? Marked +-+-+ (talk) 18:22, 7 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Some same, some different, which is gonna bugger up the table. -Spriteit (talk) 14:01, 9 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Gen I starters.

Do they hold items? And what about other gifted Pokémon? Marked +-+-+ (talk) 14:12, 30 December 2012 (UTC)Reply


Heatmor has a 1% chance to hold a Flame Orb in BW2, but not in BW. Is there someway to indicate this? Also, I changed the Solosis/Gothita thing and just simply removed my previous edit on this talk page. Cafeolay (talk) 14:50, 30 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

Similarly, Growlithe and Arcanine have a 100% chance to hold the Rawst Berry in BW, but only 50% in BW2. Cafeolay (talk) 18:06, 30 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
You could do the thing done with Shuckle, but this gonna likely mess up the table, depending on how big changes are. Marked +-+-+ (talk) 19:40, 30 December 2012 (UTC) PS. Oh wait... is that even programmed into the table? Marked +-+-+ (talk) 19:43, 30 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
I thought that maybe we could do something like Rawst Berry(this would be in the 100% column)BW, and then in the 50% chance column, another Rawst Berry indicating that this is only in BW2. Cafeolay (talk) 21:47, 30 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

Spell Tag.

Both Misdreavus and Spell Tag articles say that Misdreavus sometimes (5%) holds this item. This table has no mention of it whatsoever. Reason? Marked +-+-+ (talk) 10:41, 12 January 2013 (UTC)Reply


So wait, Veekun is valid source? (I mean, whereas Serebii was crossed out, Veekun wasn't). It seems to have B2W2 items (like Heatmor's Flame Orb, or Rattata line not having Chilan Berry) and no idea what to do with that fact considering what happened few sections above. Marked +-+-+ (talk) 08:28, 23 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Mankey/Primeape & Payapa in Gen VI

I've spent about an hour in the Friend Safari with the Compound Eye + Frisk Thief Combo looking for Payapa Berries. It doensn't seem like Mankeys carry any Payapa Berries. With Compound Eyes, it should have been 10% chance of it holding one. I've stolen more Lucky Eggs off of Friend Safari Chanseys in 10 min. Can anyone confirm or refute this definitively? -- Douchette (talk) 06:26, 9 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

XY items

So I added all the XY items to this page from the Japanese XY guidebook a while ago; however, it only includes Pokémon available in the wild in Kalos that are in the Kalos Pokédex, and only considers their primary form (so it said Basculin can only hold the Deep Sea Tooth, but Blue-Striped Basculin can hold the Deep Sea Scale instead). What this means is that any Pokémon only found in the Friend Safari do not currently have their wild held items listed (unless someone else added it, like Sticky Barb on Ferroseed). Also, things like Pumpkaboo, which can only hold the Miracle Seed while Super Size, are only considered for their primary form (note that I have already checked and corrected Pumpkaboo and Basculin, which are probably the only two that will have different items for different forms). --SnorlaxMonster 07:07, 12 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Gen IV Compound Eyes %'s with multiple items?

  • I kinda asked this before, but it wasn't really clarified to me yet. Does the ability chance the chances of a 50% item to 100% or 55%? And for Pokémon with multiple items, how does that work with the 5% items? For example, Chansey and the Lucky Egg vs Oval Stone. The articles say it is increased by 50%, just trying to clarify what that actually does to the percentages. Maybe I'm just being slow, IDK. ----NateVirus(Talk|Contributions) 02:37, 28 September 2014 (UTC)Reply
Well, firstly you've made a mathematical error in your two options. 55% would be for a 10% increase, whereas this is a 50% increase; the possibilities are 50% becomes 100% or 75%. We can eliminate the 100% option, because some Pokémon have both a 50% item and a 5% item, so that would total to over 100% (also, I have used Compoundeyes in Gen IV before, and the Pokémon aren't always holding items). As such, I believe it makes 50% items become 75% items, and 5% items become 7.5% items. --SnorlaxMonster 06:25, 2 October 2014 (UTC)Reply
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. ----NateVirus(Talk|Contributions) 20:42, 19 January 2015 (UTC)Reply

Two questions

I wanted to update the page, but I wanna ask first just in case:

1. Is this page up to date with XY and ORAS? 2. Should the Dexnav exclusive items be listed? If so, how should they be differentiated?TepiGreninja (talk) 19:56, 16 May 2015 (UTC)Reply

  1. You can check... (The problem with that list for now, though, is that we don't have any idea what the chances are for a given item/item "slot".)
  2. I know of no "DexNav exclusive" items. I know we made that claim before, and I wouldn't be surprised if other sites do, but I've not seen actual evidence of any such. Tiddlywinks (talk) 13:28, 17 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
Re: #1: I've spent some time catching Pokemon and counting items, and (with close to 1000 data points) they seem to be the same as XY: 50% common and 5% rare (with 45% having no item). Sometime today, I'll try to add all the ORAS items to this page. If I ever try to add them to individual Pokemon pages too, I don't expect it'll be soon. Tiddlywinks (talk) 17:35, 23 May 2015 (UTC)Reply

Gen VI Wild Held Item on Fully-Evolved Pokemon?

Will someone please kindly explain to me WHY some Pokemon are listed in the table under ORAS (Blissey, Slowking, Politoed, Steelix, Golem and Beedrill to name a few) that are NOT ABLE to be caught in the wild at all in those games!? This *mostly* applies to Pokemon that are fully-evolved or require trade evolution, but perhaps not always, I need to check the whole rest of the list. Protectress of the Forest, ArtemiSerebii 05:26, 26 October 2015 (UTC)ArtemiSerebii

It's not at all special to ORAS. You mentioned Golem. Golem is not available in the wild in any game. But it has an item listed for every generation.
In short, it's not a question of if it can be caught and the item acquired; it's a question of how the games are programmed; if Golem were inserted somewhere in the wild in any game, it'd have the specified held item. (Maybe it could be worth discussing if that's how the page should be, but for now, that's your answer.) Tiddlywinks (talk) 05:48, 26 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Does Marowak get Thick Club in X/Y?

If it does, then shouldn't OR/AS notifier be removed? Trainer Yusuf (talk) 23:10, 5 February 2016 (UTC)Reply


Roselia is listed as %5 and %100 for Sun and Moon, when it should be %5 for XY and %5 for Sun and Moon. Trainer Yusuf (talk) 17:40, 6 December 2016 (UTC)Reply

I believe I've fixed the issue; somebody had added way too many cells to that row, causing the template to get confused. I also added the 5% Poison Barb that the Roselia page lists for B2W2. Pumpkinking0192 (talk) 17:56, 6 December 2016 (UTC)Reply

Blissey in US/UM

So, I can't say for sure what the percentage for a Lucky Egg is, but I can say that it certainly isn't 100% for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. I've been chaining Chansey for days to steal a lucky egg off of a Blissey. I've run into at least 7 of them at this point and not a single one has had a lucky egg. Anyone have any idea what the actual percentage is and mind fixing the table? Shadowkat777 (talk) 18:05, 19 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

Gen III Item chances & Compound Eyes

I was looking through the pokeemerald decompilation project and noticed that in line 6487 of the pokemon.c file there are two variables: 45 and 95. Those are the numbers used for the chance of getting a hold item. However, this contradicts what's stated in this page: The common item chance is not 50%, it's 55%. This also true for the rest of the Gen III games. Also, with Compound Eyes it's 80% instead of 60%.

I don't know if this is true for Gen IV+, as there's no current decompilation project that I know of.

Sources: (line 6487) [Emerald] (line 1320) [Ruby and Saphire] (line 5850) [FireRed and LeafGreen]

AsparagusEduardo (talk) 16:36, 8 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for providing sources, but as I mentioned in my edit summary of your original reversion, my reading of the SetWildMonHeldItem function (which you also quoted) still contradicts that:
The important part is in line 6528ff. of pokeemerald (and 6512ff.):
  • If a random value from 0-99 is less than the first variable (45 without Compoundeyes), then there is no item
  • Else, if that random value is less than the second variable, then it's item 1 (so that's anything between 45 and 95 without Compoundeyes - 50%)
  • Else (i.e. if the random value is not less than the second variable), it's item 2 (so without Compoundeyes, that's just 5%).
All values should have been correct, so I've reverted your edit (again). If you believe there's a mistake in the logic I just outlined, please specify precisely where before trying to reinstate your values again. Nescientist (talk) 17:05, 8 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

My bad, sorry for that. AsparagusEduardo (talk) 17:10, 8 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

No problem :) Nescientist (talk) 17:24, 8 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

Which Generation VIII encounter types?

The Snorlax at Motostoke Riverbank does not hold Leftovers, so I guess these percentages don't apply to wanderers. This needs fixing at potentially many species pages.

Anyway, do the percentages here apply to symbol encounters, or only to random encounters? Nescientist (talk) 11:52, 27 June 2020 (UTC)Reply

Forgot Max Raid Battles, does anyone know for certain? Nescientist (talk) 11:56, 27 June 2020 (UTC)Reply
Static encounters (a superset that includes wanderers) pre-define a bunch of things, including held item. At least in the base game (I don't have the static encounters for The Isle of Armor), no static encounters have held items other than Zacian and Zamazenta. --SnorlaxMonster 12:47, 27 June 2020 (UTC)Reply
Yes, I would believe symbol and random encounters, and that's it, but I'm not sure, that's why I'm asking. Nescientist (talk) 13:46, 27 June 2020 (UTC)Reply


I suggest moving these two pages:

(or whatever other name that makes sense)

I think I'm not a big fan of the name "List of Pokémon by wild held item". These pages are not really lists of Pokémon by their wild held items (in the sense that they are not shown or organized by their held item). They are list of wild Pokémon's held items. They are organized by the Pokédex's number first, and then the items are shown.

Just for comparison, this name would be accurate as well, but I'm not really suggesting it because it would be too long: "List of Pokémon by National Pokédex number, also featuring their held items". --Daniel Carrero (talk) 23:48, 20 August 2020 (UTC) --Daniel Carrero (talk) 23:48, 20 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

I'm a fan! Let's do this! Hello, it's me, GalarChamp Cinderace! (talk) 13:26, 28 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

Magmarizer in generation IV

It says here that Magmar has 50% chance to hold Magmarizer in Platinum, while on Magmarizer's page it says it's 5% It's also weird that it has swapped percentages in generation 4 in contrary to its evolutionary forms.--Rocket Grunt 17:53, 27 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

It seems this is a failing of the template more than anything else. Any value specified as "DPt" is assumed to be 50% and any value specified as "P" is assumed to be 5%. I had recently attempted to correct the rates for Electabuzz/Magmar's held items on this page, but didn't realised that the template didn't support the correct values. I also missed that Magby/Elekid and Magmortar/Electivire's Platinum held items also were incorrect.
I've updated the template, and corrected the Platinum rates for the whole evolutionary line on this page. --SnorlaxMonster 10:17, 28 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

Linoone's Potion in ORAS

This page says there's 50% chance to get Potion from Linoone in ORAS but not on the Linoone and Potion's pages.--Rocket Grunt 20:27, 13 August 2022 (UTC)Reply


Munchlax listed as being 100% likely to have Leftovers in Gen 8, but I just now caught one in Shining Pearl without them. Either the percentage is wrong, or the Grand Underground does percentages differently from regular encounters. Any idea which one is true? Kikugi (talk) 11:19, 13 May 2024 (UTC)Reply