User:Rahl/Manga Moves

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 14:19, 14 May 2024 by Reinhartmax (talk | contribs)
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Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Water Gun
Move First Used In
Water Gun Glimpse of the Glow
Ice Beam Onix Is On!
Double Team ...But Fearow Itself!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Water Gun
Using Seismic Toss
Move First Used In
Seismic Toss Buzz Off, Electabuzz!
Ice Beam Wake Up—You're Snorlax!
Double Slap Meanwhile...Vileplume!
Water Gun Holy Moltres
Double Team  Just a Spearow Carrier
Dynamic Punch PSs1*
Focus Punch Put Your Beast Foot Forward
Mind Reader Put Your Beast Foot Forward
Brick Break  The Final Battle VIII
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Tackle
Using Sleep Powder
Move First Used In
Tackle Bulbasaur, Come Home!
Vine Whip  Bulbasaur, Come Home!
Solar Beam  Bulbasaur, Come Home!
Sleep Powder Wanted: Pikachu!
Leech Seed  Gyarados Splashes In!
Razor Leaf  ...But Fearow Itself!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Razor Leaf
Move First Used In
Vine Whip  The Jynx Jinx
Solar Beam  Blame it on Eevee
Cut What a Dragonite
Leech Seed  Kalling Kadabra
Razor Leaf  Kalling Kadabra
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Solar Beam
Using Poison Powder
Move First Used In
Solar Beam The Winged Legends
Vine Whip  Drat That Dratini!
Poison Powder A Charizard...and a Champion
Razor Leaf A Charizard... and a Champion
Sleep Powder Ponyta Tale
Sweet Scent Victim of Venusaur*
Frenzy Plant  My, My, My Mimic*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Mega Venusaur

Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Move First Used In
Bite Unknown*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Morning Sun
Move First Used In
Morning Sun Forretress of Solitude
Psychic Forretress of Solitude
Psych Up The Last Battle X
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Flamethrower
Move First Used In
Flamethrower Blame It on Eevee
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Water Gun
Move First Used In
Water Gun Blame It on Eevee
Acid Armor Clefabulous Clefable
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Thunder Shock
Move First Used In
Thunder Shock Blame It on Eevee
Pin Missile Clefabulous Clefable
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Psywave tornado
Using Recover
Move First Used In
Psywave  And Mewtwo Too!?
Barrier Airing Out Aerodactyl
Psychic Once More into the Unown
Recover Double Down Deoxys
Confusion Unknown*
Psystrike  Yveltal Steals
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Mega Mewtwo Y

Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Mega Mewtwo X

Using Psywave
Move First Used In
Psywave Mewtwo Angered
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.




Using Slash
Move First Used In
False Swipe Unknown*
Slash Go for the Golbat
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Metal Claw
Move First Used In
Metal Claw Rock, Paper...Scizor
False Swipe Rock, Paper...Scizor
Steel Wing Double Dealing with Deoxys
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Ember
Move First Used In
Ember Glimpse of the Glow
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Fire Spin
Move First Used In
Fire Spin That Awful Arbok!
Reflect That Awful Arbok!
Flamethrower A Tale of Ninetales*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Blast Burn
Move First Used In
Fly  Kalling Kadabra*
Flamethrower  The Winged Legends
Fire Spin A Charizard... and a Champion
Fire Punch A Charizard... and a Champion
Blast Burn  My, My, My Mimic*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Mega Charizard Y

Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Confusion
Using Hyper Beam
Move First Used In
Surf  What a Dragonite
Confusion Peace of Mime
Tail Whip Lapras Lazily
Hydro Pump  Lapras Lazily
Hyper Beam Lapras Lazily
Iron Tail  Red and Blue Make Purple Opponents
Dig  Red and Blue Make Purple Opponents
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Submission
Using Focus Energy
Move First Used In
Submission A Charizard... and a Champion
Slam × A Charizard... and a Champion
Karate Chop A Charizard... and a Champion
Low Kick  Electro Magneton
Focus Energy Electro Magneton
Seismic Toss  Double Dealing with Deoxys
Hyper Beam  Don't Doubt Deoxys
An × shows that the move cannot be legitimately known by this Pokémon in the games.
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Tri Attack
Move First Used In
Tri Attack The Art of Articuno
Conversion Striking Golduck
Sharpen Striking Golduck
Psybeam Gimme Shellder
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Tri Attack
Move First Used In
Conversion 2 Playful Porygon2
Tri Attack Red and Blue Make Purple Opponents
Zap Cannon Once More into the Unown
Recycle Once More into the Unown
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Horn Attack
Using Horn Drill
Move First Used In
Horn Attack Entranced by Entei
Stomp Entranced by Entei
Earthquake Heckled by Hitmontop
Horn Drill Heckled by Hitmontop
Dig  The Last Battle IX
Megahorn  Storming the Forretress
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Earth Power
Move First Used In
Earth Power Raising the Stakes with Rhyperior
Rock Wrecker All About Arceus VIII
Dig Pinsir Glares
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.




Using Sing
Using Tri Attack
Move First Used In
Sing  A Little Kadabra'll Do It
Tri Attack Just a Spearow Carrier
Disable Just a Spearow Carrier
Double-Edge  The Escape*
Double Slap  The Escape*
Defense Curl  The Escape*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Scary Face
Move First Used In
Scary Face The Last Battle VII
Bite The Last Battle VII
Charm The Last Battle VII
Take Down The Last Battle VII
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Move First Used In
Tackle Unknown*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Bubble
Move First Used In
Bubble  Wartortle Wars
Tackle Wartortle Wars*
Tail Whip Wartortle Wars*
Water Gun Wartortle Wars*
Hydro Pump  The Jynx Jinx
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Mega Punch
Using Bubble
Move First Used In
Mega Punch Zap! Zap! Zapdos!
Hydro Pump  The Winged Legends
Water Gun Just a Spearow Carrier
Bubble Breath of the Dragonair Part 2
Hydro Cannon  Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
Skull Bash Unknown*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Mega Blastoise

Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Growl
Move First Used In
Growl A Little Kadabra'll Do It
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Metronome
Move First Used In
Metronome The Winged Legends
Minimize Clefabulous Clefable
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Move First Used In
Double Kick Valiant Venomoth!*
Poison Sting Unknown*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Double Kick
Move First Used In
Double Kick The Final Battle VI
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.




Using Hyper Fang
Move First Used In
Hyper Fang Cloystered
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Hyper Fang
Move First Used In
Hyper Fang Ekans the Ecstasy
Super Fang Eradicate Raticate!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Whirlwind
Move First Used In
Whirlwind Do Do that Doduo
Drill Peck Do Wrong, Dewgong!
Peck Eradicate Raticate!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Mega Punch
Move First Used In
Mega Punch As Gastly as Before
Rock Throw The Primeape Directive
Take Down Eradicate Raticate!
Struggle Eradicate Raticate!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Defense Curl
Move First Used In
Defense Curl The Legend
Take Down Mewtwo Comes Through*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Water Gun
Move First Used In
Water Gun As Gastly as Before
Ice Beam The Coming of Slowpoke (Eventually)
Struggle Eradicate Raticate!
Hydro Pump Unknown*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Ice Beam
Move First Used In
Ice Beam The Legend
Hydro Pump Buzz Off, Butterfree!
Blizzard A Well-Journeyed Jumpluff
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using String Shot
Move First Used In
String Shot Ekans the Ecstasy
Struggle Eradicate Raticate!
Tackle Unknown*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Harden
Move First Used In
Harden The Might of... Metapod?!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Supersonic
Move First Used In
Supersonic The Legend
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.




Using Scratch
Using Agility
Move First Used In
Scratch Murkrow Row
Swagger Who Gives a Hoothoot?
Double Team Number One Donphan
Agility The Last Battle VI
Baton Pass The Last Battle VI
Double Hit  Pleased as Punch With Parasect
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Double Hit
Move First Used In
Double Hit It Takes Xatu to Tango
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Water Gun
Move First Used In
Water Gun How Do You Do, Sudowoodo?
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Whirlpool
Using DynamicPunch
Move First Used In
Whirlpool Ampharos Amore
Water Gun  Tyranitar War*
Double Slap Raise the Red Gyarados
Dynamic Punch  Delibird Delivery - 1
Hypnosis Slick Slowking
Perish Song The Last Battle VI
Brick Break The Final Battle VIII
Bounce  All About Arceus VIII*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Ember
Move First Used In
Tackle Totodile Rock
Ember Totodile Rock
Smokescreen Totodile Rock
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Ember
Move First Used In
Ember Sneasel Sneak Attack
Double Team Tyranitar War
Flame Wheel Delibird Delivery - 2
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Flame Wheel
Move First Used In
Flame Wheel Lugia and Ho-Oh on the Loose (Part 1)
Flamethrower The Last Battle VI
Blast Burn The Final Battle VIII*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Flash
Move First Used In
Flash Into the Unown
Growth You Ain't Nothin' but a Houndour
Mega Drain The Ariados up There*
Sunny Day  Quilava Quandary
Giga Drain  Slick Slowking
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Sunny Day
Move First Used In
Sunny Day The Last Battle VI
Solar Beam All About Arceus VIII*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Double-Edge
Move First Used In
Double-Edge Gligar Glide
Metronome Gligar Glide
Growl Gligar Glide*
Charm Gligar Glide*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Double-Edge
Move First Used In
Double-Edge All About Arceus VIII
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Double-Edge
Move First Used In
Double-Edge All About Arceus VIII
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.




Using Icy Wind
Using Quick Attack
Move First Used In
Icy Wind  Sneasel Sneak Attack
Protect Sneasel Sneak Attack
Feint Attack Elekid Incorporated
Blizzard Tyranitar War
Quick Attack Delibird Delivery - 2
Rock Smash Delibird Delivery - 2
Thief  Heckled by Hitmontop
Beat Up The Last Battle XI
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Icy Wind
Move First Used In
Icy Wind Weavile Wobbles But It Won't Fall Down
Assurance All About Arceus VIII
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Smokescreen
Move First Used In
Smokescreen Zap! Zap! Zapdos!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Water Gun
Move First Used In
Water Gun Tyranitar War
Twister Delibird Delivery - 1
Waterfall Curious Kingdra
Brine Fortunately for Feraligatr
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Fly
Move First Used In
Fly Quilava Quandary
Wing Attack Tyranitar War
Pursuit Raise the Red Gyarados
Peck Delibird Delivery - 2
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Fly
Move First Used In
Fly Dealing With A Koffing Fit
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Sandstorm
Move First Used In
Sandstorm Tyranitar War
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Frustration
Using Water Gun
Move First Used In
Frustration Elekid Incorporated
Slash Bellsprout Rout*
Scratch  Totodile Rock
Water Gun  Totodile Rock
Bite  Totodile Rock
Ice Punch  Totodile Rock
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Water Gun
Move First Used In
Water Gun Tyranitar War
Bite Tyranitar War
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Surf
Move First Used In
Surf Curious Kingdra
Return The Last Battle XI
Hydro Cannon The Final Battle VIII*
Aqua Tail Fortunately for Feraligatr
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Hyper Beam
Using Dragon Breath
Move First Used In
Hydro Pump Raise the Red Gyarados
Hyper Beam Delibird Delivery - 2
Whirlpool  Curious Kingdra
Dragon Breath Entranced by Entei
Fire Blast Surprised by Sneasel
Rest Surprised by Sneasel
Twister  Fortunately for Feraligatr
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.




Using Psychic
Move First Used In
Psychic A Flaaffy Kerfuffle
Fly A Flaaffy Kerfuffle
Drill Peck Surrounded by Staryu
Future Sight Lugia and Ho-Oh on the Loose (Part 2)
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Fly
Move First Used In
Fly The Final Battle II
Tailwind All About Arceus VII
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Razor Leaf
Move First Used In
Razor Leaf Suddenly Suicune III
Tackle Lively Larvitar
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Razor Leaf
Move First Used In
Razor Leaf Lively Larvitar
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Frenzy Plant
Move First Used In
Frenzy Plant The Final Battle VIII*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.




Using Leer
Move First Used In
Leer Making Mirth with Mightyena
Bite Making Mirth with Mightyena
Hyper Beam × The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XIV*
An × shows that the move cannot be legitimately known by this Pokémon in the games.
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Howl
Move First Used In
Hyper Beam Hanging Around With Slaking I
Roar I More Than Like You, Luvdisc I
Take Down  I'm Always Grumpig First Thing in the Morning I
Odor Sleuth  No Armaldo Is an Island
Howl  The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon X
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Safeguard
Move First Used In
Safeguard Brushing Past Breloom
Double-Edge Stick This in Your Craw, Crawdaunt I
Iron Tail The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XIV*
Growl Unknown*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Assist
Move First Used In
Iron Tail Hanging Around With Slaking I
Growl Mind-Boggling with Medicham
Attract I More Than Like You, Luvdisc I
Covet  The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XI
Assist  The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XI
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Confusion
Move First Used In
Confusion Creeping Past Cacnea
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Imprison
Move First Used In
Imprison Rayquaza Redemption I
Shock Wave Rayquaza Redemption I*
Hypnosis Cunning Kirlia
Shadow Ball Cunning Kirlia*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Misty Terrain
Move First Used In
Misty Terrain PS615
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Mega Gardevoir

Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Water Gun
Move First Used In
Water Gun Trying to Trounce Torchic
Mud-Slap Tongue-Tied Kecleon
Tackle Unknown*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Earthquake
Move First Used In
Earthquake Slugging It Out with Slugma II
Mud Shot Hanging Around With Slaking I
Rock Smash What Would You Do for a Whismur?
Bide I More Than Like You, Luvdisc I
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Hydro Cannon
Move First Used In
Muddy Water The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon X
Mud Sport The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XI
Endeavor It All Ends Now II
Mud Shot Cunning Kirlia
Hydro Cannon  The Final Battle VIII*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Mega Swampert

Using Hammer Arm
Move First Used In
Hammer Arm Swampert Smashes
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Mirror Coat
Move First Used In
Light Screen On the Loose and Hyper with Zangoose and Seviper I
Mirror Coat On the Loose and Hyper with Zangoose and Seviper II
Ice Beam Hanging Around with Slaking III
Water Pulse Mind-Boggling with Medicham
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Blizzard
Move First Used In
Blizzard Susceptible to Sceptile
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.




Using Take Down
Move First Used In
Take Down Mowing Down Ludicolo
Metal Claw Blowing Past Nosepass I
Iron Tail Blowing Past Nosepass II
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Metal Claw
Move First Used In
Metal Claw  Mashing Makuhita
Iron Tail Mashing Makuhita*
Iron Defense  Bubble Bubble Toil and Azumarill II
Take Down  Bubble Bubble Toil and Azumarill II
Aerial Ace  Master Class with Masquerain
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Metal Burst
Move First Used In
Metal Burst Kyogre Returns
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Using Ember
Move First Used In
Ember Trying to Trounce Torchic
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Peck
Move First Used In
Peck Mashing Makuhita
Flamethrower Mashing Makuhita
Double Kick Heavy Hitting Hariyama
Double Team I Dare Ya, Altaria... Knock Chic off My Shoulder
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Blast Burn
Move First Used In
Blaze Kick  I Dare Ya, Altaria... Knock Chic off My Shoulder
Ember Master Class with Masquerain
Double Kick Master Class with Masquerain
Sky Uppercut With a Spoink in Your Step II
Blast Burn  The Final Battle VIII*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Mega Blaziken

Using Blaze Kick
Move First Used In
Blaze Kick Gorebyss Changes Color
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Mega Gallade

Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.




Move First Used In
Pound Unknown*
Leer Unknown*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Leaf Blade
Move First Used In
Leaf Blade Dreadful Dealing with Dusclops
Bullet Seed Rayquaza Redemption I
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Using Leaf Blade
Using Iron Tail
Move First Used In
Leaf Blade Gotcha Where I Wantcha, Glalie
Detect Gotcha Where I Wantcha, Glalie
Leech Seed Gotcha Where I Wantcha, Glalie
Iron Tail Gotcha Where I Wantcha, Glalie
Body Slam Susceptible to Sceptile*
Focus Punch Susceptible to Sceptile
Frenzy Plant  The Final Battle VIII*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Mega Sceptile

Move First Used In
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.