The following is a list of all Pokémon used by important Trainers in the games.
If a trainer owns multiple Pokémon from the same evolution family, only the highest stage will be listed.
Rental Pokémon and other temporary party members are not listed.
Indigo League
"The Rock-Solid Pokémon Trainer!"
Cerulean Gym Leader - Misty
"The Tomboyish Mermaid!"
Vermilion Gym Leader - Lt. Surge
"The Lightning American!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Electrode | Raichu | Magnezone | Electivire | Manectric | Pachirisu | Jolteon | Ampharos | Lanturn | ||||||||||
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series | ||||||||||||||||||
Tangela | Poliwrath | Lickitung | Victreebel | Porygon2 | Quagsire | Dodrio |
Celadon Gym Leader - Erika
"The Nature-Loving Princess!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Victreebel | Tangrowth | Vileplume | Jumpluff | Bellossom | Shiftry | Roserade | Venusaur | Exeggutor | Cradily | Abomasnow | Whismsicott | Lilligant | Parasect | |||||
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series | ||||||||||||||||||
Clefable | Dewgong | Blissey | Vaporeon | Marowak | Ninetales | Mantine | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Comfey | Leafeon |
Fuchsia Gym Leader - Janine
"The Poisonous Ninja Master!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Crobat | Weezing | Ariados | Venomoth | Toxicroak | Drapion | Tentacruel | Arbok | Roserade | Nidoqueen | |||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Stantler | Gligar | Meganium | Muk | Vaporeon | Forretress | Girafarig |
Saffron Gym Leader - Sabrina
"The Mistress of Psychic Pokémon!"
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Alakazam | Mr. Mime | Venomoth | Espeon | Jynx | Wobbuffet | Gallade | Hypno | Slowking | Metagross | Exeggutor | Sigilyph | Slowbro | ||||||
As Bellelba | ||||||||||||||||||
Swoobat | ||||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series | ||||||||||||||||||
Snorlax | Wigglytuff | Furret | Scizor | Typhlosion | Hitmonlee | Sandslash | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Chingling |
Note: A Mewtwo was used by Sabrina in the Pokémon World Tournament as part of a Download Tournament.
Cinnabar Gym Leader - Blaine
"The Hotheaded Quiz Master!"
Viridian Gym Leader - Blue Oak
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Charizard | Pidgeot | Alakazam | Raticate | Exeggutor | Gyarados | Arcanine | Rhyperior | Fearow | Sandslash | Heracross | Tyranitar | Machamp | Aerodactyl | Tauros | ||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Blastoise | Venusaur | Vaporeon | Jolteon | Flareon | Ninetales | Magneton | Cloyster | |||||||||||
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series | ||||||||||||||||||
Slowbro | Clefable | Electabuzz | Pinsir | Dodrio | Scyther | Miltank | Gengar | Houndoom | Piloswine | Kingdra | ||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Zapdos |
Note: A Cubone was mentioned to have been caught by Blue in Generations I and III, but it has never been on any of his teams.
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Xatu | Exeggutor | Slowbro | Jynx | Bronzong | Grumpig | Gardevoir | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Kadabra | Girafarig | Clefable | Electabuzz | Mantine | Flareon | Chansey | Hypno |
Elite Four Koga
"The Poisonous Ninja Master!"
Elite Four Bruno
Elite Four Karen
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Umbreon | Vileplume | Honchkrow | Gengar | Houndoom | Weavile | Absol | Spiritomb | |||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Victreebel | Magmar | Persian | Slowbro | Misdreavus | Electrode |
Johto League
Violet Gym Leader - Falkner
"The Elegant Master of Flying Pokémon!"
Note: A Lugia was used by Falkner in the Pokémon World Tournament as part of a Download Tournament.
Azalea Gym Leader - Bugsy
"The Walking Bug Pokémon Encyclopedia!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Butterfree | Beedrill | Scizor | Shedinja | Yanmega | Pinsir | Heracross | Vespiquen | Shuckle | Forretress | Armaldo | ||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Weepinbell | Pupitar | Quagsire | Sudowoodo | Raticate |
Goldenrod Gym Leader - Whitney
"The Incredibly Pretty Girl!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Clefable | Miltank | Girafarig | Lickilicky | Bibarel | Delcatty | Wigglytuff | Tauros | Ambipom | Ursaring | Blissey | Lopunny | Watchog | Cinccino | |||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Gloom | Dodrio | Stantler | Golduck | Persian | Donphan | Mr. Mime | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Sawsbuck |
Ecruteak Gym Leader - Morty
"The Mystic Seer of the Future!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Gengar | Drifblim | Dusknoir | Sableye | Mismagius | Banette | Froslass | Chandelure | Cofagrigus | Jellicent | |||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Ariados | Sudowoodo | Marowak | Girafarig | Noctowl | Mantine | Granbull | Lapras | |||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Ho-Oh |
Cianwood Gym Leader - Chuck
"His Roaring Fists Do the Talking!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Primeape | Poliwrath | Medicham | Hitmonchan | Hitmonlee | Breloom | Machamp | Hitmontop | Conkeldurr | ||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Granbull | Sandslash | Ursaring | Ampharos | Hypno |
Olivine Gym Leader - Jasmine
"The Steel-Clad Defense Girl!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Magnezone | Steelix | Metagross | Skarmory | Bronzong | Empoleon | Forretress | Mawile | Lucario | Klinklang | Ferrothorn | Excadrill | |||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Corsola | Mantine | Stantler | Blastoise | Slowbro | Rapidash | Scizor | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Celesteela | Ampharos |
Mahogany Town Gym Leader - Pryce
"The Teacher of Winter's Harshness!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Dewgong | Mamoswine | Abomasnow | Glalie | Froslass | Walrein | Jynx | Cloyster | Lapras | Weavile | |||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Ursaring | Donphan | Quagsire | Hitmontop | Tentacruel | Girafarig | Articuno |
Blackthorn Gym Leader - Clair
"The Blessed User of Dragon Pokémon!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Dragonite | Kingdra | Gyarados | Aerodactyl | Charizard | Altaria | Salamence | Druddigon | Garchomp | ||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Ampharos | Rhydon | Arcanine | Lapras | Nidoking | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Drampa |
Hoenn League
Rustboro Gym Leader - Rockin' Whiz Roxanne
"The Rock-Loving Honors Student!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Golem | Probopass | Kabutops | Steelix | Omastar | Aerodactyl | Armaldo | Cradily | Aggron | Relicanth | Carracosta | ||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Runerigus |
Dewford Gym Leader - The Big Hit Brawly
"A Big Wave in Fighting!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Machamp | Hariyama | Medicham | Hitmontop | Hitmonchan | Hitmonlee | Breloom | Heracross | Scrafty | Mienshao |
Mauville Gym Leader - Swell Shock Wattson
"The Cheerfully Electrifying Man!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Magnezone | Electrode | Manectric | Ampharos | Raichu | Electabuzz | Plusle | Minun | Rotom |
Lavaridge Gym Leader - Passion Burn Flannery
"One with a Fiery Passion That Burns!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Magcargo | Torkoal | Camerupt | Rapidash | Arcanine | Houndoom | Blaziken | Magmortar | Chandelure |
Petalburg Gym Leader - Reliable One Norman
"A Man in Pursuit of Power!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Slaking | Spinda | Linoone | Blissey | Kangaskhan | Tauros | Kecleon | Castform | Exploud | Zangoose | Ambipom | Bouffalant | Staraptor | Sawsbuck | Stoutland |
Fortree City Gym Leader - Sky Tamer Winona
"The Bird User Taking Flight into the World!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Swellow | Pelipper | Skarmory | Altaria | Tropius | Dragonite | Noctowl | Honchkrow | Sigilyph | Gyarados |
Note: A Rayquaza was used by Winona in the Pokémon World Tournament as part of a Download Tournament.
Mossdeep Gym Leaders - Mystic Duo Tate & Liza
"The Mystic Combination!"
Owned by both Tate & Liza | ||||||||||||||||||
Claydol | Xatu | Chimecho | Grumpig | Bronzong | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Tate | ||||||||||||||||||
Solrock | Gallade | Reuniclus | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Liza | ||||||||||||||||||
Lunatone | Gardevoir | Gothitelle | ||||||||||||||||
Ownership unknown | ||||||||||||||||||
Slowking | Hypno | |||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Jirachi* | Celesteela* |
Sootopolis Gym Leader - Dandy Charm Juan
"The Gym Leader with the Beauty of Pure Water!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Luvdisc | Whiscash | Walrein | Crawdaunt | Kingdra | Politoed | Lapras | Huntail | Gorebyss | Relicanth |
Elite Four Sidney
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Mightyena | Cacturne | Shiftry | Sharpedo | Absol | Crawdaunt | Scrafty | Zoroark | Mandibuzz |
Elite Four Phoebe
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Dusknoir | Banette | Sableye | Mismagius | Drifblim | Chandelure | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Cofagrigus |
Elite Four Glacia
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Glalie | Walrein | Froslass | Abomasnow | Beartic | Vanilluxe |
Elite Four Drake
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Salamence | Altaria | Flygon | Kingdra | Dragalge | Haxorus |
Champion Wallace
"Artist, and Lover of Water!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Luvdisc | Walrein | Seaking | Whiscash | Milotic | Wailord | Tentacruel | Ludicolo | Gyarados | Sharpedo | Swampert | Starmie | |||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Blacephalon |
Sinnoh League
Oreburgh Gym Leader - Roark
"Call Me Roark the Rock!"
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Golem | Onix | Rampardos | Aerodactyl | Probopass | Tyranitar | Sudowoodo | Relicanth | Archeops | Crustle | Armaldo | ||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Slowbro | Salamence | Lunatone | Torkoal |
Eterna Gym Leader - Gardenia
"Master of Vivid Plant Pokémon!"
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Cherrim | Torterra | Roserade | Jumpluff | Bellossom | Carnivine | Tangrowth | Leafeon | Tropius | Breloom | Sunflora | ||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Cradily | Rotom | Milotic | Ninetales | Venusaur | Shiftry |
Hearthome Gym Leader - Fantina
"The Alluring, Soulful Dancer!"
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Drifblim | Gengar | Mismagius | Dusknoir | Banette | Spiritomb | Rotom | Jellicent | Froslass | ||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Shedinja | Crawdaunt | Sableye | Dragonite |
Note: An Origin Forme Giratina was used by Fantina in the Pokémon World Tournament as part of a Download Tournament.
Veilstone Gym Leader - Maylene
"The Barefoot Fighting Genius!"
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Medicham | Machamp | Lucario | Hitmontop | Breloom | Infernape | Toxicroak | Gallade | Heracross | ||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Blaziken | Empoleon | Dragonite |
Pastoria Gym Leader - Crasher Wake
"The Torrential Masked Master!"
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Gyarados | Quagsire | Floatzel | Sharpedo | Ludicolo | Empoleon | Lumineon | Gastrodon | Poliwrath | Politoed | Kingdra | Huntail | |||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Swampert | Suicune | Armaldo | Pelipper | Scizor |
Canalave Gym Leader - Byron
"The Man with the Steel Body!"
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Bronzong | Steelix | Bastiodon | Magnezone | Skarmory | Aggron | Forretress | Excadrill | Empoleon | ||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Moltres | Metagross | Scizor | Pelipper | Heatran |
Snowpoint Gym Leader - Candice
"The Diamond Dust Girl!"
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Abomasnow | Weavile | Medicham | Mamoswine | Froslass | Glaceon | Glalie | Jynx | |||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Regice | Cloyster | Heatran | Lapras | Venusaur | Articuno | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Drampa |
Sunyshore Gym Leader - Volkner
"The Shining, Shocking Star!"
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Raichu | Ambipom | Octillery | Luxray | Jolteon | Electivire | Lanturn | Rotom | Electrode | Rotom | Eelektross | Galvantula | Zebstrika | Pelipper | |||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Rotom | Magnezone | Zapdos | Gyarados | Rotom | Swampert |
Elite Four Aaron
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Dustox | Beautifly | Vespiquen | Heracross | Drapion | Yanmega | Scizor | Flygon |
Elite Four Bertha
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Quagsire | Sudowoodo | Golem | Whiscash | Hippowdon | Gliscor | Rhyperior | Nidoking | Mamoswine | ||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Steelix | Donphan |
Elite Four Flint
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Rapidash | Steelix | Drifblim | Lopunny | Infernape | Houndoom | Flareon | Magmortar | Ninetales | Arcanine | |||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Blaziken | Rotom | Entei |
Elite Four Lucian
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Mr. Mime | Girafarig | Medicham | Alakazam | Bronzong | Espeon | Gallade | Slowbro |
Champion Cynthia
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Spiritomb | Roserade | Gastrodon | Lucario | Milotic | Garchomp | Togekiss | Eelektross | Braviary | Glaceon | Porygon-Z | ||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Kommo-o | Giratina |
Unova League
Aspertia Gym Leader - Cheren
"The One Who Seeks the Right Path!"
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Liepard | Unfezant | Gigalith | Haxorus | Watchog | Stoutland | Cinccino | Zangoose | Lopunny | Castform | Bouffalant | Porygon-Z | Lickilicky | ||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Emboar | Samurott | Serperior | Simisage | Simisear | Simipour |
Virbank Gym Leader - Roxie
"Poison Days, Poison on the Stage!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Koffing | Grimer | Scolipede | Seviper | Garbodor | Crobat | Drapion | Amoonguss | Toxicroak | ||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Toxtricity |
Castelia Gym Leader - Burgh
"Premier Insect Artist!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Whirlipede | Crustle | Leavanny | Accelgor | Escavalier | Vespiquen | Durant | Heracross | |||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Togepi |
Nimbasa Gym Leader - Elesa
"The Shining Beauty!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Emolga | Zebstrika | Ampharos | Galvantula | Eelektross | Stunfisk | Luxray | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Rotom | Togetic |
Driftveil Gym Leader - Clay
"The Underground Boss!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Krookodile | Seismitoad | Excadrill | Sandslash | Onix | Claydol | Mamoswine | Golurk | Flygon |
Mistralton Gym Leader - Skyla
"The Highflying Girl!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Swoobat | Unfezant | Swanna | Skarmory | Sigilyph | Archeops | Braviary | Mandibuzz | Jumpluff | Drifblim | |||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Togekiss | Tornadus |
Opelucid Gym Leader - Drayden
"The Spartan Mayor!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Haxorus | Druddigon | Flygon | Altaria | Hydreigon | Salamence |
Humilau Gym Leader - Marlon
"A Bigger Splash than the Sea!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Wailord | Mantine | Carracosta | Jellicent | Starmie | Alomomola | Quagsire | Cloyster |
Elite Four Shauntal
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Cofagrigus | Jellicent | Golurk | Chandelure | Froslass | Drifblim | Banette | Mismagius | Gengar |
Elite Four Marshal
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Throh | Sawk | Conkeldurr | Mienshao | Breloom | Toxicroak | Lucario | Medicham | Machamp |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Scrafty | Krookodile | Liepard | Bisharp | Sharpedo | Drapion | Absol | Honchkrow | Houndoom | Tyranitar |
Elite Four Caitlin
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Reuniclus | Musharna | Sigilyph | Gothitelle | Bronzong | Metagross | Alakazam | Gallade | |||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Sableye |
Champion Iris
"The Girl Who Knows the Hearts of Dragons!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Haxorus | Druddigon | Hydreigon | Archeops | Aggron | Lapras | Salamence | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Naganadel |
Kalos League
Santalune Gym Leader - Viola
"The Camerawoman Who Never Lets a Single Smile Escape Her Focus!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Masquerain | Vivillon |
Cyllage Gym Leader - Grant
"The Wild, yet Cool and Collected, Rock Climber!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Aurorus | Tyrantrum |
Shalour Gym Leader - Korrina
"The Evolution Fighter!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Lucario | Mienfoo | Machamp | Hawlucha | |||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Marshadow |
Coumarine Gym Leader - Ramos
"The Old Growth Is Still in Bloom!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Jumpluff | Victreebel | Gogoat |
Lumiose Gym Leader - Clemont
"The Inventor Lighting Up the World!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Emolga | Magnezone | Heliolisk |
Laverre Gym Leader - Valerie
"The Maiden from a Land with History!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Mawile | Mr. Mime | Sylveon |
Anistar Gym Leader - Olympia
"The Person Who Makes Paths with Starlight!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Sigilyph | Slowking | Meowstic |
Snowbelle Gym Leader - Wulfric
"Tough As an Iceberg, Hot As a Furnace!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Abomasnow | Cryogonal | Avalugg |
Elite Four Malva
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Pyroar | Torkoal | Chandelure | Talonflame |
Elite Four Siebold
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Clawitzer | Gyarados | Starmie | Barbaracle | |||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Octillery |
Elite Four Wikstrom
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Klefki | Probopass | Scizor | Aegislash |
Elite Four Drasna
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Dragalge | Druddigon | Altaria | Noivern |
Champion Diantha
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Hawlucha | Tyrantrum | Aurorus | Gourgeist | Goodra | Gardevoir | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Keldeo | Diancie |
Island challenge
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Gumshoos | Smeargle | Komala |
Captain Lana
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Lanturn | Cloyster | Araquanid | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Tapu Lele |
Captain Kiawe
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Arcanine | Talonflame | Marowak | Marowak | Kangaskhan | Salazzle |
Captain Mallow
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Trevenant | Shiinotic | Tsareena | Talonflame | Comfey | Lurantis | Sceptile | Toucannon | |||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Appletun |
Captain Sophocles
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Togedemaru | Magnezone | Electivire | Vikavolt | Golem |
Captain Mina
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Klefki | Granbull | Shiinotic | Wigglytuff | Ribombee | Mawile | Mr. Mime | Ninetales | |||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Tapu Fini |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Primeape | Hariyama | Crabominable | Bewear | Poliwrath | Machamp |
Ula'ula Island Kahuna - Nanu
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Sableye | Krookodile | Persian | Honchkrow | Absol |
Poni Island Kahuna - Hapu
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Dugtrio | Gastrodon | Flygon | Mudsdale | Krookodile | Golurk |
Elite Four Molayne
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Skarmory | Metagross | Dugtrio | Sandslash | Magnezone | Klefki | Bisharp |
Elite Four Olivia
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Probopass | Gigalith | Lycanroc | Relicanth | Carbink | Golem | Armaldo | Cradily |
Elite Four Acerola
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Sableye | Drifblim | Dhelmise | Froslass | Palossand | Banette | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Tapu Bulu |
Elite Four Kahili
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Skarmory | Crobat | Oricorio | Mandibuzz | Toucannon | Braviary | Hawlucha |
Galar League
"The Fighting Farmer!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Eldegoss | Flapple | Appletun | Shiftry | Ludicolo | Bellossom | Cherrim | Tsareena |
"The Raging Wave!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Seaking | Barraskewda | Drednaw | Golisopod | Pelipper | Quagsire | Toxapex | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Eiscue |
"The Ever-Burning Man of Fire!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Ninetales | Arcanine | Centiskorch | Torkoal | Salazzle |
Stow-on-Side Gym Leader - Bea
"The Galar Karate Prodigy!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Hitmontop | Pangoro | Sirfetch'd | Machamp | Hawlucha | Grapploct | Falinks | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Vanilluxe |
Stow-on-Side Gym Leader - Allister
"The Silent Boy of Mystery!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Runerigus | Mimikyu | Cursola | Gengar | Dusknoir | Chandelure | Polteageist | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Gourgeist |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Duosion | Gothorita | Hatterene | Rapidash | Mawile | Gardevoir | Sylveon | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Articuno |
Circhester Gym Leader - Gordie
"The Hard-Rock Crusher!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Barbaracle | Shuckle | Stonjourner | Coalossal | Tyranitar |
Circhester Gym Leader - Melony
"The Ice-Cold Professional!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Frosmoth | Darmanitan | Eiscue | Lapras | Mr. Rime |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Toxicroak | Scrafty | Morpeko | Liepard | Grimmsnarl | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Mawile | Moltres |
Hammerlocke Gym Leader - Raihan
"The Tamer of Dragons!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Gigalith | Flygon | Sandaconda | Duraludon | Torkoal | Goodra | Turtonator |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Rookidee | Aegislash | Dragapult | Haxorus | Seismitoad | Mr. Rime | Rhyperior | Cinderace | Inteleon | Rillaboom | Charizard | ||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Eternatus | Calyrex |
Note: Leon is shown catching a Wooloo in the tutorial of Sword & Shield.
Paldea League
Cortondo Gym Leader - Katy
"The Sugarbug!"
File:Katy League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Lokix | Spidops | Ursaring | Forretress | Heracross | Araquanid |
Artazon Gym Leader - Brassius
"The Verdant Virtuoso!"
File:Brassius League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Lilligant | Arboliva | Sudowoodo | Breloom | Tsareena | Vileplume |
Levincia Gym Leader - Iono
"The Supercharged Streamer!"
File:Iono League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Kilowattrel | Bellibolt | Luxray | Mismagius | Electrode | Electivire |
Cascarrafa Gym Leader - Kofu
"The Surging Chef!"
File:Kofu League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Veluza | Wugtrio | Crabominable | Pelipper | Clawitzer | Feraligatr |
Medali Gym Leader - Larry
"The Exceptional Everyman!"
File:Larry League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Komala | Dudunsparce | Staraptor | Tropius | Oricorio | Altaria | Flamigo | Oinkologne | Braviary | Tauros |
Montenevera Gym Leader - Ryme
"The MC of RIP!"
File:Ryme League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Banette | Mimikyu | Houndstone | Toxtricity | Spiritomb | Golurk |
Alfornada Gym Leader - Tulip
"The Bewitching Beautician!"
File:Tulip League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Farigiraf | Gardevoir | Espathra | Florges | Gallade | Delphox |
Glaseado Gym Leader - Grusha
"The Sub-Zero Shredder!"
File:Grusha League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Frosmoth | Beartic | Cetitan | Altaria | Weavile | Ninetales |
Rika of the Elite Four
File:Rika League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Whiscash | Camerupt | Donphan | Dugtrio | Clodsire | Torterra |
Poppy of the Elite Four
File:Poppy League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Copperajah | Magnezone | Bronzong | Corviknight | Tinkaton | Bastiodon |
Hassel of the Elite Four
File:Hassel League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Noivern | Haxorus | Dragalge | Flapple | Baxcalibur | Dragonite | Duraludon |
Top Champion Geeta
File:Geeta League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Espathra | Gogoat | Veluza | Avalugg | Kingambit | Glimmora | Chesnaught | Dragapult |
BB League
Crispin of the BB League Elite Four
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Rotom | Talonflame | Exeggutor | Camerupt | Magmortar | Blaziken |
Amarys of the BB League Elite Four
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Skarmory | Dugtrio | Scizor | Reuniclus | Empoleon | Metagross |
Lacey of the BB League Elite Four
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Plusle | Minun | Excadrill | Whimsicott | Granbull | Primarina | Slowbro | Alcremie |
Drayton of the BB League Elite Four
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Dragonite | Flygon | Haxorus | Sceptile | Kingdra | Archaludon |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Furret | Yanmega | Poliwrath | Hydrapple | Gliscor | Cramorant | Shiftry | Probopass | Dragonite | Politoed | Porygon-Z | Grimmsnarl | Incineroar |
Player characters and Rivals
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Pikachu | Espeon | Snorlax | Venusaur | Charizard | Blastoise | Lapras | Machamp | Arcanine | ||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Meganium | Feraligatr | Typhlosion | Jolteon | Scizor | Tauros | Raikou | Entei | Suicune | Dragonite | |||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Articuno |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Gengar | Crobat | Magneton | Sneasel | Alakazam | ||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Typhlosion | Feraligatr | Meganium | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Mewtwo | Lugia | Ho-Oh | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Tyranitar |
Rad Neighbor Brendan Birch
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Swellow | Tropius | Raichu | Claydol | Exploud | ||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Blaziken | Swampert | Sceptile | Wailord | Breloom | Numel | Ludicolo | Magcargo | Pelipper | ||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Latios |
Rad Neighbor May Birch
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Swellow | Tropius | Raichu | Claydol | Exploud | ||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Blaziken | Swampert | Sceptile | Wailord | Breloom | Numel | Ludicolo | Torkoal | Pelipper | Magcargo | |||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Lopunny | Latias |
Pokémon Lover Wally
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Gardevoir | Altaria | Delcatty | Roserade | Magnezone | Gallade | Talonflame | Azumarill | Garchomp |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Clefable | Kadabra | Mothim | Gallade | |||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Magmortar | Tangrowth | Milotic | ||||||||||||||||
If the player chose Turtwig | ||||||||||||||||||
Empoleon | Gliscor | Cradily | Glaceon | Rotom | Tauros | |||||||||||||
If the player chose Chimchar | ||||||||||||||||||
Torterra | Dusknoir | Flareon | Rampardos | Rotom | Dunsparce | |||||||||||||
If the player chose Piplup | ||||||||||||||||||
Infernape | Absol | Kabutops | Espeon | Rotom | Porygon-Z | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Dialga |
Note: Lucas is shown catching a Bidoof in the tutorial of Diamond & Pearl, Platinum, and Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Clefable | Kadabra | Froslass | ||||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Tangrowth | Magmortar | Milotic | ||||||||||||||||
If the player chose Turtwig | ||||||||||||||||||
Empoleon | Wormadam | Togekiss | Bellossom | Mamoswine | Typhlosion | Lopunny | ||||||||||||
If the player chose Chimchar | ||||||||||||||||||
Torterra | Wormadam | Crobat | Arcanine | Mr. Mime | Blastoise | Lickilicky | ||||||||||||
If the player chose Piplup | ||||||||||||||||||
Infernape | Wormadam | Honchkrow | Gorebyss | Sceptile | Ambipom | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Alcremie | Cresselia | Oricorio |
Note: Dawn is shown catching a Bidoof in the tutorial of Diamond & Pearl, Platinum, and Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Staraptor | Heracross | Snorlax | ||||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Infernape | Empoleon | Torterra | Floatzel | Roserade | Rapidash |
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Balance) | ||||||||||||||||||
Accelgor | Mienshao | Vanilluxe | Reuniclus | Conkeldurr | Chandelure | Eelektross | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Attack) | ||||||||||||||||||
Beartic | Archeops | Sawk | Escavalier | Excadrill | Braviary | Haxorus | Darmanitan | Golurk | Cryogonal | Bisharp | Krookodile | Bouffalant | Druddigon | |||||
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Defense) | ||||||||||||||||||
Audino | Amoonguss | Alomomola | Jellicent | Throh | Cofagrigus | Ferrothorn | Mandibuzz | Klinklang | Lilligant | Durant | Gigalith | Gothitelle | Musharna | Scrafty | ||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Samurott | Mightyena | Genesect |
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Balance) | ||||||||||||||||||
Accelgor | Mienshao | Vanilluxe | Reuniclus | Conkeldurr | Chandelure | Eelektross | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Attack) | ||||||||||||||||||
Beartic | Archeops | Sawk | Escavalier | Excadrill | Braviary | Haxorus | Darmanitan | Golurk | Cryogonal | Bisharp | Krookodile | Bouffalant | Druddigon | |||||
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Defense) | ||||||||||||||||||
Audino | Amoonguss | Alomomola | Jellicent | Throh | Cofagrigus | Ferrothorn | Mandibuzz | Klinklang | Lilligant | Durant | Gigalith | Gothitelle | Musharna | Scrafty | ||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Emboar | Diancie | Grapploct | Victini |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Stoutland | Musharna | Mienshao | Chandelure | Audino | Fraxure | |||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Samurott | Serperior | Emboar | Simisear | Simipour | Simisage |
Note: Bianca is shown catching a Purrloin in the tutorial of Black 2 & White 2.
Natural Harmonia Gropius
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Carracosta | Vanilluxe | Archeops | Zoroark | Klinklang | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Spring | ||||||||||||||||||
Politoed | Lanturn | Tentacruel | Omastar | Kabutops | Starmie | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Summer | ||||||||||||||||||
Ninetales | Arcanine | Rapidash | Shiftry | Ninjask | Leafeon | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Autumn | ||||||||||||||||||
Hippowdon | Gastrodon | Cradily | Armaldo | Scizor | Rhyperior | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Winter | ||||||||||||||||||
Abomasnow | Cloyster | Mamoswine | Froslass | Glaceon | ||||||||||||||
Released Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Woobat | Darmanitan | Purrloin | Pidove | Timburr | Tympole | Sandile | ||||||||||||
Scraggy | Sigilyph | Boldore | Ferroseed | Joltik | Zekrom | Reshiram | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Kyurem |
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Dewott | Servine | Pignite | Pansear | Panpour | Pansage | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Balance) | ||||||||||||||||||
Accelgor | Mienshao | Vanilluxe | Reuniclus | Conkeldurr | Chandelure | Eelektross | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Attack) | ||||||||||||||||||
Beartic | Archeops | Sawk | Escavalier | Excadrill | Braviary | Haxorus | Darmanitan | Golurk | Cryogonal | Bisharp | Krookodile | Bouffalant | Druddigon | |||||
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Defense) | ||||||||||||||||||
Audino | Amoonguss | Alomomola | Jellicent | Throh | Cofagrigus | Ferrothorn | Mandibuzz | Klinklang | Lilligant | Durant | Gigalith | Gothitelle | Musharna | Scrafty |
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Dewott | Servine | Pignite | Pansear | Panpour | Pansage | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Balance) | ||||||||||||||||||
Accelgor | Mienshao | Vanilluxe | Reuniclus | Conkeldurr | Chandelure | Eelektross | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Attack) | ||||||||||||||||||
Beartic | Archeops | Sawk | Escavalier | Excadrill | Braviary | Haxorus | Darmanitan | Golurk | Cryogonal | Bisharp | Krookodile | Bouffalant | Druddigon | |||||
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Defense) | ||||||||||||||||||
Audino | Amoonguss | Alomomola | Jellicent | Throh | Cofagrigus | Ferrothorn | Mandibuzz | Klinklang | Lilligant | Durant | Gigalith | Gothitelle | Musharna | Scrafty | ||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Serperior | Delibird | Shaymin | Meloetta |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Unfezant | Bouffalant | Flygon | Eelektross | |||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Emboar | Samurott | Serperior | Simipour | Simisage | Simisear |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Fletchling | Meowstic | Absol | Altaria | Clefable | ||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Delphox | Greninja | Chesnaught | Jolteon | Flareon | Vaporeon |
Note: Calem is shown catching a Bunnelby in the tutorial of X & Y.
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Fletchling | Meowstic | Absol | Altaria | Clefable | ||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Delphox | Greninja | Chesnaught | Jolteon | Flareon | Vaporeon | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Whimsicott | Zygarde |
Note: Serena is shown catching a Bunnelby in the tutorial of X & Y.
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Delcatty | Goodra | Sylveon | ||||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Greninja | Chesnaught | Delphox | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Klefki |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Crawdaunt | Talonflame | Roserade | Hawlucha |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Raichu | Florges | Aerodactyl | Tyrantrum | Aurorus |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Raichu | Komala | Crabominable | Noivern | Tauros | ||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Primarina | Decidueye | Incineroar | Flareon | Vaporeon | Leafeon | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Tapu Koko |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Crobat | Silvally | Weavile | Lucario | Porygon-Z | Zoroark | |||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Venusaur | Charizard | Blastoise | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Magearna |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Pidgeot | Vileplume | Marowak | Rapidash | Slowbro' | ||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Jolteon | Raichu |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Dubwool | Corviknight | Cramorant | Toxel | Silicobra | Trevenant | Heatmor | Snorlax | Boltund | Pincurchin | Zamazenta | Zacian | |||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Inteleon | Rillaboom | Cinderace | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Zapdos |
Gym Leader Klara
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Scolipede | Slowbro | Weezing | Drapion | Slowking |
Gym Leader Avery
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Alakazam | Slowbro | Swoobat | Rapidash | Slowking |
The Security Corps' Rei
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Pikachu | Mr. Mime | Staraptor | Clefairy | |||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Empoleon | Torterra | Infernape | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Decidueye |
The Security Corps' Akari
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Pikachu | Mr. Mime | Staraptor | Clefairy | |||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Empoleon | Torterra | Infernape | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Samurott |
Champion Nemona
File:Nemona League Club Room Profile Scarlet.png
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Pawmot | Lycanroc | Goodra | Dudunsparce | Orthworm | Kommo-o | |||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Quaquaval | Meowscarada | Skeledirge | Decidueye | Infernape | Greninja | Ribombee | Milotic | Dusknoir |
Pokémon Professors
Pokémon Professor Samuel Oak
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Tauros | Exeggutor | Arcanine | Gyarados | |||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Blastoise | Venusaur | Charizard | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Mew |
Pokémon Professor Augustine Sycamore
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Venusaur | Charizard | Blastoise | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Xerneas | Gogoat |
Pokémon Professor Kukui
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Lycanroc | Ninetales | Braviary | Magnezone | Snorlax | Lycanroc | Ninetales | ||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Incineroar | Primarina | Decidueye | ||||||||||||||||
Residing at the Pokémon Research Lab | ||||||||||||||||||
Pikipek | Cutiefly | Poliwhirl | Murkrow | Snubbull | Corsola | Luvdisc | Stufful |
Note: Kukui is shown catching a Grubbin in the tutorial of Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon. Additionally, he loans Sun a Pikachu in the Sun & Moon Special Demo.
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Slither Wing | Scream Tail | Brute Bonnet | Flutter Mane | Sandy Shocks | Roaring Moon |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Iron Moth | Iron Bundle | Iron Hands | Iron Jugulis | Iron Thorns | Iron Valiant |
Team Rocket
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Golbat | Weezing |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Zubat | Weezing | Raticate |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Arbok | Vileplume | Murkrow | Muk | |||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Sneasel | Muk | Lickitung | Vileplume | Raticate | Arbok | Magcargo | Kabutops | Victreebel | Golbat |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Houndoom | Weezing | Golbat | Electrode | Magmar | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Houndoom | Golbat | Persian | Misdreavus | Victreebel | Wobbuffet | Octillery | Hypno | Parasect | Tyranitar |
"The Self-Proclaimed Strongest Trainer!"
Alternate universe Giovanni
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Dugtrio | Nidoking | Nidoqueen | Rhyperior | Mewtwo | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Agency | ||||||||||||||||||
Marowak | Exeggutor | Kangaskhan | Gyarados | Arcanine |
Team Aqua
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Sharpedo | Mightyena | Golbat |
Aqua Admin Shelly
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Sharpedo | Mightyena | Grimer |
Aqua Leader Archie
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Mightyena | Crobat | Sharpedo | Muk |
Note: The alternate universe version of Archie that appears in Episode RR uses a Kyogre.
Team Magma
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Camerupt | Mightyena | Golbat | Koffing |
Magma Admin Courtney
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Camerupt | Mightyena |
Magma Leader Maxie
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Mightyena | Crobat | Camerupt | Weezing |
Note: The alternate universe version of Maxie that appears in Episode RR uses a Groudon.
Team Galactic
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Crobat | Purugly | Bronzong | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Raichu | Espeon | Togekiss |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Crobat | Skuntank | Bronzong | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Nidoking | Gengar | Toxicroak |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Kadabra | Bronzor | Toxicroak | Golbat | |||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Absol | Sableye | Skuntank | Sharpedo | Tyranitar |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Honchkrow | Crobat | Weavile | Gyarados | Houndoom | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Salamence | Entei | Rotom |
Alternate universe Cyrus
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Houndoom | Honchkrow | Crobat | Weavile | Dialga | Palkia | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Darkrai |
Team Plasma
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Bisharp | Absol | Banette | Accelgor |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Herdier | Swoobat |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Cryogonal | Weavile |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Magnezone | Klinklang | Beheeyem | Metagross | Rotom | Muk | Muk | Electrode | Porygon-Z |
Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Cofagrigus | Bouffalant | Seismitoad | Bisharp | Eelektross | Hydreigon | Drapion | Toxicroak |
Note: The alternate universe version of Ghetsis that appears in Episode RR uses a Zekrom in Ultra Sun and a Reshiram in Ultra Moon. Additionally, the alternate universe version of Ghetsis that appears in Masters EX uses a Kyurem.
Team Flare
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Mightyena | Druddigon |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Liepard | Bisharp |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Manectric | Drapion |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Houndoom | Weavile |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Mienshao | Honchkrow | Pyroar | Gyarados | |||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Yveltal | Voclanion |
Note: The alternate universe version of Lysandre that appears in Episode RR uses a Xerneas in Ultra Sun and an Yveltal in Ultra Moon.
Team Skull
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Crobat | Salazzle | Gengar | Muk | Toxapex | Lurantis |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Golisopod | Ariados | Masquerain | Pinsir | Scizor | Vikavolt | Toxapex | Toxicroak | Bisharp | Honchkrow | Liepard | ||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Buzzwole |
Aether Foundation
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Hypno | Slowbro | Bruxish | Raichu | Alakazam | Claydol |
Aether President Lusamine
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Clefable | Lilligant | Mismagius | Milotic | Bewear | Lopunny | |||||||||||||
Frozen at Aether Paradise | ||||||||||||||||||
Pikachu | Slowpoke | Starmie | Magmar | Snubbull | Drifloon | Rowlet | Litten | Popplio | Pyukumuku | Type: Null | ||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Pheromosa | Necrozma |
Note: A Nihilego was shown to be owned by Lusamine in Sun & Moon, but it is unknown if it was left behind in Ultra Space after the events there.
Macro Cosmos
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Froslass | Tsareena | Salazzle | Milotic | Garbodor |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Escavalier | Ferrothorn | Perrserker | Klinklang | Copperajah |
Miss Fortunes
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Rhydon | Gengar |
The Bandit Clover
Core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Abomasnow |
The Bandit Coin
Core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Toxicroak |
Team Star
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Kingambit | Cacturne | Honchkrow | Mabosstiff | Krookodile |
Mela of Team Star
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Torkoal | Coalossal | Houndoom | Arcanine | Armarouge |
Atticus of Team Star
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Skuntank | Muk | Revavroom | Dragalge | Toxapex |
Ortega of Team Star
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Azumarill | Wigglytuff | Dachsbun | Klefki | Hatterene |
Eri of Team Star
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Toxicroak | Passimian | Lucario | Annihilape |
File:Penny League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Umbreon | Vaporeon | Jolteon | Flareon | Leafeon | Sylveon |
Frontier Brains
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Alakazam | Entei | Snorlax | Raikou | Latios | Weavile | Mismagius | Salamence | Lucario |
Dome Ace Tucker
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Swampert | Salamence | Charizard | Metagross | Latias |
Palace Maven Spenser
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Crobat | Slaking | Lapras | Arcanine | Suicune |
Note: Spenser also owns an Azurill and a Dusclops, but neither participate in battles.
Arena Tycoon Greta
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Heracross | Umbreon | Shedinja | Gengar | Breloom |
Pike Queen Lucy
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Seviper | Shuckle | Milotic | Steelix | Gyarados |
Pyramid King Brandon
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Regirock | Registeel | Regice | Articuno | Zapdos | Moltres |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Milotic | Rhyperior | Dragonite | Regigigas | Heatran | Cresselia |
Arcade Star Dahlia
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Dusknoir | Medicham | Ludicolo | Zapdos | Blaziken | Togekiss |
Castle Valet Darach
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Houndoom | Empoleon | Staraptor | Entei | Gallade |
Battle Chatelaines
Battle Chatelaine Nita
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Purugly | Wigglytuff | Grumpig | Tornadus | Thundurus | Landorus |
Battle Chatelaine Evelyn
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Primeape | Persian | Pachirisu | Lumineon | Raikou | Entei | Suicune | Latios |
Battle Chatelaine Dana
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Piloswine | Dragalge | Whimsicott | Magneton | Girafarig | Magcargo | Articuno | Zapdos | Moltres | Regirock | Regice | Registeel |
Battle Chatelaine Morgan
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Mantine | Sawsbuck | Swalot | Klefki | Cobalion | Terrakion | Virizion | Latias |
Galaxy Team
The Security Corps' Secret Weapon - Ress
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Bidoof | Starly | Shinx |
The Security Corps' Zisu
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Ambipom | Honchkrow | Luxray | Zoroark | Rapidash | Lopunny | Infernape | Steelix | Drifblim |
The Galaxy Team's Beni
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Mismagius | Sneasler | Gardevoir | Gallade | Roserade | Magnezone |
The Galaxy Team's Kamado
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Braviary | Golem | Clefable | Snorlax | Heracross | Ursaluna | Probopass |
Diamond Clan
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Munchlax | Weavile | Crobat |
Warden Arezu
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Lilligant | Bronzong | Purugly |
Warden Melli
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Skuntank | Drapion | Golbat |
Warden Sabi
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Rhyperior | Magmortar | Electivire |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Leafeon | Umbreon | Vaporeon | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Ursaluna |
Pearl Clan
Warden Lian
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Goodra | Mamowsine | Whiscash |
Warden Gaeric
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Glalie | Froslass | Avalugg |
Clan Leader Irida
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Glaceon | Espeon | Flareon | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Darmanitan |
Naranja/Uva Academy faculty
Jacq the Instructor
File:Jacq League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Arcanine | Lurantis | Swalot | Mudsdale | Slowbro | Farigiraf | Victreebel | Slowbro |
Raifort the Instructor
File:Raifort League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Zoroark | Seviper | Grumpig | Lumineon | Scizor | Gengar | Malamar |
Tyme the Instructor
File:Tyme League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Lycanroc | Lycanroc | Drednaw | Stonjourner | Coalossal | Garganacl | Kleavor | Lycanroc |
Salvatore the Instructor
File:Salvatore League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Honchkrow | Persian | Palossand | Glaceon | Gothitelle | Raichu | Sandslash |
Dendra the Instructor
File:Dendra League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Falinks | Tauros | Tauros | Medicham | Hawlucha | Hairyama | Hitmontop |
Saguaro the Instructor
File:Saguaro League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Pachirisu | Froslass | Alomomola | Vespiquen | Goodra | Hatterene | Alcremie |
Miriam the Instructor
File:Miriam League Club Room Profile.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Hypno | Pincurchin | Sawsbuck | Glalie | Eelektross | Toxapex | Meganium |
Director Clavell
File:Clavell League Club Room Profile Scarlet.png
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Oranguru | Abomasnow | Polteageist | ||||||||||||||||
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Amoonguss | Houndoom | Gyarados | Skeledirge | Quaquaval | Meowscarada |
Other Trainers
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Dewgong | Cloyster | Slowbro | Jynx | Lapras | Piloswine | Sandslash | ||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium | ||||||||||||||||||
Articuno | Wigglytuff | Exeggutor | Starmie | Omastar |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Gengar | Crobat | Arbok | Misdreavus | Weezing | Marowak | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium | ||||||||||||||||||
Muk | Venusaur | Jynx | Alakazam | Gyarados |
Elder Li
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Bellsprout | Hoothoot |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Meganium | Typhlosion | Feraligatr |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Drowzee | Haunter | Electrode | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Suicune |
Hard as Rock Steven Stone
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Skarmory | Claydol | Aggron | Cradily | Armaldo | Metagross | Excadrill | Archeops | Carbink | Aerodactyl | |||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Sandslash | Rayquaza | Deoxys | Stoutland |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Blissey | Wobbuffet | Drifblim | Hariyama | Wailord | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower (introduced in Diamond & Pearl) | ||||||||||||||||||
Snorlax | Espeon | Umbreon | Porygon-Z | Armaldo | Milotic | Latias | Latios | Gastrodon | Cresselia | |||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower (introduced in Platinum) | ||||||||||||||||||
Venusaur | Alakazam | Victreebel | Exeggutor | Starmie | Meganium | Miltank | Sceptile | Ludicolo | Shiftry | Breloom | Slaking | |||||||
Medicham | Cradily | Walrein | Regirock | Regice | Torterra | Roserade | Vespiquen | Hippowdon | Abomasnow | Tangrowth | Dusknoir |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Lucario | Absol | Ursaring | Metagross | Salamence | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Poliwrath | Machamp | Rhyperior | Gyarados | Dragonite | Heracross | Tyranitar | ||||||||||||
Blaziken | Breloom | Slaking | Hariyama | Medicham | Infernape | Rampardos | ||||||||||||
Garchomp | Toxicroak | Mamoswine | Gallade | Regigigas | Pinsir | Entei |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Arcanine | Ninjask | Electrode | Crobat | Weavile | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Dugtiro | Starmie | Aerodactyl | Sceptile | Swellow | Alakazam | Pinsir | Jolteon | Raikou | Floatzel | Ambipom |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Claydol | Shuckle | Umbreon | Torkoal | Dusknoir | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Cloyster | Forretress | Steelix | Skarmory | Regirock | Regice | Registeel | Bastiodon | Probopass | Cresselia | Articuno | Suciune | Metagross | Bronzong | Hippowdon | Tangrowth | Leafeon |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Alakazam | Porygon-Z | Gengar | Magnezone | Togekiss | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Battle Tower | ||||||||||||||||||
Exeggutor | Zapdos | Espeon | Gardevoir | Latias | Latios | Roserade | Magmortar | Glaceon | Moltres | Empoleon | Yanmega | Heatran |
"Triple Trouble!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Lillipup | Simisear | Heatmor | Darmanitan | Arcanine | Camerupt | Magmortar | Emboar |
"Triple Trouble!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Lillipup | Simipour | Basculin | Slowking | Golduck | Floatzel | Azumarill | Crawdaunt | Samurott | Seismitoad |
"Triple Trouble!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Lillipup | Simisage | Maractus | Ferrothorn | Jumpluff | Whimsicott | Lilligant | Serperior |
"An Archeologist with Backbone!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Herdier | Watchog | Audino | Clefable | Kangaskhan | Sawsbuck | Dunsparce | Braviary | Cinccino | Lickilicky |
"Ice Mask!"
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Vanilluxe | Cryogonal | Beartic | Weavile | Dewgong | Walrein | |||||||||||||
As Brycen-Man | ||||||||||||||||||
Bisharp | Mandibuzz | Honchkrow | Scrafty | Houndoom | Hydreigon | Sharpedo | Zoroark | |||||||||||
As Mecha Cop | ||||||||||||||||||
Heracross | Sawk | Escavalier |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Accelgor | Bouffalant | Druddigon | Vanilluxe | Escavalier | Volcarona | Conkeldurr | Braviary | Reuniclus | Krookodile | Chandelure |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Crustle | Klinklang | Garbodor | Durant | Excadrill | Haxorus | Chandelure | Eelektross | Galvantula | Arcehops | Boldore | ||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Escavalier |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Latios | Latias | Garchomp | Dragonite | Voclarona |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Torkoal | Golurk | Sigilyph |
Note: AZ also owns the special Eternal Flower Floette, but it does not participate in battles.
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Jellicent | Volcarona | Whimsicott | Mawile | Granbull | Persian | Crobat | Malamar |
Note: Emma also owns an Espurr named Mimi, but it does not participate in battles. The rest of her Pokémon were given to her by Xerosic after his arrest.
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Delibird | Glaceon | Smoochum | Drampa | Lilligant | Abomasnow | Oranguru | Mandibuzz | Sandslash | Sandslash |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Slowking | Espeon | Raichu | Metagross | Alakazam | Mime Jr. | Turtonator | Slowbro | Whimsicott | Passimian | Ninetales | Braviary | Ninetales |
Note: Dexio uses a 10% Zygarde in Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon before giving it to the player.
Secret Base Expert Aarune
Core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Flygon |
Lorekeeper Zinnia
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Tyrantrum | Altaria | Salamence | Goodra | Noivern | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Rayquaza | Thievul |
Note: Zinnia also owns a Whismur named Aster, but it does not participate in battles.
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Clefairy | Ribombee | Comfey | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Lunala | Polteageist |
Pro Wrestler The Masked Royal
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Lycanroc | Ninetales | Snorlax | Magnezone | Braviary | Crabominable | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX | ||||||||||||||||||
Incineroar |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Garchomp | Drampa | Turtonator | Dragonite | Kommo-o |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Furfrou | Poipole |
Note: Dulse's Pokémon are identical to Soliera's.
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Clefable | Gengar | Victreebel | Ninetales | Kangaskhan | Blastoise |
"The Master of a Fantastic Theater!"
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Weezing | Mawile | Togekiss | Alcremie |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Scrafty | Malamar | Skuntank | Obstagoon | Toxtricity |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Sirfetch'd | Golisopod | Doublade | Bisharp |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Sirfetch'd | Bronzong | Falinks | Klinklang |
Dojo Matron Honey
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Blissey | Darmanitan | Gallade | Salazzle | Togekiss | Blastoise | Venusaur |
Dojo Master Mustard
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Mienshao | Luxray | Urshifu | Corviknight | Lycanroc | Kommo-o |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Copperajah | Aggron | Perrserker | Bronzong | Scizor |
Core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Tyrantrum |
Pokémon Wielder Volo
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Spiritomb | Roserade | Togekiss | Arcanine | Lucario | Garchomp |
File:Arven League Club Room Profile Violet.png
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Greedent | Cloyster | Scovillain | Toedscruel | Garganacl | Mabosstiff |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Morgrem | Hattrem |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Mightyena | Ninetales | Sinistcha | Morpeko | Leavanny | Toucannon | Scrafty |
O'Nare of the Glitterati
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Persian | Arboliva |
Perrin the Photographer
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Noctowl | Leafeon |
Note: Perrin also owns a Hisuian Growlithe, but it does not participate in battles.
Blueberry Academy Director Cyrano
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Zebstrika | Mandibuzz | Gothitelle | Emboar | Samurott | Serperior |
Grandpa Yukito
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Arbok | Weezing |
Grandma Hideko
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Chandelure | Mamoswine |
Introduced in Generation V | ||||||||||||||||||
Liepard | Simipour | Simisear | Simisage | Swoobat | Zebstrika | |||||||||||||
Introduced in Generation VII | ||||||||||||||||||
Kangaskhan | Jolteon | Flareon | Vaporeon | Machamp | Dragonite | Gengar | ||||||||||||
Introduced in Generation VIII | ||||||||||||||||||
Cursola | Grapploct | Stonjourner | Dragapult | Coalossal | Snorlax | Spiritomb | Ambipom | Hippowdon |
GAME FREAK's Nishino
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Clefable | Azumarill | Lickilicky | Wigglytuff | Alomomola | Snorlax |
In the core series | ||||||||||||||||||
Kecleon | Ambipom | Blissey |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Linoone | Dodrio | Girafarig |
Rogue Cail
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Machamp | Shiftry | Gardevoir | Granbull | Houndoom | ||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Furret |
Standard | ||||||||||||||||||
Raichu |
PreGymLeader Justy
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Sandslash | Cacnea | Gligar | Azumarill | Sunflora | Nosepass |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Corphish | Koffing | Vileplume | Mantine | Forretress | Grumpig | |||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum | ||||||||||||||||||
Swampert | Blaziken | Sceptile | Gardevoir | Swellow |
Team Snagem Biden
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Smeargle | Bellossom | Crobat | Torkoal | |||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum | ||||||||||||||||||
Jolteon | Weezing | Houndoom | Ninjask | Steelix | Hitmonlee | |||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Smeargle |
Team Snagem Agrev
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Marshtomp | Machoke | Shiftry | Murkrow | Oddish | Golbat | Absol | ||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Ursaring |
Snagem Head Gonzap
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Crawdaunt | Shiftry | Pinsir | Hariyama | Breloom | Granbull | Armaldo | Machamp | Gyarados | Electrode | Vileplume | Whiscash | Skarmory | ||||||
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum | ||||||||||||||||||
Blastoise | Slaking | Salamence | Charizard | Venusaur | ||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Skarmory |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Exploud | Ludicolo |
Miror B.Peon Trudly
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Dusclops | Ariados | Machoke | ||||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Makuhita |
Miror B.Peon Reath
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Luvdisc | Ariados | Seaking | ||||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Remoraid |
Miror B.Peon Ferma
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Aipom | Yanma | Furret | Sharpedo | |||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Mantine |
Wanderer Miror B.
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Ludicolo | Exploud | Golduck | Armaldo | Electrode | Jumpluff | Sudowoodo | Shiftry | Nosepass | ||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Sudowoodo | Voltorb | Nosepass | Dragonite |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Seaking | Linoone | Electrode | Sandslash | Sudowoodo |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Muk | Grumpig | Sharpedo | ||||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Bayleef |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Muk | Grumpig | Breloom | ||||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Quilava |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Muk | Grumpig | Camerupt | ||||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Croconaw |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Wobbuffet | Huntail | Golem | Medicham | |||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Hitmontop |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Metang | Golem | Swampert | Camerupt | Claydol | Forretress | Flygon | Whiscash | Houndoom | Solrock | |||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Entei |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Delcatty | Steelix | Banette | Vileplume | Bellossom | Misdreavus | Raichu | Wigglytuff | Milotic | Dusclops | Meganium | ||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Suicune |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Crobat | Huntail | Lanturn | Altaria | Pelipper | Rhydon | Starmie | Manectric | Mantine | Gyarados | |||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Raikou |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Dusclops | Gardevoir | Blaziken | Xatu | Walrein | Alakazam | |||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Metagross |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Slowking | Scizor | Machamp | Salamence | Slaking | Aggron | |||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Tyranitar |
Deep King Agnol
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Skarmory | Girafarig | Sableye | Kingdra | Shedinja | ||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Shuckle |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Whismur | Jigglypuff | Slakoth | Skitty | Zigzagoon | Machop |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Claydol | Pinsir | Crobat | Gligar | Flygon | Gyarados | Dusclops | Latias | Latios | Slaking | Salamence | Metagross |
Myth Trainer Infin
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Gardevoir | Altaria | Kyogre | Crobat | Magneton | Aggron | Slaking | Latias | Latios | Heracross | Rayquaza |
Myth Trainer Inity
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Salamence | Starmie | Machamp | Crobat | Rhydon | Ludicolo | Latias | Latios | Kyogre | Groudon | Slaking |
Kaminko Aide Chobin
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Sunflora | Gyarados | Skiploom | Tropius | |||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum | ||||||||||||||||||
Scizor | Mr. Mime | Dragonite | Marowak | Kangaskhan | Ninjask |
Thug Zook
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Doduo | Carvanha | Seviper | Relicanth | Zubat* | ||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Zangoose | Shellder* |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Magcargo | Camerupt | |||||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Houndour |
Cipher Peon Blusix
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Kingdra | Seaking | Metagross | ||||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Spheal |
Cipher Peon Browsix
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Noctowl | Slaking | |||||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Baltoy |
Cipher Peon Yellosix
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Lanturn | Manectric | Magneton | ||||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Mareep |
Cipher Peon Purpsix
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Muk | Weezing | Tentacruel | Golbat | |||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Gulpin |
Cipher Peon Greesix
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Lombre | Vileplume | Cacturne | Breloom | Forretress | ||||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Seedot |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Luvdisc | Beautifly | Roselia | Gardevoir | Gorebyss | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum | ||||||||||||||||||
Shuckle | Milotic | Wobbuffet | Blissey | Misdreavus | Meganium | |||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Delcatty | Farfetch'd | Altaria |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Lanturn | Quagsire | Castform | Metang | Scizor | ||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum | ||||||||||||||||||
Electrode | Gengar | Muk | Glalie | Regirock | Regice | |||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Lunatone | Solrock | Starmie |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Aggron | Walrein | Slowking | Ursaring | |||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum | ||||||||||||||||||
Salamence | Granbull | Arcanine | Tauros | Hitmontop | Gyarados | |||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Primeape | Hypno | Poliwrath | Mr. Mime |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Alakazam | Kingdra | Heracross | ||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum | ||||||||||||||||||
Sceptile | Charizard | Gengar | Aerodactyl | Tauros | Starmie | |||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Swellow | Electabuzz | Snorlax |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Ninjask | Flygon | |||||||||||||||||
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum | ||||||||||||||||||
Latios | Latias | Gengar | Metagross | Snorlax | Tauros | |||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Manectric | Salamence | Marowak | Lapras |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Manectric | Swellow | Starmie | Granbull | Altaria | Aerodactyl | |||||||||||||
Shadow Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
XD001 | Rhydon | Moltres | Exeggutor | Tauros | Articuno | Zapdos |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Pachirisu | Luxio | Luvdisc | Jigglypuff | Kirlia | Bonsly |
Colosseum Leader Marina
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Corsola | Marill | Farfetch'd | Aipom | Wormadam | Poliwhirl | Ledian |
Colosseum Leader Rosie
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Delcatty | Beautifly | Weepinbell | Skiploom | Sunflora | Roselia |
Colosseum Leader Voldon
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Machoke | Onix | Metang | Elekid | Rotom | Carnivine |
Colosseum Leader Terrell
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Charmeleon | Quilava | Monferno | Grotle | Sandslash | Prinplup |
Colosseum Leader Dusty
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Riolu | Grovyle | Vigoroth | Luxio | Gabite | Combusken |
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Spinda | Drifloon | Mudkip | Torchic | Treecko | Delibird | Infernape | Torterra | Empoleon | Pikachu | Aipom | Staraptor | Arcanine | Entei | Lapras | Suicune | Electivire | Raikou |
Colosseum Master Sashay
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Plusle | Minun | Castform | Cherrim | Lopunny | Shuckle | Raichu | Gengar | Weavile | Mismagius | Vileplume | Spiritomb | Milotic | Registeel | Togekiss | Umbreon | Deoxys | Giratina |
Colosseum Master Kruger
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Gligar | Pupitar | Victreebel | Gabite | Swalot | Hitmontop | Drapion | Ambipom | Honchkrow | Skuntank | Machamp | Medicham | Regice | Latias | Zapdos | Heatran | Regirock | Azelf |
Pokétopia Master Mysterial
Standard Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Golbat | Dragonair | Whiscash | Haunter | Kingler | Chansey | Cresselia | Garchomp | Lucario | Snorlax | Empoleon | Mesprit | Kyogre | Groudon | Latios | Lugia | Mewtwo | ||
Custom Pass Pokémon | ||||||||||||||||||
Palkia | Dialga | Charizard | Meganium | Uxie | Azelf | Ho-Oh | Manaphy | Cherrim |