
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

The following is a list of all Pokémon used by important Trainers in the games.

If a trainer owns multiple Pokémon from the same evolution family, only the highest stage will be listed.

Rental Pokémon and other temporary party members are not listed.

Indigo League

Pewter Gym Leader - Brock

"The Rock-Solid Pokémon Trainer!"

In the core series
Golem Onix Rhyperior Omastar Kabutops Relicanth Rampardos Aerodactyl Tyranitar
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series
Steelix Marowak Ninetales Golbat Dugtrio Pinsir Forretress Heracross Slowbro Ursaring Shuckle

Cerulean Gym Leader - Misty

"The Tomboyish Mermaid!"

In the core series
Starmie Golduck Quagsire Lapras Lanturn Floatzel Milotic Seaking Slowbro Blastoise Jellicent Swanna Carracosta Dewgong Vaporeon Gyarados
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series
Seadra Exeggutor Dugtrio Togetic Sunflora Politoed Wigglytuff Nidoqueen Ampharos Dragonair

Vermilion Gym Leader - Lt. Surge

"The Lightning American!"

In the core series
Electrode Raichu Magnezone Electivire Manectric Pachirisu Jolteon Ampharos Lanturn
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series
Tangela Poliwrath Lickitung Victreebel Porygon2 Quagsire Dodrio

Celadon Gym Leader - Erika

"The Nature-Loving Princess!"

In the core series
Victreebel Tangrowth Vileplume Jumpluff Bellossom Shiftry Roserade Venusaur Exeggutor Cradily Abomasnow Whismsicott Lilligant Parasect
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series
Clefable Dewgong Blissey Vaporeon Marowak Ninetales Mantine
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Comfey Leafeon

Fuchsia Gym Leader - Janine

"The Poisonous Ninja Master!"

In the core series
Crobat Weezing Ariados Venomoth Toxicroak Drapion Tentacruel Arbok Roserade Nidoqueen
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Stantler Gligar Meganium Muk Vaporeon Forretress Girafarig

Saffron Gym Leader - Sabrina

"The Mistress of Psychic Pokémon!"

Standard Pokémon
Alakazam Mr. Mime Venomoth Espeon Jynx Wobbuffet Gallade Hypno Slowking Metagross Exeggutor Sigilyph Slowbro
As Bellelba
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series
Snorlax Wigglytuff Furret Scizor Typhlosion Hitmonlee Sandslash
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Note: A Mewtwo was used by Sabrina in the Pokémon World Tournament as part of a Download Tournament.

Cinnabar Gym Leader - Blaine

"The Hotheaded Quiz Master!"

In the core series
Arcanine Rapidash Ninetales Magcargo Magmortar Torkoal Camerupt Houndoom Charizard Flareon Rotom
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series
Clefable Kangaskhan Chansey Tangela Parasect Octillery Mr. Mime Vileplume Moltres

Viridian Gym Leader - Blue Oak

Standard Pokémon
Charizard Pidgeot Alakazam Raticate Exeggutor Gyarados Arcanine Rhyperior Fearow Sandslash Heracross Tyranitar Machamp Aerodactyl Tauros
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Blastoise Venusaur Vaporeon Jolteon Flareon Ninetales Magneton Cloyster
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series
Slowbro Clefable Electabuzz Pinsir Dodrio Scyther Miltank Gengar Houndoom Piloswine Kingdra
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Note: A Cubone was mentioned to have been caught by Blue in Generations I and III, but it has never been on any of his teams.

Elite Four Will

In the core series
Xatu Exeggutor Slowbro Jynx Bronzong Grumpig Gardevoir
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Kadabra Girafarig Clefable Electabuzz Mantine Flareon Chansey Hypno

Elite Four Koga

"The Poisonous Ninja Master!"

In the core series
Weezing Muk Venomoth Ariados Forretress Crobat Skuntank Toxicroak Swalot Tentacruel
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series
Nidorina Nidorino Hypno Tangela Parasect Gligar Electrode Magmar Lapras Stantler Lanturn

Elite Four Bruno

In the core series
Steelix Hitmonchan Hitmonlee Machamp Hitmontop Hariyama Lucario Poliwrath Golem
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series
Golem Rhydon Clefable Muk Slowbro Kangaskhan Blastoise Heracross Primeape Granbull Exeggutor Ursaring

Elite Four Karen

In the core series
Umbreon Vileplume Honchkrow Gengar Houndoom Weavile Absol Spiritomb
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Victreebel Magmar Persian Slowbro Misdreavus Electrode

Champion Lance

In the core series
Gyarados Dragonite Aerodactyl Charizard Kingdra Salamence Garchomp Altaria Hydreigon Haxorus Flygon Exeggutor
Exclusive to the Pokémon Stadium series
Lapras Kangaskhan Arcanine Snorlax Electabuzz Tyranitar Steelix Feraligatr

Johto League

Violet Gym Leader - Falkner

"The Elegant Master of Flying Pokémon!"

In the core series
Pidgeot Staraptor Noctowl Swellow Honchkrow Pelipper Fearow Dodrio Xatu Crobat Aerodactyl
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Farfetch'd Delibird Togetic Gligar Charizard Skarmory Zapdos

Note: A Lugia was used by Falkner in the Pokémon World Tournament as part of a Download Tournament.

Azalea Gym Leader - Bugsy

"The Walking Bug Pokémon Encyclopedia!"

In the core series
Butterfree Beedrill Scizor Shedinja Yanmega Pinsir Heracross Vespiquen Shuckle Forretress Armaldo
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Weepinbell Pupitar Quagsire Sudowoodo Raticate

Goldenrod Gym Leader - Whitney

"The Incredibly Pretty Girl!"

In the core series
Clefable Miltank Girafarig Lickilicky Bibarel Delcatty Wigglytuff Tauros Ambipom Ursaring Blissey Lopunny Watchog Cinccino
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Gloom Dodrio Stantler Golduck Persian Donphan Mr. Mime
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Ecruteak Gym Leader - Morty

"The Mystic Seer of the Future!"

In the core series
Gengar Drifblim Dusknoir Sableye Mismagius Banette Froslass Chandelure Cofagrigus Jellicent
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Ariados Sudowoodo Marowak Girafarig Noctowl Mantine Granbull Lapras
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Cianwood Gym Leader - Chuck

"His Roaring Fists Do the Talking!"

In the core series
Primeape Poliwrath Medicham Hitmonchan Hitmonlee Breloom Machamp Hitmontop Conkeldurr
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Granbull Sandslash Ursaring Ampharos Hypno

Olivine Gym Leader - Jasmine

"The Steel-Clad Defense Girl!"

In the core series
Magnezone Steelix Metagross Skarmory Bronzong Empoleon Forretress Mawile Lucario Klinklang Ferrothorn Excadrill
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Corsola Mantine Stantler Blastoise Slowbro Rapidash Scizor
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Celesteela Ampharos

Mahogany Town Gym Leader - Pryce

"The Teacher of Winter's Harshness!"

In the core series
Dewgong Mamoswine Abomasnow Glalie Froslass Walrein Jynx Cloyster Lapras Weavile
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Ursaring Donphan Quagsire Hitmontop Tentacruel Girafarig Articuno

Blackthorn Gym Leader - Clair

"The Blessed User of Dragon Pokémon!"

In the core series
Dragonite Kingdra Gyarados Aerodactyl Charizard Altaria Salamence Druddigon Garchomp
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Ampharos Rhydon Arcanine Lapras Nidoking
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Hoenn League

Rustboro Gym Leader - Rockin' Whiz Roxanne

"The Rock-Loving Honors Student!"

In the core series
Golem Probopass Kabutops Steelix Omastar Aerodactyl Armaldo Cradily Aggron Relicanth Carracosta
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Dewford Gym Leader - The Big Hit Brawly

"A Big Wave in Fighting!"

In the core series
Machamp Hariyama Medicham Hitmontop Hitmonchan Hitmonlee Breloom Heracross Scrafty Mienshao

Mauville Gym Leader - Swell Shock Wattson

"The Cheerfully Electrifying Man!"

In the core series
Magnezone Electrode Manectric Ampharos Raichu Electabuzz Plusle Minun Rotom

Lavaridge Gym Leader - Passion Burn Flannery

"One with a Fiery Passion That Burns!"

In the core series
Magcargo Torkoal Camerupt Rapidash Arcanine Houndoom Blaziken Magmortar Chandelure

Petalburg Gym Leader - Reliable One Norman

"A Man in Pursuit of Power!"

In the core series
Slaking Spinda Linoone Blissey Kangaskhan Tauros Kecleon Castform Exploud Zangoose Ambipom Bouffalant Staraptor Sawsbuck Stoutland

Fortree City Gym Leader - Sky Tamer Winona

"The Bird User Taking Flight into the World!"

In the core series
Swellow Pelipper Skarmory Altaria Tropius Dragonite Noctowl Honchkrow Sigilyph Gyarados

Note: A Rayquaza was used by Winona in the Pokémon World Tournament as part of a Download Tournament.

Mossdeep Gym Leaders - Mystic Duo Tate & Liza

"The Mystic Combination!"

Owned by both Tate & Liza
Claydol Xatu Chimecho Grumpig Bronzong
Exclusive to Tate
Solrock Gallade Reuniclus
Exclusive to Liza
Lunatone Gardevoir Gothitelle
Ownership unknown
Slowking Hypno
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Jirachi* Celesteela*

Sootopolis Gym Leader - Dandy Charm Juan

"The Gym Leader with the Beauty of Pure Water!"

In the core series
Luvdisc Whiscash Walrein Crawdaunt Kingdra Politoed Lapras Huntail Gorebyss Relicanth

Elite Four Sidney

In the core series
Mightyena Cacturne Shiftry Sharpedo Absol Crawdaunt Scrafty Zoroark Mandibuzz

Elite Four Phoebe

In the core series
Dusknoir Banette Sableye Mismagius Drifblim Chandelure
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Elite Four Glacia

In the core series
Glalie Walrein Froslass Abomasnow Beartic Vanilluxe

Elite Four Drake

In the core series
Salamence Altaria Flygon Kingdra Dragalge Haxorus

Champion Wallace

"Artist, and Lover of Water!"

In the core series
Luvdisc Walrein Seaking Whiscash Milotic Wailord Tentacruel Ludicolo Gyarados Sharpedo Swampert Starmie
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Sinnoh League

Oreburgh Gym Leader - Roark

"Call Me Roark the Rock!"

Standard Pokémon
Golem Onix Rampardos Aerodactyl Probopass Tyranitar Sudowoodo Relicanth Archeops Crustle Armaldo
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Slowbro Salamence Lunatone Torkoal

Eterna Gym Leader - Gardenia

"Master of Vivid Plant Pokémon!"

Standard Pokémon
Cherrim Torterra Roserade Jumpluff Bellossom Carnivine Tangrowth Leafeon Tropius Breloom Sunflora
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Cradily Rotom Milotic Ninetales Venusaur Shiftry

Hearthome Gym Leader - Fantina

"The Alluring, Soulful Dancer!"

Standard Pokémon
Drifblim Gengar Mismagius Dusknoir Banette Spiritomb Rotom Jellicent Froslass
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Shedinja Crawdaunt Sableye Dragonite

Note: An Origin Forme Giratina was used by Fantina in the Pokémon World Tournament as part of a Download Tournament.

Veilstone Gym Leader - Maylene

"The Barefoot Fighting Genius!"

Standard Pokémon
Medicham Machamp Lucario Hitmontop Breloom Infernape Toxicroak Gallade Heracross
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Blaziken Empoleon Dragonite

Pastoria Gym Leader - Crasher Wake

"The Torrential Masked Master!"

Standard Pokémon
Gyarados Quagsire Floatzel Sharpedo Ludicolo Empoleon Lumineon Gastrodon Poliwrath Politoed Kingdra Huntail
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Swampert Suicune Armaldo Pelipper Scizor

Canalave Gym Leader - Byron

"The Man with the Steel Body!"

Standard Pokémon
Bronzong Steelix Bastiodon Magnezone Skarmory Aggron Forretress Excadrill Empoleon
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Moltres Metagross Scizor Pelipper Heatran

Snowpoint Gym Leader - Candice

"The Diamond Dust Girl!"

Standard Pokémon
Abomasnow Weavile Medicham Mamoswine Froslass Glaceon Glalie Jynx
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Regice Cloyster Heatran Lapras Venusaur Articuno
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Sunyshore Gym Leader - Volkner

"The Shining, Shocking Star!"

Standard Pokémon
Raichu Ambipom Octillery Luxray Jolteon Electivire Lanturn Rotom Electrode Rotom Eelektross Galvantula Zebstrika Pelipper
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Rotom Magnezone Zapdos Gyarados Rotom Swampert

Elite Four Aaron

In the core series
Dustox Beautifly Vespiquen Heracross Drapion Yanmega Scizor Flygon

Elite Four Bertha

Standard Pokémon
Quagsire Sudowoodo Golem Whiscash Hippowdon Gliscor Rhyperior Nidoking Mamoswine
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Steelix Donphan

Elite Four Flint

Standard Pokémon
Rapidash Steelix Drifblim Lopunny Infernape Houndoom Flareon Magmortar Ninetales Arcanine
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Blaziken Rotom Entei

Elite Four Lucian

In the core series
Mr. Mime Girafarig Medicham Alakazam Bronzong Espeon Gallade Slowbro

Champion Cynthia

In the core series
Spiritomb Roserade Gastrodon Lucario Milotic Garchomp Togekiss Eelektross Braviary Glaceon Porygon-Z
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Kommo-o Giratina

Unova League

Aspertia Gym Leader - Cheren

"The One Who Seeks the Right Path!"

Standard Pokémon
Liepard Unfezant Gigalith Haxorus Watchog Stoutland Cinccino Zangoose Lopunny Castform Bouffalant Porygon-Z Lickilicky
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Emboar Samurott Serperior Simisage Simisear Simipour

Virbank Gym Leader - Roxie

"Poison Days, Poison on the Stage!"

In the core series
Koffing Grimer Scolipede Seviper Garbodor Crobat Drapion Amoonguss Toxicroak
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Castelia Gym Leader - Burgh

"Premier Insect Artist!"

In the core series
Whirlipede Crustle Leavanny Accelgor Escavalier Vespiquen Durant Heracross
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Nimbasa Gym Leader - Elesa

"The Shining Beauty!"

In the core series
Emolga Zebstrika Ampharos Galvantula Eelektross Stunfisk Luxray
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Rotom Togetic

Driftveil Gym Leader - Clay

"The Underground Boss!"

In the core series
Krookodile Seismitoad Excadrill Sandslash Onix Claydol Mamoswine Golurk Flygon

Mistralton Gym Leader - Skyla

"The Highflying Girl!"

In the core series
Swoobat Unfezant Swanna Skarmory Sigilyph Archeops Braviary Mandibuzz Jumpluff Drifblim
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Togekiss Tornadus

Opelucid Gym Leader - Drayden

"The Spartan Mayor!"

In the core series
Haxorus Druddigon Flygon Altaria Hydreigon Salamence

Humilau Gym Leader - Marlon

"A Bigger Splash than the Sea!"

In the core series
Wailord Mantine Carracosta Jellicent Starmie Alomomola Quagsire Cloyster

Elite Four Shauntal

In the core series
Cofagrigus Jellicent Golurk Chandelure Froslass Drifblim Banette Mismagius Gengar

Elite Four Marshal

In the core series
Throh Sawk Conkeldurr Mienshao Breloom Toxicroak Lucario Medicham Machamp


In the core series
Scrafty Krookodile Liepard Bisharp Sharpedo Drapion Absol Honchkrow Houndoom Tyranitar

Elite Four Caitlin

In the core series
Reuniclus Musharna Sigilyph Gothitelle Bronzong Metagross Alakazam Gallade
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Champion Iris

"The Girl Who Knows the Hearts of Dragons!"

In the core series
Haxorus Druddigon Hydreigon Archeops Aggron Lapras Salamence
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Kalos League

Santalune Gym Leader - Viola

"The Camerawoman Who Never Lets a Single Smile Escape Her Focus!"

In the core series
Masquerain Vivillon

Cyllage Gym Leader - Grant

"The Wild, yet Cool and Collected, Rock Climber!"

In the core series
Aurorus Tyrantrum

Shalour Gym Leader - Korrina

"The Evolution Fighter!"

In the core series
Lucario Mienfoo Machamp Hawlucha
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Coumarine Gym Leader - Ramos

"The Old Growth Is Still in Bloom!"

In the core series
Jumpluff Victreebel Gogoat

Lumiose Gym Leader - Clemont

"The Inventor Lighting Up the World!"

In the core series
Emolga Magnezone Heliolisk

Laverre Gym Leader - Valerie

"The Maiden from a Land with History!"

In the core series
Mawile Mr. Mime Sylveon

Anistar Gym Leader - Olympia

"The Person Who Makes Paths with Starlight!"

In the core series
Sigilyph Slowking Meowstic

Snowbelle Gym Leader - Wulfric

"Tough As an Iceberg, Hot As a Furnace!"

In the core series
Abomasnow Cryogonal Avalugg

Elite Four Malva

In the core series
Pyroar Torkoal Chandelure Talonflame

Elite Four Siebold

In the core series
Clawitzer Gyarados Starmie Barbaracle
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Elite Four Wikstrom

In the core series
Klefki Probopass Scizor Aegislash

Elite Four Drasna

In the core series
Dragalge Druddigon Altaria Noivern

Champion Diantha

In the core series
Hawlucha Tyrantrum Aurorus Gourgeist Goodra Gardevoir
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Keldeo Diancie

Island challenge

Captain Ilima

In the core series
Gumshoos Smeargle Komala

Captain Lana

In the core series
Lanturn Cloyster Araquanid
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Tapu Lele

Captain Kiawe

In the core series
Arcanine Talonflame Marowak Marowak Kangaskhan Salazzle

Captain Mallow

In the core series
Trevenant Shiinotic Tsareena Talonflame Comfey Lurantis Sceptile Toucannon
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Captain Sophocles

In the core series
Togedemaru Magnezone Electivire Vikavolt Golem

Captain Mina

In the core series
Klefki Granbull Shiinotic Wigglytuff Ribombee Mawile Mr. Mime Ninetales
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Tapu Fini

Melemele Island Kahuna - Hala

In the core series
Primeape Hariyama Crabominable Bewear Poliwrath Machamp

Ula'ula Island Kahuna - Nanu

In the core series
Sableye Krookodile Persian Honchkrow Absol

Poni Island Kahuna - Hapu

In the core series
Dugtrio Gastrodon Flygon Mudsdale Krookodile Golurk

Elite Four Molayne

In the core series
Skarmory Metagross Dugtrio Sandslash Magnezone Klefki Bisharp

Elite Four Olivia

In the core series
Probopass Gigalith Lycanroc Relicanth Carbink Golem Armaldo Cradily

Elite Four Acerola

In the core series
Sableye Drifblim Dhelmise Froslass Palossand Banette
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Tapu Bulu

Elite Four Kahili

In the core series
Skarmory Crobat Oricorio Mandibuzz Toucannon Braviary Hawlucha

Galar League

Turffield Gym Leader - Milo

"The Fighting Farmer!"

In the core series
Eldegoss Flapple Appletun Shiftry Ludicolo Bellossom Cherrim Tsareena

Hulbury Gym Leader - Nessa

"The Raging Wave!"

In the core series
Seaking Barraskewda Drednaw Golisopod Pelipper Quagsire Toxapex
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Motostoke Gym Leader - Kabu

"The Ever-Burning Man of Fire!"

In the core series
Ninetales Arcanine Centiskorch Torkoal Salazzle

Stow-on-Side Gym Leader - Bea

"The Galar Karate Prodigy!"

In the core series
Hitmontop Pangoro Sirfetch'd Machamp Hawlucha Grapploct Falinks
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Stow-on-Side Gym Leader - Allister

"The Silent Boy of Mystery!"

In the core series
Runerigus Mimikyu Cursola Gengar Dusknoir Chandelure Polteageist
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Ballonlea Gym Leader - Bede

In the core series
Duosion Gothorita Hatterene Rapidash Mawile Gardevoir Sylveon
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Circhester Gym Leader - Gordie

"The Hard-Rock Crusher!"

In the core series
Barbaracle Shuckle Stonjourner Coalossal Tyranitar

Circhester Gym Leader - Melony

"The Ice-Cold Professional!"

In the core series
Frosmoth Darmanitan Eiscue Lapras Mr. Rime

Spikemuth Gym Leader - Marnie

In the core series
Toxicroak Scrafty Morpeko Liepard Grimmsnarl
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Mawile Moltres

Hammerlocke Gym Leader - Raihan

"The Tamer of Dragons!"

In the core series
Gigalith Flygon Sandaconda Duraludon Torkoal Goodra Turtonator


Standard Pokémon
Rookidee Aegislash Dragapult Haxorus Seismitoad Mr. Rime Rhyperior Cinderace Inteleon Rillaboom Charizard
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Eternatus Calyrex

Note: Leon is shown catching a Wooloo in the tutorial of Sword & Shield.

Paldea League

Cortondo Gym Leader - Katy

"The Sugarbug!"

File:Katy League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Lokix Spidops Ursaring Forretress Heracross Araquanid

Artazon Gym Leader - Brassius

"The Verdant Virtuoso!"

File:Brassius League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Lilligant Arboliva Sudowoodo Breloom Tsareena Vileplume

Levincia Gym Leader - Iono

"The Supercharged Streamer!"

File:Iono League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Kilowattrel Bellibolt Luxray Mismagius Electrode Electivire

Cascarrafa Gym Leader - Kofu

"The Surging Chef!"

File:Kofu League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Veluza Wugtrio Crabominable Pelipper Clawitzer Feraligatr

Medali Gym Leader - Larry

"The Exceptional Everyman!"

File:Larry League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Komala Dudunsparce Staraptor Tropius Oricorio Altaria Flamigo Oinkologne Braviary Tauros

Montenevera Gym Leader - Ryme

"The MC of RIP!"

File:Ryme League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Banette Mimikyu Houndstone Toxtricity Spiritomb Golurk

Alfornada Gym Leader - Tulip

"The Bewitching Beautician!"

File:Tulip League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Farigiraf Gardevoir Espathra Florges Gallade Delphox

Glaseado Gym Leader - Grusha

"The Sub-Zero Shredder!"

File:Grusha League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Frosmoth Beartic Cetitan Altaria Weavile Ninetales

Rika of the Elite Four

File:Rika League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Whiscash Camerupt Donphan Dugtrio Clodsire Torterra

Poppy of the Elite Four

File:Poppy League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Copperajah Magnezone Bronzong Corviknight Tinkaton Bastiodon

Hassel of the Elite Four

File:Hassel League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Noivern Haxorus Dragalge Flapple Baxcalibur Dragonite Duraludon

Top Champion Geeta

File:Geeta League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Espathra Gogoat Veluza Avalugg Kingambit Glimmora Chesnaught Dragapult

BB League

Crispin of the BB League Elite Four

In the core series
Rotom Talonflame Exeggutor Camerupt Magmortar Blaziken

Amarys of the BB League Elite Four

In the core series
Skarmory Dugtrio Scizor Reuniclus Empoleon Metagross

Lacey of the BB League Elite Four

In the core series
Plusle Minun Excadrill Whimsicott Granbull Primarina Slowbro Alcremie

Drayton of the BB League Elite Four

In the core series
Dragonite Flygon Haxorus Sceptile Kingdra Archaludon


In the core series
Furret Yanmega Poliwrath Hydrapple Gliscor Cramorant Shiftry Probopass Dragonite Politoed Porygon-Z Grimmsnarl Incineroar

Player characters and Rivals

Battle Legend Red

In the core series
Pikachu Espeon Snorlax Venusaur Charizard Blastoise Lapras Machamp Arcanine
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Meganium Feraligatr Typhlosion Jolteon Scizor Tauros Raikou Entei Suicune Dragonite
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX


Standard Pokémon
Gengar Crobat Magneton Sneasel Alakazam
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Typhlosion Feraligatr Meganium
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Mewtwo Lugia Ho-Oh
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Rad Neighbor Brendan Birch

Standard Pokémon
Swellow Tropius Raichu Claydol Exploud
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Blaziken Swampert Sceptile Wailord Breloom Numel Ludicolo Magcargo Pelipper
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Rad Neighbor May Birch

Standard Pokémon
Swellow Tropius Raichu Claydol Exploud
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Blaziken Swampert Sceptile Wailord Breloom Numel Ludicolo Torkoal Pelipper Magcargo
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Lopunny Latias

Pokémon Lover Wally

In the core series
Gardevoir Altaria Delcatty Roserade Magnezone Gallade Talonflame Azumarill Garchomp


Standard Pokémon
Clefable Kadabra Mothim Gallade
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Magmortar Tangrowth Milotic
If the player chose Turtwig
Empoleon Gliscor Cradily Glaceon Rotom Tauros
If the player chose Chimchar
Torterra Dusknoir Flareon Rampardos Rotom Dunsparce
If the player chose Piplup
Infernape Absol Kabutops Espeon Rotom Porygon-Z
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Note: Lucas is shown catching a Bidoof in the tutorial of Diamond & Pearl, Platinum, and Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.


Standard Pokémon
Clefable Kadabra Froslass
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Tangrowth Magmortar Milotic
If the player chose Turtwig
Empoleon Wormadam Togekiss Bellossom Mamoswine Typhlosion Lopunny
If the player chose Chimchar
Torterra Wormadam Crobat Arcanine Mr. Mime Blastoise Lickilicky
If the player chose Piplup
Infernape Wormadam Honchkrow Gorebyss Sceptile Ambipom
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Alcremie Cresselia Oricorio

Note: Dawn is shown catching a Bidoof in the tutorial of Diamond & Pearl, Platinum, and Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.


Standard Pokémon
Staraptor Heracross Snorlax
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Infernape Empoleon Torterra Floatzel Roserade Rapidash


Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Balance)
Accelgor Mienshao Vanilluxe Reuniclus Conkeldurr Chandelure Eelektross
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Attack)
Beartic Archeops Sawk Escavalier Excadrill Braviary Haxorus Darmanitan Golurk Cryogonal Bisharp Krookodile Bouffalant Druddigon
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Defense)
Audino Amoonguss Alomomola Jellicent Throh Cofagrigus Ferrothorn Mandibuzz Klinklang Lilligant Durant Gigalith Gothitelle Musharna Scrafty
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Samurott Mightyena Genesect


Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Balance)
Accelgor Mienshao Vanilluxe Reuniclus Conkeldurr Chandelure Eelektross
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Attack)
Beartic Archeops Sawk Escavalier Excadrill Braviary Haxorus Darmanitan Golurk Cryogonal Bisharp Krookodile Bouffalant Druddigon
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Defense)
Audino Amoonguss Alomomola Jellicent Throh Cofagrigus Ferrothorn Mandibuzz Klinklang Lilligant Durant Gigalith Gothitelle Musharna Scrafty
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Emboar Diancie Grapploct Victini


Standard Pokémon
Stoutland Musharna Mienshao Chandelure Audino Fraxure
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Samurott Serperior Emboar Simisear Simipour Simisage

Note: Bianca is shown catching a Purrloin in the tutorial of Black 2 & White 2.

Natural Harmonia Gropius

Standard Pokémon
Carracosta Vanilluxe Archeops Zoroark Klinklang
Exclusive to Spring
Politoed Lanturn Tentacruel Omastar Kabutops Starmie
Exclusive to Summer
Ninetales Arcanine Rapidash Shiftry Ninjask Leafeon
Exclusive to Autumn
Hippowdon Gastrodon Cradily Armaldo Scizor Rhyperior
Exclusive to Winter
Abomasnow Cloyster Mamoswine Froslass Glaceon
Released Pokémon
Woobat Darmanitan Purrloin Pidove Timburr Tympole Sandile
Scraggy Sigilyph Boldore Ferroseed Joltik Zekrom Reshiram
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX


Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Dewott Servine Pignite Pansear Panpour Pansage
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Balance)
Accelgor Mienshao Vanilluxe Reuniclus Conkeldurr Chandelure Eelektross
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Attack)
Beartic Archeops Sawk Escavalier Excadrill Braviary Haxorus Darmanitan Golurk Cryogonal Bisharp Krookodile Bouffalant Druddigon
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Defense)
Audino Amoonguss Alomomola Jellicent Throh Cofagrigus Ferrothorn Mandibuzz Klinklang Lilligant Durant Gigalith Gothitelle Musharna Scrafty


Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Dewott Servine Pignite Pansear Panpour Pansage
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Balance)
Accelgor Mienshao Vanilluxe Reuniclus Conkeldurr Chandelure Eelektross
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Attack)
Beartic Archeops Sawk Escavalier Excadrill Braviary Haxorus Darmanitan Golurk Cryogonal Bisharp Krookodile Bouffalant Druddigon
Exclusive to the Battle Subway (Defense)
Audino Amoonguss Alomomola Jellicent Throh Cofagrigus Ferrothorn Mandibuzz Klinklang Lilligant Durant Gigalith Gothitelle Musharna Scrafty
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Serperior Delibird Shaymin Meloetta


Standard Pokémon
Unfezant Bouffalant Flygon Eelektross
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Emboar Samurott Serperior Simipour Simisage Simisear


Standard Pokémon
Fletchling Meowstic Absol Altaria Clefable
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Delphox Greninja Chesnaught Jolteon Flareon Vaporeon

Note: Calem is shown catching a Bunnelby in the tutorial of X & Y.


Standard Pokémon
Fletchling Meowstic Absol Altaria Clefable
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Delphox Greninja Chesnaught Jolteon Flareon Vaporeon
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Whimsicott Zygarde

Note: Serena is shown catching a Bunnelby in the tutorial of X & Y.


Standard Pokémon
Delcatty Goodra Sylveon
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Greninja Chesnaught Delphox
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX


In the core series
Crawdaunt Talonflame Roserade Hawlucha


In the core series
Raichu Florges Aerodactyl Tyrantrum Aurorus


Standard Pokémon
Raichu Komala Crabominable Noivern Tauros
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Primarina Decidueye Incineroar Flareon Vaporeon Leafeon
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Tapu Koko


Standard Pokémon
Crobat Silvally Weavile Lucario Porygon-Z Zoroark
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Venusaur Charizard Blastoise
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX


Standard Pokémon
Pidgeot Vileplume Marowak Rapidash Slowbro'
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Jolteon Raichu


Standard Pokémon
Dubwool Corviknight Cramorant Toxel Silicobra Trevenant Heatmor Snorlax Boltund Pincurchin Zamazenta Zacian
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Inteleon Rillaboom Cinderace
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Gym Leader Klara

In the core series
Scolipede Slowbro Weezing Drapion Slowking

Gym Leader Avery

In the core series
Alakazam Slowbro Swoobat Rapidash Slowking

The Security Corps' Rei

Standard Pokémon
Pikachu Mr. Mime Staraptor Clefairy
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Empoleon Torterra Infernape
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

The Security Corps' Akari

Standard Pokémon
Pikachu Mr. Mime Staraptor Clefairy
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Empoleon Torterra Infernape
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Champion Nemona

File:Nemona League Club Room Profile Scarlet.png

Standard Pokémon
Pawmot Lycanroc Goodra Dudunsparce Orthworm Kommo-o
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Quaquaval Meowscarada Skeledirge Decidueye Infernape Greninja Ribombee Milotic Dusknoir

Pokémon Professors

Pokémon Professor Samuel Oak

Standard Pokémon
Tauros Exeggutor Arcanine Gyarados
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Blastoise Venusaur Charizard
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Pokémon Professor Augustine Sycamore

In the core series
Venusaur Charizard Blastoise
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Xerneas Gogoat

Pokémon Professor Kukui

Standard Pokémon
Lycanroc Ninetales Braviary Magnezone Snorlax Lycanroc Ninetales
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Incineroar Primarina Decidueye
Residing at the Pokémon Research Lab
Pikipek Cutiefly Poliwhirl Murkrow Snubbull Corsola Luvdisc Stufful

Note: Kukui is shown catching a Grubbin in the tutorial of Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon. Additionally, he loans Sun a Pikachu in the Sun & Moon Special Demo.

AI Sada

In the core series
Slither Wing Scream Tail Brute Bonnet Flutter Mane Sandy Shocks Roaring Moon

AI Turo

In the core series
Iron Moth Iron Bundle Iron Hands Iron Jugulis Iron Thorns Iron Valiant

Team Rocket


Standard Pokémon
Golbat Weezing


Standard Pokémon
Zubat Weezing Raticate


In the core series
Arbok Vileplume Murkrow Muk
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Sneasel Muk Lickitung Vileplume Raticate Arbok Magcargo Kabutops Victreebel Golbat


In the core series
Houndoom Weezing Golbat Electrode Magmar
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium 2
Houndoom Golbat Persian Misdreavus Victreebel Wobbuffet Octillery Hypno Parasect Tyranitar


"The Self-Proclaimed Strongest Trainer!"

In the core series
Onix Rhyperior Kangaskhan Nidoking Nidoqueen Dugtrio Persian Honchkrow Golem Marowak Sandslash Garchomp Gliscor Krookodile Hippowdon
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium
Tauros Gengar Moltres

Alternate universe Giovanni

Standard Pokémon
Dugtrio Nidoking Nidoqueen Rhyperior Mewtwo
Exclusive to the Battle Agency
Marowak Exeggutor Kangaskhan Gyarados Arcanine

Team Aqua

Aqua Admin Matt

In the core series
Sharpedo Mightyena Golbat

Aqua Admin Shelly

In the core series
Sharpedo Mightyena Grimer

Aqua Leader Archie

In the core series
Mightyena Crobat Sharpedo Muk

Note: The alternate universe version of Archie that appears in Episode RR uses a Kyogre.

Team Magma

Magma Admin Tabitha

In the core series
Camerupt Mightyena Golbat Koffing

Magma Admin Courtney

In the core series
Camerupt Mightyena

Magma Leader Maxie

In the core series
Mightyena Crobat Camerupt Weezing

Note: The alternate universe version of Maxie that appears in Episode RR uses a Groudon.

Team Galactic


Standard Pokémon
Crobat Purugly Bronzong
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Raichu Espeon Togekiss


Standard Pokémon
Crobat Skuntank Bronzong
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Nidoking Gengar Toxicroak

Commander Saturn

Standard Pokémon
Kadabra Bronzor Toxicroak Golbat
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Absol Sableye Skuntank Sharpedo Tyranitar


Standard Pokémon
Honchkrow Crobat Weavile Gyarados Houndoom
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Salamence Entei Rotom

Alternate universe Cyrus

In the core series
Houndoom Honchkrow Crobat Weavile Dialga Palkia
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Team Plasma

Shadow Triad

In the core series
Bisharp Absol Banette Accelgor


In the core series
Herdier Swoobat


Standard Pokémon
Cryogonal Weavile


In the core series
Magnezone Klinklang Beheeyem Metagross Rotom Muk Muk Electrode Porygon-Z

Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius

In the core series
Cofagrigus Bouffalant Seismitoad Bisharp Eelektross Hydreigon Drapion Toxicroak

Note: The alternate universe version of Ghetsis that appears in Episode RR uses a Zekrom in Ultra Sun and a Reshiram in Ultra Moon. Additionally, the alternate universe version of Ghetsis that appears in Masters EX uses a Kyurem.

Team Flare


In the core series
Mightyena Druddigon


In the core series
Liepard Bisharp


In the core series
Manectric Drapion


In the core series
Houndoom Weavile


In the core series
Mienshao Honchkrow Pyroar Gyarados
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Yveltal Voclanion

Note: The alternate universe version of Lysandre that appears in Episode RR uses a Xerneas in Ultra Sun and an Yveltal in Ultra Moon.

Team Skull


In the core series
Crobat Salazzle Gengar Muk Toxapex Lurantis


In the core series
Golisopod Ariados Masquerain Pinsir Scizor Vikavolt Toxapex Toxicroak Bisharp Honchkrow Liepard
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Aether Foundation

Aether Foundation Faba

In the core series
Hypno Slowbro Bruxish Raichu Alakazam Claydol

Aether President Lusamine

Standard Pokémon
Clefable Lilligant Mismagius Milotic Bewear Lopunny
Frozen at Aether Paradise
Pikachu Slowpoke Starmie Magmar Snubbull Drifloon Rowlet Litten Popplio Pyukumuku Type: Null
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Pheromosa Necrozma

Note: A Nihilego was shown to be owned by Lusamine in Sun & Moon, but it is unknown if it was left behind in Ultra Space after the events there.

Macro Cosmos


In the core series
Froslass Tsareena Salazzle Milotic Garbodor


In the core series
Escavalier Ferrothorn Perrserker Klinklang Copperajah

Miss Fortunes

The Bandit Charm

In the core series
Rhydon Gengar

The Bandit Clover

Core series

The Bandit Coin

Core series

Team Star

Giacomo of Team Star

In the core series
Kingambit Cacturne Honchkrow Mabosstiff Krookodile

Mela of Team Star

In the core series
Torkoal Coalossal Houndoom Arcanine Armarouge

Atticus of Team Star

In the core series
Skuntank Muk Revavroom Dragalge Toxapex

Ortega of Team Star

In the core series
Azumarill Wigglytuff Dachsbun Klefki Hatterene

Eri of Team Star

In the core series
Toxicroak Passimian Lucario Annihilape


File:Penny League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Umbreon Vaporeon Jolteon Flareon Leafeon Sylveon

Frontier Brains


In the core series
Alakazam Entei Snorlax Raikou Latios Weavile Mismagius Salamence Lucario

Dome Ace Tucker

In the core series
Swampert Salamence Charizard Metagross Latias

Palace Maven Spenser

In the core series
Crobat Slaking Lapras Arcanine Suicune

Note: Spenser also owns an Azurill and a Dusclops, but neither participate in battles.

Arena Tycoon Greta

In the core series
Heracross Umbreon Shedinja Gengar Breloom

Pike Queen Lucy

In the core series
Seviper Shuckle Milotic Steelix Gyarados

Pyramid King Brandon

In the core series
Regirock Registeel Regice Articuno Zapdos Moltres

Tower Tycoon Palmer

In the core series
Milotic Rhyperior Dragonite Regigigas Heatran Cresselia

Arcade Star Dahlia

In the core series
Dusknoir Medicham Ludicolo Zapdos Blaziken Togekiss

Castle Valet Darach

In the core series
Houndoom Empoleon Staraptor Entei Gallade

Battle Chatelaines

Battle Chatelaine Nita

In the core series
Purugly Wigglytuff Grumpig Tornadus Thundurus Landorus

Battle Chatelaine Evelyn

In the core series
Primeape Persian Pachirisu Lumineon Raikou Entei Suicune Latios

Battle Chatelaine Dana

In the core series
Piloswine Dragalge Whimsicott Magneton Girafarig Magcargo Articuno Zapdos Moltres Regirock Regice Registeel

Battle Chatelaine Morgan

In the core series
Mantine Sawsbuck Swalot Klefki Cobalion Terrakion Virizion Latias

Galaxy Team

The Security Corps' Secret Weapon - Ress

In the core series
Bidoof Starly Shinx

The Security Corps' Zisu

In the core series
Ambipom Honchkrow Luxray Zoroark Rapidash Lopunny Infernape Steelix Drifblim

The Galaxy Team's Beni

In the core series
Mismagius Sneasler Gardevoir Gallade Roserade Magnezone

The Galaxy Team's Kamado

In the core series
Braviary Golem Clefable Snorlax Heracross Ursaluna Probopass

Diamond Clan

Warden Mai

In the core series
Munchlax Weavile Crobat

Warden Arezu

In the core series
Lilligant Bronzong Purugly

Warden Melli

In the core series
Skuntank Drapion Golbat

Warden Sabi

In the core series
Rhyperior Magmortar Electivire

Clan Leader Adaman

In the core series
Leafeon Umbreon Vaporeon
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Pearl Clan

Warden Lian

In the core series
Goodra Mamowsine Whiscash


As a Subway Boss
Crustle Klinklang Garbodor Excadrill Haxorus Chandelure Gurdurr
As a warden
Machamp Tangrowth Gliscor Alakazam Probopass Magnezone Kleavor Wyrdeer Basculegion
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Warden Gaeric

In the core series
Glalie Froslass Avalugg

Clan Leader Irida

In the core series
Glaceon Espeon Flareon
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Naranja/Uva Academy faculty

Jacq the Instructor

File:Jacq League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Arcanine Lurantis Swalot Mudsdale Slowbro Farigiraf Victreebel Slowbro

Raifort the Instructor

File:Raifort League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Zoroark Seviper Grumpig Lumineon Scizor Gengar Malamar

Tyme the Instructor

File:Tyme League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Lycanroc Lycanroc Drednaw Stonjourner Coalossal Garganacl Kleavor Lycanroc

Salvatore the Instructor

File:Salvatore League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Honchkrow Persian Palossand Glaceon Gothitelle Raichu Sandslash

Dendra the Instructor

File:Dendra League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Falinks Tauros Tauros Medicham Hawlucha Hairyama Hitmontop

Saguaro the Instructor

File:Saguaro League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Pachirisu Froslass Alomomola Vespiquen Goodra Hatterene Alcremie

Miriam the Instructor

File:Miriam League Club Room Profile.png

In the core series
Hypno Pincurchin Sawsbuck Glalie Eelektross Toxapex Meganium

Director Clavell

File:Clavell League Club Room Profile Scarlet.png

Standard Pokémon
Oranguru Abomasnow Polteageist
Dependent on the player's starter Pokémon
Amoonguss Houndoom Gyarados Skeledirge Quaquaval Meowscarada

Other Trainers


In the core series
Dewgong Cloyster Slowbro Jynx Lapras Piloswine Sandslash
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium
Articuno Wigglytuff Exeggutor Starmie Omastar


In the core series
Gengar Crobat Arbok Misdreavus Weezing Marowak
Exclusive to Pokémon Stadium
Muk Venusaur Jynx Alakazam Gyarados

Elder Li

In the core series
Bellsprout Hoothoot

Ace Trainer Cal

In the core series
Meganium Typhlosion Feraligatr

Mystery Man Eusine

In the core series
Drowzee Haunter Electrode
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Hard as Rock Steven Stone

In the core series
Skarmory Claydol Aggron Cradily Armaldo Metagross Excadrill Archeops Carbink Aerodactyl
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Sandslash Rayquaza Deoxys Stoutland


Standard Pokémon
Blissey Wobbuffet Drifblim Hariyama Wailord
Exclusive to the Battle Tower (introduced in Diamond & Pearl)
Snorlax Espeon Umbreon Porygon-Z Armaldo Milotic Latias Latios Gastrodon Cresselia
Exclusive to the Battle Tower (introduced in Platinum)
Venusaur Alakazam Victreebel Exeggutor Starmie Meganium Miltank Sceptile Ludicolo Shiftry Breloom Slaking
Medicham Cradily Walrein Regirock Regice Torterra Roserade Vespiquen Hippowdon Abomasnow Tangrowth Dusknoir


Standard Pokémon
Lucario Absol Ursaring Metagross Salamence
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Poliwrath Machamp Rhyperior Gyarados Dragonite Heracross Tyranitar
Blaziken Breloom Slaking Hariyama Medicham Infernape Rampardos
Garchomp Toxicroak Mamoswine Gallade Regigigas Pinsir Entei


Standard Pokémon
Arcanine Ninjask Electrode Crobat Weavile
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Dugtiro Starmie Aerodactyl Sceptile Swellow Alakazam Pinsir Jolteon Raikou Floatzel Ambipom


Standard Pokémon
Claydol Shuckle Umbreon Torkoal Dusknoir
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Cloyster Forretress Steelix Skarmory Regirock Regice Registeel Bastiodon Probopass Cresselia Articuno Suciune Metagross Bronzong Hippowdon Tangrowth Leafeon


Standard Pokémon
Alakazam Porygon-Z Gengar Magnezone Togekiss
Exclusive to the Battle Tower
Exeggutor Zapdos Espeon Gardevoir Latias Latios Roserade Magmortar Glaceon Moltres Empoleon Yanmega Heatran


"Triple Trouble!"

In the core series
Lillipup Simisear Heatmor Darmanitan Arcanine Camerupt Magmortar Emboar


"Triple Trouble!"

In the core series
Lillipup Simipour Basculin Slowking Golduck Floatzel Azumarill Crawdaunt Samurott Seismitoad


"Triple Trouble!"

In the core series
Lillipup Simisage Maractus Ferrothorn Jumpluff Whimsicott Lilligant Serperior


"An Archeologist with Backbone!"

In the core series
Herdier Watchog Audino Clefable Kangaskhan Sawsbuck Dunsparce Braviary Cinccino Lickilicky

Movie Star Brycen

"Ice Mask!"

Standard Pokémon
Vanilluxe Cryogonal Beartic Weavile Dewgong Walrein
As Brycen-Man
Bisharp Mandibuzz Honchkrow Scrafty Houndoom Hydreigon Sharpedo Zoroark
As Mecha Cop
Heracross Sawk Escavalier


In the core series
Accelgor Bouffalant Druddigon Vanilluxe Escavalier Volcarona Conkeldurr Braviary Reuniclus Krookodile Chandelure

Subway Boss Emmet

In the core series
Crustle Klinklang Garbodor Durant Excadrill Haxorus Chandelure Eelektross Galvantula Arcehops Boldore
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX

Boss Trainer Benga

In the core series
Latios Latias Garchomp Dragonite Voclarona


In the core series
Torkoal Golurk Sigilyph

Note: AZ also owns the special Eternal Flower Floette, but it does not participate in battles.


In the core series
Jellicent Volcarona Whimsicott Mawile Granbull Persian Crobat Malamar

Note: Emma also owns an Espurr named Mimi, but it does not participate in battles. The rest of her Pokémon were given to her by Xerosic after his arrest.


In the core series
Delibird Glaceon Smoochum Drampa Lilligant Abomasnow Oranguru Mandibuzz Sandslash Sandslash


In the core series
Slowking Espeon Raichu Metagross Alakazam Mime Jr. Turtonator Slowbro Whimsicott Passimian Ninetales Braviary Ninetales

Note: Dexio uses a 10% Zygarde in Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon before giving it to the player.

Secret Base Expert Aarune

Core series

Lorekeeper Zinnia

In the core series
Tyrantrum Altaria Salamence Goodra Noivern
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Rayquaza Thievul

Note: Zinnia also owns a Whismur named Aster, but it does not participate in battles.


In the core series
Clefairy Ribombee Comfey
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX
Lunala Polteageist

Pro Wrestler The Masked Royal

In the core series
Lycanroc Ninetales Snorlax Magnezone Braviary Crabominable
Exclusive to Pokémon Masters EX


In the core series
Garchomp Drampa Turtonator Dragonite Kommo-o

Ultra Recon Squad Soliera

In the core series
Furfrou Poipole

Note: Dulse's Pokémon are identical to Soliera's.


In the core series
Clefable Gengar Victreebel Ninetales Kangaskhan Blastoise


"The Master of a Fantastic Theater!"

In the core series
Weezing Mawile Togekiss Alcremie


In the core series
Scrafty Malamar Skuntank Obstagoon Toxtricity


In the core series
Sirfetch'd Golisopod Doublade Bisharp


In the core series
Sirfetch'd Bronzong Falinks Klinklang

Dojo Matron Honey

In the core series
Blissey Darmanitan Gallade Salazzle Togekiss Blastoise Venusaur

Dojo Master Mustard

In the core series
Mienshao Luxray Urshifu Corviknight Lycanroc Kommo-o


In the core series
Copperajah Aggron Perrserker Bronzong Scizor


Core series

Pokémon Wielder Volo

In the core series
Spiritomb Roserade Togekiss Arcanine Lucario Garchomp


File:Arven League Club Room Profile Violet.png

In the core series
Greedent Cloyster Scovillain Toedscruel Garganacl Mabosstiff


In the core series
Morgrem Hattrem


In the core series
Mightyena Ninetales Sinistcha Morpeko Leavanny Toucannon Scrafty

O'Nare of the Glitterati

In the core series
Persian Arboliva

Perrin the Photographer

In the core series
Noctowl Leafeon

Note: Perrin also owns a Hisuian Growlithe, but it does not participate in battles.

Blueberry Academy Director Cyrano

In the core series
Zebstrika Mandibuzz Gothitelle Emboar Samurott Serperior

Grandpa Yukito

In the core series
Arbok Weezing

Grandma Hideko

In the core series
Chandelure Mamoswine


GAME FREAK's Morimoto

Introduced in Generation V
Liepard Simipour Simisear Simisage Swoobat Zebstrika
Introduced in Generation VII
Kangaskhan Jolteon Flareon Vaporeon Machamp Dragonite Gengar
Introduced in Generation VIII
Cursola Grapploct Stonjourner Dragapult Coalossal Snorlax Spiritomb Ambipom Hippowdon

GAME FREAK's Nishino

In the core series
Clefable Azumarill Lickilicky Wigglytuff Alomomola Snorlax


In the core series
Kecleon Ambipom Blissey


Rider Willie

Standard Pokémon
Linoone Dodrio Girafarig

Rogue Cail

Standard Pokémon
Machamp Shiftry Gardevoir Granbull Houndoom
Shadow Pokémon

Myth Trainer Eagun


PreGymLeader Justy

Standard Pokémon
Sandslash Cacnea Gligar Azumarill Sunflora Nosepass

Team Snagem Wakin

Standard Pokémon
Corphish Koffing Vileplume Mantine Forretress Grumpig
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum
Swampert Blaziken Sceptile Gardevoir Swellow

Team Snagem Biden

Standard Pokémon
Smeargle Bellossom Crobat Torkoal
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum
Jolteon Weezing Houndoom Ninjask Steelix Hitmonlee
Shadow Pokémon

Team Snagem Agrev

Standard Pokémon
Marshtomp Machoke Shiftry Murkrow Oddish Golbat Absol
Shadow Pokémon

Snagem Head Gonzap

Standard Pokémon
Crawdaunt Shiftry Pinsir Hariyama Breloom Granbull Armaldo Machamp Gyarados Electrode Vileplume Whiscash Skarmory
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum
Blastoise Slaking Salamence Charizard Venusaur
Shadow Pokémon

Miror B.Peon Folly

Standard Pokémon
Exploud Ludicolo

Miror B.Peon Trudly

Standard Pokémon
Dusclops Ariados Machoke
Shadow Pokémon

Miror B.Peon Reath

Standard Pokémon
Luvdisc Ariados Seaking
Shadow Pokémon

Miror B.Peon Ferma

Standard Pokémon
Aipom Yanma Furret Sharpedo
Shadow Pokémon

Wanderer Miror B.

Standard Pokémon
Ludicolo Exploud Golduck Armaldo Electrode Jumpluff Sudowoodo Shiftry Nosepass
Shadow Pokémon
Sudowoodo Voltorb Nosepass Dragonite

Mirakle B.

Standard Pokémon
Seaking Linoone Electrode Sandslash Sudowoodo


Standard Pokémon
Muk Grumpig Sharpedo
Shadow Pokémon


Standard Pokémon
Muk Grumpig Breloom
Shadow Pokémon


Standard Pokémon
Muk Grumpig Camerupt
Shadow Pokémon


Standard Pokémon
Wobbuffet Huntail Golem Medicham
Shadow Pokémon


Standard Pokémon
Metang Golem Swampert Camerupt Claydol Forretress Flygon Whiscash Houndoom Solrock
Shadow Pokémon


Standard Pokémon
Delcatty Steelix Banette Vileplume Bellossom Misdreavus Raichu Wigglytuff Milotic Dusclops Meganium
Shadow Pokémon


Standard Pokémon
Crobat Huntail Lanturn Altaria Pelipper Rhydon Starmie Manectric Mantine Gyarados
Shadow Pokémon


Standard Pokémon
Dusclops Gardevoir Blaziken Xatu Walrein Alakazam
Shadow Pokémon


Standard Pokémon
Slowking Scizor Machamp Salamence Slaking Aggron
Shadow Pokémon

Deep King Agnol

Standard Pokémon
Skarmory Girafarig Sableye Kingdra Shedinja
Shadow Pokémon

Area Leader Vander

Standard Pokémon
Whismur Jigglypuff Slakoth Skitty Zigzagoon Machop

Mt BtlMaster Battlus

Standard Pokémon
Claydol Pinsir Crobat Gligar Flygon Gyarados Dusclops Latias Latios Slaking Salamence Metagross

Myth Trainer Infin

Standard Pokémon
Gardevoir Altaria Kyogre Crobat Magneton Aggron Slaking Latias Latios Heracross Rayquaza

Myth Trainer Inity

Standard Pokémon
Salamence Starmie Machamp Crobat Rhydon Ludicolo Latias Latios Kyogre Groudon Slaking

Kaminko Aide Chobin

Standard Pokémon
Sunflora Gyarados Skiploom Tropius
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum
Scizor Mr. Mime Dragonite Marowak Kangaskhan Ninjask

Thug Zook

Standard Pokémon
Doduo Carvanha Seviper Relicanth Zubat*
Shadow Pokémon
Zangoose Shellder*

Cipher Peon Resix

Standard Pokémon
Magcargo Camerupt
Shadow Pokémon

Cipher Peon Blusix

Standard Pokémon
Kingdra Seaking Metagross
Shadow Pokémon

Cipher Peon Browsix

Standard Pokémon
Noctowl Slaking
Shadow Pokémon

Cipher Peon Yellosix

Standard Pokémon
Lanturn Manectric Magneton
Shadow Pokémon

Cipher Peon Purpsix

Standard Pokémon
Muk Weezing Tentacruel Golbat
Shadow Pokémon

Cipher Peon Greesix

Standard Pokémon
Lombre Vileplume Cacturne Breloom Forretress
Shadow Pokémon


Standard Pokémon
Luvdisc Beautifly Roselia Gardevoir Gorebyss
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum
Shuckle Milotic Wobbuffet Blissey Misdreavus Meganium
Shadow Pokémon
Delcatty Farfetch'd Altaria


Standard Pokémon
Lanturn Quagsire Castform Metang Scizor
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum
Electrode Gengar Muk Glalie Regirock Regice
Shadow Pokémon
Lunatone Solrock Starmie


Standard Pokémon
Aggron Walrein Slowking Ursaring
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum
Salamence Granbull Arcanine Tauros Hitmontop Gyarados
Shadow Pokémon
Primeape Hypno Poliwrath Mr. Mime

Cipher Admin Ardos

Standard Pokémon
Alakazam Kingdra Heracross
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum
Sceptile Charizard Gengar Aerodactyl Tauros Starmie
Shadow Pokémon
Swellow Electabuzz Snorlax


Standard Pokémon
Ninjask Flygon
Exclusive to the Orre Colosseum
Latios Latias Gengar Metagross Snorlax Tauros
Shadow Pokémon
Manectric Salamence Marowak Lapras


Standard Pokémon
Manectric Swellow Starmie Granbull Altaria Aerodactyl
Shadow Pokémon
XD001 Rhydon Moltres Exeggutor Tauros Articuno Zapdos


Colosseum Leader Taylor

Standard Pokémon
Pachirisu Luxio Luvdisc Jigglypuff Kirlia Bonsly

Colosseum Leader Marina

Standard Pokémon
Corsola Marill Farfetch'd Aipom Wormadam Poliwhirl Ledian

Colosseum Leader Rosie

Standard Pokémon
Delcatty Beautifly Weepinbell Skiploom Sunflora Roselia

Colosseum Leader Voldon

Standard Pokémon
Machoke Onix Metang Elekid Rotom Carnivine

Colosseum Leader Terrell

Standard Pokémon
Charmeleon Quilava Monferno Grotle Sandslash Prinplup

Colosseum Leader Dusty

Standard Pokémon
Riolu Grovyle Vigoroth Luxio Gabite Combusken

Colosseum Master Joe

Standard Pokémon
Spinda Drifloon Mudkip Torchic Treecko Delibird Infernape Torterra Empoleon Pikachu Aipom Staraptor Arcanine Entei Lapras Suicune Electivire Raikou

Colosseum Master Sashay

Standard Pokémon
Plusle Minun Castform Cherrim Lopunny Shuckle Raichu Gengar Weavile Mismagius Vileplume Spiritomb Milotic Registeel Togekiss Umbreon Deoxys Giratina

Colosseum Master Kruger

Standard Pokémon
Gligar Pupitar Victreebel Gabite Swalot Hitmontop Drapion Ambipom Honchkrow Skuntank Machamp Medicham Regice Latias Zapdos Heatran Regirock Azelf

Pokétopia Master Mysterial

Standard Pokémon
Golbat Dragonair Whiscash Haunter Kingler Chansey Cresselia Garchomp Lucario Snorlax Empoleon Mesprit Kyogre Groudon Latios Lugia Mewtwo
Custom Pass Pokémon
Palkia Dialga Charizard Meganium Uxie Azelf Ho-Oh Manaphy Cherrim