Appendix:Legends: Arceus walkthrough/Section 1

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Revision as of 02:23, 23 May 2024 by Meeper12346 (talk | contribs) (Prelude Beach: actually the poké ball should probably be the hisuian one too)
This is an in-depth walkthrough for Pokémon Legends: Arceus for the Nintendo Switch.


Arceus takes the form of a blinding yellow light. It speaks: "Seek out all Pokémon, and thou shalt find me once more."
Arceus, giving you the mission to seek out all Pokémon.

Your vision is dark. When you regain consciousness, you're greeted by the Mythical Pokémon, Arceus, who glows as bright as a blinding sun. Arceus asks for your name and your appearance, both of which you cannot change later. It explains that you are in its realm, beyond space and time, and introduces you to the strange world of Pokémon.

Thus, Arceus gives you a mission: Seek out all Pokémon, and thou shalt find me once again.

You float helplessly in an endless mist, with nothing but your cell phone on you. Arceus imbues its power into your cell phone, and you disappear with it, as your vision fades once again.

Prelude Beach

You hear a voice call out, asking you to wake up, and in front of you stands Professor Laventon and his three Pokémon. He ponders about who you are and where you came from, when suddenly, his Pokémon run off and he leaves to catch them.

Use the left stick to walk over to the glowing object on the ground, and press A to pick it up. You receive the Arc Phone, which repeats the same mission: seek out all Pokémon. Follow the path to catch up with the Professor. He asks that you help him catch his three Pokémon, and hands you fifty Poké Balls to do so.

Press the ZR button to ready a Pokéball, and use the right stick to aim. Additionally, you can hold down ZL to help lock-on to Pokémon, especially ones that move around or run away. Help catch the Professor's Pokémon: you can find Cyndaquil behind the rocks to the east, Oshawott by the pond to the west, and Rowlet on the grassy hill up north. The last one you catch will break out, and the Professor comments on that. Go ahead and try to catch them again.

After catching all three, Professor Laventon realizes you have a knack for catching Pokémon, and asks you to help him fulfill his dream- to create the regions first Pokédex. Your objective to catch all Pokémon align with his dream, so you agree to work together and head to Jubilife Village.

Jubilife Village

A screenshot of Canala Avenue, from Pokémon Legends: Arceus, which features old wooden buildings akin to those from feudal Japan.
Canala Avenue

Professor Laventon takes you to Jubilife Village, the base of operations of his research. He asks the guards to allow you entrance into the village, which they cautiously do. The other residents are definitely not fond of you, having just appeared from nowhere with your modern clothing. You can hear them whispering about you, where you come from, and your strange outfit. While you overhear this, Professor Laventon takes you down Canala Avenue of Jubilife Village, and describes its history. He points out the Galaxy Team and Galaxy Hall, the headquarters of the operation, where he intended to take you. Instead, he wants you to head to the nearby canteen, called The Wallflower, to wait while he reports that he recaptured the runaway Pokémon.

When he leaves, you get a notification on your phone. Your Arc Phone now shows guidance markers, which point you to where you need to go next to progress, and it currently points to The Wallflower. When you approach, you meet Beni, the owner of the establishment. He takes one look at your outfit and turns you away immediately.

Someone approaches, bearing a striking resemblance to you, but in a kimono. They are either Rei or Akari, the opposite gender of the appearance you chose. Like everyone else in the village, they comment on your clothing and ask if you know Professor Laventon. Laventon conveniently appears, and brings up his idea of inviting you to the survey corps, along with Cyllene, the leader of the Survey Corps, who agrees to let you help and give you shelter. To celebrate, Laventon orders food and notes that the Survey Corps are too anxious to capture even one Pokémon, while you have fearlessly wrangled three, and he has hope for your potential.

When you finish eating, Rei/Akari mentions that you have a trial to pass before you can really become a member of the Survey Corps. Cyllene appears, showing that you now have a place to rest for the night, but if you don't pass the trial, you must leave the village.

Walk over to your new shelter, and press A to enter. Then, walk to the futon on the floor. Before you lie down, you notice something on the desk, and you can now press Up on the d-pad to open the menu and reread old tutorial popups. You can also hit ZL and ZR to scroll through the different menus, including saving and game options. Walk back over to your futon and press A to rest. While you sleep, ominous lightning crashes to the ground from the Space-Time Rift that you came from, as a Pokémon's loud cry is heard. The night passes, and Rei/Akari greets you in the morning to get you ready for your trial.

Walk to the door and press A to exit your room. Rei/Akari says to meet with Cyllene in Galaxy Hall to begin the trial, so walk to the Hall and hit A to enter the building. Inside, you overhear a Survey Corps member in pain from being attacked by wild Pokémon. Rei/Akari makes a note that even with a partner Pokémon, it's difficult in the wild. They take you to Cyllene, who gives you your mission: catch a Bidoof, Starly, and Shinx. She also gives you a Survey-Corps Satchel (akin to a bag in other games), and you can also now press Y to display a list of missions and requests.

Professor Laventon comes in, and asks for you. He declares that you must pass this trial, and he has just the ticket to help you accomplish that: your first partner Pokémon! He asks you to take your pick from one of the three that you helped to wrangle in the day before: Cyndaquil, Rowlet, or Oshawott.

Walk over to one of them and press A to select them as your partner. Laventon hands you their Poké Ball and says that it's yours to keep, as well as twenty more Poké Balls for the trial. He also asks which Pokémon you were tasked with catching, and mentions that all three can be found in the Obsidian Fieldlands.

Rei/Akari mentions that to head to the Obsidian Fieldlands, turn left from Galaxy Hall and head to the gate. Walk forward and press A to exit the door, then head west to the gate. When you reach the gate, you find a merchant named Volo who finds it odd for a stranger to have a Pokémon, and forces you to battle him.

After defeating Volo, your Pokémon learns a new move, and you now can change moves at any point in the menu. Volo congratulates you on your win, heals both of your Pokémon, and hands you five Potions for beating him. Rei/Akari says to tell the guardsmen where you're headed off to, so that if you get hurt, someone can come for your aid.

Walk to the gate, and Ress the guardsman greets you. Select the Obsidian Fieldlands on the map to depart for the trial.