Porygon (Aquapolis 103)

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ポリゴン Porygon

Illus. Masako Yamashita
Evolution stage Basic Pokémon
Card name Porygon
Type Colorless
HP 40
retreat cost
English expansion Aquapolis
Rarity Common
English card no. 103a/147
Japanese expansion The Town on No Map
Japanese rarity Common
Japanese card no. 059/092
English expansion Aquapolis
Rarity Common
English card no. 103b/147
Japanese expansion The Town on No Map
Japanese rarity Common
Japanese card no. 059/092
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Porygon.

Porygon (Japanese: ポリゴン Porygon) is a Colorless-type Basic Pokémon card. It is part of the Aquapolis expansion.

Card text

Colorless Data Sort
Flip a coin. If heads, choose a Trainer card from your discard pile, show it to your opponent, and then shuffle it into your deck.
Colorless Peck

e-Reader data

This card has two prints: the print numbered 103a/147 has the ID C-32-a, the print numbered 103b/147 has the ID C-32-b. The short strip on both prints contain Pokédex information, a brief card summary, and information on the content of the long strip.

Pokédex data (103a/147)

Porygon - Virtual Pokémon
No. Height Weight
137 2'07" (0.8 m) 80.0 lbs. (36.5 kg)
Pokédex entry
An artificial Pokémon created due to extensive research, it can perform only what is in its program.
ポケモンけんきゅう のため うみだされた じんこうの ポケモン。 プログラムにない うごきはできない。

Construction: Action (103a/147)

The long strip contains map data for the Construction: Action application.

Pokédex data (103b/147)

Porygon - Virtual Pokémon
No. Height Weight
137 2'07" (0.8 m) 80.0 lbs. (36.5 kg)
Pokédex entry
An artificial Pokémon created due to extensive research, it can perform only what is in its program.
こきゅうを していないので どんなところでも かつやく できると きたいされる じんこうの ポケモン。

Hidden attack (103b/147)

The long strip contains data for an additional attack this card can use:

ColorlessColorless Miracle Beam
This attack does X damage to the Defending Pokémon and may affect it with a Special Condition.

Selecting "Yes" reveals the value for X and a chance of revealing a Special Condition.

00-24: No Effect
25-78: 10 Damage
79-96: 20 Damage
97-99: 40 Damage
00-39: No Effect
40-48: Poison
49-57: Burn
58-77: Sleep
78-87: Paralyze
88-97: Confuse
   98: Poison+Sleep
   99: Burn+Sleep


This card is one of four in the Aquapolis expansion to feature an 'a' version and a 'b' version. The 'a' and 'b' versions of this card are identical except for its Dot Code data. The Japanese version also has two versions, but does not have separate expansion numbers for them.


Peck is a move in the Pokémon games that Porygon cannot learn. This card's English e-Reader Pokédex entries come from Pokémon Crystal. The Japanese entry for the print numbered 103a/147 also comes from Pokémon Crystal, but the entry from the print numbered 103b/147 comes from Pokémon Gold.

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.