Appendix:Pokémon Ranger 2 walkthrough/Section 3

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Mission 3

When you wake up, Barlow is in a frenzy - someone set the Vien Forest on fire! Barlow immediately sends you into the forest to put the fire out.

Mission 3: Fight the Vien Forest Fire!

Head out for the Vien Forest, which is north (↑) of Vien Town. At the entrance of the forest, you'll meet see Mimi. Mimi's Happiny have run off into the burning forest! Now, you must also find Mimi's Happiny, in addition to fighting the fire.

Vien Forest

Pokémon Poké Assist Field
Wartortle Wartortle Water Soak 2
Blastoise Blastoise Water Rain Dance -
Weedle Weedle Bug Tackle 1
Beedrill Beedrill Bug Crush 2
Pichu Pichu Recharge Recharge 1
Taillow Taillow Flying Cut 1
Roselia Roselia Grass Cut 2
Grotle Grotle Grass Tackle 2
Shinx Shinx Electric Electrify 1
Luxio Luxio Electric Electrify 2
Budew Budew Grass Tackle 1
Buizel Buizel Water Soak 1
Floatzel Floatzel Water River Flow 1
Cherubi Cherubi Grass Tackle 1
Happiny Happiny Normal Crush 1

1. Just around the bend, a Burning Log falls in your way. The crash startles 4 Budew into attacking you. Capture them and, then cross the river and go up a screen. There, capture a Wartortle, and bring it back to the Burning Log and douse the Log.
2. To the right is the first Happiny. Capture it. Continue along the path, and find the other two Happiny's. Capture them, and bring all the Happiny's back to Mimi.
3. Go back to the place of the last Happiny. Continue along the path, putting out more Burning Logs, and soon you'll run into Crawford. He'll tell you to get a Blastoise to put out the flames. Head his advice, and find a Blastoise!
4. Blastoise is found near the river, so go left out of the burning area, and down. The Roselia you pass will be helpful in capturing Blastoise. Once captured, bring Blastoise to the burning area again. Walk towards the middle section, and a question mark should appear over your head. When it does, use Blastiose's Rain Dance Area Move.
5. After the flames are quenched, a strange man appears near a broken red machine. He seems a little worried. Take the man in for questioning, and it's Mission Clear!
6. Back at the Ranger Base, you're promoted to Ranger Rank 2! You can now use Fire and Fighting Poké Assists!

Quests after Mission 3

After completing Mission 3, there are some Quests for you to do.

Quest 03

Is Combee Okay?
Old Lady
Electric Defense
After that awful Forest Fire, the cute Combee haven't come around. It would reassure me so if you would let me see an adorable Combee again.

The old lady in Vientown, near the Ranger Base, loves Combee, and has been worried that the fire has driven away all the Combee. Go into the Vien Forest, near where you found the strange man. Capture a Combee, and bring it back to the old lady. The lady will be very happy, and thank you for bringing her a Combee. You get an Electric Defense as a reward.

Quest 04

Clear Some Fallen Logs
Mr. Woodward
Long Line
I'd appreciate it if someone could clear away some fallen logs in Vien Forest. They're blocking paths, much to the annoyance and inconvenience of all. There were two, if I recall correctly.

Mr. Woodward lives in the lower-left house in Vientown. He is the resident woodworker. Mr. Woodward is annoyed about fallen logs in the Vien Forest. He asks you to clear them.
The first log is where the first burning log was. You need Roselia to clear the log. Go to where you found the Roselia last time (west (←) of the burned part) and capture it. Use Roselia on the first log.
Go back and get Roselia again, and use her, this time, on the log just south (↓) of the charred section. It's blocking the skinnier bridge.
When all done, go back to Mr. Woodward! He'll thank you, and you get a Long Line power up, which lengthens the line of your Capture Styler.

Quest 05

Strange Crates Washed Ashore
Normal Defense
Big wooden crates have been washing ashore at Nabiki Beach lately. Can Rangers help do something about them if they find any on the beach?

The boy is concerned about the crates that have washed ashore, becoming an eyesore. Go to Nabiki Beach, and capture a Bidoof. Use it to destroy the crates. When done, you get a Normal Defense.

Go back to the Ranger Base when done.

Mission 4

Prof. Hastings has come to the Vientown Ranger Base to take a look at the mysterious machine from Marine Cave. The Prof. mentions that he saw people carrying similar machines in Pueltown. Barlow send you and Luana to Pueltown to sort this out!

Vien Forest

This time through the Vien Forest, you're going to the other end!

Pokémon Poké Assist Field
Squirtle Squirtle Water Soak 1
Wartortle Wartortle Water Soak 2
Blastoise Blastoise Water Rain Dance -
Weedle Weedle Bug Tackle 1
Beedrill Beedrill Bug Crush 2
Pikachu Pikachu Recharge Recharge 3
Doduo Doduo Normal Agility -
Pichu Pichu Recharge Recharge 1
Taillow Taillow Flying Cut 1
Roselia Roselia Grass Cut 2
Grotle Grotle Grass Tackle 2
Torterra Torterra * Grass Tackle 4
Bidoof Bidoof Normal Crush 1
Bibarel Bibarel Water Soak 2
Kricketune Kricketune Bug Cut 2
Shinx Shinx Electric Electrify 1
Luxio Luxio Electric Electrify 2
Budew Budew Grass Tackle 1
Combee Combee Flying Cut 1
Buizel Buizel Water Soak 1
Floatzel Floatzel Water River Flow 1
Cherubi Cherubi Grass Tackle 1
Buneary Buneary Normal Crush 1
Glameow Glameow Normal Cut 1
Bonsly Bonsly * Rock Tackle 1

To make your way through, you go north (↑) as far as you can, then follow the path out of the Forest. Make sure to capture the Bibarel near the exit.

Mission 4: Destroy the Strange Machines!


Pokémon Poké Assist Field
Rattata Rattata Normal Tackle_1
Raticate Raticate Normal Cut_2
Growlithe Growlithe Fire Burn_2
Magnemite Magnemite Recharge Recharge 2
Voltorb Voltorb Electric Electrify_2
Eevee Eevee Normal Tackle_1
Murkrow Murkrow Dark Cut_1
Tyrogue Tyrogue Fighting Crush_1
Elekid Elekid Electric Electrify_2
Magby Magby Fire Burn_1
Wingull Wingull Water Soak_1
Chatot Chatot Flying Cut_1
Toxicroak Toxicroak * Poison Crush_2

1. The moment you enter Pueltown, it is obvious something is wrong. It's just like Marine Cave, so you have to find and destroy the machines!
2. The first machine is right next to the Ranger Depot. A Ranger Depot is a place like a Ranger Base, but only houses an Operator to recharge your styler. Use the Bibarel to destroy the machine.
3. Go back to the Vien Forest, and recapture Bibarel. Then go north (↑) of the Ranger Depot to find a machine near some steps. Destroy the machine.
4. Capture the newly freed Growlithe near the Ranger Depot. Climb the steps next to the machine you just destroyed. Go to the west part of town.
5. There are now green machines, and there are two on the west side of Pueltown. Destroy one, then go south toward an electrified gate. Go into the house on the left. Capture the Growlithe, and destroy the second green machine.
6. Use the nearby Voltorb to open the electrified gate. Then grab the Growlithe in the house again, and recapture the Voltorb outside. Then, go down the steps, and all the way across town to the east side. Use the Voltorb on the gate and go up the steps.
7. You'll find a girl named Melody (Isaac's sister) surrounded by rogue Pokémon. Use Growlithe to destroy the nearby green machine. Go left of Melody, onto a bridge. Capture the Elekid, and go back to Melody. Go down the steps to the south, and destroy the nearby blue machine with Elekid. Go east (→).
8. You've reached the Pueltown Docks. Go north and you'll find a gang of people who call themselves Team Dim Sun. They get mad at you for destroying the machines, and send 4 Rattata at you. Capture them. Immediately after, they send out a Toxicroak. This is your first boss fight. Don't panic at the enlarged friendship meter. Just capture it.
9. Afterward, Team Dim Sun flees, you go back to Vientown, and it's Mission Clear!

Vientown and Chicole Village

Back in Vientown, Ollie askes you to go with him to Chicole Village. Go with him. In Chicole Village, you hear the Partner Farm is being haunted by a hat. It's only a Kricketot, but you capture it and it becomes a Partner Pokémon. Finally, deliver Ollie to the house in the lower-right corner of Chicole Village.

Quests after Mission 4

Quest 06

Clear the Crates!
Vien Forest
Bug Defense
Some sketchy characters ditched a bunch of wooden crates in the forest near here. I broke most of the up except two. But now, I'm plain worn out. Can you take over for me?

This guy is in the Vien Forest, near Pueltown. Follow the path toward Vientown. The first crate is near the stairs. Use a nearby Happiny to destroy the crate. recapture Happiny, and continue along the path. The second crate is also by stairs, but on the other side of Lookout Ridge. Report back to the man when done. You get a Bug Defense as a reward.

Quest 07

Breeze Hill Sign Recovery
Dark Defense
A falling rock flattened the sign for Breeze Hill. I'm hoping to fix the sign, but that giant rock is hopelessly in the way. Can you do something about it?

Talk to Webster, who is near Tiny Tim's Farm. He tells you that a rock flattened the Breeze Hill sign, and wants you to get rid of the rock. Go to the furthest room in Marine Cave and capture a Nosepass. Take it to Breeze HIll and destroy the rock. You get a Dark Defense as a reward.

Quest 08

Please Save Cranidos
Vien Forest
Young man
New Partner Pokémon
Earlier, I saw a Cranidos being chased by a Wartortle in Vien Forest. I felt sorry seeing the Cranddos run. Can you go rescue it?

On the path in the Vien Forest near Vientown, a young man asks you to help a Cranidos. Go up to the river, and follow it left, but don't cross it. Go down once you hit some trees, to find a lone tree. A Wartortle is chasing a Cranidos around the tree. Capture them both! Once you do, Cranidos becomes a Partner Pokémon.

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.