Hoenn Leaders Tournament

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Hoenn Leaders Tournament
ホウエンリーダーズトーナメント Hoenn Leaders Tournament
Battle Rules:
You may not have duplicate Pokémon or duplicate held items. The item Soul Dew and the move Sky Drop are banned. Legendary or mythical Pokémon may not participate, either. For these battles, all Pokémon will be set to Level 50.
Hoenn Leaders Tournament is a tournament in which Gym Leaders from Hoenn are participating.

Hoenn Leaders Tournament (Japanese: ホウエンリーダーズトーナメント Hoenn Leaders Tournament) is a tournament held within the wider Pokémon World Tournament competition. Entry to this tournament is through the right-hand attendant.

In this tournament, players battle a variety of Gym Leaders from Hoenn, featured in Pokémon Emerald. This tournament can be unlocked by defeating Unova Leaders Tournament.

Tournament description

"Hoenn Leaders Tournament is a tournament in which Gym Leaders from Hoenn are participating. You may not have duplicate Pokémon or duplicate held items. The item Soul Dew and the move Sky Drop are banned. Legendary or mythical Pokémon may not participate, either. For these battles, all Pokémon will be set to Level 50. The winner will be rewarded with a little more BP than usual. Good luck!"

The number of Pokémon each participant uses varies depending on the selected battle style.



Roxanne always leads with Probopass.


Brawly always leads with Hariyama.


Wattson always leads with Manectric.


Flannery always leads with Torkoal.


Norman always leads with Slaking.


Winona always leads with Altaria.


Tate always leads with Solrock.


Liza always leads with Lunatone.


Juan always leads with Kingdra.

In other languages

Language Title
French Tournoi Champions de Hoenn
German Hoenn-Arenaleiterturnier
Italian Torneo Capipalestra di Hoenn
Korean 호연 리더스 토너먼트 Hoyeon Leaders Tournament
Spanish Torneo Líderes de Hoenn

Pokémon World Tournaments
Left attendant DriftveilMixRental
Right attendant
Specialty tournaments
Mix MasterRental MasterChampions
Gym Leader tournaments UnovaKantoJohtoHoennSinnohWorld (KantoJohtoHoennSinnohUnova)
Type Expert Tournaments NormalFightingFlyingPoisonGroundRockBugGhostSteelFireWaterGrass
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