Route 1 (Japanese: 1番道路Route 1) is a route in southeast Unova, connecting Nuvema Town to Accumula Town, as well as providing access to Route 17 in the west.
The eastern half of Route 1 is a straight path heading north to Accumula Town. Like other early-region routes, it is lined with trees, and features low-level Pokémon in its long grass. There are patches of grass both at the beginning and end of the path with a grass patch between them and to the right of the path. In Black and White, the player first ventures through Route 1 with their friends Cheren and Bianca. Between and to the left of the first and second patches are some steps leading to the sea. When the player acquires Surf, they may travel westwards along the water to reach the western half of the route.
The western half of the route leads back east, up some more stairs and then south-west through a number of irregularly-shaped patches of dark grass before terminating at a gate in the south-west that leads to Route 17. Due to the requirement to have Surf to reach this area, in Pokémon Black and White, the Trainers and wild Pokémon are at much higher levels than those to the east. This is not the case in Black 2 and White 2, as Route 1 is not accessible until the post-game. Thus both halves have high-leveled Trainers and wild Pokémon.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Route 1 first appeared in Enter Iris and Axew!. In the anime, it is a forest route with a small lake; mountains surround the route. There is a nearby Pokémon Center and Poké Mart. As Ash traveled through the route, he met Iris and her Axew as they were picking fruit. He tried to catch one of the Deerling native to the area, but failed. In a nearby cave, Jessie, James, and Meowth received orders from Giovanni and encountered a flock of Woobat, one of which Jessie caught off-screen. The next day, Ash encountered a flock of Pidove; the flock flew away except for only one, which Ash caught.
In A Sandile Gusher of Change!, the route was revealed to have a spa resort. This resort is famous for its sand bath, but had to close down because a group of Sandile was disturbing the customers. The route also hosted a mountainous section that produced geysers. These trapped the Pokémon living around the area, but, with the help of the Sandile, the Pokémon were saved. The geysers flooded the valley and the spa resort reopened, now as a hot spring.
Route 1 appeared in Black's First Trainer Battle, where it was the first route Black entered during his Pokémon journey. He soon met a Hiker named Andy, who challenged him to a Triple Battle. When Andy's Cottonee caught fire from Tep's Flame Charge, Andy revealed that he was no good with heat. Upon losing the battle, Andy considered quitting being a Trainer, revealing to Black that he had been a Trainer for 20 years now, with his unachieved dream being to conquer the Pokémon League. Black, shocked of Andy's idea to quit, encouraged the Hiker to never give up on his dreams. The two Trainers soon parted ways, having become good friends during their short time together.
Of all the first routes of core series games, Unova Route 1 has the highest leveled wild Pokémon.
However, high-leveled wild Pokémon only appear on this route in dark grass, water, and during mass outbreaks in Black and White, none of which can be accessed early in the game without trading a Pokémon that knows Surf.