User talk:Maxim/BW English Name Predictions

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Latest comment: 1 February 2011 by ArcToraphim in topic Probably not the best choice for "Gaido"

Very interesting subpage! I really enjoyed reading it.
For Bel, some other fitting names could be Blanche, which has a Latin origin just like your Nigel, or Gwyneth.
I particularly like the chromatic names for Dent/Pod/Corn. I would choose Sylvius/Rufus/Livius. Arthur is a good insect-themed name (to me, it's more similar to arthropod than to arachnid), but it's too similar to earth and I would use it for Yacon instead. The puns behind Amber and Conrad are very creative and sophisticated, but we all know that she will be called Electra... Malcolm, instead, seems a little too bland to me, and I would choose more intuitive names for Nobori & Kudari, but I can't think of possible alternatives right now.
Have you ever thought about listing international names ideas too (French, German, Italian, Spanish, ...Portuguese)? --Siegfried 19:57, 22 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for opinion. Yeah, I'm not satisfied with some of my names too (particularly Subway Masters, Giima, Yacon and the heroes too). As for other languages - I'm probably not going to predict, unless I come with something completely genius (I might even predict Korean names, as they're probably the most predictable ones, 'cause Korean version mostly conveys the Japanese version literally). Also, on a semi-related one, those Portuguese names for Ranger 3 could be just the invention of the official Portuguese site (as all screens used by them are in English, so is the title), we don't know if Ranger 3 in Portuguese is even going to be released and it's very doubtful that BW is (we've already got teaser sites in French, German, Italian and Spanish but not Portuguese). Also, if I predict other languages too, I'll probably predict just a few chosen characters, not all of them. --Maxim 20:10, 22 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

I understand. Maybe I should create my own subpage... :-)
Regarding the Portuguese release, those Ranger names and this article ( where quite suspicious... Maybe... Maybe not.. One can always dream... --Siegfried 20:32, 22 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

Poor Chinese, it is so ignored. Their names are predictable when it comes to names of characters, due to similarities in those two languages (kanji/hanzi). For the names, I guess we have the same idea for Arthur (Arti) and Amber (Kamitsure). I do have some other ideas in my subpage (Thanks for the idea). Moving on, I actually like the name Conrad ("counsel", "bold leader"). Chao 13:24, 7 November 2010 (UTC)Reply

I doubt they'll change Getis/Dennis/Whomever's name that much, if that truly is what's being chanted during the battle with him. As for Adeku, does his name actually have any second meaning (besides the plant name)? Most Japanese names do, and it's hard to come up with a name for him if we don't know why he has his Japanese name in the first place. Based solely on the sound of his Japanese name, I'd suggest Eric or Adric, but that's a quite unprofessional way to make predictions. --AndyPKMN (talk) 22:53, 14 November 2010 (UTC)Reply

Well, Chatot's cry also sounds a tad like "Perappu", yet they didn't change it. Also, they can always remove the chants. I am more concerned on what they'll do with Village Bridge music, so it's very possible that they'll mess with game sounds in this translation, so they could change the chants too. And Champion's names are generally hard to choose (especially if they train mixed types). If I were to predict DP names (before the release of DP), I would never be able to guess Cynthia as well. --Maxim 16:58, 15 November 2010 (UTC)Reply

Probably not the best choice for "Gaido"

You know Guido is an ethnic slang slur for an Italian in New York, right? With not-so-happy connotations? Luna Tiger * the Arc Toraph 14:48, 24 November 2010 (UTC)Reply

Ethnic slur? It's more like "stereotypically Italian name", I think. It's not uncommon in uncommon to call specific ethnic groups after commonly used names in said groups. However, I'm not THAT familliar with spoken American English. Is it really THAT offensive? --Maxim 20:19, 12 December 2010 (UTC)Reply
Yes. It's offensive enough that it shouldn't be put in a child's game vaguely located in NYC+ Luna Tiger * the Arc Toraph 19:54, 1 February 2011 (UTC)Reply