SV-P Promotional cards (TTCG)

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← S-P Promotional cards
Asian TCG expansions


SV-P Promotional cards
Cards in set Ongoing
Release period February 24, 2023 - Present

The SV-P Promotional cards are a series of Thai promotional cards tied in with the Scarlet & Violet Era of the Pokémon Trading Card Game, which began on February 24, 2023 with the release of Scarlet ex and Violet ex Promo Card Pack. All promotional cards released during this Era have the suffix SV-P. As with all previous releases of promotional cards in the Asian region, these cards and promotional cards from other languages including Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Indonesian and Korean feature the same "PROMO" symbol and SV-P suffix, but each language has its own unique card list.

Card list

SV-P Promotional cards
No. Mark Card name Type Promotion
001/SV-P G Spidops Grass Scarlet ex and Violet ex Promo Card Pack (February 24, 2023)
002/SV-P G Arcanine Fire Scarlet ex and Violet ex Promo Card Pack (February 24, 2023)
003/SV-P G Dondozo Water Scarlet ex and Violet ex Promo Card Pack (February 24, 2023)
004/SV-P G Ampharosex Lightning Scarlet ex and Violet ex Promo Card Pack (February 24, 2023)
005/SV-P G Miraidon Lightning Scarlet ex and Violet ex Promo Card Pack (February 24, 2023)
006/SV-P G Mimikyuex Psychic Scarlet ex and Violet ex Promo Card Pack (February 24, 2023)
007/SV-P G Espathra Psychic Scarlet ex and Violet ex Promo Card Pack (February 24, 2023)
008/SV-P G Lucarioex Fighting Scarlet ex and Violet ex Promo Card Pack (February 24, 2023)
009/SV-P G Koraidon Fighting Scarlet ex and Violet ex Promo Card Pack (February 24, 2023)
010/SV-P G Oinkologne Colorless Scarlet ex and Violet ex Promo Card Pack (February 24, 2023)
011/SV-P G Cyclizarex Colorless Scarlet ex and Violet ex Promo Card Pack (February 24, 2023)
012/SV-P G Smoliv Grass Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 1 (February 25-April 27, 2023)
013/SV-P G Growlithe Fire Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 1 (February 25-April 27, 2023)
014/SV-P G Flaaffy Lightning Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 1 (February 25-April 27, 2023)
015/SV-P G Houndstone Psychic Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 1 (February 25-April 27, 2023)
016/SV-P G Klawfex Fighting Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 1 (February 25-April 27, 2023)
017/SV-P G Varoom Metal Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 1 (February 25-April 27, 2023)
018/SV-P G Brassius Su Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 1 (February 25-April 27, 2023)
019/SV-P G Pikachu Lightning Scarlet ex and Violet ex New Card Battle participation prize (February 25-April 27, 2023)
ex Starter Sets New Card Battle participation prize (February 25-April 27, 2023)
020/SV-P G Pawmi Lightning Pokémon TCG Regional League 2022-23 Bangkok participation prize (March 18, 2023)
021/SV-P G Pineco Grass Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 2 (June 30, 2023)
022/SV-P G Arctibax Water Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 2 (June 30, 2023)
023/SV-P G Bellibolt Lightning Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 2 (June 30, 2023)
024/SV-P G Sinistea Psychic Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 2 (June 30, 2023)
025/SV-P G Barboach Fighting Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 2 (June 30, 2023)
026/SV-P G Mabosstiffex Darkness Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 2 (June 30, 2023)
027/SV-P G Atticus Su Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 2 (June 30, 2023)
028/SV-P G Eevee Colorless Complete 3 Swiss Round games in Pokémon TCG Championships 2022-23 Thailand (May 27-28, 2023)
029/SV-P D CharizardVMAX Fire Battle for Charizard VMAX winner prize (50 copies; June 10-July 9, 2023)
030/SV-P G Toedscruelex Grass 4 point prize in Pokémon TCG Championships 2022-23 Thailand (May 27-28, 2023)
Advance to Tournament Round in Pokémon TCG Championships 2022-23 Thailand (May 27-28, 2023)
031/SV-P G Pawmotex Lightning 4 point prize in Pokémon TCG Championships 2022-23 Thailand (May 27-28, 2023)
Advance to Tournament Round in Pokémon TCG Championships 2022-23 Thailand (May 27-28, 2023)
032/SV-P G Houndstoneex Psychic 4 point prize in Pokémon TCG Championships 2022-23 Thailand (May 27-28, 2023)
Advance to Tournament Round in Pokémon TCG Championships 2022-23 Thailand (May 27-28, 2023)
033/SV-P G Bulbasaur Grass Tao Kae Noi Seaweed 7-Eleven purchase campaign (November 2023)
034/SV-P G Oddish Grass Tao Kae Noi Seaweed 7-Eleven purchase campaign (November 2023)
035/SV-P G Charmander Fire Tao Kae Noi Seaweed 7-Eleven purchase campaign (November 2023)
036/SV-P G Ponyta Fire Tao Kae Noi Seaweed 7-Eleven purchase campaign (November 2023)
037/SV-P G Squirtle Water Tao Kae Noi Seaweed 7-Eleven purchase campaign (November 2023)
038/SV-P G Staryu Water Tao Kae Noi Seaweed 7-Eleven purchase campaign (November 2023)
039/SV-P G Pikachu Lightning Tao Kae Noi Seaweed 7-Eleven purchase campaign (November 2023)
040/SV-P G Slowpoke Psychic Tao Kae Noi Seaweed 7-Eleven purchase campaign (November 2023)
041/SV-P G Machop Fighting Tao Kae Noi Seaweed 7-Eleven purchase campaign (November 2023)
042/SV-P G Koffing Darkness Tao Kae Noi Seaweed 7-Eleven purchase campaign (November 2023)
043/SV-P G Dratini Dragon Tao Kae Noi Seaweed 7-Eleven purchase campaign (November 2023)
044/SV-P G Eevee Colorless Tao Kae Noi Seaweed 7-Eleven purchase campaign (November 2023)
045/SV-P G Pikachu Lightning Pokémon Card Gym participation reward (August 1-31, 2023)
046/SV-P G Scovillainex Grass Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 3 (September 29, 2023)
047/SV-P G Carvanha Water Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 3 (September 29, 2023)
048/SV-P G Toxel Lightning Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 3 (September 29, 2023)
049/SV-P G Cleffa Psychic Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 3 (September 29, 2023)
050/SV-P G Pupitar Fighting Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 3 (September 29, 2023)
051/SV-P G Revavroom Metal Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 3 (September 29, 2023)
052/SV-P E Battle VIP Pass I Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 3 (September 29, 2023)
053/SV-P G Moonlit Hill St Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 3 (September 29, 2023)
057/SV-P G Victiniex Fire Enter finals or win the lucky draw in Victini ex Sealed Battle (October 12-December 15, 2023)
058/SV-P G Victiniex Fire Victini ex Sealed Battle winner Prize (October 12-December 15, 2023)
059/SV-P G Nemona Su Victini ex Sealed Battle participation prize (October 12-December 15, 2023)
060/SV-P G Nemona Su Victini ex Sealed Battle participation prize (October 12-December 15, 2023)
061/SV-P G Zapdosex Lightning Pokémon TCG Asia Championship Series 2023-24 winner's prize
062/SV-P G Cyclizar Colorless Pokémon TCG Regional League 2023-24 Thailand Vol. 1 participation prize (November 11-12, 2023)
063/SV-P G Celebration Fanfare St Earn at least 1 Championship Point in Asia Championship Series 2022-23 (November 2023)
064/SV-P G Bulbasaur Grass The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
065/SV-P G Sprigatito Grass The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
066/SV-P G Charmander Fire The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
067/SV-P G Talonflame Fire The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
068/SV-P G Fuecoco Fire The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
069/SV-P G Squirtle Water The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
070/SV-P G Froakie Water The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
071/SV-P G Quaxly Water The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
072/SV-P G Pikachu Lightning The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
073/SV-P G Pawmi Lightning The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
074/SV-P G Dedenne Psychic The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
075/SV-P G Lucario Fighting The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
076/SV-P G Rockruff Fighting The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
077/SV-P G Togedemaru Metal The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
078/SV-P G Noibat Dragon The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
079/SV-P G Meowth Colorless The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
080/SV-P G Chansey Colorless The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
081/SV-P G Eevee Colorless The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
082/SV-P G Snorlax Colorless The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
083/SV-P G Lechonk Colorless The Great Celebration 2024 at Central Pattana (November 7, 2023-January 7, 2024)
084/SV-P G Pansear Fire Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 4 (December 15, 2023)
085/SV-P G Horsea Water Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 4 (December 15, 2023)
086/SV-P G Yamask Psychic Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 4 (December 15, 2023)
087/SV-P G Tinkaton Psychic Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 4 (December 15, 2023)
088/SV-P G Garganaclex Fighting Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 4 (December 15, 2023)
089/SV-P G Porygon2 Colorless Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 4 (December 15, 2023)
090/SV-P G Raifort Su Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 4 (December 15, 2023)
091/SV-P G Darumaka Fire OISHI Green Tea purchase campaign
092/SV-P G Goldeen Water OISHI Green Tea purchase campaign
093/SV-P G Tatsugiri Water OISHI Green Tea purchase campaign
094/SV-P G Pikachu Lightning OISHI Green Tea purchase campaign
095/SV-P G Pincurchin Lightning OISHI Green Tea purchase campaign
096/SV-P G Clefairy Psychic OISHI Green Tea purchase campaign
097/SV-P G Chimecho Psychic OISHI Green Tea purchase campaign
098/SV-P G Makuhita Fighting OISHI Green Tea purchase campaign
099/SV-P G Jirachi Metal OISHI Green Tea purchase campaign
100/SV-P G Farfetch'd Colorless OISHI Green Tea purchase campaign
101/SV-P G Bulbasaur Grass Shiny Treasure ex 1 box purchase promo pack (January 26, 2024)
102/SV-P G Charmander Fire Shiny Treasure ex 1 box purchase promo pack (January 26, 2024)
103/SV-P G Squirtle Water Shiny Treasure ex 1 box purchase promo pack (January 26, 2024)
104/SV-P G Miraidon Lightning Shiny Treasure ex 1 box purchase promo pack (January 26, 2024)
105/SV-P G Koraidon Fighting Shiny Treasure ex 1 box purchase promo pack (January 26, 2024)
106/SV-P G Cetitan Water Pokémon TCG Regional League 2023-24 Thailand Vol. 2 participation prize (February 10-11, 2024)
107/SV-P H Wooper Water Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 5 (February 23, 2024)
108/SV-P H Quagsire Water Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 5 (February 23, 2024)
109/SV-P G Klefki Psychic Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 5 (February 23, 2024)
110/SV-P H Flamigoex Colorless Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 5 (February 23, 2024)
111/SV-P G Nest Ball I Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 5 (February 23, 2024)
112/SV-P G Switch I Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 5 (February 23, 2024)
113/SV-P H Tyme Su Pokémon Card Gym Promo Card Pack 5 (February 23, 2024)
114/SV-P G Latias Psychic Pokémon TCG Regional League 2023-24 Thailand Vol. 3 participation prize (March 23-24, 2024)
115/SV-P H Kilowattrelex Lightning Pokémon Card Gym Promo (May 31, 2024)
116/SV-P G Mimikyu Psychic Pokémon Card Gym Promo (May 31, 2024)
117/SV-P H Scraggy Darkness Pokémon Card Gym Promo (May 31, 2024)
118/SV-P H Scrafty Darkness Pokémon Card Gym Promo (May 31, 2024)
119/SV-P G Rare Candy I Pokémon Card Gym Promo (May 31, 2024)
120/SV-P H Roto-Stick I Pokémon Card Gym Promo (May 31, 2024)
121/SV-P G Iono Su Pokémon Card Gym Promo (May 31, 2024)
122/SV-P G Mawile Metal Pokémon TCG Championships 2023-24 Thailand participation prize (May 11-12, 2024)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [RL2022-23 Bangkok Champion] I Pokémon TCG Regional League 2022-23 Bangkok champion prize (March 18, 2023)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [RL2022-23 Bangkok Finalist] I Pokémon TCG Regional League 2022-23 Bangkok runner-up prize (March 18, 2023)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [RL2022-23 Bangkok Top 4] I Pokémon TCG Regional League 2022-23 Bangkok semi-finalist prize (March 18, 2023)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [Championships 2022-23 Thailand Champion] I Pokémon TCG Championships 2022-23 Thailand champion prize (May 27-28, 2023)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [Championships 2022-23 Thailand Finalist] I Pokémon TCG Championships 2022-23 Thailand runner-up prize (May 27-28, 2023)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [Championships 2022-23 Thailand Top 4] I Pokémon TCG Championships 2022-23 Thailand semi-finalist prize (May 27-28, 2023)
SV-P G Paradise Resort St 2023 World Championships (August 11, 2023)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [RL2023-24 Thailand Vol. 1 Champion] I Pokémon TCG Regional League 2023-24 Thailand Vol. 1 champion prize (November 11-12, 2023)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [RL2023-24 Thailand Vol. 1 Finalist] I Pokémon TCG Regional League 2023-24 Thailand Vol. 1 runner-up prize (November 11-12, 2023)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [RL2023-24 Thailand Vol. 1 Top 4] I Pokémon TCG Regional League 2023-24 Thailand Vol. 1 semi-finalist prize (November 11-12, 2023)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [RL2023-24 Thailand Vol. 2 Champion] I Pokémon TCG Regional League 2023-24 Thailand Vol. 2 champion prize (February 10-11, 2024)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [RL2023-24 Thailand Vol. 2 Finalist] I Pokémon TCG Regional League 2023-24 Thailand Vol. 2 runner-up prize (February 10-11, 2024)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [RL2023-24 Thailand Vol. 2 Top 4] I Pokémon TCG Regional League 2023-24 Thailand Vol. 2 semi-finalist prize (February 10-11, 2024)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [RL2023-24 Thailand Vol. 3 Champion] I Pokémon TCG Regional League 2023-24 Thailand Vol. 3 champion prize (March 23-24, 2024)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [RL2023-24 Thailand Vol. 3 Finalist] I Pokémon TCG Regional League 2023-24 Thailand Vol. 3 runner-up prize (March 23-24, 2024)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [RL2023-24 Thailand Vol. 3 Top 4] I Pokémon TCG Regional League 2023-24 Thailand Vol. 3 semi-finalist prize (March 23-24, 2024)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [Championships 2023-24 Thailand Champion] I Pokémon TCG Championships 2023-24 Thailand champion prize (May 11-12, 2024)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [Championships 2023-24 Thailand Finalist] I Pokémon TCG Championships 2023-24 Thailand runner-up prize (May 11-12, 2024)
SV-P G Victory Symbol [Championships 2023-24 Thailand Top 4] I Pokémon TCG Championships 2023-24 Thailand semi-finalist prize (May 11-12, 2024)

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Traditional Chinese exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
All Stars Collection: All Stars Collection GX Starter Deck
Dreams Come True Collection: Dreams Come True Collection GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Infinite Power: Infinite Power V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter DeckChallenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
V Starter Sets
SV-P Promotional cards
Tactics Decks
Simplified Chinese exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
Storming Emergence: Storming Emergence GX Starter Deck
Lillie's Support BoxBattle EliteEevee-GX Box Sets
Shining Synergy: Shining Synergy GX Starter Deck
Striking CompetitionArceus & Dialga & Palkia GX Premium Deck Building BoxShining Pokémon Poké Ball BoxBattle Party Set
Golden Energy
S-P Promotional cards
Dynamax Clash: Dynamax Clash V Starter DeckDynamax Clash Deck Building Box
Dynamax Tactics
Vivid Portrayals
Brilliant Counterattack
Primordial Arts: Primordial Arts V Starter DeckFamily Pokémon Trading Card Game
Legendary Pikachu Celebration Box SetsScorching SkiesQuadrilateral Connection Box Sets
Polychromatic GatheringDragon ResurgencePokémon Card Display SetsRadiant Energy
Flame Dance of the End
Gallant Galaxy: Gallant Galaxy V Starter DeckGallant Galaxy Deck Building BoxRadiant Energy Second Round
Overshadowed Radiance
SV-P Promotional cards
Thai exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Decks
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Decks
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
ex Compact Deck
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance
Indonesian exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Deck
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Deck
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Tag Team Collection: Tag Team Collection GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
Venusaur & Blastoise Half DeckPikachu & Charizard Half Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
Black Shine
ex Compact Deck
Paradox Encounters
Ace Paradox
Transfiguration Mask
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance