S.S. Ticket

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S.S. Ticket
Ship Ticket
S.S. Ticket
Artwork from Pokémon Red and Green
Introduced in Generation I
Generation I Key items
Generation II Key items
Generation III Key items
Generation IV Key items
Generation V Key items
Generation VI Key items
Generation VII Items

The S.S. Ticket (Japanese: ふねのチケット Ship Ticket) is a Key Item introduced in Generation I. It is a ticket to board a ship.

There are three different S.S. Tickets in the core series games:

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price


Red, Blue, Yellow, FireRed, LeafGreen, Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!

Allows the player to board the S.S. Anne while it is present at Vermilion City. The player can board the S.S. Anne to obtain HM01 (Cut)RGBYFRLG or learn the Secret Technique Chop DownPE, but the S.S. Anne departs once they do and disembark the ship.

The player needs to obtain the S.S. Ticket to leave Cerulean City through the house burglarized by Team Rocket, otherwise the entrance to this house remains blocked by a guard (Officer Jenny in Pokémon Yellow, Let's Go, Pikachu!, and Let's Go, Eevee!).

In Generation I, the player can still leave Cerulean City without the S.S. Ticket by obtaining a Pokémon with Cut from a trade and then cutting the tree at the south. However, this is not possible in Generation III, because this tree is blocked by a Lass's Slowbro until the player obtains the S.S. Ticket. It is also not possible in Generation VII because the player would require the Secret Technique Chop Down to cut this tree, which is obtained later in the game.

Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver

Allows the player to board the S.S. Aqua and travel between Johto and Kanto aboard it.

Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire

Allows the player to board the S.S. Tidal and travel to the Battle TowerRS/Battle ResortORAS for the first time aboard it. In Pokémon Emerald, using the S.S. Ticket for the first time permits travel between the ports of Slateport City and Lilycove City. After the first boat trip, the Battle Frontier can be reached from either port.

The S.S. Ticket is required in order to use the event-only items AuroraTicket and MysticTicket.


S.S. Anne
Games Description
Stad The invitation card required to board the luxury liner, S.S. Anne.
FRLG The ticket required for sailing on the ferry S.S. Anne. It has a drawing of a ship on it.
DPPt The ticket required for sailing on the ferry S.S. Anne. It has a drawing of a ship on it.
The ticket required to board the S.S. Anne. It has a drawing of a ship on it.
S.S. Aqua
Games Description
GSC A ticket for the S.S. Aqua.
The ticket required for sailing on the ferry S.S. Aqua. It has a drawing of a ship on it.
A ticket required for sailing on the ferry S.S. Aqua. It has a drawing of a ship on its front.
SV A ticket required for sailing on the high-speed ferry S.S. Aqua. It has a drawing of a ship on it.
S.S. Tidal
Games Description
RSE The ticket required for sailing on a ferry.
Ticket required for sailing on a ferry.


Games Method
RBY/RGBY Sea Cottage (from Bill as thanks for turning him back to normal)
GSC New Bark Town (from Professor Elm after entering the Hall of Fame)
RSE Littleroot Town (from Norman after entering the Hall of Fame)
FRLG Sea Cottage (from Bill as thanks for turning him back to normal)
HGSS New Bark Town (from Professor Elm after entering the Hall of Fame)
ORAS Littleroot Town (from Norman after completing the Delta Episode)
PE Sea Cottage (from Bill as thanks for turning him back to normal)

In the anime

An S.S. Ticket in the anime

In Battle Aboard the St. Anne, Ash and his friends received an S.S. Ticket from a disguised Team Rocket. Unbeknownst to them, Jessie and James had been ordered to give away tickets for free by Giovanni as a part of his plan to steal the Pokémon from every Trainer aboard the St. Anne.

In the manga

An S.S. Ticket in Pokémon Zensho

Pokémon Zensho

In Vermilion City, Bill gave Satoshi an S.S. Ticket as thanks for helping separate him from his Nidoran♂.


  • In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, when the player attempts to enter the S.S. Anne, the game does not check if the S.S. Ticket is present in the Bag; instead, it specifically checks for the event flag indicating that Bill has delivered the S.S. Ticket to the player. However, this makes no difference in regular gameplay, because the S.S. Ticket (like any other Key Item in these games) is unable to be deposited in the PC, sold, or thrown away, so it remains indefinitely in the Bag after the player has received it from Bill.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 船票 Syùhnpiu
Mandarin 船票 Chuánpiào
French Passe Bateau
German Bootsticket
Italian Biglietto Nave
Korean 승선티켓 Seungseon Ticket
Spanish Ticket Barco

See also

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.