Route 43 has two paths to travel on. One of these paths, while more convenient (as there is no long grass on it), will cost $1000 if a Trainer travels on it before vanquishing Team Rocket. The other path, however, features many Trainers and a lot of long grass to pass through in order to reach the lake.
The first of these two paths is the one on the right, which takes the player through a gate. After passing through and ending up on the other side, there is a straight path north which curves slightly leftward before opening up and allowing passage straight to the Lake of Rage.
The second path, to the left, features nearly complete coverage by long grass, as well as a multitude of Trainers. While on this path, Trainers may use Surf to reach an upper part of the route that is not otherwise able to be reached except on a trip back from the Lake of Rage, which takes a path northward around the lake. It is on this path, on the north side of the Lake of Rage, where the player can meet Wesley on Wednesdays if they have the necessary HM on one of their Pokémon to Cut down the small trees in the way.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Trainers with a telephone symbol by their names will give their Pokégear number to the player, and may call or be called for a rematch with higher-level Pokémon.
Trainers with a telephone symbol by their names will give their Pokégear number to the player, and may call or be called for a rematch with higher-level Pokémon.
Trainer Tips
Generation II
All Pokémon have pros and cons depending on their types. If their types differ, a higher-level Pokémon may lose in battle. Learn which types are strong and weak against your Pokémon's type.
Generation IV
Trainer Tips
All Pokémon have pros and cons depending on their types. If their types differ, a higher-level Pokémon may lose in battle. Learn which types are strong and weak against your Pokémon's type.
Route 43 and Route 217 are the only two routes in the Pokémon world which have their northern terminus at a lakefront, as well as leading to the seventh Gym location. Coincidentally, both Gyms specialize in Ice-type Pokémon.
A graphical glitch occurs on this route in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. At the north pond, three tiles at the top of the grassy patch appear to be empty at first glance, but when the player (or their partner Pokémon) walks over the tiles, tall grass will appear underfoot, and wild Pokémon can appear. At most two of the three tiles will be grassy at the same time, allowing for comparisons to be made between the tiles.
In Pokémon Gold and Silver, a mistake allows the player to see a tree overlapping the mountain, if they stand between the two gates, all the way to the right. This was corrected in Pokémon Crystal.