Appendix:Mystery Dungeon walkthrough/Unrecruitable Pokémon
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
This is a list of all the unrecruitable Pokémon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team with information on how to get them.
Venusaur - Dragonite
- 003 - Venusaur - Evolves from Ivysaur at lvl 32
- 006 - Charizard - Evolves from Charmeleon at lvl 36
- 012 - Butterfree - Evolves from Metapod at lvl 10
- 015 - Beedrill - Evolves from Kakuna at lvl 10
- 018 - Pidgeot - Evolves from Pidgeotto at lvl 36
- 020 - Raticate - Evolves from Rattata at lvl 20
- 022 - Fearow - Evolves from Spearow at lvl 20
- 024 - Arbok - Evolves from Ekans at lvl 22
- 026 - Raichu - Evolves from Pikachu using Thunderstone
- 028 - Sandslash - Evolves from Sandshrew at lvl 22
- 031 - Nidoqueen - Evolves from Nidorina using Moon Stone
- 034 - Nidoking - Evolves from Nidorino using Moon Stone
- 036 - Clefable - Evolves from Clefairy using Moon Stone
- 038 - Ninetales - Evolves from Vulpix using Fire Stone
- 040 - Wigglytuff - Evolves from Jigglypuff using Moon Stone
- 045 - Vileplume - Evolves from Gloom using Leaf Stone
- 047 - Parasect - Evolves from Paras at lvl 24
- 049 - Venomoth - Evolves from Venonat at lvl 31
- 051 - Dugtrio - Evolves from Diglett at lvl 26
- 053 - Persian - Evolves from Meowth at lvl 28
- 055 - Golduck - Evolves from Psyduck at lvl 33
- 057 - Primeape - Evolves from Mankey at lvl 28
- 059 - Arcanine - Evolves from Growlithe using Fire Stone
- 062 - Poliwrath - Evolves from Poliwhirl using Water Stone
- 065 - Alakazam - Evolves from Kadabra using Link Cable
- 068 - Machamp - Evolves from Machoke using Link Cable
- 070 - Weepinbell - Evolves from Bellsprout at lvl 21
- 071 - Victreebel - Evolves from Weepinbell using Leaf Stone
- 078 - Rapidash - Evolves from Ponyta at lvl 40
- 080 - Slowbro - Evolves from Slowpoke at lvl 37
- 082 - Magneton - Evolves from Magnemite at lvl 30
- 085 - Dodrio - Evolves from Doduo at lvl 31
- 087 - Dewgong - Evolves from Seel at lvl 34
- 089 - Muk - Evolves from Grimer at lvl 38
- 091 - Cloyster - Evolves from Shellder using Water Stone
- 094 - Gengar - Evolves from Haunter using Link Cable
- 097 - Hypno - Evolves from Drowzee at lvl 26
- 099 - Kingler - Evolves from Krabby at lvl 28
- 101 - Electrode - Evolves from Voltorb at lvl 30
- 103 - Exeggutor - Evolves from Exeggcute using Leaf Stone
- 105 - Marowak - Evolves from Cubone at lvl 28
- 106 - Hitmonlee - Evolves from Tyrogue at lvl 20 when Attack > Defense
- 107 - Hitmonchan - Evolves from Tyrogue at lvl 20 when Attack < Defense
- 110 - Weezing - Evolves from Koffing at lvl 35
- 112 - Rhydon - Evolves from Rhyhorn at lvl 42
- 119 - Seaking - Evolves from Goldeen at lvl 33
- 121 - Starmie - Evolves from Staryu using Water Stone
- 124 - Jynx - Evolves from Smoochum at lvl 30
- 125 - Electabuzz - Evolves from Elekid at lvl 30
- 126 - Magmar - Evolves from Magby at lvl 30
- 130 - Gyarados - Evolves from Magikarp at lvl 20
- 134 - Vaporeon - Evolves from Eevee using Water Stone
- 135 - Jolteon - Evolves from Eevee using Thunderstone
- 136 - Flareon - Evolves from Eevee using Fire Stone
- 139 - Omastar - Evolves from Omanyte at lvl 40
- 141 - Kabutops - Evolves from Kabuto at lvl 40
- 149 - Dragonite - Evolves from Dragonair at lvl 55
Meganium - Tyranitar
- 154 - Meganium - Evolves from Bayleef at lvl 32
- 157 - Typhlosion - Evolves from Quilava at lvl 36
- 162 - Furret - Evolves from Sentret at lvl 15
- 164 - Noctowl - Evolves from Hoothoot at lvl 20
- 166 - Ledian - Evolves from Ledyba at lvl 18
- 168 - Ariados - Evolves from Spinarak at lvl 22
- 169 - Crobat - Evolves from Golbat when IQ reaches five stars
- 171 - Lanturn - Evolves from Chinchou at lvl 27
- 176 - Togetic - Evolves from Togepi when IQ reaches five stars
- 178 - Xatu - Evolves from Natu at lvl 25
- 181 - Ampharos - Evolves from Flaaffy at lvl 30
- 182 - Bellossom - Evolves from Gloom using Sun Stone
- 184 - Azumarill - Evolves from Marill at lvl 18
- 186 - Politoed - Evolves from Poliwhirl using Link Cable and King's Rock
- 189 - Jumpluff - Evolves from Skiploom at lvl 27
- 192 - Sunflora - Evolves from Sunkern using Sun Stone
- 195 - Quagsire - Evolves from Wooper at lvl 20
- 196 - Espeon - Evolves from Eevee using Sun Ribbon when IQ reaches four stars
- 197 - Umbreon - Evolves from Eevee using Lunar Ribbon when IQ reaches four stars
- 199 - Slowking - Evolves from Slowpoke using Link Cable and King's Rock
- 202 - Wobbuffet - Evolves from Wynaut at lvl 15
- 205 - Forretress - Evolves from Pineco at lvl 31
- 208 - Steelix - Evolves from Onix using Link Cable and Metal Coat
- 210 - Granbull - Evolves from Snubbull at lvl 23
- 212 - Scizor - Evolves from Scizor using Link Cable and Metal Coat
- 217 - Ursaring - Evolves from Teddiursa at lvl 30
- 219 - Magcargo - Evolves from Slugma at lvl 38
- 221 - Piloswine - Evolves from Swinub at lvl 33
- 229 - Houndoom - Evolves from Houndour at lvl 24
- 230 - Kingdra - Evolves from Seadra using Link Cable and Dragon Scale
- 232 - Donphan - Evolves from Phanpy at lvl 25
- 237 - Hitmontop - Evolves from Tyrogue at lvl 20 if Attack = Defense
- 242 - Blissey - Evolves from Chansey at lvl 24
- 248 - Tyranitar - Evolves from Pupitar at lvl 55
Sceptile - Metagross
- 254 - Sceptile - Evolves from Grovyle at lvl 36
- 257 - Blaziken - Evolves from Combusken at lvl 36
- 262 - Mightyena - Evolves from Poochyena at lvl 18
- 264 - Linoone - Evolves from Zigzagoon at lvl 20
- 267 - Beautifly - Evolves from Silcoon at lvl 10
- 269 - Dustox - Evolves from Cascoon at lvl 10
- 272 - Ludicolo - Evolves from Lombre using Water Stone
- 277 - Swellow - Evolves from Taillow at lvl 22
- 279 - Pelipper - Evolves from Wingull at lvl 25
- 282 - Gardevoir - Evolves from Kirlia at lvl 30 (Note: The Gardevoir from your dreams will join your team after completing Murky Cave for the first time.)
- 284 - Masquerain - Evolves from Surskit at lvl 22
- 286 - Breloom - Evolves from Shroomish at lvl 23
- 289 - Slaking - Evolves from Vigoroth at lvl 36
- 291 - Ninjask - Evolves from Nincada at lvl 20
- 292 - Shedinja - Evolves from Nincada at lvl 20 if Secretive Forest is not full
- 295 - Exploud - Evolves from Loudred at lvl 40
- 297 - Hariyama - Evolves from Makuhita at lvl 24
- 301 - Delcatty - Evolves from Skitty using Moon Stone
- 306 - Aggron - Evolves from Lairon at lvl 42
- 308 - Medicham - Evolves from Meditite at lvl 37
- 310 - Manectric - Evolves from Electrike at lvl 26
- 317 - Swalot - Evolves from Gulpin at lvl 26
- 319 - Sharpedo - Evolves from Carvanha at lvl 30
- 321 - Wailord - Evolves from Wailmer at lvl 40
- 323 - Camerupt - Evolves from Numel at lvl 37
- 326 - Grumpig - Evolves from Spoink at lvl 32
- 330 - Flygon - Evolves from Vibrava at lvl 45
- 332 - Cacturne - Evolves from Cacnea at lvl 32
- 334 - Altaria - Evolves from Swablu at lvl 35
- 340 - Whiscash - Evolves from Barboach at lvl 30
- 342 - Crawdaunt - Evolves from Corphish at lvl 30
- 344 - Claydol - Evolves from Baltoy at lvl 36
- 348 - Armaldo - Evolves from Anorith at lvl 40
- 350 - Milotic - Evolves from Feebas using Beauty Scarf
- 354 - Banette - Evolves from Shuppet at lvl 37
- 356 - Dusclops - Evolves from Duskull at lvl 37
- 362 - Glalie - Evolves from Snorunt at lvl 42
- 364 - Walrein - Evolves from Sealeo at lvl 44
- 367 - Huntail - Evolves from Clamperl using Link Cable and DeepSeaTooth
- 368 - Gorebyss - Evolves from Clamperl using Link Cable and DeepSeaScale
- 373 - Salamence - Evolves from Shelgon at lvl 50
- 376 - Metagross - Evolves from Metang at lvl 45
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