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Revision as of 16:40, 12 July 2024 by Landfish7(talk | contribs)(Text replacement - "(For specifics on this Pokémon's evolution in the games, refer to Game data→Evolution data.)" to "(For specifics on this Pokémon's Evolution in the games, refer to Game data→Evolution data.)")
Scatterbug is a black larval Pokémon with a relatively large head. Its head is bisected by a line that runs from the forehead to the mouth. It has large beige eyes with square black pupils, a single pointed tooth that pokes out of its mouth, and three white hairs on top of its head. Scatterbug has a three-segmented body with a pair of nubby, beige legs on each segment. A white ruff of fur encircles its neck, and there is a large beige spot on its rear.
Scatterbug eats various types of plants, including poisonous leaves and roots. The poison it ingests is processed and turned into a black powder that it scatters all over its body. This powder causes paralysis on contact, and allows Scatterbug to deter bird Pokémon from attacking. The powder also regulates Scatterbug's temperature, allowing it to adapt to any climate. Grafaiai is a natural predator of Scatterbug.[1]
Scatterbug evolves into Spewpa, which evolves into Vivillon.
Scatterbug and Spewpa each have 20 forms internally, one for each Vivillon pattern. This determines the form of Vivillon they will eventually evolve into, and is determined when they are first generated; for Eggs, this means the game in which the Egg was created, regardless of parents.
In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, all hatched Scatterbug will evolve into Fancy Pattern Vivillon, regardless of Postcard effects. Scatterbug and Spewpa caught with a Postcard active will evolve into the pattern of Vivillon corresponding to the Postcard. If a Scatterbug or Spewpa came from another game like Pokémon GO, it will retain the pattern it was assigned in its original game.
Prior to v3.1.0 of Pokémon HOME, Scatterbug with the formindex value of 0 (Scatterbug with this form index value evolve into Icy Snow form Vivillon) had their eyes facing the camera. All other form index values (1 through 19) had forward facing eyes, as shown above. In v3.1.0, all forms have their eyes facing the camera.
Scatterbug, the Scatterdust Pokémon. When attacked by another Pokémon, Scatterbug scatters the black powder that covers its body and regulates its body temperature.
Scatterbug and its evolved form, Spewpa, are the only black Bug-type Pokémon.
Scatterbug seems to be based on a caterpillar, specifically, the larvae of carpet moths, which are known for their tendency of eating through fabric and making cocoons from it; or the silk moth, whose larvae produce large amounts of silk. The square powder on Scatterbug's body might be based on confetti or screen pixels.
Name origin
Scatterbug may be a combination of scatter, bug, and possibly litterbug.
Kofukimushi may be a combination of 粉吹金亀子 kofuki-kogane (Japanese cockchafer), 粉 ko (powder), 吹き fuki (blowing), and 虫 mushi (bug).
In other languages
コフキムシ Kofukimushi
From 粉吹金亀子 kofuki-kogane, 粉 ko, 吹き fuki, and 虫 mushi
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.