Pika Prompts

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Pika Prompt

Pika Prompts are short collectible scenes in Detective Pikachu, featuring the titular detective speaking to Tim Goodman. While some Pika Prompts are required during the story, most Prompts are optional or require specific conditions in order to appear.


Pika Prompts are unlocked after speaking to the woman who gives testimony about the Aipom in the vicinity of Tahnti Station. Tapping the Detective Pikachu button on the bottom screen or pressing the X button will play a Pika prompt.

Most prompts have conditions of some sort, which can include making a certain amount of progress through a chapter, being in a specific location, or a combination of the two. Once these conditions have been met, the prompt will be played the next time the Pika Prompts button is pressed. Prompts with special conditions can generally only be played once. If no prompt has had all its conditions met, or all conditional prompts have already been played, a random prompt is played out of the prompts that are available for the given chapter. If a prompt has already been seen, the player can press the B button to end the cutscene at any time.

For some prompts with conditions, when the prompt has its conditions satisfied, the Pikachu button will play a tone and flash, and Pikachu himself on the top screen will jump and speak to try to get Tim Goodman's attention. However, other prompts have no indication that their conditions have been satisfied, so they seemingly happen at random.

The background of a Pika Prompt varies depending on Detective Pikachu's location in the current area. Nearby people and Pokémon may be included in the background, including the Gengar in Chapter 3.

Once a prompt has been seen, it is unlocked to be viewable at any time from the title screen's "View Pika Prompts" menu. From here, Prompts can be selected from a list, played at random, or favorited. Unlocked Prompts are tracked universally per copy of the game, rather than being tied to a save file. In this menu, prompts are divided into chapter-specific categories, as well as Coffee Notes, Detective Tips, and General Pika Prompts.

By tapping the Detective Pikachu amiibo, all Pika Prompts up to the furthest completed chapter can be unlocked. However, it is possible to collect all Prompts through regular gameplay, without needing to use this amiibo.

List of Pika Prompts

Chapter 1

Pika Prompt Transcript Condition(s)
Pika Prompts Great! You noticed. Now if there's something that I notice, then I'll give you a sign. Keep your eyes open. After speaking to the woman who gives testimony about the Aipom that ran away to the bank
A Trace of the Culprit The culprit always leaves some trace at the scene of the crime. Finding it is the first step in solving the case! Random, after gathering testimony from everyone in the vicinity of Tahnti Station
A Trace of Aipom There has to be traces of the Aipom with the necklace somewhere! Let's thoroughly investigate suspicious locations! Random, after gathering testimony from everyone in the vicinity of Tahnti Station
The Ketchup Stains It's a ketchup-colored tail print! That's key evidence. So how do we gather info? Well, by interviewing witnesses of course! After examining the red tail print in the vicinity of Tahnti Station
Imagine You're the Victim When we found our victim, it was posed like this. So let's think about that. OK... It's always important to consider every little thing, but you know that. Random, near the fountain, after moving the fainted Aipom to the bench
Who's the Owner of the Black Feather? The owner of this black feather...is the one who attacked that Aipom! Now, let's identify which Pokémon it was! Random, after investigating the fainted Aipom
The Soccer Ball Hey, Tim? Huh? What's the deal? Random, in the fountain area
We Can Always Talk Come on now! You can't hold back! You can always talk to me, you know, even if I'm not sending my signal! Near the lady cleaning up trash in the fountain area
Inside the Trash Can No, nothing here— *struggle* Tim, I need some help here! Near the trash cans in the café area
A Coffee Sale Tim! There's a discount on coffee! Let's hurry and wrap this investigation up! Random, in the café area
Aipom's Mischief Hey, quit it! Go away. Go over there! I don't feel so good... In the nature area, after "Investigate the Murkrow's Nest", be near Aipom
A Fletchling Hat Huh? I already have a nice hat. In front of Amanda's desk in the Baker Detective Agency

Chapter 2

Pika Prompt Transcript Condition(s)
Case Documents Wow, this is such a dirty room. But it's full of investigative materials. What's this? Oh yeah...that makes sense. Well, that's Harry for you! Harry's apartment, after investigating the locked cabinet
How Far to the Exit? I'd say it's probably about 50 feet or more to the exit. By Meiko and Emilia, after finding the equipment pouch
Drifting Drifloon Hey! Quit it! Where are you trying to take me?! Put me down! Near the Drifloon, after talking to Noibat
The Place Where the Wind Blows I'm feeling a very slight breeze. But where could it be coming from? After finding Drifblim
The Water in the Cave What is that? Tim! Got a water bottle? Thanks! If you made coffee with this water, I bet you it would be out of this world! By the river, before collecting the river water
Echoes Yoo-hoo! I'm the great Detective Pikachu! Tim, go ahead and shout something, too. It's really fun! While crossing the frozen river
Careless on the Ice That hurt! While crossing the frozen river

Chapter 3

Pika Prompt Transcript Condition(s)
What's Your Name? 'K! Go ahead and try saying your name.
Tim Goodman: Come on now! You know that's not right... Today you're Tim Ottman! Got it? Ottman!
Tim Ottman: Yes! Now we're all set! Remember...detectives like us...we should never lose our focus, all right?
Arrive at PCL
A Troubled Pikachu Hmm...
What's wrong, Pikachu?: Listen, I've been having dreams about that accident. I could swear this vial played a part somehow... *groan* Can't remember.
...: Hey! Your partner seems to be worried. Shouldn't you at least ask if I'm all right?
Arrive at PCL
Fridge's Room I hate that smell! Let's finish this investigation and go! Random, Fridge's lab, after catching Gengar
Garbodor's Stench *sniff* Yuck! Random, after arriving in Fridge's lab for the first time
The Garbodor Machine The more I look at it, the more impressive this machine becomes! Let's push this button!
Yeah: What's this?! It's pulling me in!
Maybe we shouldn't: That's probably smart. They say, wise men never court danger.
Fridge's lab, after meeting everyone in the facility
Intensely Spicy Cake Come to think of it... Oh! Whoa! This is...this is super spicy! Random, after arriving at PCL
Sour Cake Come to think of it... Oh! So...sour! Random, after arriving at PCL
Looking for the Vial Listen up, Tim. Take this opportunity to look for the vial while we're working in here. Be sneaky about it. We can't let anyone see. Hallway of Building A, after leaving Fridge's room for the first time
Pikachu Came Running Out! All right, Tim! Prepare for battle! *laugh* Courtyard, before the TV shoot on the second day
Fennekin's Favorite Food Hey, Fennekin! If you tell us what you know, you can have this! Random, in the courtyard, after encountering Gengar
Shuckle's Observations I see... That's right... Didn't expect that. Courtyard, when approaching Shuckle for the first time
Looking for the Key Hey, Klefki! Got a question for you. Uh, could I use this key? Hey! Knock it off. That hurts! *sigh* My negotiation skills didn't work at all. That was a tough one! Hallway of Building B, after leaving that hallway for the first time
Wallace's Room This room is way too dark. Let's give it some light. Wallace's lab, before the TV shoot on the second day
A Glance from Minccino Why does Minccino keep looking at me? Is something stuck on me? Director's office, after entering for the first time
No Need to Stick Around Oh no! C'mon, let's get out of here! Courtyard, after Trevenant goes berserk
A Cold Room Brrrr, cold! This room is freezing cold! Library, after entering for the first time
Sad Creatures Beautiful weather! And yet, another incident. Humans are strange creatures, I tell you. Random, in the courtyard after Gengar escapes the library
How to Catch Gengar If we have hopes of catching Gengar...we're going to need a really good plan! Library, after encountering Gengar

Chapter 4

Pika Prompt Transcript Condition(s)
Accelgor and the Doughnut Accie! C'mon! Over here! I guess not. My brilliant plan failed. *gasp* Foiled again! Random, in Baker's office
Ludicolo's Dance Moves Watch, you can learn from me! Check out my dance moves! Whattaya think, Tim? *laugh* Random, in the Hi-Hat Café
Seasick *groan* Even off the boat, I still feel dizzy... *stumble* *giggle* I'm too old for this. *sigh* Random, on the dock, after arriving
Flight of the Wingull Ugh, I have to get back on that boat? Hey! Any chance I can fly back with you? *gasp* *groan* That was a bad idea. On the dock, after talking to the Wingull
Louise's Scent? *sniff* I know that smell! Louise! Oh no...it's only Spritzee. Random, by Louise and Spritzee, after leaving Dr. Waals's house for the first time
Lovely Locale A beautiful sky... A gorgeous blue ocean... Nature all around! And yet, standing beside me...Tim. Where's the romance? *sigh* Random, after meeting Louise
Scent of a Potion *sniff* It smells like a Potion. Yeah...and it kinda makes my nose burn a little. Random, after entering Dr. Waals's house for the first time
Manectric Stare-Down *flail* Random, by Brad's Manectric, after leaving Dr. Waals's house for the first time
Tropius's Fruit Tim, look! Look what it just gave me! *chew* This is delicious! *chew* *choke* Tim... *cough* Water! Bring me some water! *choke* By Tropius, after talking to it
Sticky Shellos Hmmm... *scream* Ick, you're all slimy! Look! Do you see what I mean? Gross! By Shellos, after talking to it
Grown-Up Problems Now, if you ask me, Brad is a chump! *laugh* Huh? You don't know what I mean? Well, it's nothing that you kids should know about. By Brad and Amanda, after telling Brad about Crawdaunt
Manectric and the Flying Disc All right. Manectric...you know what to do, don't you? *gasp* No! Not my hat! *pout* You were supposed to fetch! By Brad's Manectric, after Brad goes to the lake
Feebas's Evolution Hmmm... No one would ever guess you were once a Feebas. Y'know, anyone can change—Pokémon AND people. I mean, if they really want to! By the broken monument at the lake, after Feebas evolves

Chapter 5

Pika Prompt Transcript Condition(s)
Nightmare Again with that dream. Why does it reoccur? Maybe it's some memory from my past? *sigh* I wish I knew why! Random, at the Hi-Hat Café
Rain Wow... The rain's really coming down. Random, after arriving at Fine Park
Waiting Out the Rain Oh! It's pouring! *laugh* *shiver* So cold out there! I need a cup of hot coffee! *laugh* *shiver* Random, near the green-striped awning in the main square
Coffee Cup Just once I'd love to use a massive cup like this one to drink my coffee! Random, near the teacup ride in the main square
Pokémon Food Hmmm... *sniff* It still smells pretty good... but the rain must've ruined it. After examining Pokémon food bowl
The One That Matches the Doughnut Doughnuts, huh? They sure do go well with hot coffee! Random, near the doughnut shop in the main square
Comparing Voices with Loudred *roar* *pant* *gasp* *scream* By Loudred, after talking to it
Portrait Smeargle looks a lot more cheerful. Maybe I'll have my portrait done! By Smeargle, after talking to Litten
The Stufful Disconnect Hmmm... This looks just like a stuffed toy. *scream* *groan* I guess looks can be deceiving! Near Stufful, after gaining its trust
Flamethrower Hmmm... Oh, right! Flamethrower!! *sigh* I thought I'd try fire. Why'd I think that would work? Random, after talking to Litten
Thunder I'm confident than I can do it now! Thuuuuuunnnnddeeerrrrrr! Whoa! Uhhh... Random, after arriving in the Ferris wheel area
Gashes on the Wall What are these gashes from? I know Charizard went on a rampage in the main square...but why are there marks here? In the Ferris wheel area, after arriving there
The Ferris Wheel I've always loved the Ferris wheel. Wish I could've ridden it before it closed. And of course, across from me would be...
Me?: Hey, you know what? That really wouldn't be so bad either, huh?
Yeah, yeah, whatever.: Whattaya talkin' about?! It's not like you have a special someone to ride with either!
Random, at the base of the Ferris wheel
What's Stuck to It? What's wrong? How come you're looking at me like that? *scream* Get offa me, Joltik! You're not getting any electricity out of me! Near the Ferris wheel, after finding all the other Joltik
The Cannon I can't believe how far I flew in this thing! You can come up with crazy ideas sometimes. Be near the cannon, after rescuing Buneary

Chapter 6

Pika Prompt Transcript Condition(s)
Even If I Become a TV Star... Nothing to worry about, Tim. I'll still continue my work as a detective even if I do become a star! Random, after arriving at GNN
Hoothoot's Feet Hmmm... Oh, you're wondering what I'm doing? Can't you tell I'm watching Hoothoot? They say it's almost impossible to see a Hoothoot change its leg from the one it's standing on. But as a detective, I should be able to do that! Hmmm... Random, in the sub-control room
Dancing with Kricketune You're really good at this. So good it makes me wanna dance! *hum* Hey, what's wrong? C'mon! Don't stop—I was doing so well. Random, in Carina's dressing room, after meeting Carina
Who's in the Mirror? Well... Hello there, handsome! Oh wait, it's just me. By the mirror in Olga's dressing room, before finding Purugly
Carina's Voice? Pikachu. Carina?! Don't worry—here I come! Why confuse me like that? *sigh* Pikachu, Pikachu! Random, in Max's dressing room, after finding Purugly
Drink Server Tim, it's my dream come true! All-you-can-drink coffee! *laugh* Random, by the coffee dispenser
What's inside Mimikyu's Disguise? You do a pretty good job mimicking me, I'll give you that. But if you don't mind, I'd like to see what you look like... under that cloth. In the Pokémon's dressing room, after meeting Mimikyu
Purugly's Whereabouts Detective Tip #11: Investigations require— Whoa! Hey, whattaya mean I'm in the way?! *groan* Random, in Olga's dressing room, after finding Purugly
Pikachu's Poses Ta-da! Hiyah! Hey... Don't stand in front of me! Are ya trying to show me up?! In studio in front of backstage curtain, after all alibis established
Don't Dillydally! Now, it's time to get moving, huh! So no more dawdling! Random, in the sub-control room, after watching the video from Fine Park
Just a Little More We've come this far, so don't give up! Tim, I know we can do this! Random, in the sub-control room, after watching the video from Fine Park
A Chance to Show Our Skills Yeah! Now it's time for us great detectives to show 'em what we've got! Random, in the sub-control room, after watching the video from Fine Park

Chapter 7

Pika Prompt Transcript Condition(s)
The Freighter Wow, this is a huge freighter, isn't it? You know, stuff from all over the world gets brought to this port. Random, after arriving at Ryme Wharf
The Crane I could never get bored looking at cool machines like this one! Oh... Wow... Random, after arriving at Ryme Wharf
The Man at the Port Go on, you can tell me how dashing you think I am. Random, after arriving at Ryme Wharf
Infiltrate and Investigate *laugh* I can see perfectly now! Let's go gather information. Random, after arriving in the warehouse
The Conveyor Belt Hey.. I wonder what they're making here. Ohhhhhh.... What the— Eeeek! Wait a sec... Buddy, hey! *scream* Random, after reaching the first floor of the warehouse
Machamp's Misunderstanding Wait! Whattaya think I am—luggage?! Stop! Put me down! *scream* Random, after reaching the first floor of the warehouse
Pansage's Leaves Mmm... This infiltration thing is hard work! *groan* Huh? I should eat to get more energy? Nah, that's all right. I'm good... Really! I'm good! Random, after reaching Simon's room
Mewtwo's Cells So these are Mewtwo's cells... Random, after reaching Simon's room
A Shard of Memory This room is familiar. Hmmm... I'm getting really close to remembering something. After entering the chemical storage room

Chapter 8

Pika Prompt Transcript Condition(s)
Containers *groan* I didn't realize shipping containers were treated so rough! *groan* I have a bad cramp right here... *moan* Random, after getting out of the shipping container
Deck Chairs This is a great spot. Tim, you agree with me, don't you? *sigh* Random, after arriving on the deck for the first time
A Cup at the Café A good detective must remain calm and collected at all times! So let's go take a break at that café. For coffee, naturally! Random, near the café, after arriving in the lounge for the first time
How about These Piano Skills? Here's a tip for you. A detective needs to know how to play an instrument. Now watch and learn! Yeah... *grunt* Hold on... I...can't...reach... Random, near the piano, after arriving in the lounge for the first time
Krokorok Secruity Hey there, what's going on with you? *scream* Just take it easy there, pal. Give me a little peek! Random, near the Krokorok, after being denied entry into the Grand Hall
The One Who would've thought that we'd run into Emilia on this ship? Ya know what? That's called destiny!
What are you talking about?: C'mon, don't act so nonchalant! You're enjoying this. I know! Don't worry—I understand.
Don't be ridiculous.: What are you panicking about? It's nothing to do with you. It's just me and Emilia.
Random, in the hallway outside the lounge, after running into Emilia
A Glance from Cinccino Why does Cinccino keep looking at me... Is there something stuck on me? Near the Cinccino on the deck, while asking passengers about the show
Nosepass Faces North *grunt* Ow! So I guess it really does always face north... In front of Nosepass, after talking to it
Mythical Coffee Hey! What's this? Mythical coffee?! Did you see this?! I'll bet it's good. I'll bet it's REALLY good! *laugh* Random, on the deck, after receiving the auction's catalog
The Necktie Look at me... I'll bet no other Pikachu can pull off a tie like I do. Heh, yeah... I'm way more refined than any other whippersnapper who tries— *grunt* Random, after Pikachu receives the tie from Rose
Chandelure's Flames Ahhh... Such a pretty flame. *laugh* So pretty... And it's making me really sleepy... *snore* Random, near Chandelure, before the auction begins
A New Cape I'm sure you know who I am. The great Detective PIKACHU! *grunt* How did you like that?! Pretty awesome, wouldn't you say? *laugh* Near the stage, after the auction, if the player successfully bought the Detective's Cape

Chapter 9

Pika Prompt Transcript Condition(s)
Rush to the Agency Look at all the people here. We can't allow R to get released! Come on! Random, after watching the first parade
Pikachu's Resolve Look at Pablo dancing without a care in the world. Well... I guess all of Ryme City is enjoying the carnival. But you and I need to close the case! Random, near Pablo and Ludicolo, after watching the first parade
Where's the Scene of the Crime? Blast! Where is that culprit gonna cause the next incident?! Are you ready? We've gotta catch 'em! Random, in the Baker Detective Agency, after arriving
Find the R Dispersing Machines This place is really crowded. If R gets released, who knows what'll happen! We need to find it now! Random, in the central square, after arriving
The Clock Tower The clock tower's really big. It's a symbol of this town. Random, on stairs to clock tower in central square, after arriving
Do Your Best! Tim, give it your best! Go! Random, after arriving in the central square
Calm Down Remember, Tim. Staying calm is very important during times like these. Mistakes can happen when you rush. Random, after arriving in the central square
Who's the Mastermind? So it looks like someone at GNN is the culprit. I really hate to be suspicious of them, but ya know, it's a detective's duty. Random, after arriving in the central square
The First R Dispersing Machine Still two more to go. Don't worry! 'Cause together, we'll find them! Random, after finding the gaseous or liquid R
The Second R Dispersing Machine One more left! Now let's wrap this up and go get a nice hot cup of coffee! Random, after finding the gaseous and liquid R
The Third R Dispersing Machine There's still one more—and not much time. C'mon, Tim! We need to find where they're gonna use R! Random, after finding the capsule R

Coffee Notes

Pika Prompt Transcript Condition(s)
Detective Coffee Note #7 Coffee is a complex topic, Tim. But I'll share what I know with you! Detective Coffee Note #7: it's this... To keep your hot coffee from going cold...you should always warm up the cup beforehand. Random, starting from Chapter 5
Detective Coffee Note #8 Coffee is a complex topic, Tim. But I'll share what I know with you! Detective Coffee Note #8: you know, many say to drink coffee while it's hot, but a good coffee is delicious even when it's cold! Random, starting from Chapter 4
Detective Coffee Note #13 Coffee is a complex topic, Tim. But I'll share what I know with you! Here's Detective Coffee Note #13: when you're all tired out from your detective work...then that means it's coffee time! The aroma of it helps you relax! Random, starting from Chapter 6
Detective Coffee Note #16 Coffee is a complex topic, Tim. But I'll share what I know with you! Detective Coffee Note #16: when making coffee, use good water, too. Even with some real good beans... *sniff* Bad water will ruin it! Random, starting from Chapter 4
Detective Coffee Note #21 Coffee is a complex topic, Tim. But I'll share what I know with you! Detective Coffee Note #21: don't throw out old coffee grounds. Use them to erase smells! Listen to what I say—don't be wasteful! Random, starting from Chapter 6
Detective Coffee Note #22 Coffee is a complex topic, Tim. But I'll share what I know with you! Detective Coffee Note #22: instant coffee can be a great seasoning to use when you cook! Random, starting from Chapter 7
Detective Coffee Note #29 Coffee is a complex topic, Tim. But I'll share what I know with you! Detective Coffee Note #29: a blend is when you mix together more than one type of coffee bean. You can invent a whole new flavor! Random, starting from Chapter 7
Detective Coffee Note #30 Coffee is a complex topic, Tim. But I'll share what I know with you! This is Detective Coffee Note #30: beans are harvested at different times all over the world. So that means we get alllll different flavors of coffee year-round. Isn't that good? Random, starting from Chapter 8

Detective Tips

Pika Prompt Transcript Condition(s)
Detective Tip #1 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #1: you must always keep your cool. Random, starting from Chapter 1
Detective Tip #2 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #2: always make sure to look your very best. Random, in Chapter 8, after changing clothes, before auction
Detective Tip #4 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #4: put the information you gathered to good use! Continue to look over and review your Case List. Because you never know—you could always find something new! Random, starting from Chapter 1
Detective Tip #5 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #5: always be a gentleman to the ladies! Random, starting from Chapter 1
Detective Tip #8 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #8: you must be strong. Random, starting from Chapter 1
Detective Tip #11 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #11: investigations require diligence! A persistent investigation will always be a successful one! Random, starting from Chapter 1
Detective Tip #12 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #12: use those legs while investigating! There's no better way to gather information...while getting a good workout at the same time! Random, starting from Chapter 4
Detective Tip #15 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #15: you will need three things to form good deductions. Evidence! Testimony! And finally, intuition! Random, starting from Chapter 1
Detective Tip #17 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #17: we always learn from our mistakes. Random, starting from Chapter 4
Detective Tip #24 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #24: always smile! Because a scowling face...could be the sign of a small heart! Random, starting from Chapter 4
Detective Tip #28 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #28: you hate the bad deed, not the doer! Random, starting from Chapter 1
Detective Tip #33 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #33: look—seeing and observing are not the same. Random, starting from Chapter 1
Detective Tip #34 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #34: keep a close eye on people's behavior! If they're hiding something, you can always tell. Random, starting from Chapter 7
Detective Tip #45 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #45: don't ever let your preconceptions get the better of you! Random, starting from Chapter 4
Detective Tip #48 Let me instruct you on some detective tips! Ready? Detective Tip #48: a detective can never give up! If you don't give up, things will usually work out! Random, starting from Chapter 7

General Pika Prompts

Pika Prompt Transcript Condition(s)
Hey Now! A joke, just a joke! Random, starting from Chapter 1
Contents of Your Notes OK, let me see your notes. Hmmm... That's not too bad at all! Random, starting from Chapter 1
Top-Notch Stamina A detective needs stamina. So I stay in shape...everywhere I go! Random, starting from Chapter 1
Aerobics with Pikachu My body's getting stiff, therefore, I do aerobics! It helps me relax and clears my head. Random, starting from Chapter 1
Know How to Fall Just in case we need that! Random, starting from Chapter 1
Gear Maintenance A truly great detective will always keep his gear in excellent condition. Random, starting from Chapter 1
Leave the Interrogation to Me I'll gather testimony from the other Pokémon. Random, available from the beginning
Begging for Coffee A cup of coffee sounds good. Hey, Tim? Could you make some for me? Random, in Chapter 2, in Harry's room and in Chapter 3, in conference room
The Mystery of Pikachu So why do you think I can't do the moves that all those other Pokémon can do? Huh?
Out of practice, huh?: Just practice, I guess! All right then. Thank you, Tim!
How about charging up?: Oh, come on! Ya want me to plug myself into a wall socket? Well, I suppose if you're willing to pay for the electricity, I can give it a try.
Random, starting from Chapter 3
Steady Effort There are times when cautious effort is needed the most, you know. Random, starting from Chapter 1
A Busy Fellow You're a busy fella, aren't you? Random, starting from Chapter 1
Let's Talk More What's that? Oh, you must really wanna talk to me! I guess that's all right! Random, starting from Chapter 4
Try Your Luck Here, Tim, how about you try your luck? Ha! What's it gonna be, heads or tails?
If incorrect: Oh, well that's just bad luck. You guessed wrong.
If correct: Hey, you guessed it right! It seems that Lady Fortune is with you today!
Random, starting from Chapter 1
Break Time You know, maybe you should take a break? Take it from me—you won't get any good ideas if you're tired. Random, starting from Chapter 4, after playing the game for a certain amount of time in one sitting
Slow Reflexes? You don't seem to have the best reflexes, do you? I wouldn't say that you're clumsy, but...wow! Random, after failing a button press in a quick time event
Cover Me! Wow! Your reflexes are really good! I'm glad I can trust you to watch my back! Random, after successfully making a button press in a quick time event
Pikachu's Teachings You know, you're more reliable than I thought. But it's probably all thanks to my teaching! Random, starting from Chapter 4, after successfully making a button press in a quick time event
A Bolt of...? A bolt... of no brilliance... Random, starting from Chapter 3
Quick Attack Quick Attack! How was that? Did I do it, Tim?
Uh...huh: There's no need to lie. Thanks anyway!
No, not at all: Yeah, I'd figured.
Random, starting from the second day at PCL
Iron Tail Iron Tail! This is hard... Random, after catching Gengar
Fly Hey, Tim. Listen to me.... Did you know that I can use the move Fly?
No way!: Correct! So go ahead and get me a plane ticket. All right?
Sure you can.: You think this is all just a joke? Guess what—you can do it too! For a detective, it has a different meaning. The move Fly means letting your ideas take flight!
Random, starting from Chapter 4
Thunderbolt Don't forget, I'm a Pikachu, too, you know! Watch! Thunderbolt!! Random, starting from Chapter 5
Double Team *roar* Double Team! *grunt grunt grunt* *pant pant pant* Random, starting from Chapter 6
Surf Tim, check it out! I'm using Surf! *laugh* *scream* Random, after Pikachu figures out the culprit in Chapter 8
The Nature of a Great Detective Do the mysteries call the detective...or does the detective call out the mysteries? Or it could be as simple as this: detectives are drawn to mysteries by nature. Random, starting from Chapter 8, after meeting Rose
First Impression Tim, come on... Tell me what your first impression of me was.
A Pikachu: You need to work on your observation skills! I am Detective Pikachu! Not just any old ordinary Pikachu, if you please!
A weird Pikachu: If you think there's another Pikachu as splendid as I am, good luck finding it! *laugh*
Random, starting from Chapter 8


These conversations can randomly appear in Pikachu's dialogue while playing through the game, but they do not show up in the Pika Prompts list.

  • Maybe now is a good time to get all of the evidence in order?
    • Condition: When you have evidence you haven't looked at
  • We've got a pretty good amount of testimony. Shouldn't we sort through it all?
    • Condition: When you have testimony you haven't looked at
  • When you hit a snag in the investigation, sort through the information, study your notes, and think about it.
    • Condition: When you have case notes that you haven't looked at
This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.