Aegislash (Pokkén)

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ギルガルド Gillgard
Availability Switch
Battle Style Technical
HP 510
Burst Attack Underworld Ruler

Aegislash (Japanese: ハッサム Gillgard) is a Battle Pokémon in the fighting game Pokkén Tournament DX, available by purchasing the Battle Pack DLC. It is a Technical style fighter.

Move list

Burst Attack

Move name Command Use Notes Type
Underworld Ruler with Synergy Burst active: L + R - pierces counter attacks / increases your attack / increases your movement speed after performing a certain number of Form Changes Normal Attack
Underworld Ruler during Shield Forme with Synergy Burst active: L + R - pierces counter attacks / transitions into Form Change once complete Counter Attack

Pokémon moves

Move name Command Use Notes Type
Fury Cutter A - - Normal Attack
Fury Cutter (enhanced) with a positive status: A, A, A Major damage dealer perform Form Change a certain amount of times to power up / carefully time press of A, A, A to power up Normal Attack
Fury Cutter (enhanced) to strong attack follow-up with a positive status: A, X or A, A, X - pierces counter attacks / carefully time press of A, X or A, A, X to power up Normal Attack
Iron Head ✚ forward + A - press R to transition into Form Change Normal Attack
Iron Head: charge ✚ forward + A (hold) - pierces counter attacks / transition into Form Change with R Normal Attack
King's Shield ✚ back + A - transitions into Form Change once complete Counter Attack
King's Shield: success during King's Shield: counter opponent's attack - pierces counter attacks / decreases opponent's attack / transitions into Form Change once complete Counter Attack
Gyro Ball midair A For surprise attacks changes attack properties if the opponent has increased or decreased movement speed / can change trajectory by pressing ✚ Normal Attack

Standard moves

Move name Command Use Notes Type
special effect - - powers up all attacks when used with a positive status -
Form Change (Shield Forme) ✚ back + A, etc. - recovers HP, removes positive statuses -
grab attack Y + B Overcome blocks increases movement speed during Field Phase Grab Attack
counter attack X + A Counter cancelable with ✚ + R / transitions into Form Change once complete Counter Attack
counter attack: charge X + A (hold) - pierces counter attacks / transitions into Form Change once complete Counter Attack
Parry ✚ forward + R Counter parries opponent's attacks / parry with precise timing to increase your Synergy Gauge Counter Attack
Synergy Burst with Synergy Gauge MAX: L + R - during Synergy Burst enhanced moves can be used just like while in a positive status -
Field Phase only
Ranged Attack Y Use to stop your opponent cancelable with Ranged Attacks and Pokémon moves / press R to transition into Form Change Normal Attack
chain Ranged Attack Y, Y - - Normal Attack
Poké Combo 1 ✚ sideways + Y, Y - - Normal Attack
side Ranged Attack ✚ sideways + Y - hold to change trajectory / can be canceled with Ranged Attacks and Pokémon moves / press R to transition into Form Change Normal Attack
side Ranged Attack to dash step ✚ sideways + Y, ✚ + R - - Normal Attack
forward Ranged Attack ✚ forward + Y Use to shift phases - Normal Attack
backward Ranged Attack ✚ back + Y - cancelable with midair attacks Normal Attack
Poké Combo 2 midair Y, Y - - Normal Attack
jumping Ranged Attack midair Y Make an opening for more attacks can change trajectory by pressing ✚ forward and backward / cancelable with midair attacks Normal Attack
Poké Combo 3 midair ✚ sideways + Y, Y - - Normal Attack
jumping side Ranged Attack midair ✚ sideways + Y Make an opening for more attacks cancelable with midair attacks Normal Attack
Homing Attack X, X, X Use to shift phases cancelable with a Pokémon move / cancelable with R or B / can transition into Form Change once complete with R Normal Attack
Homing Attack: charge X, X, X (hold) - pierces counter attacks / Guard Break Normal Attack
jumping attack midair X Use to shift phases can change trajectory with ✚ Normal Attack
Duel Phase only
Poké Combo 4 Y, Y, Y, Y Major damage dealer - Normal Attack
weak attack Y, Y, Y - cancelable with a Pokémon move / transitions into Form Change once complete Normal Attack
weak attack to strong attack follow-up Y, X, X or Y, Y, X, X - carefully time press of Y, X, X or Y, Y, X, X to power up Normal Attack
forward weak attack ✚ forward + Y, Y - powered up if the second hit is delayed Normal Attack
back weak attack ✚ back + Y - - Normal Attack
high stance weak attack ✚ up + Y Effective against airborne opponents transitions into Form Change once complete Counter Attack
low stance weak attack ✚ down + Y - - Normal Attack
low stance weak attack to strong attack follow-up ✚ down + Y, X - transitions into Form Change once complete Counter Attack
midair weak attack midair Y, Y - - Normal Attack
midair weak attack to strong attack follow-up midair Y, X - transitions into Form Change once complete Normal Attack
Poké Combo 5 X, X - - Normal Attack
strong attack X Make an opening for more attacks cancelable with strong attacks or Pokémon moves Normal Attack
strong attack to dash step X, ✚ forward + R or ✚ back + R - - Normal Attack
forward strong attack ✚ forward + X, X Major damage dealer carefully time press of ✚ forward + X, X to power up Normal Attack
back strong attack ✚ back + X - pierces counter attacks Normal Attack
high stance strong attack ✚ up + X Effective against grab attacks - Normal Attack
low stance strong attack ✚ down + X Knocks down opponent - Normal Attack
midair strong attack midair X - can change trajectory with ✚ Normal Attack

Shield Forme moves

Move name Command Use Notes Type
special effect - - performs Form Change during Phase Shift -
Shield Forme standby during Shield Forme: ✚ or take no action - transitions into Form Change after successfully performing a counter attack Counter Attack
Form Change (Blade Forme) during Shield Forme: B, etc. - transitions into Blade Forme / increases your attack power / increases your movement speed after performing a certain number of Form Changes / the positive statues may be effective for differing periods of time -
Blade Shift during Shield Forme: B - transitions into Form Change once complete -
dash step during Shield Forme: press ✚ in the same direction, or R, or ✚ + R - invincible while invisible / transitions into Form Change once complete -
Synergy Burst during Shield Forme with Synergy Gauge MAX: L + R - returns to Blade Forme once complete -
Support Pokémon during Shield Forme with a full Support Gauge: L - returns to Blade Forme once complete -
Pokémon moves
Shadow Sneak during Shield Forme: A - transitions into Form Change once complete Counter Attack
Shadow Sneak: charge during Shield Forme: A (hold) - pierces counter attacks / transitions into Form Change once complete Counter Attack
Flash Cannon during Shield Forme: ✚ forward + A - pierces counter attacks / transitions into Form Change once complete Counter Attack
Sacred Sword during Shield Forme: ✚ back + A - transitions into Form Change once complete / scatters mist once Form Change completes Counter Attack
Field Phase only
Ranged Attack during Shield Forme: Y - press R or ✚ sideways + R to transition into Form Change Counter Attack
chain Ranged Attack during Shield Forme: Y, Y - - Counter Attack
side Ranged Attack during Shield Forme: ✚ sideways + Y Use to stop your opponent press R or ✚ sideways + R to transition into Form Change Counter Attack
side Ranged Attack: charge during Shield Forme: ✚ sideways + Y (hold) - press R or ✚ sideways + R to transition into Form Change Counter Attack
forward Ranged Attack during Shield Forme: ✚ forward + Y Use to shift phases - Counter Attack
backward Ranged Attack during Shield Forme: ✚ back + Y Effective against airborne opponents press R or ✚ sideways + R to transition into Form Change Counter Attack
Homing Attack during Shield Forme: X, X - press ✚ twice in the same direction, or R, or ✚ + R, or B to transition into Form Change / cancelable with a Pokémon move / transitions into Form Change once complete Normal Attack
Homing Attack: charge during Shield Forme: X, X (hold) - pierces counter attacks / Guard Break / transitions into Form Change once complete Normal Attack
Duel Phase only
Poké Combo 6 during Shield Forme: Y, Y Major damage dealer - Counter Attack
weak attack during Shield Forme: Y - cancelable with a Pokémon move / transition into Form Change with R Counter Attack
forward weak attack during Shield Forme: ✚ forward + Y - press R to transition into Form Change Counter Attack
back weak attack during Shield Forme: ✚ back + Y Effective against airborne opponents press R to transition into Form Change Counter Attack
Poké Combo 7 during Shield Forme: X, X - - Normal Attack
strong attack during Shield Forme: X Effective against grab attacks cancelable with a Pokémon move / transition into Form Change with R Normal Attack
forward strong attack during Shield Forme: ✚ forward + X - can change trajectory by pressing ✚ and backward / transitions into Form Change once complete Normal Attack

Recommended combos

Combo Command Type
Field Phase only
backward Ranged Attack ► cancel to Poké Combo 2 ✚ back +Y ► cancel to midair Y, Y Normal Attack
Duel Phase only
midair strong attack ► Poké Combo 4 midair XY, Y, Y, Y Normal Attack
counter attack: charge ► Poké Combo 6 X + A (hold) ► during Shield Forme: Y, Y Counter Attack

Related articles

  • For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Aegislash.

External links

This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.