It spends even the smallest amount of downtime grooming its fur with its tongue. Loose fur gathers in its stomach and serves as fuel for fiery moves.
暇さえあれば 舐めて 毛づくろい。 お腹に たまった 抜け毛に 火を つけて 炎技を 放つ。
Release information
This card was included as a Regular card and a Full Artillustration rare card in the Temporal Forces expansion, first released in the Japanese Cyber Judge expansion. The Regular print features artwork by REND, while the Full Art illustration rare print features artwork by Makura Tami.
In Indonesia, the Regular print of this card is reprinted as a Mirror Holofoil SV-P Promotional card included in 2-pack "Special Set" blisters for the Indonesian-exclusive Ace Paradox expansion. This print features the Ace Paradox ("Paradoks Andalan") logo stamped on the bottom right corner of the artwork.