Tracey's Venomoth

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Tracey's Venomoth
ケンジのモルフォン Kenji's Morphon

Tracey's Venomoth
Debuts in The Lost Lapras
Caught at Unknown
Evolves in Prior to The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master!
Gender Unknown
Ability Unknown
Current location With Tracey
This Pokémon spent between 141 and 1,147 episodes as Venonat.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Venonat Rikako Aikawa Rachael Lillis
As Venomoth N/A N/A

Tracey's Venomoth (Japanese: ケンジのモルフォン Kenji's Morphon) was one of the two Pokémon owned by Tracey Sketchit before he met Ash in the Orange Islands, and the first seen in his possession.

In the anime


Original series

Orange Islands
Venomoth and Tracey

Venomoth first debuted as a Venonat in The Lost Lapras, where it was used to help track down Team Rocket's truck after they stole an infant Lapras from a Pokémon Center. Using its special ability known as "radar eye", it was able to locate Team Rocket, and Ash was able to rescue Lapras.

In The Crystal Onix, Tracey attempted to use Venonat to find an Onix made out of crystal. It was shown a glass sculpture of it that Mateo's grandfather made and ask to look for something similar. However it only found a pile of rocks, but it was still convinced that it found what Tracey wanted.

In Tracey Gets Bugged, Venonat was teamed up with Marill to find some Bug-types to watch on Murcott Island. Aside from Caterpie and Pinsir, they were able to find an injured and elderly Scyther. Tracey asked Venonat to assist in trying to help Scyther, but it was initially intimidated by it. But its Trainer told it to stay strong, and it used Sleep Powder on the Mantis Pokémon, which Tracey then captured.

In The Pokémon Water War, while on Ascorbia Island, Tracey put to use Venonat's radar eye to help find Captain Aidan's Wartortle and Ash's Squirtle and Pikachu who were taken by Team Rocket. It located them and assisted by attacking them with Tackle.

In The Rivalry Revival, Venonat was seen with Tracey and its teammates as they saw Ash, Misty, and Brock off as they departed for Johto.

Venonat using its "radar eye"

Since Tracey's stay in Pallet Town, Venonat appeared in Bulbasaur... The Ambassador!, where it helped break up a fight between the Water and Grass Pokémon.

Pokémon Journeys: The Series

In The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master!, Venonat was shown to have evolved into Venomoth. It, Tracey, and the rest of his Pokémon greeted Ash upon his visit back to Pallet Town.

Personality and characteristics

Venomoth has been shown to become excited if it thinks it has spotted what Tracey is looking for and responds by jumping up and down.

Venomoth helps Tracey as a Pokémon Watcher by using its eyes to scan the area and locate the Pokémon that Tracey is looking for. It can also use Sleep Powder to make it less likely for the Pokémon to run away. Tracey tends to use it more for Pokémon watching as opposed to battling, for which he favors Marill and Scyther more.


As a Venonat

Moves used

Using Sleep Powder as a Venonat
Move First Used In
Sleep Powder Tracey Gets Bugged
Tackle The Pokémon Water War
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

In the games

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Puzzle League

Venonat is one of Tracey's three Pokémon in Pokémon Puzzle League.


  • Venomoth is the only one of Tracey's Pokémon that:
    • Is fully evolved.
    • Evolved under his ownership.
    • Doesn't have a cross-generational evolutionary stage.
    • Has never caused Team Rocket to blast off.
    • Doesn't have an immunity to a certain type.

Related articles

This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.