James's Weezing

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File:James's Koffing.JPG
As a Koffing
James's Weezing
コジロウのマタドガス Kojiro's Matadogas
File:James weezing.jpg
James' Weezing
Debuts in Pokémon Emergency!
Caught at Unknown
Evolves in Dig Those Diglett!
Gender Unknown
Ability Unknown
Released in A Poached Ego
Current location Unknown
This Pokémon spent 29 episodes as Koffing.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Koffing Unshō Ishizuka Michael Haigney
As Weezing Unshō Ishizuka Michael Haigney

James' Weezing (Japanese: コジロウのマタドガス Kojiro's Matadogas) was the first Pokémon James appeared with in Kanto; he received it as a Christmas gift from Giovanni. Its Japanese voice actor is 石塚運昇 Unshō Ishizuka, and its English voice actor is Michael Haigney.

Weezing first appeared in Pokémon Emergency as a Koffing. It was used constantly by James and eventually evolved into a Weezing in the episode Dig Those Diglett along with Jessie's Ekans after James and Jessie were desperate for their Pokémon to evolve.

James used Weezing as his main battling Pokémon throughout much of the Kanto episodes, but during the Johto episodes, he tended to use Victreebel more for actual combat; during this time, Weezing was used to create smoke to cover escapes and entrances.

As Koffing, it was always happy and light-hearted, if not a bit dopey. But after it evolved, it constantly looked depressed and forlorn. This may not be indicative of its character, however, because all Weezing have this appearance. James once said in A Poached Ego that "Weezing and I are like brothers." thus indicating a great bond between the two. This bond can been seen again in the same episode when Weezing is reluctant to leave and it cries as it does.

In A Poached Ego, Team Rocket found a poacher holding a herd of Ekans and Koffing captive in Hoenn. After freeing them James and Jessie reluctantly ordered Weezing and Arbok to stay in the wild and guard their fellow Pokémon. Arbok and Weezing had to when the poacher used his Tyranitar to attack Jessie, James, and Meowth, even though it was clear that they wanted to stay and defend them. The two Pokémon have not been seen since.

Moves used

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Weezing using Smog on a Beedrill

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Koffing and Weezing.