User talk:Shiningpikablu252/Archive 70708-100708

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Revision as of 06:14, 11 July 2008 by Arbok and Weezing (talk | contribs) (User talk:Shiningpikablu252 moved to User talk:Mr. I-Can't-Punctuate-Because-I'm-Stupid!: ==Welcome== Welcome to Bulbapedia, {{BASEPAGENAME}}! As a new user, you may wish to learn a few things that will be useful in your editing: *For a basic)

Latest comment: 11 July 2008 by Shiningpikablu252 in topic James
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The goal of Encyclopaediae Pokémonis is to be just as international as Pokémon itself, and helping aspiring Pokémon wikis in languages we don't yet have is a great way to help achieve that goal. However, if we don't even know who the possible aspirers for Encyclopaediae Pokémonis's ninth language even are, there's no way any growth can take place. If you speak or understand a language that's currently not represented in Encyclopaediae Pokémonis and happen to find a wiki in that language with aspirations to join Encyclopaediae Pokémonis, then don't hesitate to drop me a line. Remember, an aspirier can't grow if they remain sheltered from the world!

If you understand Brazilian Portuguese, or know someone who does, then the Portuguese arm of Encyclopaediae Pokémonis is in desperate need of your assistance. Many, if not all, of that wiki's articles are in dire need of improvement, be it massive cleanup or even adding some real content to begin with. Their sysops are never around to handle things, and their interwiki bot has done nothing since late September--of 2008. The fact that a trusted member of Encyclopaediae Pokémonis has fallen into such disrepair is disturbing, to say the least. Brazilians do not deserve quality this low. If you can help improve the Portuguese end, then I highly recommend you do so. Today.

Card images

I added images to the following, and I wanted to make sure you took them off the list:

Thanks MoldyOrange 15:57, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Done. --Shiningpikablu252 16:44, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
I slipped Morty's Misdreavus in there before the last update and Weezing now has an image. MoldyOrange 03:11, 11 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Card Translations

Hiya, I want to make an article on the promotional Heatran card released in Japan, but I can't find a translation of it anywhere, not even PokéGym. Any idea who'd be able to accurately translate it for me? Cheers much, Cipher 18:08, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Honestly, I don't. I would recommend Nuva-kal, who did Vending Machine cards translations for us, but there's no guarantee if and when Nuva-kal will show up again...--Shiningpikablu252 20:18, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
I tried to e-mail Nuva-kal when we needed that second attack on Bugsy's Butterfree translated, but he never responded. I would like him to come back though, because I have scans of some "T" Promotional cards and "P" Promotional cards that I would like pages for. MoldyOrange 21:26, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Intense Fight name

Another issue we have is the Intense Fight name conflict you told me about earlier today - apparently, Sunain discussed the name change with Zhen Lin and Tsskiller - are they even affiliated with the TCG section? Regardless, read the argument here. I think I'm gonna need your and TTE's help with this, 'cos I can't see where she's coming from, yet she's adamant she's right. Cipher 18:25, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

The kanji can be translated multiple ways. For all we know, what Sunain is defending could be just as correct as what Pokébeach is using. My take on the translations:
  • "Intense Fight" and "Fierce Fighting" could be taken as synonymous.
  • Likewise for "Destroyed Sky" and "Broken Space".
Besides, Pokébeach can't be blatantly wrong every time, like they were with "Moon Hunting" and "Night Dashing".
Conclusion: Sunain shouldn't be b*tching about a translation that cannot be considered outright wrong, no matter how much the source has f*cked up translations in the past. --Shiningpikablu252 20:13, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
As far as I'm aware, Bangiras translated the IFDS name, so I personally have absolutely no reason to doubt that. The only real issue there's been has been "Night Dashing" <--> "Dawn Dash", which was obviously completely wrong. I think that's what Sunain is basing her argument on, which really is nothing at all.
Another note in regards to IFDS - I understand that WPM isn't happy with Bulbapedia using the information on its page from PokéBeach without citing it as a resource/reference, so perhaps it'd be an idea to somehow credit the site, such as a link to its IFDS page at the bottom of the article? Cipher 20:47, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
IFDS page and two news stories cited. If that's not enough for WPM, then someone should get a full list of what should and report to me. --Shiningpikablu252 20:58, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for sorting that out - I appreciate it a lot. As far as the IFDS page and expansions infobox go, it doesn't matter that it's an inconvenience, just as long as there aren't any more silly edit wars. Cipher 21:16, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Deleting talk pages

Don't do it. Also, I have been hearing complaints that you have been too harsh in punishing users; while it is true that we don't have hard-and-fast rules about how to deal with problems, look to the other administrators (on Bulbapedia, not anywhere else) for an idea of what is considered normal here. - 振霖T 01:21, 10 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Two Things (or maybe considered more)

Isn't the Psychic Arbok in Great Encounters normal, that's why I had it describing it at the top. And I have encountered the Lucario Gift Set, Mew Gift Set, Latias & Latios Gift Set, and the Deoxys vs Rayquaza Gift Set. which say that they are reprints of some cards; Do you know which ones? MoldyOrange 04:00, 10 July 2008 (UTC)Reply


You don't know your punctuation, do you? If you are talking about a belonging of someone and their name ends with an S, you do not put apostrophe S, you just have their name and an apostrophe. Your way is not correct. - Arbok and Weezing 05:52, 11 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

It's been discussed over and over before. "James's" is just as appropriate as "James'", especially if it's singular like is used for James's Pokémon ("James'" could refer to something belonging to more than one James). Besides, the overall style of the encyclopedia calls for it to be "James's"--several templates require the names to be that way. We are NOT about to create a huge exception in those templates just to satisfy those who incorrectly believe "James's" is 100% incorrect. --Shiningpikablu252 05:57, 11 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

If you're talking about his Pokemon, it's James' Cacea. If you're talking about more than one James, it would be there are 10 James running around. Learn to punctuate. - Arbok and Weezing 06:00, 11 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Please read this and the manual of style. I will not have flagrant disregard for style going around Bulbapedia on my watch. --Shiningpikablu252 06:06, 11 July 2008 (UTC)Reply