Exciting Treasure Hunt

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Exciting Treasure Hunt
ドキドキお宝探し!? Exciting Treasure Hunt

Event notification image
Type Story event
First run June 28 to July 15, 2024
Featured sync pairs Gardenia (Summer 2024) & Dhelmise
Acerola (Summer 2024) & Jellicent
Sync pairs with reward bonus 
1.6× Gardenia (Summer 2024) & Dhelmise
Acerola (Summer 2024) & Jellicent 
1.4× Tate (Summer 2023) & Jirachi
Liza (Summer 2023) & Celesteela
N (Summer 2022) & Zoroark
Hilda (Summer 2022) & Grapploct
Gloria (Summer 2021) & Inteleon
Marnie (Summer 2021) & Grimmsnarl
Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff
Steven (Summer 2020) & Sandslash 
Theme skills with 1.2× reward bonus Ghost

Exciting Treasure Hunt (Japanese: ドキドキお宝探し!? Exciting Treasure Hunt) was a story event in Pokémon Masters EX. It was focused on the sync pairs Gardenia (Summer 2024) & Dhelmise and Acerola (Summer 2024) & Jellicent.

The "Gardenia Seasonal Scout" gave players an increased chance of recruiting Gardenia (Summer 2024) & Dhelmise for the duration of the event. The "Acerola Seasonal Scout" gave players an increased chance of recruiting Acerola (Summer 2024) & Jellicent starting on June 30, 2024, and lasting until the end of the event.

During this event, players could earn Summer Tickets A and Summer Tickets A+ from battles that could be redeemed in the shop. All battles could be challenged an unlimited number of times except Daily Extreme Battle 1, which could only be challenged once per day. Extra tickets were automatically exchanged with coins once the event was finished.

The player could battle using Gardenia (Summer 2024) & Dhelmise or Acerola (Summer 2024) & Jellicent to obtain +0.6× bonus tickets; Tate (Summer 2023) & Jirachi, Liza (Summer 2023) & Celesteela, N (Summer 2022) & Zoroark, Hilda (Summer 2022) & Grapploct, Gloria (Summer 2021) & Inteleon, Marnie (Summer 2021) & Grimmsnarl, Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff, or Steven (Summer 2020) & Sandslash to obtain +0.4× bonus tickets; and any unlisted Ghost-type sync pairs to obtain +0.2× bonus tickets.

This event featured the Battle Challenge, where players were challenged to defeat a team of strong opponents. Players could complete event missions by clearing these areas with teams using various theme skills, earning medals and other rewards.

In addition, players could earn a medal for completing all the story areas in the event.


Area info

Area name Unlock condition Completion Rewards
The Treasure Hunt Begins! Available from start Gems ×10
A Suspicious Cave
A Suspicious Cave Complete The Treasure Hunt Begins! Gems ×10
Challenge Lana: Part 1
Half Smitten, Half Scared Complete Challenge Lana: Part 1 Gems ×10
Challenge Lana: Part 2
Let’s Fish Up Dhelmise! Complete Challenge Lana: Part 2 Gems ×10
Challenge Lana: Part 3
The Best Treasure Complete Challenge Lana: Part 3 Gems ×10
Challenge Lana: Part 4
Daily Extreme Battle 1
Battle Challenge! Round 1


Name Difficulty Trainer Pokémon Stamina First-Time Rewards Completion Rewards Battle Rewards
Left Middle Right
Challenge Lana: Part 1 Normal



10 Gems ×30
Half Smitten, Half Scared
200 coins
Summer Ticket A ×5
Challenge Lana: Part 2 Hard 15 Gems ×30
Let’s Fish Up Dhelmise!
600 coins
Summer Ticket A ×8
Summer Ticket A+ ×1
Summer Ticket A ×1-3
Challenge Lana: Part 3 Very Hard 15 Gems ×30
The Best Treasure
600 coins
Summer Ticket A ×12
Summer Ticket A+ ×2
Summer Ticket A ×1-4
Challenge Lana: Part 4 Super Hard 20 Gems ×30 1,500 coins
Summer Ticket A ×18
Summer Ticket A+ ×4
Summer Ticket A ×1-5
Daily Extreme Battle 1 Ultra Hard 30 Gems ×30 2,000 coins
Summer Ticket A ×62
Summer Ticket A+ ×45
Battle Challenge! Round 1 Super Hard
(Summer 2020)



Gems ×100
3★ Strike Move Candy
Battle Challenge! Round 2
None None
Battle Challenge! Round 2 Ultra Hard Gems ×100
4★ Tech Move Candy
None None

Event missions

Mission Name Objective Reward
Mission 1 Complete any of the following areas ×3
• Challenge Lana: Part 1
• Challenge Lana: Part 2
• Challenge Lana: Part 3
• Challenge Lana: Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×50
Battle Points ×40
Mission 2 Complete any of the following areas ×10
• Challenge Lana: Part 1
• Challenge Lana: Part 2
• Challenge Lana: Part 3
• Challenge Lana: Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×50
Battle Points ×40
Mission 3 Complete any of the following areas ×20
• Challenge Lana: Part 1
• Challenge Lana: Part 2
• Challenge Lana: Part 3
• Challenge Lana: Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×100
Battle Points ×40
Mission 4 Complete any of the following areas ×30
• Challenge Lana: Part 1
• Challenge Lana: Part 2
• Challenge Lana: Part 3
• Challenge Lana: Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×100
Battle Points ×40
Mission 5 Complete any of the following areas ×40
• Challenge Lana: Part 1
• Challenge Lana: Part 2
• Challenge Lana: Part 3
• Challenge Lana: Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×100
Battle Points ×40
Mission 6 Complete any of the following areas ×50
• Challenge Lana: Part 1
• Challenge Lana: Part 2
• Challenge Lana: Part 3
• Challenge Lana: Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×100
Battle Points ×50
Mission 7 Complete the following area ×1
The Best Treasure
1★ Exciting Treasure Hunt
Mission 8 Complete the following area ×1
Battle Challenge! Round 1
2★ Exciting Treasure Hunt
Mission 9 Complete the following area ×1
Battle Challenge! Round 2
3★ Exciting Treasure Hunt
Mission 10 Complete the following area with 1 or fewer sync pairs falling to 0 HP:
Battle Challenge! Round 2
Treasure Ahoy!
Mission 11 Complete Battle Challenge! Round 2
with 1 or more sync pairs that share each of the following themes
and with 1 or fewer sync pairs falling to 0 HP:
• Sinnoh
• Alola
Support Move Candy Coin
Mission 12 Complete Battle Challenge! Round 2
with 2 or more sync pairs that share the following theme
and with 1 or fewer sync pairs falling to 0 HP:
• Ghost
Field Move Candy Coin
Reward for completing 10 missions Gems ×200


Item given Item received Max exchanges

Summer Ticket A+ ×300

Support Move Candy Coin ×1

Summer Ticket A+ ×300

Field Move Candy Coin ×1

Summer Ticket A+ ×70

Gardenia (Summer 2024) Lucky Cookie ×1

Summer Ticket A+ ×70

Acerola (Summer 2024) Lucky Cookie ×1

Summer Ticket A+ ×70

Lana Lucky Cookie ×1

Summer Ticket A+ ×300

Special Skill Feather 37 ×1[note 1]

Summer Ticket A+ ×300

Special Skill Feather 38 ×1[note 2]

Summer Ticket A ×200

Skill Bracelet ×1

Summer Ticket A ×200

Skill Bandanna ×1

Summer Ticket A ×200

Skill Pin ×1

Summer Ticket A ×200

5★ Scout Ticket ×1

Summer Ticket A ×200

4★ Strike Move Candy ×1

Summer Ticket A ×100

3★ Tech Move Candy ×1

Summer Ticket A ×200

4★ Power-Up ×1

Summer Ticket A ×100

3★ Power-Up ×1

Summer Ticket A ×50

Skill Sphere ×10

Summer Ticket A ×30

White Skill Feather ×1

Summer Ticket A ×15

Yellow Skill Feather ×1

Summer Ticket A ×50

Sync Orb ×50
Gardenia (Summer 2024) & Dhelmise

Summer Ticket A ×50

Sync Orb ×50
Acerola (Summer 2024) & Jellicent

Summer Ticket A ×60

Co-op Sync Orb ×200

Summer Ticket A+ ×50

Ghost Codex, Vol. 1 ×10

Summer Ticket A ×40

Ghost Tome, Vol. 1 ×10

Summer Ticket A+ ×60

5-Pack Great Drink ++ Set ×50

Summer Ticket A ×80

5-Pack Drink ++ Set ×50

Summer Ticket A ×70

5-Pack Ultra Drink + Set ×50

Summer Ticket A ×60

5-Pack Great Drink + Set ×70

Summer Ticket A ×50

5-Pack Drink + Set ×100

Summer Ticket A ×30

Elite Four Notes ×10

Summer Ticket A ×30

Gym Leader Notes ×10

Summer Ticket A ×30

3★ Level-Up Manual ×10

Summer Ticket A ×30

Skip Ticket ×10

Summer Ticket A ×60

Summer Ticket A+ ×10

Summer Ticket A+ ×300

3★ Power-Up ×1

Summer Ticket A+ ×10

3★ Level-Up Manual ×3

Summer Ticket A ×30

5-Pack Ultra Drink Set ×10

Summer Ticket A ×30

5-Pack Great Drink Set ×20


Event banner
1★ Exciting Treasure Hunt
2★ Exciting Treasure Hunt
3★ Exciting Treasure Hunt
Treasure Ahoy!
Artwork by Hanenbo[1]


Situation Song key Song name Arrangement
In menu No. 00004 Adventure Awaits Unknown
During battle
(Challenge Lana, Daily Extreme Battle 1)
No. 07011 Battle! (Alola Trainer)
(Pokémon Masters EX Version)
Haruki Yamada (ATTIC INC.)
During battle
(Battle Challenge)
No. 03001 Battle! (Steven)
(Pokémon Masters EX Version)
Haruki Yamada (ATTIC INC.)
The Treasure Hunt Begins!
From start
No. 00030 Sync Pair Showtime Unknown
A Suspicious Cave
From start
Let's Fish Up Dhelmise!
From start
No. 00008 Out for a Stroll Unknown
A Suspicious Cave
When Acerola appears
Half Smitten, Half Scared
From start
No. 00009 Island Mysteries Unknown
Half Smitten, Half Scared
When Gardenia decides to find Dhelmise again
No. 04003 Battle! (Sinnoh Gym Leader)
(Pokémon Masters EX Version)
Haruki Yamada (ATTIC INC.)
Let's Fish Up Dhelmise!
When Gardenia gets a tug on her line
The Best Treasure
From start
No. 00005 Danger! Unknown
The Best Treasure
When Lana says she brought help
Trainers' Eyes Meet (Man) Unknown
The Best Treasure
When Acerola realizes Dhelmise wants to be friends
No. 00012 Let Your Spirit Soar! Unknown
The Best Treasure
When Lear appears
No. 00032 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Lear) Unknown
The Best Treasure
When Lear reveals what the prize is
No. 00015 Shenanigans Unknown
Song names without a song key listed are unofficial, as they have not been added to the Jukebox.


  • Pokémon Center (event conversation)
Name Text
Gardenia I wonder what sort of adventure awaits me!
Gardenia There's ancient treasure hidden somewhere in the world!
Don't you get excited just thinking about that?
Acerola Um...
You do realize a lot of ancient treasures are possessed by ghost Pokémon, don't you?
Gardenia Oh. Well, if I ever DO find any ancient treasure, Acerola, I think I'll give it to you...

  • The Treasure Hunt Begins!
Name Text
(Beach; Lear, Sawyer, and Rachel are standing on stage to address a crowd)
Lear Attention, sync pairs!
We're about to start our treasure-hunting event! The rules are simple!
All you have to do is find the treasure I hid somewhere on or around this beach!
The first sync pair to find the treasure wins!
The winning pair will also receive a VERY generous reward from yours truly!
Now then, off you go! Have fun hunting for treasure on Pasio!
(The crowd cheers)
Gardenia Wow! A treasure hunt? How fun! This is gonna be great!
(Cut to later on the beach; Gardenia and Acerola are wearing their summer outfits)
Gardenia All this talk about treasure, so close to the sea... It makes me feel like a pirate!
Acerola Ooh! You look raring to go!
Gardenia So do you, Acerola!
But I'M the one who's gonna find that treasure!
(Gardenia runs off)
Acerola Wow, she's gone already...
Hey, Lana, how are you gonna look for the treasure?
Lana I figured I'd fish on the beach and search the ocean for it with my Pokémon.
Acerola Oh, OK! Guess we'll be working separately, then!
I think I'll search along the shore with Jellicent and Palossand.
Lana You and Jellicent seem to be getting along great.
Acerola Yeah! We've become really close!
Lana Heh heh... Looks like I was right to entrust you with Jellicent.
Why don't we compete to see which of us can find the treasure first?
Acerola Sure—but I won't lose, you know!

  • A Suspicious Cave
Name Text
(Gardenia arrives on the beach)
Gardenia Treasure, huh...
I'm sure it's something incredible if Lear prepared it...
I'm curious about that "generous reward" he's promised the winners, too!
At any rate, I've got to find the treasure before anyone else does!
(Gardenia looks around and spots something)
Gardenia Oh! I didn't know there was a cave over there!
It looks awfully suspicious... My treasure sense is tingling!
I need to search that cave before any other Trainers find it!
(Gardenia runs toward the cave and starts exploring it)
Gardenia Oh, no...
It's darker than I expected... I'm not going to run into any ghosts in here, am I?
Oof... Just thinking about ghosts is freaking me out...
(Gardenia hears a Pokémon cry)
Gardenia Eep!
What was that noise? Is someone there?
(The Pokémon cries out again)
Gardenia Is something really back there?!
Don't tell me it's a gh—
??? What...are...you...do...ing?
(Cut to black)
(Fade back to the cave, where Acerola and Jellicent have appeared)
Acerola Whoa!
Gardenia Oh, it's just you, Acerola. Phew! You scared me...
Acerola You scared me speechless...
I saw you go into this cave, Gardenia, so I followed you out of curiosity...
I don't suppose you found the treasure already, did you?
Gardenia No, not yet. But I still haven't checked out the deeper parts of the cave yet.
I kept hearing this creepy sound...
(The Pokémon cries out again)
Gardenia That one! Did you hear it?!
I thought it might be a ghost...
Acerola You mean a ghost Pokémon? Then let's go check it out!
Knowing Lear, he might have gotten a Pokémon to guard the treasure.
Gardenia Uhh... Well...
Acerola Are you scared?
Gardenia N-No way!
As a Gym Leader, I couldn't possibly let you put yourself in danger...
Acerola I've got Jellicent with me, and Palossand is inside her Poké Ball, so I'll be OK!
(Jellicent cries out)
Acerola If you don't want to go any further, I can go on ahead!
(Acerola starts to walk away)
Gardenia W-wait! Don't leave me alooone!
(Gardenia follows Acerola; fade to black; the Pokémon cries out again)

  • Half Smitten, Half Scared
Name Text
(Acerola and Gardenia are walking through the cave; Gardenia stops)
Acerola Hurry up, Gardenia!
Gardenia W-Wait, Acerola... You walk too fast!
Acerola No, you're just slow!
Are you sure you're not scared of ghosts?
Gardenia O-Of course! I'm not the least bit scared!
Acerola Huh? You suuure?
Gardenia Sure I'm sure! Just watch me!
(The Pokémon cries out again)
Gardenia Eek!
... ... ...
Acerola It's OK! I won't tell anyone!
Gardenia *sniffle* Thanks, Acerola...
(Gardenia and Acerola arrive at the deepest part of the cave)
Gardenia Well, here we are—the depths of the cave...
Now, to find that treasure...
Wait a minute... Who's that Pokémon?
(Gardenia sees a Pokémon beside a pool in the cave)
Acerola It's Dhelmise!
(Dhelmise cries out)
Acerola So that's what was making those noises!
(Gardenia and Acerola approach Dhelmise)
Gardenia You mean those were just Pokémon cries all along? Thank goodness...
I thought for sure it was a ghost...
Acerola Huh? But Dhelmise IS a ghost Pokémon!
Gardenia Huh? Really?!
Still, though...
I'm not sure why, but unlike other ghost Pokémon, it's not that scary to me...
Acerola That must be because Dhelmise is ALSO a Grass-type Pokémon!
Gardenia Oh, I see! If it's a Grass-type Pokémon, then even I...
(Gardenia takes a good look at Dhelmise)
Gardenia A-actually, it is kinda scary...
Acerola Well, now we know what was making that noise, but I don't see any treasure here. Do you?
Gardenia No. So, what's Dhelmise doing here?
I don't see a Trainer anywhere, and it doesn't seem like Lear put it here to guard the treasure...
Acerola Hmm... Maybe it's a wild Pokémon that got lost and somehow ended up on Pasio.
I know, Gardenia! Why don't you become a sync pair with Dhelmise?
Gardenia Whaaa—?! Me?!
Acerola It's not a bad idea to have some Ghost-type Pokémon on your team!
Gardenia Me with a ghost Pokémon... Could I really become a sync pair with Dhelmise?
(Gardenia turns to Dhelmise)
Gardenia ... ... ...
(Dhelmise approaches Gardenia)
Gardenia Eep!
(Dhelmise turns around and heads back towards the pool)
Gardenia Oh! Wait, Dhelmise!
(Dhelmise disappears into the water)
Gardenia I think I might have hurt Dhelmise's feelings...
Acerola You didn't want Dhelmise as your partner?
Gardenia That's not it—I want to get to know Dhelmise better.
It's just...I really do have hang-ups about ghosts...
(Gardenia is silent for a moment, then becomes determined)
Gardenia ...You know what? I want to find Dhelmise again so I can set things straight!
Acerola Yeah, let's go find it and apologize!
(Acerola sends out Jellicent)
Acerola Go, Jellicent! Follow that Dhelmise!
(Jellicent heads over to the pool and disappears into the water)
Acerola Let's go, Gardenia!
Gardenia Right!

  • Let's Fish Up Dhelmise!
Name Text
(Gardenia and Acerola arrive on the beach outside the cave; several sync pairs are scattered about)
Gardenia Jellicent led us out of the cave...
But all I see out here are sync pairs caught up in the treasure hunt!
(Jellicent cries out, looking at the water)
Acerola Maybe Dhelmise is hiding underwater.
Gardenia Oh, of course! It must be in the sea!
How do you think we could get Dhelmise to come out?
Acerola Easy! We go fishing!
Gardenia Huh?! Fishing?
I mean, I understand the logic...but where are we going to get a fishing rod?
(Acerola starts looking around)
Acerola Let's see... She should be fishing around here somewhere...
There she is! Hey! Lanaaa!
(Lana turns around and heads over to Acerola and Gardenia)
Lana Oh my. What's going on here?
Acerola Listen, Lana! We've got a favor to ask...
(Fade to black; fade back to the beach)
Lana Ah, so that's what you're after.
In that case, please, go right ahead and use my fishing rod.
Gardenia Are you sure, Lana? Weren't you using your fishing rod to look for the treasure?
Lana Oh, I've got plenty of fishing rods—all handmade Lana originals!
I always carry a few around to share with anyone who's interested in fishing.
I hope you land a big catch and reel in that Dhelmise!
Gardenia Thank you, Lana!
Just watch—I'll fish up Dhelmise for sure!
(Transition to Gardenia fishing on the beach)
Gardenia ... ... ...
Acerola Hey, Lana, is it hard to fish up a Dhelmise?
Lana I certainly wouldn't expect it to be easy.
But in this case, you know where Dhelmise is, right?
Gardenia Yes! Jellicent showed us!
(Jellicent cries out)
Lana Then I don't think it should take too long.
(Gardenia stares out at the water for a few moments)
Gardenia I...I think something's tugging the line!
Lana You've got it! Now pull with all your strength!
Gardenia Nnngh!
...No good! I can't pull it any closer!
Lana Acerola! Let's help her!
Acerola Right!
(Acerola and Lana hurry to Gardenia's side)
Gardenia Three, two, one...
No use. I don't think we're making any headway...
I didn't realize Dhelmise was so heavy...
Lana Then let's get more people to help us!
Acerola Hold on, Gardenia! We're going to get help!
(Acerola and Lana run off)
Gardenia Got it!
B-but...please hurry!

  • The Best Treasure
Name Text
(Acerola comes back with Tate, Liza, Hilda, and Steven, all wearing their summer outfits)
Acerola Sorry to keep you waiting, Gardenia! We brought some people we found nearby!
Hilda Sounds like you're up to something pretty interesting!
Let me lend you a hand!
Tate We want to help, too!
Liza My brother and I are perfectly in sync, so I think we could be of assistance!
Steven I may not be much help, but I'll do whatever I can!
Gardenia Thank you, everyone! With all of us working together, we'll definitely be able to do this!
(Everyone lines up behind Gardenia)
Gardenia All right, everyone! On three!
(Fade to black)
But the line refused to budge...
(Fade back to the beach)
Gardenia No way... Even THAT wasn't enough?
Steven Looks like we need to find some stronger Trainers...
(Lana arrives with Crasher Wake, the Masked Royal, and a Swimmer)
Lana Gardenia! I'm back!
And I brought help—including a strapping young swimmer!
Swimmer I hear you could use some help from me and my massive pecs!
Crasher Wake And I've come to lend you the strength I've honed through pro wrestling!
The Masked Royal You're trying to fish up Dhelmise, yeah? Then we're the right ones for the job!
Steven Wow... Such paragons of strength!
Gardenia This time, I think we can really do this!
(Everyone lines up behind Gardenia except Tate and Liza, who strike a pose nearby)
Gardenia Everybody ready?
OK, then... Here we go!
...We're doing it! We're pulling up Dhelmise, little by little!
Come on, everyone... We're almost there! Hang in there just a little longer!
Swimmer Yeah!
Crasher Wake Grrrrrr!
The Masked Royal Raaahhh!
Acerola Please!
Gardenia Let's gooooooooo!
And then...
(Dhelmise and a golden statue of Lear fly out of the water and land on the beach)
Gardenia Dhelmise...
Umm... I want to apologize about before!
It's not that I don't like you! I was just a little startled...
I really am sorry!
(Dhelmise cries out and spins around)
Acerola Looks like Dhelmise wants to be friends with you too, Gardenia!
Gardenia Oh, Dhelmise!
Acerola I think Dhelmise was lonely because it didn't have any friends.
But it was too scared to make the first move on its own, so it waited for someone to find it.
Gardenia I see... So you get scared just like me, huh?
So, um, Dhelmise...
If you like, would you become a sync pair with me?
I'm still a little scared of ghost Pokémon...
But I've got a feeling that you and I can get along!
(Dhelmise cries out happily)
Gardenia Thank you! Great to make your acquaintance, Dhelmise!
??? Hahahahaha!
(Lear appears)
Lear I see you've found the treasure! Well done!
Gardenia Huh? Treasure?
Lear This sparkling golden statue is the very treasure I hid!
Acerola Oh, right... We fished that up along with Dhelmise, didn't we?
Steven Yeah. Seems like it got tangled up with Dhelmise.
Lear I've been observing your activities this entire time!
And I have decided—the winners of this treasure hunt are Gardenia and Acerola!
I take it there are no objections?
Acerola Are you sure it's OK?
Gardenia We were only able to fish up that treasure in the first place thanks to everyone's help...
Lana But you two were the first to find it.
Hilda All we did was help!
More importantly, though—what about that "generous reward," Lear?!
Lear Heh heh... You've been curious about that, have you?
The prize for this event is...
this golden statue!
(Everyone is shocked)
Gardenia ...Huh?
Lear Can you even THINK of a more prestigious prize than a statue of me, the owner of Pasio?!
Steven I feel like something similar to this has happened before...
Which means—!
(Steven runs up to the statue and examines it)
Steven I was right! There are rare stones being used as embellishments here!
Gardenia Hey, what do you say we give this statue to Steven?
I don't think the two of us would get much use out of it anyway...
Acerola Yeah! Great idea!
Gardenia Steven, you can have that statue if you like.
Steven Huh? Are you sure?!
Gardenia Yes, of course! After all...
we already found an even more precious treasure!
(Gardenia walks to Dhelmise's side)
Gardenia Right, Dhelmise?
(Dhelmise cries out happily, and Gardenia and Acerola laugh)


  • During the event conversation for this event, the music in the Pokémon Center stops when Acerola speaks and resumes after she finishes. However, when the music resumes, it is always the daytime version of the Pokémon Center theme, even at night. The daytime version of the Pokémon Center theme will continue to play until the Pokémon Center is reloaded.

In other languages

Language Title
Japanese ドキドキお宝探し!?
Mandarin Chinese 緊張刺激的尋寶!?
French Une chasse au trésor palpitante
German Spannende Schatzsuche
Italian Caccia al tesoro piena di emozioni
Korean 두근두근 보물찾기!?
Spanish ¡Tesoro a la vista!


  1. Unlocks 70 HP, 60 Attack, 20 Defense, 60 Sp. Atk, 20 Sp. Def, and 20 Speed for the corresponding skill gear. Activated for Ghost, Sinnoh, and Gym Leader sync pairs. Additional effects are Steel Zone: Moves ↑ 3%, Ghost Zone: S-Moves ↑ 3%, and Normal P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4%.
  2. Unlocks 70 HP, 60 Attack, 20 Defense, 60 Sp. Atk, 20 Sp. Def, and 20 Speed for the corresponding skill gear. Activated for Ghost, Alola, and Trial Giver sync pairs. Additional effects are Water Moves ↑ 2%, Ghost S-Moves ↑ 2%, and Normal P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4%.


See also

Neo Champions: Leaders of a New EraFight for the Future TogetherThree Trainers, Three MindsA Pure and Touching HeartA Touching Sepia-Toned SongHoning One's LoveOne More Step to a New Path
Costume events: Poké War Games (Diantha's Battle PrepHilda's Battle PrepGuzma's Battle PrepJasmine's Battle PrepBattle Prep) • Curious Tea Party (Lillie's Party Prep—An Eye for BeautySonia's Party Prep—The Finest TeaIngo's Party Prep—Way of the ButlerEmmet's Party Prep—Heart and SoulSolving Wonderful Mysteries) • Super Tour Guide RosaSolve the Case! (Part 1)Solve the Case! (Part 2)The Power of DanceNew Heroes Are BornInfamous Pokéstar Villains
New Year's events: Season's GreetingsNew Year and New FriendsGather Up! Dream Duo!Rising New Year's Resolutions
Palentine's events: Baking BuddiesSweet ShenanigansChef's Heartful DeliveryVictor's Cooking Class!
Spring events: Pasio Eggsplorers
Summer events: Summer SuperstarsBeachside RivalrySummer Nights & Wishing StarsTwin Stars Far ApartExciting Treasure Hunt
Fall events: Fight or FrightMidnight Battle BallOtherworldly EncounterThe Haunted Museum
Holiday events: Rosa's PartyA Special PresentDeck the HallsWinter WishesShine a Gentle LightFocus on the Shining Shot!
2019 debut: Reach for the TopThe Girl in Black and WhiteThe Importance of EleganceTwo Champions
2020 debut: The Strongest There IsShining StarTeam Skull Crash CourseThe Star of the ContestSerena's Dessert PartyFamily TiesThe Eccentric ElectricianDazzling Dizzying Battle StageThe Ideal Formula
2021 debut: Champion TimeShining Heart of DragonsTrials on the IsleMasters of Land and SeaAll Aboard the Victory TrainHearts UnitedThe Light Devourer
2022 debut: Pasio FriendiversaryVerdant GuardianA Golden FutureRevel in RivalryThreads of StrengthMelancholy Wally
2023 debut: Galar's Poké Ball EnthusiastTravelers from a Distant PastChase the Northern WindWe Should Battle!Tower Tycoon and Hall MatronTogether in an Unknown LandWho's the Best Singer?Veevee on Pasio!Let's Go in Search of Wonder
2024 debut: The Electrifying InfluencerSub-zero—My Past, My FutureMechanized—Love and SolitudeResearcher and SeekerGood Ol' Rika HereMiddle-Aged OppositesIsle Disciples, Arena TycoonUltra Beast Meet-and-GreetPeculiar Pokémon-Loving PalAncient VisitorFestive Sun and MoonGolden Bonds on Pasio
This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.